How to reference a collection in a formula - excel

All I want to do is reference a collection in a formula. Like
Assume I already know how to make collections and arrays and have done so in my macro, Collection is literally a collection with only 1 column, and Textstring is an array vector.
'For every value of i in Textstring, I want to count the occurrence of that value in all the values of 'Collection'
For i = 1 to Whatever
=COUNTIF(Collection, """ & TextString(i) & """)
Next i
What I want to know is how to make aforementioned code work.
It should work like a normal countif:
'ie: "=COUNTIF('Sheet1'!A1:A10, ""blah"")"

You can't with COUNTIF, if you have a look at the arguments to the function, it expects a Range object.
The only suggestion I have is to do something like the below, i.e. write it out to a worksheet and then use that range as a parameter to your function ...
Public Sub CollectionToRange()
Dim objCollection As New Collection, i As Long
For i = 1 To 10
objCollection.Add i
' Convert the collection to a range.
For i = 1 To objCollection.Count
Sheet1.Cells(i, 1) = objCollection.Item(i)
' Pass the range into the worksheet function.
Debug.Print "CountIf Result = " & WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheet1.Range("A1:A" & objCollection.Count), ">3")
' Perform a clean up if required.
End Sub
Not sure if that helps or not.


VBA function runs as a macro but gives error when called with function

I have an excel table called AnimeList, where I have listed all the anime I have finished watching along with their info. The table has the following headers:
Name, Main Genre, Genre2, Genre3, Rating, Seasons, Episodes, Mins/Episode, Status.
I have written some VBA code that can count the distinct genres from the 3 columns as well as the number of them present.
Function CountAndSortGenre()
Dim size As Integer: size = Range("AnimeList[Main Genre]").Rows.Count
ReDim genreExtract((size * 3) - 1) As String
Dim i As Integer: i = 0
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("AnimeList[Main Genre]")
genreExtract(i) = cell.Value
i = i + 1
For Each cell In Range("AnimeList[Genre - 2]")
genreExtract(i) = cell.Value
i = i + 1
For Each cell In Range("AnimeList[Genre - 3]")
genreExtract(i) = cell.Value
i = i + 1
Dim distinctGenres As New Dictionary
Dim genre As Variant
For Each genre In genreExtract
If distinctGenres.exists(genre) Then
distinctGenres(genre) = distinctGenres(genre) + 1
distinctGenres.Add genre, 1
End If
size = distinctGenres.Count
Erase genreExtract
ReDim sortedGenres(size - 1, 1) As Variant
For i = 0 To distinctGenres.Count - 1
sortedGenres(i, 0) = distinctGenres.Keys(i)
sortedGenres(i, 1) = distinctGenres.Items(i)
Next i
QuickSort sortedGenres, 0, size - 1 'This is done in a separate function
End Function
At the end I have what I need, i.e. the sorted genre counts in my sortedGenre array.
But I need to output it to the excel sheet now which is proving to be rather difficult task.
I tried calling the function after adding return type "As Variant" in the declaration and adding the statement CountAndSortGenre = sortedGenres at the end like so:
but the array which is returned is not spilled across multiple cells. Instead only the first element of the array is displayed on the cell where I input the formula.
I tried using Ctrl+Shift+Enter which changed the formula to:
but that did not change the output. It was still the first element of the array
I tried putting it in the index formula like so:
INDEX(CountAndSortGenre(), 1, 2)
trying to at least get something other than the first value of the array but that still kept returning the first value only.
Afterwards I tried using a manual approach to push the values into the cells by removing the As Variant return type and the return value in the end and adding the following code:
For i = 0 To size - 1
Application.ActiveCell.Offset(i + 1, 1) = sortedGenres(i, 0)
Application.ActiveCell.Offset(i + 1, 2) = sortedGenres(i, 1)
Next i
This approach worked when I ran the code but when I tried using the function like:
= CountAndSortGenre()
Excel gave me circular reference warning and thus it did not work.
The reason I dont want to use the macro and want to use it as a function is that I want these values to get updated as I update my source table. I am not sure that using a function will be dynamic, but it is the best bet. But right now I just want this function to start working.
I used an Array List because I'm too lazy to go look for my QuickSort routine; and I only created a single dimension output for horizontal output.
I used the range as an argument for the function so it would update dynamically when a cell in the called range is changed.
If your range may change in size, I'd suggest using either a dynamic named range, or using a Table with structured references, either of which can auto adjust the size.
If you require a vertical output, you can either Transpose before setting the output of the function; or loop into a 2D array.
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Function CountAndSortGenre(rg As Range) As Variant()
Dim v As Variant, w As Variant
Dim distinctGenres As Object
v = rg
Set distinctGenres = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
With distinctGenres
For Each w In v
If w <> "" Then
If Not .contains(w) Then .Add w
End If
Next w
CountAndSortGenre = .toarray
End With
End Function

