Use value object in command and event? - domain-driven-design

Can we use value object in command ?
Suppose I have a Shop (aggregate) in which there is one value object Address.
In the value object constructor Address ,I was put the some validation logic for address.
So if I am using that Address object in command (CreateShopCmd) , then it get validated at the making of command , but What I want or Read that validation should be present in command handler.
But problem is that , I have to put that validation again in command handler (Since validation is already present in it Address constructor) and if I am not putting that in command handler , then the validation will occur when I am making the Address object in event handler and assign to Shop aggregate(Which is incorrect)
So, please guide me.
Below are code example
public class Shop {
private ShopId shopId;
private String shopName;
private Address address;
public Shop(CreateShopCmd cmd){
//Validation Logic here , if not using the Address in
// in cmd
//Fire an event after validation
ShopRegistredEvt shopRegistredEvt = new ShopRegistredEvt();
public void on(ShopRegistredEvt evt) {
this.shopName = evt.getShopName();
//Validation happend here if not put in cmd at the time of making
//Address object - this is wrong
this.address = new Address(evt.getCity(),evt.getCountry(),evt.getZipCode())
public class CreateShopCmd{
private String shopId;
private String shopName;
private String city;
private String zipCode;
private String country;
public ShopCreatedEvent{
private String shopId;
private String shopName;
private String city;
private String zipCode;
private String country;

There is nothing conceptually wrong with using Value Objects in Commands or Events. However, you should use them with caution.
The structure of a Message may change over time. If you have used Value Object excessively inside your messages, it may become less clear how a change in one of the value objects changes the structure of different messages.
For Value Objects that represent a "common" concept, such as an Address, this is not so much of a problem. But as soon as the Value Objects become more domain-specific, this may come up as an issue.

This is a very good question and I have been thoroughly thinking about embedding value objects in commands or not. I came to the conclusion you should definitely not use Value Objects in commands:
Commands are part of the application layer, they are supposed to work as simple as possible, avoiding any typed objects, and work best using literal (think serialization). What happen when an external system wants to plugin on your hexagon (application layer) and send commands to your application, do they need your command library to be able to use the objects and the structure defined ? Hell no ! You don't want that, so keep command simple.
Another reason is, as DmitriBodiu said, VO contains business logic and validation, they belong to the domain layer, do not ever put them in commands. Application service will do the translation, and be responsible of throwing validation error to any non conforming commands at the client.
There is nothing wrong in your design, its actually how Vaughn Vernon (the author of Implementing Domain Driven Design - IDDD book) did in his repository, you might want to check the application layer at this link:
Notice how he reconstruct every objects from flat commands to value object belonging to the domain layer:
public void changeUserContactInformation(ChangeContactInfoCommand aCommand) {
User user = this.existingUser(aCommand.getTenantId(), aCommand.getUsername());
new ContactInformation(
new EmailAddress(aCommand.getEmailAddress()),
new PostalAddress(
new Telephone(aCommand.getPrimaryTelephone()),
new Telephone(aCommand.getSecondaryTelephone())));
Commands must not contain business logic, so they cannot carry a value object.

I wouldn't suggest using Value Objects in commands. Cause your commands are part of the application layer, but Value Objects are kept in Domain Layer. You can use your ValueObjects in DomainEvens though. Because if domain model changes, modification of your domain event wouln't be that painful, cause the modification is done in the same bounded context. You should never use ValueObjects in integration events though.

