How to handle callback data in flask - python-3.x

I'm trying to do payment on my website through paytm. But I don't know how to handle its call back url in flask.
Thank in advance.
I've tried google for same many times.
Here is my code:-
def shop():
# password1=request.form['password1']
# password2=request.form['password2']
deepak_dict = {
'ORDER_ID': str(12345),
'TXN_AMOUNT': str(amount),
'CUST_ID': email,
deepak_dict['CHECKSUMHASH'] = Checksum.generate_checksum(deepak_dict, MERCHANT_KEY)
return render_template('payment/paytm.html', deepak_dict=deepak_dict)
def shop_handlerequest():
# what to do
return render_template('payment/paytm_response.html',response=response_dict)
I want to read its call back data.

Based on what I learned from Paytm's Developer Docs:-
import Checksum
import requests
MERCHANT_KEY = 'YourMerchantKeyHere';
def shop_handlerequest():
respons_dict = {}
for i in request.form.keys():
respons_dict[i]=request.form[i] #Getting all the attributes from form in a dictionary to use it later.
checksum = request.form[i] #Getting Checksum to verify its authenticity
if 'GATEWAYNAME' in respons_dict:
if respons_dict['GATEWAYNAME'] == 'WALLET':
respons_dict['BANKNAME'] = 'null'; #If Gateway is user's paytm wallet setting bankname to null
verify = Checksum.verify_checksum(respons_dict, MERCHANT_KEY, checksum) # returns true or false based on calculations
if verify:
if respons_dict['RESPCODE'] == '01' # 01 Code means successful transaction
print("order successful")
print("order unsuccessful because"+respons_dict['RESPMSG'])
print("order unsuccessful because"+respons_dict['RESPMSG'])
You can Use test credentials from Paytm to test your integration


