How to rewrite the halve function in J? - j

in the J programming language,
-: i. 5
the above function computes the halves of all integers in [0,4]. Now let's say I'd like to re-write the -: function, just for the fun of it. My best guess so far was
but that doesn't seem to cut it. How do you do it?

%&2 NB. divide by two
0.5&* NB. multiply by one half

Note that ] % 2: would also work, but to ensure proper grammar you would either want to use that as the definition of a name, or you would want to put the expression in parenthesis.

I saw you were using %. probably because you were dividing a matrix and thought you needed to do a "matrix divide".
The matrix divide and matrix inverse they are talking about there is for matrix algebra, where you have a list of, well, essentially polynomials, and you want to do transformations on the polynomials all at once, so as to solve the equations. One of the things you can do really easily in J is matrix algebra, there are builtins for matrix divide and for inverting a matrix (as you have seen) and in the phrases section, there are short phrases for doing all of the typical matrix transformations. Taking the determinant, for example.
But when you are simply dividing a vector by a scalar to get a vector, or you are dividing a matrix by the corresponding elements of another matrix, well, that is just the % division symbol.
If you want to try and understand this, look at euler problem 101 ( and then google curve fitting on the site. Creating the matrixes from the observations, and the basic matrixes as shown allow you to solve for ax^2+bx+c = y where you have x and y and you want to determine a, b, and c. Just remember to use extended arithmetic for everything, as the resultant equations are very good but not perfect unless you do, and to solve the equation you need perfect equations.
Just a thought, unless you want to play with Matrix Algebra, you might not care.


Quickest way to find closest set of point

I have three arrays of points:
I need the most efficient way to find the three points (one for each array) that are closest to each other (within one pixel in each axis).
What I'm doing right now is taking one point as reference, let's say A[0], and cycling all other B and C points looking for a solution. If A[0] gives me no result I'll move the reference to A[1] and so on. This approach as a huge problem because if I increase the number of points for each array and/or the number of arrays it requires too much time to converge some times, especially if the solution is in the last members of the arrays. So I'm wondering if there is any way to do this without maybe using a reference, or any quicker way than just looping all over the elements.
The rules that I must follow are the following:
the final solution has to be made by only one element from each array like: S=[A[n],B[m],C[j]]
each selected element has to be within 1 pixel in X and Y from ALL the other members of the solution (so Xi-Xj<=1 and Yi-Yj<=1 for each member of the solution).
For example in this simplified case the solution would be: S=[A[1],B[2],C[1]]
To clarify further the problem: what I wrote above it's just a simplify example to explain what I need. In my real case I don't know a priori the length of the lists nor the number of lists I have to work with, could be A,B,C, or A,B,C,D,E... (each of one with different number of points) etc. So I also need to find a way to make it as general as possible.
This requirement:
each selected element has to be within 1 pixel in X and Y from ALL the other members of the solution (so Xi-Xj<=1 and Yi-Yj<=1 for each member of the solution).
massively simplifies the problem, because it means that for any given (xi, yi), there are only nine possible choices of (xj, yj).
So I think the best approach is as follows:
Copy B and C into sets of tuples.
Iterate over A. For each point (xi, yi):
Iterate over the values of x from xi−1 to xi+1 and the values of y from yi−1 to yi+1. For each resulting point (xj, yj):
Check if (xj, yj) is in B. If so:
Iterate over the values of x from max(xi, xj)−1 to min(xi, xj)+1 and the values of y from max(yi, yj)−1 to min(yi, yj)+1. For each resulting point (xk, yk):
Check if (xk, yk) is in C. If so, we're done!
If we get to the end without having a match, that means there isn't one.
This requires roughly O(len(A) + len(B) + len(C)) time and O(len(B) + len(C) extra space.
Edited to add (due to a follow-up question in the comments): if you have N lists instead of just 3, then instead of nesting N loops deep (which gives time exponential in N), you'll want to do something more like this:
Copy B, C, etc., into sets of tuples, as above.
Iterate over A. For each point (xi, yi):
Create a set containing (xi, yi) and its eight neighbors.
For each of the lists B, C, etc.:
For each element in the set of nine points, see if it's in the current list.
Update the set to remove any points that aren't in the current list and don't have any neighbors in the current list.
If the set still has at least one element, then — great, each list contained a point that's within one pixel of that element (with all of those points also being within one pixel of each other). So, we're done!
If we get to the end without having a match, that means there isn't one.
which is much more complicated to implement, but is linear in N instead of exponential in N.
Currently, you are finding the solution with a bruteforce algorithm which has a O(n2) complexity. If your lists contains 1000 items, your algo will need 1000000 iterations to run... (It's even O(n3) as tobias_k pointed out)
Like you can see there:, you could improve it by using a divide and conquer algorithm, which would run in a O(n log n) time.
You should search for Delaunay triangulation and/or Voronoi diagram implementations.
NB: if you can use external libs, you should also consider taking a look at the scipy lib:

