Quickest way to find closest set of point - python-3.x

I have three arrays of points:
I need the most efficient way to find the three points (one for each array) that are closest to each other (within one pixel in each axis).
What I'm doing right now is taking one point as reference, let's say A[0], and cycling all other B and C points looking for a solution. If A[0] gives me no result I'll move the reference to A[1] and so on. This approach as a huge problem because if I increase the number of points for each array and/or the number of arrays it requires too much time to converge some times, especially if the solution is in the last members of the arrays. So I'm wondering if there is any way to do this without maybe using a reference, or any quicker way than just looping all over the elements.
The rules that I must follow are the following:
the final solution has to be made by only one element from each array like: S=[A[n],B[m],C[j]]
each selected element has to be within 1 pixel in X and Y from ALL the other members of the solution (so Xi-Xj<=1 and Yi-Yj<=1 for each member of the solution).
For example in this simplified case the solution would be: S=[A[1],B[2],C[1]]
To clarify further the problem: what I wrote above it's just a simplify example to explain what I need. In my real case I don't know a priori the length of the lists nor the number of lists I have to work with, could be A,B,C, or A,B,C,D,E... (each of one with different number of points) etc. So I also need to find a way to make it as general as possible.

This requirement:
each selected element has to be within 1 pixel in X and Y from ALL the other members of the solution (so Xi-Xj<=1 and Yi-Yj<=1 for each member of the solution).
massively simplifies the problem, because it means that for any given (xi, yi), there are only nine possible choices of (xj, yj).
So I think the best approach is as follows:
Copy B and C into sets of tuples.
Iterate over A. For each point (xi, yi):
Iterate over the values of x from xi−1 to xi+1 and the values of y from yi−1 to yi+1. For each resulting point (xj, yj):
Check if (xj, yj) is in B. If so:
Iterate over the values of x from max(xi, xj)−1 to min(xi, xj)+1 and the values of y from max(yi, yj)−1 to min(yi, yj)+1. For each resulting point (xk, yk):
Check if (xk, yk) is in C. If so, we're done!
If we get to the end without having a match, that means there isn't one.
This requires roughly O(len(A) + len(B) + len(C)) time and O(len(B) + len(C) extra space.
Edited to add (due to a follow-up question in the comments): if you have N lists instead of just 3, then instead of nesting N loops deep (which gives time exponential in N), you'll want to do something more like this:
Copy B, C, etc., into sets of tuples, as above.
Iterate over A. For each point (xi, yi):
Create a set containing (xi, yi) and its eight neighbors.
For each of the lists B, C, etc.:
For each element in the set of nine points, see if it's in the current list.
Update the set to remove any points that aren't in the current list and don't have any neighbors in the current list.
If the set still has at least one element, then — great, each list contained a point that's within one pixel of that element (with all of those points also being within one pixel of each other). So, we're done!
If we get to the end without having a match, that means there isn't one.
which is much more complicated to implement, but is linear in N instead of exponential in N.

Currently, you are finding the solution with a bruteforce algorithm which has a O(n2) complexity. If your lists contains 1000 items, your algo will need 1000000 iterations to run... (It's even O(n3) as tobias_k pointed out)
Like you can see there: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closest_pair_of_points_problem, you could improve it by using a divide and conquer algorithm, which would run in a O(n log n) time.
You should search for Delaunay triangulation and/or Voronoi diagram implementations.
NB: if you can use external libs, you should also consider taking a look at the scipy lib: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/generated/scipy.spatial.Delaunay.html