Lambda code getting error while accessing secrets manager

I'm pretty new to lambda and python. i got a readymade code from google for an activity by creating Username and Password based SFTP with Lambda as IdP in AWS Transfer Family.
I have no clue which field i need to add the values of server id, user, password, region, etc... I'm typically cloud admin. This is the cloudwatch error logs getting from this.
ERRORS AUTH_FAILURE Method=password User=new Message="{"errorMessage": "'s-2eccd17fcd5244f68'", "errorType": "KeyError", "requestId": "61a86f3d-7a5b-4763-97e9-f97b74c77d58", "stackTrace": [" File \"/var/task/\", line 22, in lambda_handler\n input_serverId = event[\"s-2eccd17fcd5244f68\"]\n"]}" SourceIP=x.x.x.x
Lambda unable to fetch the password from secrets manager it looks like. i have given sufficient IAM permission for this
Here is the lambda code..
import os
import json
import boto3
import base64
from ipaddress import ip_network, ip_address
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Get the required parameters
required_param_list = ["serverId", "username", "protocol", "sourceIp"]
for parameter in required_param_list:
if parameter not in event:
print("Incoming " + parameter + " missing - Unexpected")
return {}
input_serverId = event["serverId"]
input_username = event["username"]
input_protocol = event["protocol"]
input_sourceIp = event["sourceIp"]
input_password = event.get("password", "")
print("ServerId: {}, Username: {}, Protocol: {}, SourceIp: {}"
.format(input_serverId, input_username, input_protocol, input_sourceIp))
# Check for password and set authentication type appropriately. No password means SSH auth
print("Start User Authentication Flow")
if input_password != "":
print("Using PASSWORD authentication")
authentication_type = "PASSWORD"
if input_protocol == 'FTP' or input_protocol == 'FTPS':
print("Empty password not allowed for FTP/S")
return {}
print("Using SSH authentication")
authentication_type = "SSH"
# Retrieve our user details from the secret. For all key-value pairs stored in SecretManager,
# checking the protocol-specified secret first, then use generic ones.
# e.g. If SFTPPassword and Password both exists, will be using SFTPPassword for authentication
secret = get_secret(input_serverId + "/" + input_username)
if secret is not None:
secret_dict = json.loads(secret)
# Run our password checks
user_authenticated = authenticate_user(authentication_type, secret_dict, input_password, input_protocol)
# Run sourceIp checks
ip_match = check_ipaddress(secret_dict, input_sourceIp, input_protocol)
if user_authenticated and ip_match:
print("User authenticated, calling build_response with: " + authentication_type)
return build_response(secret_dict, authentication_type, input_protocol)
print("User failed authentication return empty response")
return {}
# Otherwise something went wrong. Most likely the object name is not there
print("Secrets Manager exception thrown - Returning empty response")
# Return an empty data response meaning the user was not authenticated
return {}
def lookup(secret_dict, key, input_protocol):
if input_protocol + key in secret_dict:
print("Found protocol-specified {}".format(key))
return secret_dict[input_protocol + key]
return secret_dict.get(key, None)
def check_ipaddress(secret_dict, input_sourceIp, input_protocol):
accepted_ip_network = lookup(secret_dict, "AcceptedIpNetwork", input_protocol)
if not accepted_ip_network:
# No IP provided so skip checks
print("No IP range provided - Skip IP check")
return True
net = ip_network(accepted_ip_network)
if ip_address(input_sourceIp) in net:
print("Source IP address match")
return True
print("Source IP address not in range")
return False
def authenticate_user(auth_type, secret_dict, input_password, input_protocol):
# Function returns True if: auth_type is password and passwords match or auth_type is SSH. Otherwise returns False
if auth_type == "SSH":
# Place for additional checks in future
print("Skip password check as SSH login request")
return True
# auth_type could only be SSH or PASSWORD
# Retrieve the password from the secret if exists
password = lookup(secret_dict, "Password", input_protocol)
if not password:
print("Unable to authenticate user - No field match in Secret for password")
return False
if input_password == password:
return True
print("Unable to authenticate user - Incoming password does not match stored")
return False
# Build out our response data for an authenticated response
def build_response(secret_dict, auth_type, input_protocol):
response_data = {}
# Check for each key value pair. These are required so set to empty string if missing
role = lookup(secret_dict, "Role", input_protocol)
if role:
response_data["Role"] = role
print("No field match for role - Set empty string in response")
response_data["Role"] = ""
# These are optional so ignore if not present
policy = lookup(secret_dict, "Policy", input_protocol)
if policy:
response_data["Policy"] = policy
# External Auth providers support chroot and virtual folder assignments so we'll check for that
home_directory_details = lookup(secret_dict, "HomeDirectoryDetails", input_protocol)
if home_directory_details:
print("HomeDirectoryDetails found - Applying setting for virtual folders - "
"Note: Cannot be used in conjunction with key: HomeDirectory")
response_data["HomeDirectoryDetails"] = home_directory_details
# If we have a virtual folder setup then we also need to set HomeDirectoryType to "Logical"
print("Setting HomeDirectoryType to LOGICAL")
response_data["HomeDirectoryType"] = "LOGICAL"
# Note that HomeDirectory and HomeDirectoryDetails / Logical mode
# can't be used together but we're not checking for this
home_directory = lookup(secret_dict, "HomeDirectory", input_protocol)
if home_directory:
print("HomeDirectory found - Note: Cannot be used in conjunction with key: HomeDirectoryDetails")
response_data["HomeDirectory"] = home_directory
if auth_type == "SSH":
public_key = lookup(secret_dict, "PublicKey", input_protocol)
if public_key:
response_data["PublicKeys"] = [public_key]
# SSH Auth Flow - We don't have keys so we can't help
print("Unable to authenticate user - No public keys found")
return {}
return response_data
def get_secret(id):
region = os.environ["SecretsManagerRegion"]
print("Secrets Manager Region: " + region)
print("Secret Name: " + id)
# Create a Secrets Manager client
client = boto3.session.Session().client(service_name="secretsmanager", region_name=region)
resp = client.get_secret_value(SecretId=id)
# Decrypts secret using the associated KMS CMK.
# Depending on whether the secret is a string or binary, one of these fields will be populated.
if "SecretString" in resp:
print("Found Secret String")
return resp["SecretString"]
print("Found Binary Secret")
return base64.b64decode(resp["SecretBinary"])
except ClientError as err:
print("Error Talking to SecretsManager: " + err.response["Error"]["Code"] + ", Message: " +
return None
If you want to get Python code working with Secrets Manager, I recommend getting this Secret Manager Python code working from an IDE. Make sure you can get it working and you understand it.
Once you understand that, you can then move to building a Lambda function using this Python code. When you build a Lambda function, you need to make sure that the IAM role you run the Lambda with has permissions to invoke Secret Manager.