Generate test cases for levenshtein distance implementation with quickCheck

As part of me learning about quickCheck I want to build a test generator for a levenshtein edit distance implementation. The obvious approach I think is to start with two equal strings and a random non-reducable series of insert/delete/traspose actions, apply that to one of the strings and assert that the levenshtein distance is the length of the random series.
I am quite stuck with this can someone help?
Getting "non-reducible" right sounds pretty hard. I would try to find a larger number of less complicated invariants. Here are some ideas:
The edit distance between any string and itself is 0.
No two strings have a negative edit distance.
For an arbitrary string x, if you apply exactly one change to it, producing y, the edit distance between x and y should be 1.
Given two strings x and y, compute the distance d between them. Then, change y, yielding y', and compute its distance from x: it should differ from d by at most 1.
After applying n edits to a string x, the distance between the edited string and x should be at most n. Note that case (1) is a special case of this, where n=0, so you could omit that one for concision if you like. Or, keep it around, since case (1) may generate simpler counterexamples.
The function should be symmetric: the edit distance from x to y should be the same as from y to x.
If you have another, known-good implementation of the algorithm to test against, you could compare to that, and assert that you always get the same answer as it does.
The above were all just things that appealed to me without any research. You could do more: for example, encode the lower and upper bounds as defined by wikipedia.

standard error of addition, subtraction, multiplication and ratio

Let's say, I have two random variables,x and y, both of them have n observations. I've used a forecasting method to estimate xn+1 and yn+1, and I also got the standard error for both xn+1 and yn+1. So my question is that what the formula would be if I want to know the standard error of xn+1 + yn+1, xn+1 - yn+1, (xn+1)*(yn+1) and (xn+1)/(yn+1), so that I can calculate the prediction interval for the 4 combinations. Any thought would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Well, the general topic you need to look at is called "change of variables" in mathematical statistics.
The density function for a sum of random variables is the convolution of the individual densities (but only if the variables are independent). Likewise for the difference. In special cases, that convolution is easy to find. For example, for Gaussian variables the density of the sum is also a Gaussian.
For product and quotient, there aren't any simple results, except in special cases. For those, you might as well compute the result directly, maybe by sampling or other numerical methods.
If your variables x and y are not independent, that complicates the situation. But even then, I think sampling is straightforward.