Short answer: Have you ever thought about Integer, String, Boolean, etc.? Those are Value Objects, too. The only difference is, that you didn't create them yourself. Now try to build a Command without any Value Objects ;-)
Long answer:
In general I don't see any issue with Value Objects within Commands. As long as you follow a few simple guidelines:
The most important code in your application is your Domain Model. The Domain Model defines the data structures it expects for Command handling. This means: The only reason to change your Command Model is if your Domain Model requires this change. The same applies to your Value Objects: Value Objects only change if this change is required by your Domain Model. No exceptions!
Commands can in general fail either because of business constraints, or because of invalid data (or because of optimistic locking, or whatever).
As said above: Integers and Strings are Value Objects, too. If you only use basic types within your Command, it will already throw an exception if you try new SetAgeCommand(aggId, "foo"), because String cannot be assigned to int. The same applies if you don't provide an Aggregate ID to your UpdatePersonCommand. These are no business constraints, but instead very basic data and type validation. Your Command will never be created if you pass malformed data.
Now let's say you have a PersonAge Value Object. I doesn't matter where you construct this object, because in any case it must throw an Exception if you try to construct it with a negative number: -5 cannot be assigned to PersonAge - looks familiar? As long as you can make sure that your code created those Value Object instances, you can know for sure that they are valid.
Business rules should be checked by the Command Handler within your Domain Model. In general business constraints are specific to your Domain, and most often they rely on the data within your Aggregate. Take for example SendMoneyCommand. Your Money Value Object can validate if it's a valid currency, but it cannot validate if the user's bank account has enough money to execute the transaction. This is a business validation and it's part of your Domain Model.
And a word regarding Events: I'd suggest to only use very basic Value Objects inside your events. For example: String, Integer, Date, etc. Basically every kind of Value Object that will never change. The reason behind it: Business requirements can change. For example: Maybe your Domain Model requires your Address Value Object to change, and it's now required to provide geo-coordinates. Then this will implicitly change your NewAddressAddedEvent. But your already persisted Events didn't have this requirement, though you're unable to construct Address Value Objects from your past event data, because the new Address Value Object will throw an Exception if there are no geo-coordinates provided.
There are (at least) two solutions for this problem:
Versioned Events: After modifying your Address Value Object, you have now a NewAddressAddedEvent_Version2 which uses the new Address Value Object, and you have the old NewAddressAddedEvent which must use a backup copy of the old Address Value Object.
Write a Script that "repairs" your event database by adding geo-coordinates to every Event that uses the Address Value Object. So you can throw away the old NewAddressAddedEvent.

That's OK as long as the value objects are conceptually a part of your message contract, and not used in entities.
And if they are a part of your entity, don't expose them as public properties of your message or you'll be in soop.


ddd - Is my ValueObject implementation correct?

I am trying my best to create a web app to familiarize myself with DDD and ValueObjects. So far everything is working fine, I am just asking myself if I am correctly implementing my value objects. Here is my current state (code stripped from non-essential parts):
class User {
private $id;
* #var Credentials
public $credentials;
public function getId() { return $this->id; }
class Credentials {
private $username;
private $password;
public function __construct($username, $password) { // no need to detail }
public function changePassword($newPassword) {
return new self($this->username, $newPassword);
So whenever I want to update my user's password, I have to do $user->credentials = $user->credentials->changePassword("newPassword");
Is this correct ? Should I create a getter and a setter for the $credentials property of my User class ? Should I put the changePassword() method in the User class ?
Any help is greatly appreciated !
$user->credentials = $user->credentials->changePassword("newPassword");
That's the right idea.
In this implementation, $username and $password are part of the state of Credentials. You want that state to be immutable; there should be no code that changes that state after the constructor has finished.
However, you need to expose that state somehow; immutable write-only objects don't provide very much business value. Implementing value types as a collection of immutable public properties is a common idiom. Here's an old discussion of how to do that in PHP. Alternatively, you can implement calls that allow the Credentials object to pass copies of that state to other objects.
Should I create a getter and a setter for the $credentials property of my User class ?
Not usually -- your implementation of User has an Id property, which makes it look like an entity. Entities only very rarely allow their internal state to escape. In particular, setters are many nines close to never a good idea -- the point of entities is that they can enforce their own data constraints; they are responsible for ensuring that all changes to their state satisfy the business invariant.
A getter that offers access to immutable state isn't likely to cause problems; a getter that allows the caller to navigate to mutable state is worrisome.
BUT: getters aren't particularly expressive -- a query, possibly supported by a domain service, is often a more flexible choice
password = user.password
strength = calulatatePasswordStrength(password.toString)
password = user.password
strength = password.strength(calculator)
strength = user.passwordStrength(calculator)
Should I put the changePassword() method in the User class ?
Assuming that you are supporting that use case, yes. The Credentials value knows how to calculate a new state of credentials from an old one; the User entity knows how to validate that the user in its current state is allowed to change the credentials in that way.
(Example: a naive security implementation might track when the credentials were last changed, and have policies that restrict password changes, where the correct policy to use depends on other properties of the user. That's way too much work for the credentials object to be doing on its own.)
In particular, the fact that the user's password is actually a bunch of state in a Credentials value object is an implementation detail, which shouldn't be exposed to the code that calls User. In other words, if User were implementing the interface IUser (isolating the implementation details), then I would expect IUser to promise that a changePassword($password) method will be available.
Almost I'd say. Key to a value object is it is a value. I.e. you can compare it to another object of the same type and can determine if it's different by its value. In this case I'd expect to be able to see that a Credential where username=x and password=x would be 'equal to' another credential with the same values.
That doesn't necessarily imply you need getters on the fields.
I've got what I think is a fun code kata around this topic on my blog. You can find it here Why Private C# Variables are Not as Private as you Thought
The value object kata is near the bottom. Hope that helps.

