Loop with break or continue based on user input - node.js

I loosely know how to use a loop. I've used simple ones and understand how it works. However, I have a situation where I think a loop would be useful, but I'm not quite certain how to get the desired result. I am self-taught in javascript and I've tried poking around some other posts, but I don't recall seeing anything that helped in my case. This may very well be one of my gaps in understanding.
What I'd like this to do: This code is going to be taking the top card off a deck of cards for a TCG. Each card has a "type". I want the person to input a command into Discord like "!flipcard 10". I would like the bot to make a loop to flip cards off the top of the deck until 10 is reached OR a certain card type is flipped over. The card "types" I am working with are "action", "evo", "flip" and "hero". I only want the bot to react differently to the "Flip" card type. I have gotten working code to where I can do this if the user inputs !flipcard but does it one at a time. The maximum amount of cards that can ever be flipped is 34 cards or so, but this is less likely to happen than lower numbers.
I just wrote the code up from what I think I need to do, but I get stuck with not knowing exactly where to go next. So it isn't exactly functioning code yet. I do get an "illegal break statement" error currently, so I can't progress much more.
for (i = 0; i < damageToTake; i++) {
cardRemoved = deckAarray.shift()
//Bunch of stuff edited out for Embed mentioned below
if (cardType == "Flip"){
const filter = m => m.author.id === message.author.id
author.send(`You revealed a Flip card! Do you wish to use it? Please reply with 'yes' or 'no'.`).then((newmsg) => {
newmsg.channel.awaitMessages(filter, {
max: 1,
}).then((collected) => {
reply = collected.first();
if (reply.content == 'yes'){
console.log("Yes reply.")
} else if (reply.content == 'no'){
console.log("No reply")
} else if (cardType != "Flip"){
Like I mentioned, the code isn't working to a point I can try it and get a problem because I am getting an "illegal break statement" error.
I think I am on the right track, but I'm uncertain how to make it work exactly how I'm hoping.
So, to conclude...
I would like this code to to the following:
1)User inputs command and specifies how many cards to flip over.
2)Loop should flip cards (displaying the correct embed based on card type)
3)When a "flip" card type is revealed, I would like the code to pause, essentially, to ask the author whether or not they would like to use the Flip card that was revealed. If yes, stop the loop. If no, continue the loop from where it left off until the desired number are flipped OR if another Flip card type is revealed.
Thanks for the help in advance!

What you are trying to do is impossible without code modification. The reason for this is that for loops are synchronous, while promises are not. This means that .then() will only be reached after the loop completes.
One way around this is to wrap everything inside an async function and run your loop in there. Then, use try-catch clauses to break out of the loop when needed. Consider the toy example below:
( async () => {
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
console.log('i:', i);
try {
const val = await randomPromise();
console.log('should resolve and break!');
} catch (e) {
console.log('moving on...');
function randomPromise() {
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
const val = Math.random();
if (val > 0.9) {
} else {

You've changed contexts -- as in you have two functions that know nothing about each other's control flow (e.g.: if/then, for loops, while loops, etc). They cannot influence each other in the way you're wanting. What you're doing is the equivalent of this pseudo code:
function printAllNumbers() {
for(currentNumber : allNumbers) {
function printNumber(num) {
break; // This won't work because it has no clue about for/loop in other func
printNumber is scoped so that it only knows what its own function (those 2 lines) are doing. It has no clue about the for/each in the printAllNumbers call, hence the error you're seeing.
And what I said above is only partially true -- you're actually maybe 2 functions deep at this point because you've called .then() and then after your .newMessage() call another .then(). You're reading the code sequentially, but you should try and look at it as branching off paths in this way:
for {
call async functions and (.then) call these other functions
...some time passes
<branched off path> The other functions within .then(functions) get called
I recommend reading up on how asynchronous functions work, and also how promises work to better understand in what order your code will execute.
To do what you want, you'll need to write separate code to handle these scenarios:
1) Receiving the number of cards from user and just flat out looping through and printing those cards to chat
2) Receiving further input based on the user (will need to keep track of user) and the current state of their cards that have been flipped -- probably want to number the cards and have them send a command like USE 1 or DISCARD ALL
The code won't pause in the middle of your loop to wait for input, these each have to be different pieces of code.


