How to move without VR or AR device? - mrtk

Most if not all MR devices drive the camera automatically. How is this supposed to be achieved using Windows Standalone for example, where I use the mouse as input device. I suppose there is some sort of WASD movement, either already available, or implementable?

You can use the Input Simulation Service to move the camera in Windows Standalone. Then the camera will move using WASD. To enable this for Windows Standalone, just enable the Input Simulation Service for the Windows Standalone Platform:


Linux drawing to display without desktop manager

Lets say i have a Linux (Ubuntu), well NVIDIA packaged one that comes with Jetson boards, and i have HDMI output and DP.
The goal is to: Display Desktop part via HDMI, and display GUI that i made with OpenGL via DP, but without DP ever showing Desktop, if process with GUI exits, the display connected via DP does not show anything until process is restarted.
So far i have researched X server, but most of the materials just talk about X11 protocol, and how to create a window. If i just open a window in full-screen mode, it could work, but until GUI is launched i would see part of Ubuntu desktop there.
The GUI is basically a Monitor with CT Overlay that sends touch input via I2C.

What OS commands are needed to control USB?

I am a college undergrad studying computer engineering and trying to send signals using USB to an FPGA from a windows computer connected to the FPGA using usb. What commands can i use to output/input data from my computer?
For background:
I am working on a windows 10 laptop. I am using python currently to run a program that gets the data from the user. The data is literally just a set of binary bits (up to about 75 bits), our project is to do with encoding, so our fpga is supposed to take the data then encode it using block codes, then send the data back, then the data is to be slightly corrupted, sent back to the FPGA, then error checked and decoded and sent to the computer again. The FPGA we have is a Cyclone 5 (Model Number: 5csema5f31c6).
I have recently started taking an OS class and since the OS controls how hardware is used by programs, i assume my programs will need to issue certain commands to the OS which will then tell the USB to do what we want.
The answer depends on what specific driver you are using to talk to your device. If your device is just a generic USB device and doesn't fit into an existing category (like a keyboard or printer), then I'd recommend using the driver named WinUSB.
You would need to write (and sign) an INF file or use a technology called Microsoft OS 2.0 Descriptors to tell Windows that you want your device to use WinUSB.
After you've done that, you can use a Microsoft-provided DLL called winusb.dll which helps you send the commands that the WinUSB driver expects. You'd also need to use SetupAPI to find your device in the first place. Using those two Microsoft APIs directly can be difficult and it makes your code non-portable, so you might consider using a USB abstraction library like libusb or libusbp instead.

Linux DRM (Direct Rendering Manager) custom resolution and timings

I'm trying to make some kind of video generator in order to test monitors. For this I'm trying to avoid any X and window manager so I'm stuck with a non GUI Linux.
I was able to write directly into the framebuffer device under Linux but I wasn't able to change the resolution at all. Fbset didn't have any effect.
With the help of a tutorial, I was able to change the resolution with DRM but only modes that my screen is telling that it is supporting.
Is there any way to disable the EDID readout at all or inject custom timings?
you can stuff whatever values you want into the drmModeModeInfo structure before initializing drm. so any custom video mode is possible.

iOS BLE - How to keep app active in the background?

I am trying to find a clever way to keep a BLE app active in the background on iOS 6, without breaking any of Apple's rules. I plan to use the phone as a peripheral device and another BLE circuit as the central. My app will automatically be opened when a user arrives to a building using geofencing. After that the iPhone will connect to the first BLE central device it sees (the device will be in its white list). The user will then be able to move throughout the building switching to different BLE "nodes".
My question is: What do I need to do in the background when a user is stationary at their desk so that the app does not get suspended due to memory resources?
My idea is based on this solution for a separate problem: There could potentially (not regularly) be 10-50 users in an area with only a few BLE "nodes" and I read at that I could setup a dynamic connection system, basically rotating connections through all the users.
My idea is to setup a similar dynamic system where the central device (not the iPhone) disconnects the device on regular intervals (30-40 minutes) and then the iPhone will reconnect.
Is this something that some feasible? Is this against the iOS development guidelines? I was unable to find anything explicit about this. I have also asked on the iOS developer forum, but unfortunately it is not as popular as this site.
Thanks in advance!
Xcode -> Project target -> Capabilities -> Enable background mode
Check Uses Bluetooth LE Accessories
Also enable the following key in .plist file
Required background modes
App communicates using CoreBluetooth

Auto Detect Windows Mobile Device programmatically

I am writing a windows application (written entirely in C++) which reads files from a storage card on a mobile phone running Windows Mobile. The tough part is, I don't know how to make my application detect the event that a user has connected the mobile phone to the USB of laptop. I did some reading on MSDN and have written a small code using RegisterDeviceNotification, which detects whenever a USB disk is attached/removed from the laptop. However, I am unable to tweak this to make it work for phone type devices. Please help me out through any links/tutroials which explains this(preferrably C++, as I don't know .NET or C#).
According to this article you can use RegisterDeviceNotification to get notifications when activesync detects a device has been plugged/unplugged. (See option 3 at the end of the article)
It may just be a matter of setting up the correct notification filter.
Windows Mobile devices use RNDIS, a network interface protocol behind the scenes. Hence, the RegisterDeviceNotification method still works, but you're looking for a DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE, not DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME. (i.e. dbch_devicetype==DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE)
You can use RAPI or RAPI2 to detect when a Windows Mobile device connects to a PC via Active Sync or Windows Mobile Device Center. RAPI can also be used to read the files on the storage card and much more.
RAPI is simpler to program because it is a C based API. RAPI2 has more functionality than RAPI, but is an object oriented COM API. If your needs are simple and you only care about one device/connection at a time then RAPI is good enough. There are two RAPI functions used to detect connections: CeRapiInit (blocking), and CeRapiInitEx (signals an event upon connection).