DDD: Create one aggregate root within another AR

Suppose that I have 2 aggregate roots (AR) in my domain and invoking some method on the 1st requires access to an instance of the 2nd. In DDD how and where should retrieval and creation of the 2nd AR happen?
Here's a contrived example TravelerEntity that needs access to a SuitcaseEntity. I'm looking for an answer that doesn't pollute the domain layer with infrastructure code.
public class TravelerEntity {
// null if traveler has no suitcase yet.
private String suitcaseId = ...;
// Returns an empty suitcase ready for packing. Caller
public SuitcaseEntity startTrip(SuitcaseRepository repo) {
SuitcaseEntity suitcase;
if (suitcaseId == null) {
suitcase = new SuitcaseFactory().create();
suitcase =;
suitcaseId = suitcase.getId();
} else {
suitcase = repo.findOne(suitcaseId);
return suitcase;
An application layer service handling the start trip request would get the appropriate SuitcaseRepository implementation via DI, get the TravelerEntity via a TravelerRepository implementation and call its startTrip() method.
The only alternative I thought of was to move SuitcaseEntity management to a domain service, but I don't want to create the suitcase before starting the trip, and I don't want to end up with an anemic TravelerEntity.
I'm a little uncertain about one AR creating and saving another AR. Is this OK since the repo and factory encapsulate specifics about the 2nd AR? Is there a danger I'm missing? Is there a better alternative?
I'm new enough to DDD to question my thinking on this. And the other questions I found about ARs seem to focus on identifying them properly, not on managing their lifecycles in relation to one another.
Ideally TravelerEntity wouldn't manipulate a SuitcaseRepository because it shouldn't know about an external thing where suitcases are stored, only about its own internals. Instead, it could new up a SuitCase and add it to its internal [list of] suitcases. If you wanted that to work with ORMs without specifically adding the suitcase to the repository though, you'd have to store the whole suitcase object in TravelerEntity.suitcaseList and not just its ID, which conflicts with the "store references to other AR's as IDs" best practice.
Moreover, TravelerEntity.startTrip() returning a suitcase seems a bit artificial and unexplicit and you'll be in trouble if you need to return other entities created by startTrip(). So a good solution could be to have TravelerEntity emit a SuitcaseAdded event with the suitcase data in it once it has added the suitcase to its list. An application service could subscribe to the event, add the suitcase to SuitcaseRepository and commit the transaction, effectively saving both the new suitcase and the modified traveler to the database.
Alternatively, you could place startTrip() in a Domain Service instead of an Entity. There it might be more legit to use SuitcaseRepository since a domain service is allowed know about multiple domain entities and the overall domain process going on.
First of all persistence is not domain's job so i would get rid of all the repositories from the domain models and create a service that would use them.
Second of all you should rethink your design. Why a StartTrip method of a Traveller should return a SuitCase?
A Traveller either has or hasn't a suitcase. Once you have retrieved the Traveller you should already have their SuitCases too.
public class StartTripService {
public void StartTrip(int travellerId) {
var traveller = travellerRepo.Get(travellerId);