Optimizations for Raycasting

I've been wanting to build a 3D engine starting from scratch as a coding challenge with the end objective of implementing it on a fantasy console.
The best (i.e. most simple?) way I found was raytracing/raycasting. I haven't found much by looking online for raycasting algorithms, only finding point-in-polygon problems (which only tell me whether a ray intersects a polygon or not, not quite my interest since I wouldn't have info about the first intersection nor I'd have the intersection points).
The only solution I could think of is brute forcing the ray by moving it at small intervals and every time check whether that point is occupied by something or not (which would require having filled shapes and wouldn't let me have 2D shapes since they would never be rendered, although none of those is a problem). Still, it looks way too complex performance-wisely.
As far as I know, most of those problems are solved using linear algebra, but I'm not quite as competent as to build up a solution on my own. Does this problem have a practical solution?
EDIT: I just found an algebric solution in 2D which could maybe be expanded in 3D. The idea is:
For each edge, check whether one of the two vertices are in the field of view (i.e. if O is the origin of every ray and P is the vertex, you have to check first that the point is inside the far point of sight, and then whether the angle with the forward vector is less than the angle of vision). If at least one of the two vertices is inside the field of view, add them to an array E.
If we have an array R of rays to shoot and an array of arrays I of info about hit points, we can loop for each ray in R and for each edge in E and then store f(ray, edge) in I, where f is a function that gives us info on whether the ray and the edge collided and where they did.
f uses basic linear algebra: both the ray and the edge are, for all purposes, two segments. Two segments are just parts of two lines. Let's say that if the edge has vertices A and B (AB is the vector that goes from A to B) and if the far point is called P (OP is the vector that goes from O to P). We can create two lines, r and s, defined by A + ηAB and O + λOP. After we do a check to see whether r and s are parallel (check if the absolute value of the dot product of AB and OP is equal to the norm of AB times the norm of OP), it's trivial to get the values for η and λ.
Now, if η < 0 OR η > 1 we have that the two segments are not colliding.
After we've done this for every ray and every edge, we compare every element in each array i in I to see which one had the lowest λ. The lowest λ carries the first collision and hence the data to show on screen.
Everything here is linear algebra, though I fear that it might still be computationally heavy, since there's a lot going on, and it's still only 2D.

searching two identical submatrices in a bigger matrix

I need to find two identical submatices in a larger matrix.
I am not getting how to approach as first I need to have a submatrice and then to find if its identical is present or not.
(N X M) 4X5 matrix
Identicals are
present at bold letters made points.. N,M <=10
not sure where to start with..
What are the limits on the submatrix? E.g., can you have a 1x1 submatrix? If there are no limits, then a dynamic programming approach would seem to be in order.
I.e., find the 1x1 matching submatrices, then use that as a starting point to find 2x2, 3x3, etc.

Implementing Dynamic programming Algo via threads to fasten-up

Say i have this very common DP problem ( Dynamic programming) -
Given a cost matrix cost[][] and a position (m, n) in cost[][], write a function that returns cost of minimum cost path to reach (m, n) from (0, 0). Each cell of the matrix represents a cost to traverse through that cell. Total cost of a path to reach (m, n) is sum of all the costs on that path (including both source and destination). You can only traverse down, right and diagonally lower cells from a given cell, i.e., from a given cell (i, j), cells (i+1, j), (i, j+1) and (i+1, j+1) can be traversed. You may assume that all costs are positive integers.
PS: answer to this - 8
Now, After solving this question.. Following Question ran through my mind.
Say i have 1000*1000 matrix. and O(n^2) will take some time (<1sec on intel i5 for sure).
but can i minimize it further. say starting 6-8 threads using this algorithm and then synchronizing them back to get the answer at last ? will it be fast or even logically possible to get answer or i should throw this thought away
Generally speaking, on such small problems (as you say < 1sec), parallel computing is less efficient than sequential due to protocol overhead (thread starting and synchronizing). Another problem might be, that you increase the cache miss rate because you're choosing the data you want to operate on "randomly" (not linearly) from the input. However, when it comes to larger problems, say matrices with 10 times as many entries, it sure is worth a thought (or two).
This is a possible solution. Given a 16x16 Matrix, we cut it into 4 equal squares. For each of those squares, one thread is responsible. The number in each little square indicates, after how many time units the result in that square can be calculated.
So, the total time is 33 units (whatever a unit is). Compared to the sequential solution with 64 units, it is just half of it. You can convince yourself that the runtime for any 2^k x 2^k Matrix is 2^(2k - 1) + 1.
However, this is only the first idea that came up to my mind. I hope that there is a (much) faster parallel solution in the world outside.
What's more, for the reasons I mentionned at the beginning of my answer, for all practical purposes, you would not achieve a speedup of 2 with my solution.
I'd start with algorithmic improvements. There's no need to test N2 solutions.
One key is the direction from which you entered a square. If you entered it by moving downward, there's no need to check the square to the right. Likewise, if you entered it by moving right, there's no need to check the path downward from there. The destination of a right-angle turn can always be reached via a diagonal move, leaving out one square and its positive weight/cost.
As far as threading goes, I can see (at least) a couple of ways of splitting things up. One would be to simply queue up requests from when you enter a square. I.e., instead of (for example) testing another square, it queues up requests to test its two or three exits. N threads process those requests, which generate more requests, continuing until all of them reach the end point.
This has the obvious disadvantage that you're likely to continue traversing some routes after serial code could abandon them because they're already longer than the shortest route you've round so far.
Another possibility would be to start two threads, one traversing forward, the other backward. In each, you find the shortest route to any given point along the diagonal, then you're left with a purely linear scan through those candidates to find the shortest sum.