Two Dimensional Curve Approximation

here is what I want to do (preferably with Matlab):
Basically I have several traces of cars driving on an intersection. Each one is noisy, so I want to take the mean over all measurements to get a better approximation of the real route. In other words, I am looking for a way to approximate the Curve, which has the smallest distence to all of the meassured traces (in a least-square sense).
At the first glance, this is quite similar what can be achieved with spap2 of the CurveFitting Toolbox (good example in section Least-Squares Approximation here).
But this algorithm has some major drawback: It assumes a function (with exactly one y(x) for every x), but what I want is a curve in 2d (which may have several y(x) for one x). This leads to problems when cars turn right or left with more then 90 degrees.
Futhermore it takes the vertical offsets and not the perpendicular offsets (according to the definition on wolfram).
Has anybody an idea how to solve this problem? I thought of using a B-Spline and change the number of knots and the degree until I reached a certain fitting quality, but I can't find a way to solve this problem analytically or with the functions provided by the CurveFitting Toolbox. Is there a way to solve this without numerical optimization?
mbeckish is right. In order to get sufficient flexibility in the curve shape, you must use a parametric curve representation (x(t), y(t)) instead of an explicit representation y(x). See Parametric equation.
Given n successive points on the curve, assign them their true time if you know it or just integers 0..n-1 if you don't. Then call spap2 twice with vectors T, X and T, Y instead of X, Y. Now for arbitrary t you get a point (x, y) on the curve.
This won't give you a true least squares solution, but should be good enough for your needs.

Computing generalized mean for extreme values of p

How do I compute the generalized mean for extreme values of p (very close to 0, or very large) with reasonable computational error?
As per your link, the limit for p going to 0 is the geometric mean, for which bounds are derived.
The limit for p going to infinity is the maximum.
I have been struggling with the same problem. Here is how I handled this:
Let gmean_p(x1,...,xn) be the generalized mean where p is real but not 0, and x1, ..xn nonnegative. For M>0, we have gmean_p(x1,...,xn) = M*gmean_p(x1/M,...,xn/M) of which the latter form can be exploited to reduce the computational error. For large p, I use M=max(x1,...,xn) and for p close to 0, I use M=mean(x1,..xn). In case M=0, just add a small positive constant to it. This did the job for me.
I suspect if you're interested in very large or small values of p, it may be best to do some form of algebraic manipulation of the generalized-mean formula before putting in numerical values.
For example, in the small-p limit, one can show that the generalized mean tends to the n'th root of the product x_1*x_2*...x_n. The higher order terms in p involve sums and products of log(x_i), which should also be relatively numerically stable to compute. In fact, I believe the first-order expansion in p has a simple relationship to the variance of log(x_i):
If one applies this formula to a set of 100 random numbers drawn uniformly from the range [0.2, 2], one gets a trend like this:
which here shows the asymptotic formula becoming pretty accurate for p less than about 0.3, and the simple formula only failing when p is less than about 1e-10.
The case of large p, is dominated by that x_i which has the largest magnitude (lets call that index i_max). One can rearrange the generalized mean formula to take the following form, which has less pathological behaviour for large p:
If this is applied (using standard numpy routines including numpy.log1p) to another 100 uniformly distributed samples over [0.2, 2.0], one finds that the rearranged formula agrees essentially exactly with the simple formula, but remains valid for much larger values of p for which the simple formula overflows when computing powers of x_i.
(Note that the left-hand plot has the blue curve for the simple formula shifted up by 0.1 so that one can see where it ends due to overflows. For p less than about 1000, the two curves would otherwise be indistinguishable.)
I think the answer here should be to use a recursive solution. In the same way that mean(1,2,3,4)=mean(mean(1,2),mean(3,4)), you can do this kind of recursion for generalized means. What this buys you is that you won't need to do as many sums of really large numbers and you decrease the likelihood of creating an overflow. Also, the other danger when working with floating point numbers is when adding numbers of very different magnitudes (or subtracting numbers of very similar magnitudes). So to avoid these kinds of rounding errors it might help to sort your data before you try and calculate the generalized mean.
Here's a hunch:
First convert all your numbers into a representation in base p. Now to raise to a power of 1/p or p, you just have to shift them --- so you can very easily do all powers without losing precision.
Work out your mean in base p, then convert the result back to base two.
If that doesn't work, an even less practical hunch:
Try working out the discrete Fourier transform, and relating that to the discrete Fourier transform of the input vector.