CountIf and SumProduct in Excel VBA

I am trying to count the number of unique values in a table column. I have set the range as the relevant column in the table. In defining the number of unique values to count I am getting the following error:
Required_Rows = WorksheetFunction.SumProduct(1 / WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(Rng), Range(Rng)))
You won't be able to use Sumproduct and SumIf in that manner. Try using the Evaluate method instead...
Dim Required_Rows As Variant 'declared as Variant in case Evaluate returns error
Required_Rows = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF(A1:A10,A1:A10))")
If Not IsError(Required_Rows) Then
'do something
'do something else
End If
Note that Evaluate has a 255 character limit.
With the Range object you've defined (ie. Rng), try...
Required_Rows = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF(" & Rng.Address(external:=True) & "," & Rng.Address(external:=True) & "))")
Hope this helps!

Excel combine Vlookups

I have two files one is a Project Register that holds key information on a project and the other is a Risk log.
There is a 1:m relationship between entries in the Register and the Risk log. What I need to do is combine all of a project risks into one cell inside the project register file.
The matching field in both files is the Project ID field
Is there a way I can do this using a vlookup variant or multiple nested vlookups?
Here's the user-defined function approach I mentioned (adapted from a different VLOOKUP-variant I already had made):
' Acts like VLOOKUP in a 1-to-many scenario by concatenating all values in matching rows
' instead of just returning the first match
Public Function VLOOKUP_MANY(lookup_value As String, lookup_range As Range, column_number As Integer, Optional delimiter As Variant) As Variant
Dim vArr As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim found As Boolean: found = False
' Set default delimiter
If IsMissing(delimiter) Then delimiter = ", "
' Get values
vArr = lookup_range.Value2
' If column_number is outside of the specified range, return #REF
If column_number < LBound(vArr, 2) Or column_number > UBound(vArr, 2) Then
Exit Function
End If
' Search for matches and build a concatenated list
For i = 1 To UBound(vArr, 1)
If UCase(vArr(i, 1)) = UCase(lookup_value) Then
VLOOKUP_MANY = VLOOKUP_MANY & delimiter & vArr(i, column_number)
found = True ' Mark at least 1 result
End If
If found Then
VLOOKUP_MANY = Right(VLOOKUP_MANY, Len(VLOOKUP_MANY) - Len(delimiter)) ' Remove first delimiter
VLOOKUP_MANY = CVErr(xlErrNA) ' If no matches found, return #N/A
End If
End Function
This will search the first column in the specified range for the specified value (same as VLOOKUP), but returns the values in the specified column number concatenated. It will return #N/A when no matches are found, and #REF if an invalid value is specified for the column number (e.g. you choose column 5 but only had a 4-column table).
In case you don't know about user-defined functions - you can just copy this VBA code into the VBE for a module in your workbook. Hit Alt+F11, go to Insert > Module at the top of the screen, then paste this code into the blank file that opens up. When you go to save, you'll have to save your workbook as Macro-Enabled (.xlsm) to keep the code working - Excel will remind you about this in the save screen.
Be forewarned: it's going to be slower than VLOOKUP as a result of having to look through the entire lookup range instead of being able to stop at the first match it finds.
If you're open to using an array formula instead, there are ways to speed up this sort of functionality for very large datasets...
Different version that leverages some of the benefits of array formulas to store lookup values and speedup subsequent calls:
' Acts like VLOOKUP in a 1-to-many scenario by concatenating all values in matching rows
' instead of just returning the first match
' Utilizes a dictionary to speedup multiple matches (great for array formulas)
Public Function VLOOKUP_MANY_ARRAY(lookup_values As Range, lookup_range As Range, column_number As Integer, Optional delimiter As Variant) As Variant
Dim vHaystack As Variant, vNeedles As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim found As Boolean: found = False
Dim dict As Object: Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Set default delimiter
If IsMissing(delimiter) Then delimiter = ", "
' Get values
vHaystack = lookup_range
vNeedles = lookup_values
' If column_number is outside of the specified range, return #REF
If column_number < LBound(vHaystack, 2) Or column_number > UBound(vHaystack, 2) Then
Exit Function
End If
' Add values to a lookup dictionary
For i = 1 To UBound(vHaystack, 1)
If dict.Exists(UCase(vHaystack(i, 1))) Then
dict.Item(UCase(vHaystack(i, 1))) = dict.Item(UCase(vHaystack(i, 1))) & delimiter & vHaystack(i, column_number)
dict.Add UCase(vHaystack(i, 1)), vHaystack(i, column_number)
End If
Dim outArr As Variant
If IsArray(vNeedles) Then ' Check number of lookup cells
' Build output array
ReDim outArr(1 To UBound(vNeedles, 1), 1 To 1) As Variant
For i = 1 To UBound(vNeedles, 1)
If dict.Exists(UCase(vNeedles(i, 1))) Then
outArr(i, 1) = dict.Item(UCase(vNeedles(i, 1)))
outArr(i, 1) = CVErr(xlErrNA)
End If
' Single output value
If dict.Exists(UCase(vNeedles)) Then
outArr = dict.Item(UCase(vNeedles))
outArr = CVErr(xlErrNA)
End If
End If
End Function
This creates a Dictionary, which is a special structure that's really good for looking up values. There's a little extra overhead involved in building it, but once you have the structure, you can do lookups into it very quickly. This is especially nice with array formulas, which is basically when the exact same formula gets put into a whole collection of cells, then the function executes once and returns values for every cell (instead of just executing once, separately, for a bunch of cells). Enter it like an array formula with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, and make the first argument refer to all your lookup values instead of just one.
It will work without being used as an array formula, but it will be somewhat slower than the first function in that situation. However, if you use it in an array formula, you'll see huge speedups.
You might need to write a user defined function or write a macro (code on same link)