Calculating the distance between each pair of a set of points

So I'm working on simulating a large number of n-dimensional particles, and I need to know the distance between every pair of points. Allowing for some error, and given the distance isn't relevant at all if exceeds some threshold, are there any good ways to accomplish this? I'm pretty sure if I want dist(A,C) and already know dist(A,B) and dist(B,C) I can bound it by [dist(A,B)-dist(B,C) , dist(A,B)+dist(B,C)], and then store the results in a sorted array, but I'd like to not reinvent the wheel if there's something better.
I don't think the number of dimensions should greatly affect the logic, but maybe for some solutions it will. Thanks in advance.
If the problem was simply about calculating the distances between all pairs, then it would be a O(n^2) problem without any chance for a better solution. However, you are saying that if the distance is greater than some threshold D, then you are not interested in it. This opens the opportunities for a better algorithm.
For example, in 2D case you can use the sweep-line technique. Sort your points lexicographically, first by y then by x. Then sweep the plane with a stripe of width D, bottom to top. As that stripe moves across the plane new points will enter the stripe through its top edge and exit it through its bottom edge. Active points (i.e. points currently inside the stripe) should be kept in some incrementally modifiable linear data structure sorted by their x coordinate.
Now, every time a new point enters the stripe, you have to check the currently active points to the left and to the right no farther than D (measured along the x axis). That's all.
The purpose of this algorithm (as it is typically the case with sweep-line approach) is to push the practical complexity away from O(n^2) and towards O(m), where m is the number of interactions we are actually interested in. Of course, the worst case performance will be O(n^2).
The above applies to 2-dimensional case. For n-dimensional case I'd say you'll be better off with a different technique. Some sort of space partitioning should work well here, i.e. to exploit the fact that if the distance between partitions is known to be greater than D, then there's no reason to consider the specific points in these partitions against each other.
If the distance beyond a certain threshold is not relevant, and this threshold is not too large, there are common techniques to make this more efficient: limit the search for neighbouring points using space-partitioning data structures. Possible options are:
Trees: quadtrees(2d), kd-trees.
Binning with spatial hashing.
Also, since the distance from point A to point B is the same as distance from point B to point A, this distance should only be computed once. Thus, you should use the following loop:
for point i from 0 to n-1:
for point j from i+1 to n:
distance(point i, point j)
Combining these two techniques is very common for n-body simulation for example, where you have particles affect each other if they are close enough. Here are some fun examples of that in 2d: http://forum.openframeworks.cc/index.php?topic=2860.0
Here's a explanation of binning (and hashing): http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~bindel/class/cs5220-f11/notes/spatial.pdf

How to rewrite the halve function in J?

in the J programming language,
-: i. 5
the above function computes the halves of all integers in [0,4]. Now let's say I'd like to re-write the -: function, just for the fun of it. My best guess so far was
but that doesn't seem to cut it. How do you do it?
%&2 NB. divide by two
0.5&* NB. multiply by one half
Note that ] % 2: would also work, but to ensure proper grammar you would either want to use that as the definition of a name, or you would want to put the expression in parenthesis.
I saw you were using %. probably because you were dividing a matrix and thought you needed to do a "matrix divide".
The matrix divide and matrix inverse they are talking about there is for matrix algebra, where you have a list of, well, essentially polynomials, and you want to do transformations on the polynomials all at once, so as to solve the equations. One of the things you can do really easily in J is matrix algebra, there are builtins for matrix divide and for inverting a matrix (as you have seen) and in the phrases section, there are short phrases for doing all of the typical matrix transformations. Taking the determinant, for example.
But when you are simply dividing a vector by a scalar to get a vector, or you are dividing a matrix by the corresponding elements of another matrix, well, that is just the % division symbol.
If you want to try and understand this, look at euler problem 101 (http://projecteuler.net/problem=101) and then google curve fitting on the Jsoftware.com site. Creating the matrixes from the observations, and the basic matrixes as shown allow you to solve for ax^2+bx+c = y where you have x and y and you want to determine a, b, and c. Just remember to use extended arithmetic for everything, as the resultant equations are very good but not perfect unless you do, and to solve the equation you need perfect equations.
Just a thought, unless you want to play with Matrix Algebra, you might not care.
