how to archive and purge Cassandra data - cassandra

I have a cassandra cluster with multiple data centres. I want to archive data monthly and purge that data. There are numerous articles of backing up and restoring but not where its mentioned to archive data in cassandra cluster.
Can someone please let me know how can I archive my data in cassandra cluster monthly and purge the data.

I think there is no such tool that can be used for archive cassandra.You have to write either Spark Jobs or map reduce job that use CqlInputFormat to archive the data.You can follow below links that help you to understand how people are archiving data in cassandra:
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There is also a way using which you can turn on incremental backup in cassandra which can be used like CDC.

It is the best practice to use timewindow compaction strategy and set the window of monthly on your tables along with TTL(month), so that data older than a month can be purged.
If you write a purge job that does this work of deletion (on tables which do not have correct compaction strategy applied) then this can impact the cluster performance because searching the data on date/month basic will overwhelm the cluster.
I have experienced this, where we ultimately have to go back changing the structure of tables and altered the compaction strategy. That is why having the table design right at the first place is very important. We need to think about (in the beginning itself) not only how the data will be inserted and read in tables but also how it will be deleted and then frame the keys, compaction, ttl, etc.
For archiving just write a few lines of code to read data from Cassandra and put it to you archival location.
Let me know if this help in getting the end result you want or if you have further question that I can help with.


Is it hacky to do RF=ALL + CL=TWO for a small frequently used Cassandra table?

I plan to enhance the search for our retail service, which is managed by DataStax. We have data of about 500KB in raw from our wheels and tires and could be compressed and encrypted to about 20KB. This table is frequently used and changes about every day. We send the data to the frontend, which will be processed with Next.js later. Now we want to store this data in a single row table in a separate keyspace with a consistency level of TWO and RF equal to all nodes, replicating the table to all of the nodes.
Now the question: Is this solution hacky or abnormal? Is any solution rather this that fits best in this situation?
The quick answer to your question is yes, it is a hacky solution to do RF=ALL.
The table is very small so there is no benefit to replicating it to all nodes in the cluster. In practice, the tables are so small that the data will be cached anyway.
Since you are running with DataStax Enterprise (DSE), you might as well take advantage of the DSE In-Memory feature which allows you to keep data in RAM to save from disk seeks. Since your table can easily fit in RAM, it is a perfect use case for DSE In-Memory.
To configure the table to run In-Memory, set the table's compaction strategy to MemoryOnlyStrategy:
CREATE TABLE inmemorytable (
) WITH compaction= {'class': 'MemoryOnlyStrategy'}
AND caching = {'keys':'NONE', 'rows_per_partition':'NONE'};
To alter the configuration of an existing table:
ALTER TABLE inmemorytable
WITH compaction= {'class': 'MemoryOnlyStrategy'}
AND caching = {'keys':'NONE', 'rows_per_partition':'NONE'};
Note that tables configured with DSE In-Memory are still persisted to disk so you won't lose any data in the event of a power outage or service disruption. In-Memory tables operate the same as regular tables so the same backup and restore processes still apply with the only difference being that a copy of the data is kept in memory for faster read performance.
For details, see DataStax Enterprise In-Memory. Cheers!

Is it possible to backup and restore Cassandra cluster using dsbulk?

I searched through the internet a lot and saw a lot of ways to backup and restore a Cassandra cluster, such as nodetool snapshot and Medusa. but my question is that can I use dsbulk to backup a Cassandra cluster. What are its limitations? Why doesn't anyone suggest that?
It's possible to use it in some cases, but it's not practical because (that are primary, list could be bigger):
DSBulk put an additional load onto the cluster nodes because it's going through the standard read path. In contrast to that nodetool snapshot just create a hardlinks to the files with data, no additional load to the nodes
It's harder to implement incremental backups with DSBulk - you need to come with condition for SELECT that will find only data that changed since the last backup, so you need to have timestamp column, because you can't do the WHERE condition on the value of writetime function. Plus it will require rescanning of whole data anyway. Plus it's impossible to find what data were deleted. With nodetool snapshot, you just compare what files has changed since last backup, and backup only them.