How To Call a String From A Different Method Than It Was Originally Declared

I'm trying to write an Oregon Trail type story in java. In one of the methods later on, you are asked to input your name. I've used this to get the name:
Scanner keys = new Scanner(;
String name = keys.nextLine();
I would like to keep referring to the player as the name they entered in other methods and I'm unsure on how to call it. Any help is appreciated.
When you declare
String name = keys.nextLine();
You are creating a string inside the scope of that method. As you probably noticed, it's no longer accessible once the method finishes. Rather than storing the character name in a variable local to that method, you want to save it to a variable in an outside scope.
In Java's object oriented design, the ideal place to put that would be an instance variable for the relevant class. Say you have some master class called "Game". An instance of this class will represent a running game, have methods for interacting with the game, and hold data about the game. You could have an instance variable in Game declared as:
String playerName;
If that method is within Game, then you would simply have the code:
Scanner keys = new Scanner(;
this.playerName = keys.nextLine();
Since you're assigning the name to a variable that exists outside the scope of the method, it will remain accessible to you later. The exact approach to this depends on how you structured your classes.
A more general solution, which could work better than the above solution depending on your code structure, would be to have that method return a String, rather than set one. For instance:
String getPlayerName() {
Scanner keys = new Scanner(;
return keys.nextLine();
A method like that would return a string holding the name, which would allow you to work with it outside of the method.

Storing object in Esent persistent dictionary gives: Not supported for SetColumn Parameter error

I am trying to save an Object which implements an Interface say IInterface.
private PersistentDictionary<string, IInterface> Object = new PersistentDictionary<string, IInterface>(Environment.CurrentDirectory + #"\Object");
Since many classes implement the same interface(all of which need to cached), for a generic approach I want to store an Object of type IInterface in the dictionary.
So that anywhere I can pull out that object type cast it as IInterface and use that object's internal implementation of methods etc..
But, as soon as the Esent cache is initialized it throws this error:
Not supported for SetColumn
Parameter name: TColumn
Actual value was IInterface.
I have tried to not use XmlSerializer to do the same but is unable to deserialize an Interface type.Also, [Serializable] attribute cannot be used on top of a Interface, so I am stuck.
I have also tried to make all the implementations(classes) of the Interface as [Serializable] as a dying attempt but to no use.
Does any one know a way out ? Thanks in advance !!!
The only reason that only structs are supported (as well as some basic immutable classes such as string) is that the PersistentDictionary is meant to be a drop-in replacement for Dictionary, SortedDictionary and other similar classes.
Suppose I have the following code:
class MyClass
int val;
var dict = new Dictionary<int,MyClass>();
var x = new MyClass();
x.val = 1;
x.val = 2;
var y = dict[0];
The output in this case would be 2. But if I'd used the PersistentDictionary instead of the regular one, the output would be 1. The class was created with value 1, and then changed after it was added to the dictionary. Since a class is a reference type, when we retrieve the item from the dictionary, we will also have the changed data.
Since the PersistentDictionary writes the data to disk, it cannot really handle reference types this way. Serializing it, and writing it to disk is essentially the same as treating the object as a value type (an entire copy is made).
Because it's intended to be used instead of the standard dictionaries, and the fact that it cannot handle reference types with complete transparency, the developers instead opted to support only structs, because structs are value types already.
However, if you're aware of this limitation and promise to be careful not to fall into this trap, you can allow it to serialize classes quite easily. Just download the source code and compile your own version of the EsentCollections library. The only change you need to make to it is to change this line:
if (!(type.IsValueType && type.IsSerializable))
to this:
if (!type.IsSerializable)
This will allow classes to be written to the PersistentDictionary as well, provided that it's Serializable, and its members are Serializable as well. A huge benefit is that it will also allow you to store arrays in there this way. All you have to keep in mind is that it's not a real dictionary, therefore when you write an object to it, it will store a copy of the object. Therefore, updating any of your object's members after adding them to the PersistentDictionary will not update the copy in the dictionary automatically as well, you'd need to remember to update it manually.
PersistentDictionary can only store value-structs and a very limited subset of classes (string, Uri, IPAddress). Take a look at ColumnConverter.cs, at private static bool IsSerializable(Type type) for the full restrictions. You'd be hitting the typeinfo.IsValueType() restriction.
By the way, you can also try posting questions about PersistentDictionary at .