Manipulating Ranges in Excel - Returning a Value (Error 2029)

I am a quite new to Excel VBA, and I come from a more... traditional programming background (Java, C). I am having issues with passing a Range Object as a parameter in my User-defined function (see below). The idea of my function is to take several parameters to complete a VLOOKUP of a filtered range.
I may have several syntax issues (I am unsure of my return type and my usage of VLOOKUP), and I would appreciate some guidance on this. See results, more information in my code:
Public Function GETVALUE(screen As String, strEvent As String, dataRange As Range, strDate As String) As String
'ASSUMPTION: dataRange has three columns; first column contains lookup values; Second
' column contains dates for filtering; Third column contains return values
Dim result As String
'remove irrelevant dates in dataRange; apply filter
'ASSUMPTION: This process should return a Range that is removes all Rows that does
'not have strDate in the second column
Dim newRange As Range
'RESULT: Returns #VALUE!. I know this is not the typical := syntax I see in many
'examples but this one apparently compiles, so I use it. I comment this line out
'and try to make the other lines below work with dummy parameters or fixed ranges
newRange = dataRange.AutoFilter(2, strDate)
'Now I try to use the newly filtered, "newRange" and use that in my VLOOKUP
'and return it.
result = [VLOOKUP("*" & screen & "/" & strEvent & "*", newRange, 3, False)]
'I can see an Error 2029 here on Result
GETVALUE = result
'RESULT: Returns #VALUE!
End Function
VLOOKUP ignores any filtering of your data. In other words VLOOKUP will also look in the hidden rows.
I would suggest two alternative approaches:
Copy the visible cells of the filtered range to a new sheet and perform the lookup there:
Set newRange = dataRange.AutoFilter(2, strDate).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
set ws = worksheets.Add
ws.Range("A1").Resize(newRange.Rows.Count,newRange.Columns.Count).Value = newRange.Value
Note that this can not be done in a UDF, you would have to do it in a a Sub.
Store the values in dataRange in a variant array and loop to search for the required value:
Dim arr() as Variant
arr = dataRange.Value
For i = LBound(arr,1) to UBound(arr,1)
If (arr(i,2) = strDate) And (arr(i,1) LIKE "*" & screen & "/" & strEvent & "*"( Then
GETVALUE = arr(i,3)
Exit Function
End If
This I think causes your problem:
result = [VLOOKUP("*" & screen & "/" & strEvent & "*", newRange, 3, False)]
Replace it with this instead:
result = Evaluate("VLOOKUP(*" & screen & "/" & strEvent _
& "*, " & newRange.Address & ", 3, False)")
[] which is shortcut for Evaluate doesn't work on variables.
If it is a direct VLOOKUP like below:
result = [VLOOKUP(D1,Sheet1!$A:$C,3,FALSE)]
it will work. But if you are working with variables as in your example, you have to explicitly state it.
And take note that Evaluate accepts Name argument in a form of string.
