I have a table with some fields and some relations with others.
I get the list view with no problem, but when I try to filter the results (using the search feature in flexigrid table) I get:
A Database Error Occurred Error Number:
1052Column 'id' in where clause is ambiguousSELECT
gee_job_boards.*, j32e2cb0f.dp_name AS s32e2cb0f FROM
gee_job_boards LEFT JOIN gee_distribution_partner as j32e2cb0f
ON j32e2cb0f.id = gee_job_boards.dp_id WHERE id LIKE '%27%'
ESCAPE '!' LIMIT 25Filename:
models/Grocery_crud_model.phpLine Number: 87
Error Number: 1052Column 'id' in where clause is
how could i solve this ?
You should qualify your id in where clause, for example like this
j32e2cb0f.id LIKE ...
I have a lookup that retrieves a few records from a SQL Server table containing server, database, schema, table name and a whole where clause. These values are passed to a copy data (within a ForEach) In the copy data i have tried to use two different Dynamic query statement, but I seem to get an error. And can't figure out where I'm going wrong.
Values in table:
Company$Sales Invoice Header
where [Posting Date] >= '2021-01-01'
Source setup:
Error for statement 1:
A database operation failed with the following error: 'Incorrect syntax near '.'.'
Incorrect syntax near '.'., SqlErrorNumber=102,Class=15,State=1,
Error for statement 2:
A database operation failed with the following error: 'Incorrect syntax near '.'.'
Incorrect syntax near '.'., SqlErrorNumber=102,Class=15,State=1,
Statement 1 (query):
Statement 2 (dynamic query with concat):
#concat('select * from ',item().SRC_SERVERNAME,'.',item().SRC_DATABASENAME,'.',item().SRC_SCHEMANAME,'.',item().SRC_TABLENAME,' ',item().SRC_WHERE_DATE_CLAUSE)
There is a syntax error in your query.
In the 4-part naming of SQL database, server name/database name/schema name/table name should be separated by ‘.’.
When you have space or other special characters in the name of server/database/schema/table, they should be embedded inside square braces [].
#concat('select * from [',item().SRC_SERVERNAME, '].[',item().SRC_DATABASENAME,'].[',item().SRC_SCHEMANAME,'].[',item().SRC_TABLENAME, '] ',item().SRC_WHERE_DATE_CLAUSE)
I'm trying to frame Azure search query. The field type is collection(Edm.String) in Azure search index. This is how my JSON data to be filtered looks like : ["A","B"].
When I try to filter using the query Alphabet in 'A' it brings all the entries that has "A" in it. But when I try to frame the same query in my code like "'A' in Alphabet" it throws an exception stating:
"Invalid expression: Expression contains an unsupported OData language feature. Please revise your query and try again.
Parameter name: $filter".
Is there any other Azure query which I can use to filter my JSON data?
Note : I could not use eq as my field is multi valued and eq can handle only single values.
if you want to filter a collection that need to include multiple values, ie , you want to query all result whose collection all has "A" and "B" try the filter expression below :
Let's assume your collection field name is "alphabet"
$filter=alphabet/any(s: s eq 'A') and alphabet/any(s: s eq 'B')
The solution for this is to use search.ismatch query like search.ismatch('A,B','Alphabet','simple','any'). So the result will have search results of all the records having either A or B or both.
Reference : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/query-odata-filter-orderby-syntax
I have objects like:
address: {
"phone" : 888,
"value" : 12
And in WHERE i need to find objects by address.value, but in SQL there's function value(), so i always get an error.
I do it from node.js. Are there any variants to solve this without changing objects?
Sql request like:
SELECT count(*) as size FROM addresses WHERE address.value = 12
VALUE is a reserved word. If you want to use it as a common identifier, you need to enclose it in backticks:
SELECT count(*) as size FROM addresses WHERE address.`value` = 12
Here is existing code:
.first("id", "name", "ingredients")
So, currently it just uses array of column names.
Now I want to add calculated column here. It would consists of "constant" + product.id.
For product with id 1 it would be "api/v1/img/1".
For product with id 222 it would be "api/v1/img/222".
Alias of it should be "image".
I have to use knex.raw somehow. Do not understand how and what is the correct syntax to use it with .first().
I'm sorry, I'm unable to understand the question. What kind of result are you trying to achieve? maybe something like this?
.select('*', knex.raw(`'api/v1/img' || ?? as computed`, ['products.id']))
Like this: https://runkit.com/embed/9okme0czge8z
I'm currently using node-postgres to query my DB like so:
SELECT DISTINCT(name) FROM users.names ORDER BY name;
I want to return the lowercase of these names, so I've tried this:
SELECT DISTINCT(lower(name)) FROM users.names ORDER BY lower(name);
...but this just returns null in place of each name.
This solved it:
The key addition is obviously AS tag, otherwise the 'tag' field was renamed to 'lower' in the results set.