how to terminate rest request gracefully

I want to terminate rest request coming to server without further processing if input params are missing.
Currently this is the implementation, which I think is not very good for verify_required_params().
I want to terminate this request without returning any value from verify_required_params() in case of missing params. else flow should continue.
Running this on flask server and open to include any new package for best/ optimized approach.
Can please someone suggest an optimize way for this?
#app.route('/is_registered', methods=['POST'])
def is_registered():
_json = request.get_json()
keys = _json.keys()
customer = Customer()
if verify_required_params(['mobile'], keys) is True:
_mobile = _json['mobile']
validated = validate_mobile(_mobile)
registered = customer.find(_mobile)
if not validated:
response = get_response('MOBILE_NUMBER_NOT_VALID')
return jsonify(response)
if not registered:
response = get_response('MOBILE_NUMBER_NOT_REGISTERED')
return jsonify(response)
response = get_response('MOBILE_NUMBER_REGISTERED')
return jsonify(response)
return verify_required_params(['mobile'], keys)
def verify_required_params(required, received):
required = set(required)
received = set(received)
missing = list(sorted(required - received))
data = {"missing_key(s)": missing}
# response = app.response_class(
# response=json.dumps(data),
# status=200,
# mimetype='application/json'
# )
if missing:
return jsonify(data)
return True
🎶 You say it works in a RESTful way, then your errors come back as 200 OK 🎶
In REST, your URL should encode all the information about your entity. In your case, you are identifying a client by their phone number, and you are getting rather than updating information about them, so your endpoint should look like GET /client/<phonenumber>/registered. That way, a request can't not provide this information without going to a different endpoint.
In short, your code will be replaced with:
#app.route('/client/<mobile>/registered', methods=['GET'])
def is_registered(mobile):
if not mobile.is_decimal():
return jsonify({'error': 'mobile is not number'}), 400 # Bad Request
customer = Customer()
registered = bool(customer.find(mobile))
# does it make sense to have a customer who is not registered yet?
# if not, use:
if not registered:
return jsonify({'error': 'client not found'}), 404 # Not Found
validated = validate_mobile(mobile)
return jsonify( {'validated': validated, 'registered': registered} )
In addition, it's better to have the validation function be a decorator. That way it gets called before the actual business logic of the function. For your example of checking whether request.get_json() contains the proper fields, this is how it would look like:
import functools
def requires_fields(fields):
required_fields = set(fields)
def wrapper(func):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
current_fields = set(request.get_json().keys())
missing_fields = required_fields
if missing_fields:
return jsonify({'error': 'missing fields', 'fields': list(missing_fields)}), 400 # Bad Request
resp = func(*args, **kwargs)
return resp
return wrapper
# usage:
#app.route('/comment', methods=['POST'])
#requires_fields(['author', 'post_id', 'body'])
def create_comment():
data = request.get_json()
id = FoobarDB.insert('comment', author=data['author'], post_id=data['post_id'], body=data['body'])
return jsonify({'new_id': id}), 201 # Created
If you must leave it the way it is now, then in order to not return data from the validation function, you must raise an HTTPException. The default function to do it is flask.abort(code).

Slack API request, limiting to 1 request per DAG failure (Airflow)

Hello jr data engineer here!
For some strange reason my task_fail_slack_alert module is triggering the Slack API request a ridiculous amount of times, which is then showing up in our Slack channel that many times and is really annoying. My module should only run and show up in in Slack channel the same amount as the number of tasks that failed.
What am I missing?
import os
from airflow.models
import Variable
import json import requests
def get_channel_name():
channel = '#airflow_alerts_local'
env = Variable.get('env', None)
if env == 'prod':
channel = '#airflow_alerts'
elif env == 'dev':
channel = '#airflow_alerts_dev'
return channel
def task_fail_slack_alert(context):
webhook_url = os.environ.get('SLACK_URL')
slack_data = {
'channel': get_channel_name(),
""" :red_circle: Task Failed.
*Task*: {task}
*Dag*: {dag}
*Execution Time*: {exec_date}
*Log Url*: {log_url}
response =, data=json.dumps(slack_data),
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError( 'Request to slack returned an error %s,
the response is:\n%s'(response.status_code, response.text))
This is how I have it showing up in the arguments for each dag:
default_args = {
'on_failure_callback': task_fail_slack_alert,
The code you provided is recursive:
def task_fail_slack_alert(context):
Remove the recursion as it's not needed.

