Where is the mobile preview editor - android-studio

I believe that I have accidentally closed the layout editor in Android Studio. How do I get it back without having to restart Android Studio?
Note, I have refreshed the Android Studio and that did not work.

If you closed your design tab (or so it seem from your question) you can go back to it by click on the left bottom corner design tab
If you want to re-open the preview you just need to press the preview tab (see image) :
And if you don't see the preview tab at all you can pop it up like this :
View -> Tool Windows -> Preview


android studio canary 4.0, where to see the "Live updates" in Layout Inspector

Installed android studio canary 4.0, but where to see the "Live updates" in Layout Inspector as in the copied screenshot (in my installed one there is no such checkBox?
Open Settings windows from File menu, Click Experimental
settings, you can able to view the menu 'Enable Live Layout Inspector'. Enable the checkbox and Apply the settings.
you can able to view the Layout Inspector window in bottom right of
Android studio prefer to Event Log window.
At the top of Layout Inspector window, you have the Live updates control.
You have to opt into it since its currently experimental. In android studio go to Preferences > Experimental > Layout Inspector, and enable live layout inspector. Then restart studio and you should see a Layout Inspector tab on the bottom right of studio.

Design tab is not visible in Android Studio

Design tab is not visible in Android Studio. How to enable it ?
View - Window tools - viewer is not visible.
I recently ran into this problem. Try File > Sync Project with Gradle Files. This can also help with configuration problems
The view that you are looking for is called the "preview" window in android studio.
You have to open a layout view in your project. Navigate to src/main/res/layout/ in your project and select the xml layout file you want to work with.
If the preview window doesn't automatically open up, you can open the view by selecting from the tool bar View>Tool Windows>Preview
There will be a "Design" and "Text" tab at the bottom of the xml layout.

How can I remove the status bar in Android Studio activity preview

I find the "Preview" view in Android Studio super useful to see how my UI will appear on the device. The preview almost matches my in-app layout.
Our app has a fullscreen UI, which even hides the status bar. This works great on the device, but the preview insists on displaying the status bar. I haven't been able to figure out how to remove it editing an activity ui.
To be clear, I'm not talking about the App Titlebar, or the system buttons (home, back, etc).
Change your layout theme to NoTitleBar.FullScreen.
With Android studio version 3.3.2:
In Previews screen, Apply NoTitleBar.FullScreen theme to your layout.

Logcat tab missing from debug window in Android Studio

Somehow I closed the logcat tab from the debug window and now I am unable to get it back.
In Run->Configuration->Logcat I have everything checked.
I do have the logcat tab in Android Monitor window, but not in Debug.
How can I get it back?
I created a bug on on their bug-tracker: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-144525
I think with the release of Android Studio 1.4 the logcat tab has been removed from the Debug view. Now I believe the only place to access it is by opening the Android Monitor view by pressing Alt+6 on Windows or CMD+6 on Mac.
Release notes of Android Studio 1.4 Beta 3 allude to this:
Logcat view mostly rewritten to address a number of stability and usability bugs
In Android Monitor window, click the little tiny button on the top right corner.
No one has seemed to mention this, but make sure you are inside the "android" directory and not the root directory of your project (React Native). Logcat will not display otherwise.
Click on Android Monitor at the bottom of the screen.
and then you should see there are a tab call "Logcat" next to "Memory" tab.
In Android Studio 3.5.2, Logcat can be shown from View > Tool Windows > Logcat
For some reason in a specific project, it wasn't found using this way, but I could fix it as following:
File > Project Structure > Facets > Add > Android > my_module
While I would be a little late for the party, it has been a few years and new version of Studio.
Today when you encounter the bug, your logcat would not be shown, to resolve this you would need to follow these steps:
Menu -> Build -> Make Project
in your settings.gradle comment out everything and sync.
uncomment everything and sync again.
Menu -> Build -> Make Project
Once the project build is done.. your Studio would be ready.
I have encountered several different bugs related to this issue, this scenario covers most of these cases.
Given solutions not worked for me.
I found another solution
View-> Tool Windows -> Logcat
Then the missing Logcat tab appears again.
Android Studio IDE version: (Android Studio Electric Eel | 2022.1.1 Canary 8)
It was working fine and it disappeared suddenly.
After nothing else worked, I ran adb devices to see if my device was correctly attached and TA DA.
adb server wasn't running and started automatically and Android Studio started to show Logcat as always.
➜ adb devices
List of devices attached
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
* daemon started successfully
0030713775 device
press alt 6.
If you still don't see it there should be a little icon in the top-right corner of the view, press that.
Top Menu:
View -> Tool Windows -> Logcat
Bottom bar:
View -> Appearance -> Tool Windows Bar

Android Studio: refresh preview on picture change

I'm using Android Studio 1.0.2 and Gimp as external editor for the images.
When I want to modify an image, I select it, click on "Jump to external editor", apply changes, save it, go back to Android Studio and... close/open project to refresh the changes.
Is there a shortcut for this ? I cannot find any "refresh preview".
Even if I recompile, start the app, close/reopen the preview, I cannot see the changes on the preview (only on the execute app).
Well, it's really easy, indeed... didn't notice the button.
In the preview panel, upper right corner (on the right of the + and - buttons), there's a refresh button.
