Translation from C++ to Python for Pyside2 - python-3.x

I am trying to change the color of my progressbar. According to the PYSIDE2 Docs (which are actually pretty much copy pasted from C++), the syntax is the following:
QProgressBar::chunk {
background-color: #05B8CC;
width: 20px;
I have tried the following:
self.pbar.chunk('background-color: whatever')
self.pbar(chunk{'background-color: whatever'})
self.pbar(chunk('background-color: whatever'))
self.pbar.Qchunk('background-color: whatever')
self.pbar::chunk('background-color: whatever')
self.pbar:chunk('background.color: whatever')
It seems that no matter how or where I place "chunk" I get an error that "chunk" is not recognized, is not a method, is not an option, or generally not understood. Chunk is also not recognized in StyleSheets in the ways I tried it. I have extensively searched the PySide2 docs and can only find a couple of examples written in C++ which are actually no help at all.
Please translate the above C++ statement to Python. Also, if there is a resource for the PYTHON docs for PySide2, I would greatly appreciate the link. Thanx

In Pyside2, you can set the stylesheet of the widget with a Python string:
app.setStyleSheet('QProgressBar::chunk { background: solid orange; }')
P.S: and you can indeed do really ugly designs ;)


How to display all the functions / api available in a class / file in python

I am very new to python and started using pycharm ide for development.
How to display all the functions / API available in a class/file in python.
e.g. like when we code in scala/java in ide wee get all the functions/ methods available for that class/object by just typing object_name.(dot) and it shows all the API.
not able to get that for python in pycharm.
for example, I wanted to see all the functions available in the python List. I searched dir(module-name) but that is not what I need while developing faster.
thx in advance.
dir(module-name) and dir(class-name) is exactly how you do this. Yes, it doesn't return things in a userfriendly manner and you may need to dig down further for nested modules, but the only better option would be to learn from the package/api docs.

How to clearly view the object type?

I'm quite a beginner in Python and have been using PyCharm for some weeks.
I'm trying VS Code at the moment and when I'm putting code into the REPL, I wonder if there's a way to display the different objects type ? ... like Pycharm can do in a side frame ;-)
Thank you
You can always return it with the type function.

Processing insists pause() is not a function, when it very much is

Aite, [first poster here, pls don't bash]
So, I'm using the sound library, which I of course remembered to import, and works just fine, proof being given by the fact that all the other functions I used work as expected and give no problems neither in editor nor in execution.
Except, of course, for this little bugger of a pause() function, which I wrote as per below using no different a syntax from all the other functions, only to find out Processing isn't very keen on accepting its existence.
Problem shows both using 3.3.6 and 3.5.
Oh, and also, apparently isPlaying() returns an int, what's up with that?
If, as I'd suspect, that single line below won't be enough code to couple with the info to get to the bottom of it, here's a Dropbox link to the code (since it uses a bunch of files) so you can test it yourself.
It kinda won't work if you try to run it as is tho because it messes up when trying to load all the songs (in the last line of setup), yeah I kinda need some help with that too... works fine if you only load the first one tho!
(Please, don't expect clear, extensively commented coding. I started working on this way before I learnt that was a thing. Deeply sorry. Of course, you can ask away about anything baffling you)
What did I try, er, writing it well???
I used .play(), .stop(), the volume ones, and they all, as per stated, work fine.
import processing.sound.*;
SoundFile[] songs= new SoundFile[1];
void setup(){
songs[0]=new SoundFile(this,"Small Bump.mp3");
void draw(){
void keyPressed(){
if (songs[0].isPlaying()==1)songs[0].pause();
When I copy your code into my Processing editor, I get a couple errors:
songs[0]="Small Bump.mp3";
The sounds array holds instances of SoundFile, but you're trying to store a String value here. Maybe you're looking for the SoundFile constructor?
if (songs[0].isPlaying()==1)
The isPlaying() function returns a boolean value, but you're comparing it to an int value.
You haven't declared this i variable anywhere. Probably meant for this to be a 0.
If I fix all of these errors, then your code compiles fine.
You might want to take a look at the reference for the Sound library here.
The Sound library I had installed was 1.3.2, or something of the likes.
All the references I'd read were for 2.0+.
Having updated that through the "add library" menu, all was solved.