Getting 401 error when trying to delete gmail messages through API

I have gotten inspiration from and to get to the following code
from __future__ import print_function
import pickle
import os.path
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow
from google.auth.transport.requests import Request
from apiclient import errors
import requests as req
# If modifying these scopes, delete the file token.pickle.
SCOPES = ['']
def chunks(l, n):
for i in range(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i + n]
def ListMessagesWithLabels(service, user_id, label_ids=[]):
"""List all Messages of the user's mailbox with label_ids applied.
service: Authorized Gmail API service instance.
user_id: User's email address. The special value "me"
can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
label_ids: Only return Messages with these labelIds applied.
List of Messages that have all required Labels applied. Note that the
returned list contains Message IDs, you must use get with the
appropriate id to get the details of a Message.
response = service.users().messages().list(userId=user_id,
messages = []
if 'messages' in response:
while 'nextPageToken' in response:
page_token = response['nextPageToken']
response = service.users().messages().list(userId=user_id,
return messages
except errors.HttpError as error:
'An error occurred: %s' % error
def main():
"""Shows basic usage of the Gmail API.
Lists the user's Gmail labels.
creds = None
# The file token.pickle stores the user's access and refresh tokens, and is
# created automatically when the authorization flow completes for the first
# time.
if os.path.exists('token.pickle'):
with open('token.pickle', 'rb') as token:
creds = pickle.load(token)
# If there are no (valid) credentials available, let the user log in.
if not creds or not creds.valid:
if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token:
flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(
'credentials.json', SCOPES)
creds = flow.run_local_server(port=0)
# Save the credentials for the next run
with open('token.pickle', 'wb') as token:
pickle.dump(creds, token)
service = build('gmail', 'v1', credentials=creds)
# Call the Gmail API
results = service.users().labels().list(userId='me').execute()
labels = results.get('labels', [])
if not labels:
print('No labels found.')
for label in labels:
if (label["id"].upper() != label["id"]):
messages = ListMessagesWithLabels(service, 'me', [label['id']])
if messages is not None:
usr_id = 'me'
ids = [message["id"] for message in messages]
for x in chunks(ids, 1000):
post_req ="{usr_id}/messages/batchDelete", data={"ids":x})
if post_req.status_code == 200:
print("all good")
if __name__ == '__main__':
The objective is to go through each label and delete all the messages.
All my POST requests got denied because I am not 'authorized' even though when I start the program I go through the Athentication in the browser etc.
How am I supposed to construct my POSTs to be able to achieve what I want to do ?
When trying to delete the messages, you should be using the service you previously built. That's how you authenticated in the first place. When trying to use batchDelete here:
post_req ="{usr_id}/messages/batchDelete", data={"ids":x})
You're just doing a basic request to the specified endpoint, you're not following the OAuth process. And because you're not accessing a public resource, you are getting an authorization error.
You should be using something along the following lines instead:
messagesToDelete = {
"ids": [
# ... rest of messages to delete
service.users().messages().batchDelete(userId="me", body=messagesToDelete).execute()
Users.messages: batchDelete

Easy integration of chatbot with slack-app

I have a ChatBot application running, just want to hook this application with Slack-api as it's interface.
I used Slack RTM and maintained user-session with its slack user-id.
finally solved and written a client(API) which can easily connect to any conversation engine.
Github repo link-
import time
import re
from slackclient import SlackClient
import requests
# 'url', chatbot endpoint and 'slack_token' is slack application user-access-token
url = "****/*******/v2/api"
slack_token = "xoxb-**********-***********-*************lipO8hoI"
# instantiate Slack client
slack_client = SlackClient(slack_token)
# starterbot's user ID in Slack: value is assigned after the bot starts up
starterbot_id = None
# constants
RTM_READ_DELAY = 1 # 1 second delay between reading from RTM
MENTION_REGEX = "^<#(|[WU].+?)>(.*)"
def parse_bot_commands(slack_events):
Parses a list of events coming from the Slack RTM API to find bot commands.
If a bot command is found, this function returns a tuple of command and channel.
If its not found, then this function returns None, None.
# below var msg and channel_var will be used/
# when no trigger(#app-name) passed from application
msg = ""
channel_def = ""
for event in slack_events:
if event["type"] == "message" and not "subtype" in event:
msg = event["text"]
channel_def = event["channel"]
user_id, message = parse_direct_mention(event["text"])
print("there is an event here...", user_id, message)
if user_id == starterbot_id:
return message, event["channel"]
channel_def = channel_def
return msg, channel_def
def parse_direct_mention(message_text):
Finds a direct mention (a mention that is at the beginning) in message text
and returns the user ID which was mentioned. If there is no direct mention, returns None
matches =, message_text)
# the first group contains the username, the second group contains the remaining message
return (, if matches else (None, None)
def handle_command(command, channel):
Executes bot command if the command is known
# Default response is help text for the user
default_response = "Not sure what you mean. Try *{}*.".format(EXAMPLE_COMMAND)
# Implemented below code-snippet for making API call to ChatBot
input_text = command
payload = {"text": input_text, "email": "manmohan#m******.com"}
headers = {'content-type': "application/json"}
resp = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)
result = eval(resp.json())
print("result is: ", result)
response = result['text']
# Sends the response back to the channel
text=response or default_response
if __name__ == "__main__":
if slack_client.rtm_connect(with_team_state=False):
print("Starter Bot connected and running!")
# Read bot's user ID by calling Web API method `auth.test`
starterbot_id = slack_client.api_call("auth.test")["user_id"]
while True:
command, channel = parse_bot_commands(slack_client.rtm_read())
if command:
handle_command(command, channel)
print("Connection failed. Exception traceback printed above.")
