cassandra: restoring partially lost data - cassandra

Theoretical question:
Lets say I have a cassandra cluster with some data in it.
Backups are created on a daily basis.
Now a subset of data is being lost, either by application error or manual deletion.
What is the best way to restore data from existing backup?
I can think of starting a separate node with the backup disk attached, then export data manually through selects and reimport into the prod database.
That would work but sounds complicated, is there a more straight forward solution for such problems?

If its a single partition probably best bet is to use sstabledump or something like sstable-tools to read from it and just manually reinstert. If ok with restoring everything deleted from time of snapshot: reduce gcgrace to purge any tombstones with a force compact (or else they will continue to shadow the restored data) and use the sstable loader or if the token ranges are the same copy the backed up sstables back in the data directory.


Cassandra - recovery of data after accidental delete

As the data in case of Cassandra is physically removed during compaction, is it possible to access the recently deleted data in any way? I'm looking for something similar to Oracle Flashback feature (AS OF TIMESTAMP).
Also, I can see the pieces of deleted data in the relevant commit log file, however it's obviously unreadable. Is it possible to convert this file to a more readable format?
You will want to execute a restore from your commitlog.
The safest is to copy the commitlog to a new cluster (with same schema), and restore following the instructions (comments) from file. In your case, you will want to set restore_point_in_time to a time between your insert and your delete.

How to store data in cassandra in a temporary location while sync is in progress?

We have a mysql server running which is serving application writes. To do some batch processing we have written a sync job to migrate data into cassandra cluster.
1. A daily sync job which transfers by updated timestamp for that day.
2. A complete sync job which transfers complete data, overriding existing ones.
Now there may be a possibility that the row was deleted from mysql, in that case using the above approach it will lie forever in cassandra.
To solve that problem we have given a TTL of 15 days for every row. So eventually it will get deleted, if it was not deleted then in next full sync the TTL will be over written again.
Its working fine as far as the use case is concerned but the issue is that in full sync complete data is over written and sstable is generated continuously with compactions happenning all the time, load averages shoot up with slowness and backup size increases (which could have been avoided).
Essentially we would want to replace the existing table data by new data but we dont want to truncate before starting the job but only after job completes.
Is there any way by which this can be solved other than creating a new table altogether and dropping past table when data is generated?
You can look at the double-run migration strategy I presented here:
It has the advantage of allowing 100% uptime and possible rollback if things go wrong. The downside is the amount of work required in term of releases & codes

how to archive and purge Cassandra data

I have a cassandra cluster with multiple data centres. I want to archive data monthly and purge that data. There are numerous articles of backing up and restoring but not where its mentioned to archive data in cassandra cluster.
Can someone please let me know how can I archive my data in cassandra cluster monthly and purge the data.
I think there is no such tool that can be used for archive cassandra.You have to write either Spark Jobs or map reduce job that use CqlInputFormat to archive the data.You can follow below links that help you to understand how people are archiving data in cassandra:
[1] - []
[2] -
[3] -
There is also a way using which you can turn on incremental backup in cassandra which can be used like CDC.
It is the best practice to use timewindow compaction strategy and set the window of monthly on your tables along with TTL(month), so that data older than a month can be purged.
If you write a purge job that does this work of deletion (on tables which do not have correct compaction strategy applied) then this can impact the cluster performance because searching the data on date/month basic will overwhelm the cluster.
I have experienced this, where we ultimately have to go back changing the structure of tables and altered the compaction strategy. That is why having the table design right at the first place is very important. We need to think about (in the beginning itself) not only how the data will be inserted and read in tables but also how it will be deleted and then frame the keys, compaction, ttl, etc.
For archiving just write a few lines of code to read data from Cassandra and put it to you archival location.
Let me know if this help in getting the end result you want or if you have further question that I can help with.

moving Cassandra snapshots to a different disk/server/datacenter

I have Cassandra 1.2.6 cluster running on datacenter A, each node has a solid state drive with somewhat limited space (aprox 50% of disk space is free).
Now I need to implement somehow a way of having automatic backups of each node. Ideally I want to have a way of moving all of the cluster's datafiles to a different disk (standard cheaper disks), or even to a different server in the same datacenter A and possibly moving all the data once in a while to a datacenter B in a different location.
From what I've read I can use snapshots on each node to get the files to copy using whatever tool I want and in this case I have the option to move the data to a different disk/server/datacenter.
My question is, since each of my nodes is about 50% full, taking a snapshot will consume all that space? or the hard links will consume way less space than I anticipate?, if so, is there a better way of doing this, maybe with an already made tool, or everything should be custom made when it comes to this type of backups in Cassandra?
Thanks in advance!
A hard link just creates a new directory entry for the same file ( So a snapshot takes up effectively zero space, but you'll want to clean it up after you're done copying it off to whatever your archive is, because when the "original" sstable is deleted (typically post-compaction), space won't be reclaimed as long as the snapshot reference is still there.
My impression is that tablesnap is the most popular tool for automating backups to s3. It also supports Cassandra incremental backups. If you want more control over where you're backing up to, DataStax OpsCenter supports running a custom script when it takes snapshots.

Cassandra Scrub - define a destination directory for snapshot

In my C* 1.2.4 setup, I have an ssd drive of 200Gb for the data and a rotational drive for commit logs of 500Gb.
I had the unpleasant surprise during a scrub operation to fill in my ssd drive with the snapshots. That made the cassandra box unresponsive but it kept the status as up when doing nodetool status.
I am wondering if there is a way to specify the target directory for snapshots when doing a scrub.
Otherwise if you have ideas for workarounds?
I can do a column family at a time and then copy the snapshots folder, but I am open for smarter solutions.
Snapshots in Cassandra are created as hard links to your existing data files. This means at the time the snapshot is taken, it takes up almost no extra space. However, it causes the old files to remain so if you delete or update data, the old version is still there.
This means snapshots must be taken on the drive that stores the data. If you don't need the snapshot any more, just delete it with 'nodetool clearsnapshot' (see the nodetool help output for how to decide which snapshots to delete). If you want to keep the snapshot then you can move it elsewhere. It will only start using much disk space after a while, so you could keep it until you are happy the scrub didn't delete important data then delete the snapshot.