How to auto-generate early bound properties for Entity specific (ie Local) Option Set text values?

After spending a year working with the Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk namespace, I just discovered yesterday the Entity.FormattedValues property contains the text value for Entity specific (ie Local) Option Set texts.
The reason I didn't discover it before, is there is no early bound method of getting the value. i.e. entity.new_myOptionSet is of type OptionSetValue which only contains the int value. You have to call entity.FormattedValues["new_myoptionset"] to get the string text value of the OptionSetValue.
Therefore, I'd like to get the crmsrvcutil to auto-generate a text property for local option sets. i.e. Along with Entity.new_myOptionSet being generated as it currently does, Entity.new_myOptionSetText would be generated as well.
I've looked into the Microsoft.Crm.Services.Utility.ICodeGenerationService, but that looks like it is mostly for specifying what CodeGenerationType something should be...
Is there a way supported way using CrmServiceUtil to add these properties, or am I better off writing a custom app that I can run that can generate these properties as a partial class to the auto-generated ones?
Edit - Example of the code that I would like to be generated
Currently, whenever I need to access the text value of a OptionSetValue, I use this code:
var textValue = OptionSetCache.GetText(service, entity, e => e.New_MyOptionSet);
The option set cache will use the entity.LogicalName, and the property expression to determine the name of the option set that I'm asking for. It will then query the SDK using the RetrieveAttriubteRequest, to get a list of the option set int and text values, which it then caches so it doesn't have to hit CRM again. It then looks up the int value of the New_MyOptionSet of the entity and cross references it with the cached list, to get the text value of the OptionSet.
Instead of doing all of that, I can just do this (assuming that the entity has been retrieved from the server, and not just populated client side):
var textValue = entity.FormattedValues["new_myoptionset"];
but the "new_myoptionset" is no longer early bound. I would like the early bound entity classes that gets generated to also generate an extra "Text" property for OptionSetValue properties that calls the above line, so my entity would have this added to it:
public string New_MyOptionSetText {
return this.GetFormattedAttributeValue("new_myoptionset"); // this is a protected method on the Entity class itself...
Could you utilize the CrmServiceUtil extension that will generate enums for your OptionSets and then add your new_myOptionSetText property to a partial class that compares the int value to the enums and returns the enum string
Again, I think specifically for this case, getting CrmSvcUtil.exe to generate the code you want is a great idea, but more generally, you can access the property name via reflection using an approach similar to the accepted answer # workarounds for nameof() operator in C#: typesafe databinding.
var textValue = entity.FormattedValues["new_myoptionset"];
// becomes
var textValue = entity.FormattedValues
// renamed the class from Nameof to NameOf
NameOf(Xrm.MyEntity).Property(x => x.new_MyOptionSet).ToLower()
The latest version of the CRM Early Bound Generator includes a Fields struct that that contains the field names. This allows accessing the FormattedValues to be as simple as this:
var textValue = entity.FormattedValues[MyEntity.Fields.new_MyOptionSet];
You could create a new property via an interface for the CrmSvcUtil, but that's a lot of work for a fairly simple call, and I don't think it justifies creating additional properties.