Custom color for LaTeX output in Sphinx documentation package

I am trying to customize the color of the LaTeX inline formula when using Sphinx documentation package, and html output.
The details:
I have a file called func.rst, which includes the following line:
Let :math:`x_{1}` be a binary variable.
which is rendered successfully into LaTeX in the documentation I created with Sphinx.
(I have 'sphinx.ext.imgmath' listed in extensions in
My goal is to have x_{1} colored in red.
Things I tried:
Adding the color inside the formula:
Let :math:`\color{red}x_{1}` be a binary variable.
while also defining
latex_elements['preamble'] = '\usepackage{xcolor}'
in the file.
Trying to define all math output globally with:
latex_elements['preamble'] = r'''
Needless to say, both (and many more less promising ideas) failed.
Copying over my answer on cross-posted question at
As you seem to be targeting html with math rendered as PNGs images (or SVGs), the current config value to configure isn't latex_elements, but imgmath_latex_preamble.
I tested since and it works.
For completeness sake, I am adding here the full solution. (THANKS jfbu!)
In I defined extensions = ['sphinx.ext.imgmath', <some_more_unrelated_stuff>]
Also in I defined
(EDIT: in ooposed to what I previously wrote,there is no need to define in addition imgmath_latex="/usr/local/texlive/2017/bin/x86_64-darwin/latex" thanks jfbu again)
In the .rst file where I have the latex expression, I have
Let :math:`\color{red}x_{1}` be a binary variable.
In the terminal I run
make clean html
("make clean" is the sphinx's best friend)
And its working! wohoo!

OpenCV 2.0 C++ API using imshow: returns unhandled exception and "bad-flag"

I'm trying to use the new OpenCV 2.0 API in MS Visual C++ 2008 and wrote this simple program:
cv::Mat img1 = cv::imread("image.jpg",1);
cv::namedWindow("My Window", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
cv::imshow("My Window", img1);
Visual Studio returnes an unhandled exception and the Console returns:
OpenCV Error: bad flag (parameter or structure field)
(Unrecognized or unsupported array type) in unknown function,
file ..\..\..\..\ocv\opencv\src\cxcore\cxarray.cpp, line 2376
The image is not displayed. Furthermore the window "My Window" has a strange caption: "ÌÌÌÌMy Window", which is not dependent on the name.
The "old" C API using commands like cvLoadImage, cvNamedWindow or cvShowImage works without any problem for the same image file. I tried a lot of different stuff without success.
I appreciate any help here.
As I just commented, imread isn't working for me either. A little googling shows other people having the same problem; I guess it's a bug in the library code. For now, here's a hacky workaround:
IplImage* img = cvLoadImage("lena.jpg");
cv::Mat lena(img);
This way, you can at least use the C++ API for the rest of your stuff.
There's help for this issue.
The solution is, that the usual proposed opencv library files in the linker are not working properly. Instead try to use the debug library files by this:
In Visual C++:
go to Project->Properties (or Alt-F7)
Configuration Properties->Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies
replace the usual
" cv210.lib cxcore210.lib highgui210.lib" by
" cv210d.lib cxcore210d.lib highgui210d.lib" - which are the debugging libraries.
The OpenCv 2.0 API commands should work now.
I had the same problem described above which turns out to be caused by the settings of the linker.
I found the answer in another thread,
OpenCV 2.3 and Visual Studio 2010.
To repeat it here:
Properties of your project (right click on it)
include directory add the < your directory >\OpenCV2.3\include\opencv2, < your directory >\OpenCV2.3\include\opencv and < your directory >\OpenCV2.3\include
List item
Add all the libs like opencv_core230d.lib opencv_highgui230d.lib and so on...
Once I've done the above, I can run imshow and imread + all other cpp functions seamlessly! OP's problem has probably already been resolved, but hopefully this will be useful to other people who are led here looking for the same solution.
Are you sure you added the whole path starting from /home/.... I had the same problem as you but when I added the whole path, things work out pretty well. The whole path had to be added despite the fact the path exists in the include files.
imread in openCV unlike Matlab does not return an error when file/folder is not found - instead it returns a null matrix, which in turn is reflected as an error during imshow.
Also, imread does not look for image files in the included folders or the workspace. So, specify the entire path whenever possible.
Please take a note of this for future references.
Firstly, you'd better compile your own version OpenCV.
I had the same error with the build (I got from Sourceforge), and solved by compiling my own version in debug and release versions.
And make sure you change the original system env variable PATH to the new build folder build/bin, then you could build and run the imshow() in Debug mode.
I believe this might be related to unicode.
Try the macro _TEXT()
For example:
cv::Mat img1 = cv::imread(_TEXT("image.jpg"),1);
Unicode in Visual C++ 2