So you simply have to concatenate all your strings and then explicitly use Evaluate.
Edit1: Additional Inputs
This will not work as well: newRange = dataRange.AutoFilter(2, strDate).
To pass Objects to a Variable you need to use Set like this.
Set newrange = dataRange.AutoFilter(2, strDate)
On the other hand, AutoFilter method although returning a Range Object fails.
I'm not entirely sure if this can't really be done.
Moving forward, to make your code work, I guess you have to write it this way:
Edit2: Function procedures only returns values, not execute methods
Public Function GETVALUE(screen As String, strEvent As String, rng As Range)
GETVALUE = Evaluate("VLOOKUP(*" & screen & "/" & strEvent & "*, " _
& rng.Address & ", 3, False)")
End Function
To get what you want, use above function in a Sub Procedure.
Sub Test()
Dim dataRange As Range, strDate As String, myresult As String
Set dataRange = Sheet2.Range("A2:E65") 'Assuming Sheet2 as property name.
strDate = "WhateverDateString"
dataRange.AutoFilter 2, strDate
myresult = GETVALUE("String1", "String2", dataRange)
End Sub
Btw, for a faster and less complex way of doing this, try what Portland posted.
Basically you must write :
Getvalue = Application.VLookup( StringVar, RangeVar, ColumnNumberVar)
Vlookup needs your data to be previously ordered in alphabetical order, or it doesn't work.
Excel Developers's approach is a good one too, using a VBA Array.
I can also point the VBA functions FIND, and MATCH, wich will get you the row of searched data, and then you can pull what you need from the 3rd column of that row.
Wichever is faster depends of the size of your range.

Removing Dupes in a Single Cell, Nested VBA

I needed to pull multiple vlookup values into a single cell. To do so I used vba to create a public function called MULTIVLOOKUP and it works perfectly resulting in the following values in a single cell:
Vendor, Site, ARO, ARO, ARO, Site
The formula to get this is: =MULTIVLOOKUP($J9, $A$2:$A$5000, 4)
I then used code found here on stackoverflow to remove dupes. Here is that code which user KazJaw was great in providing:
Function UniqueFromCell(rngCell, splitString)
Dim myCol As New Collection
Dim itmCol
Dim i As Long
Dim arrTMP As Variant
arrTMP = Split(rngCell, splitString)
For i = 1 To UBound(arrTMP)
On Error Resume Next
myCol.Add arrTMP(i), CStr(arrTMP(i))
On Error GoTo 0
Next i
Dim result
For Each itmCol In myCol
result = result & itmCol & splitString
UniqueFromCell = Left(result, Len(result) - Len(splitString))
End Function
My resulting formula become:
It works almost perfect except my result is: Site, ARO
I lost Vendor!
Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.
The line:
For i = 1 To UBound(arrTMP)
Is the problem. Split is returning a zero-based array not a one-based array. It's safer to write something like LBound(arrTMP) instead, to handle both kinds of array properly.
For i = LBound(arrTMP) To UBound(arrTMP)
You can read up on how arrays work in VBA here.