Spark: writing data to place that is being read from without loosing data

Help me please to understand how can I write data to the place that is also being read from without any issue, using EMR and S3.
So I need to read partitioned data, find old data, delete it, write new data back and I'm thinking about 2 ways here:
Read all data, apply a filter, write data back with save option SaveMode.Overwrite. I see here one major issue - before writing it will delete files in S3, so if EMR cluster goes down by some reason after deletion but before writing - all data will be lost. I can use dynamic partition but that would mean that in such situation I'm gonna lost data from 1 partition.
Same as above but write to the temp directory, then delete original, move everything from temp to original. But as this is S3 storage it doesn't have move operation and all files will be copied, which can be a bit pricy(I'm going to work with 200GB of data).
Is there any other way or am I'm wrong in how spark works?
You are not wrong. The process of deleting a record from a table on EMR/Hadoop is painful in the ways you describe and more. It gets messier with failed jobs, small files, partition swapping, slow metadata operations...
There are several formats, and file protocols that add transactional capability on top of a table stored S3. The open Delta Lake ( format, supports transactional deletes, updates, merge/upsert and does so very well. You can read & delete (say for GDPR purposes) like you're describing. You'll have a transaction log to track what you've done.
On point 2, as long as you have a reasonable # of files, your costs should be modest, with data charges at ~$23/TB/mo. However, if you end with too many small files, then the API costs of listing the files, fetching files can add up quickly. Managed Delta (from Databricks) will help speed of many of the operations on your tables through compaction, data caching, data skipping, z-ordering
Disclaimer, I work for Databricks....

cassandra: restoring partially lost data

Theoretical question:
Lets say I have a cassandra cluster with some data in it.
Backups are created on a daily basis.
Now a subset of data is being lost, either by application error or manual deletion.
What is the best way to restore data from existing backup?
I can think of starting a separate node with the backup disk attached, then export data manually through selects and reimport into the prod database.
That would work but sounds complicated, is there a more straight forward solution for such problems?
If its a single partition probably best bet is to use sstabledump or something like sstable-tools to read from it and just manually reinstert. If ok with restoring everything deleted from time of snapshot: reduce gcgrace to purge any tombstones with a force compact (or else they will continue to shadow the restored data) and use the sstable loader or if the token ranges are the same copy the backed up sstables back in the data directory.

Synchronize data lake with the deleted record

I am building data lake to integrate multiple data sources for advanced analytics.
In the begining, I select HDFS as data lake storage. But I have a requirement for updates and deletes in data sources which I have to synchronise with data lake.
To understand the immutable nature of Data Lake I will consider LastModifiedDate from Data source to detect that this record is updated and insert this record in Data Lake with a current date. The idea is to select the record with max(date).
However, I am not able to understand how
I will detect deleted records from sources and what I will do with Data Lake?
Should I use other data storage like Cassandra and execute a delete command? I am afraid it will lose the immutable property.
can you please suggest me good practice for this situation?
1. Question - Detecting deleted records from datasources
Detecting deleted records from data sources, requires that your data sources supports this. Best is that deletion is only done logically, e. g. with a change flag. For some databases it is possible to track also deleted rows (see for example for SQL-Server). Also some ETL solutions like Informatica offer CDC (Changed Data Capture) capabilities.
2. Question - Changed data handling in a big data solution
There are different approaches. Of cause you can use a key value store adding some kind of complexity to the overall solution. First you have to clarify, if it is also of interest to track changes and deletes. You could consider loading all data (new/changed/deleted) into daily partitions and finally build an actual image (data as it is in your data source). Also consider solutions like Databricks Delta addressing this topics, without the need of an additional store. For example you are able to do an upsert on parquet files with delta as follows:
USING updates
ON events.eventId = updates.eventId
THEN INSERT (date, eventId, data) VALUES (date, eventId, data)
If your solution also requires low latency access via a key (e. g. to support an API) then a key-values store like HBase, Cassandra, etc. would be helpfull.
Usually this is always a constraint while creating datalake in Hadoop, one can't just update or delete records in it. There is one approach that you can try is
When you are adding lastModifiedDate, you can also add one more column naming status. If a record is deleted, mark the status as Deleted. So the next time, when you want to query the latest active records, you will be able to filter it out.
You can also use cassandra or Hbase (any nosql database), if you are performing ACID operations on a daily basis. If not, first approach would be your ideal choice for creating datalake in Hadoop