What is the best practice to avoid utterance conflicts in an Alexa Skill

In the screenshot below, I have got an utterance conflict, which is obvious because I am using similar patterns of samples in both the utterances.
My question is, the skill I am developing requires similar kind of patterns in multiple utterances and I cannot force users to say something like “Yes I want to continue”, or “I want to store…”, something like this.
In such a scenario what is the best practice to avoid utterance conflicts and that too having the multiple similar patterns?
I can use a single utterance and based on what a user says, I can decide what to do.
Here is an example of what I have in my mind:
User says something against {note}
In the skill I check this:
if(this$inputs.note.value === "no") {
// auto route to stop intent
} else if(this$inputs.note.value === "yes") {
// stays inside the same intent
} else {
// does the database stuff and saves the value.
// then asks the user whether he wants to continue
The above loop continues until the user says “no”.
But is this the right way to do it? If not, what is the best practice?
Please suggest.
The issue is really that for those two intents you have slots with no context around them. I'm also assuming you're using these slots as catch-all slots meaning you want to capture everything the person says.
From experience: this is very difficult/annoying to implement and will not result in a good user experience.
For the HaveMoreNotesIntent what you want to do is have a separate YesIntent and NoIntent and then route the user to the correct function/intent based on the intent history (aka context). You'll have to just enable this in your config file.
YesIntent() {
// Check if last intent was either of the following
if (
['TutorialState.TutorialStartIntent', 'TutorialLearnIntent'].includes(
) {
return this.toStateIntent('TutorialState', 'TutorialTrainIntent');
} else {
return this.toStateIntent('TutorialState', 'TutorialLearnIntent');
OR if you are inside a state you can have yes and no intents inside that state that will only work in that state.
ISPBuyState: {
async _buySpecificPack() {
'Right now I have a "sports expansion pack". Would you like to hear more about it?'
return this.ask(this.$speech);
async YesIntent() {
this.$session.$data.productReferenceName = 'sports';
return this.toStatelessIntent('buy_intent');
async NoIntent() {
return this.toStatelessIntent('LAUNCH');
async CancelIntent() {
return this.toStatelessIntent('LAUNCH');
I hope this helps!

How to read/write a document in parallel execution with mongoDB/mongoose

I'm using MongoDB with NodeJS. Therefore I use mongoose.
I'm developing a multi player real time game. So I receive many requests from many players sometimes at the very same time.
I can simplify it by saying that I have a house collection, that looks like this:
"_id" : 1,
"items": [item1, item2, item3]
I have a static function, called after each request is received:
house.statics.addItem = function(id, item, callback){
var HouseModel = this;
HouseModel.findById(id, function(err, house){
if (err) throw err;
//make some calculations such as:
if (house.items.length < 4){
HouseModel.findByIdAndUpdate(id, {$push: {items: item}}, cb);
In this example, I coded so that the house document can never have more than 4 items. But what happens is that when I receive several request at the very same time, this function is executed twice by both requests and since it is asynchronous, they both push a new item to the items field and then my house has 5 items.
I am doing something wrong? How can I avoid that behavior in the future?
yes, you need better locking on the houseModel, to indicate that an addItem
is in progress.
The problem is that multiple requests can call findById and see the same
house.items.length, then each determine based on that (outdated) snapshot
that it is ok to add one more item. The nodejs boundary of atomicity is the
callback; between an async call and its callback, other requests can run.
One easy fix is to track not just the number of items in the house but the
number of intended addItems as well. On entry into addItem, bump the "want
to add more" count, and test that.
One possible approach since the release of Mongoose 4.10.8 is writing a plugin which makes save() fail if the document has been modified since you loaded it. A partial example is referenced in #4004:
#vkarpov15 said:
8b4870c should give you the general direction of how one would write a plugin for this
Since Mongoose 4.10.8, plugins now have access to this.$where. For documents which have been loaded from the database (i.e., are not this.isNew), the plugin can add conditions which will be evaluated by MongoDB during the update which can prevent the update from actually happening. Also, if a schema’s saveErrorIfNotFound option is enabled, the save() will return an error instead of succeeding if the document failed to save.
By writing such a plugin and changing some property (such as a version number) on every update to the document, you can implement “optimistic concurrency” (as #4004 is titled). I.e., you can write code that roughly does findOne(), do some modification logic, save(), if (ex) retry(). If all you care about is a document remaining self-consistent and ensuring that Mongoose’s validators run and your document is not highly contentious, this lets you write code that is simple (no need to use something which bypasses Mongoose’s validators like .update()) without sacrificing safety (i.e., you can reject save()s if the document was modified in the meantime and avoid overwriting committed changes).
Sorry, I do not have a code example yet nor do I know if there is a package on npm which implements this pattern as a plugin yet.
I am also building a multiplayer game and ran into the same issue. I believe I have solved it my implementing a queue-like structure:
class NpcSaveQueue {
constructor() {
this.queue = new Map();
addToQueue(unitId, obj) {
if (!this.queue.has(unitId)) {
this.queue.set(String(unitId), obj);
} else {
this.queue.set(String(unitId), {
emptyUnitQueue(unitId) {
async executeUnitQueue(unitId) {
await NPC.findByIdAndUpdate(unitId, this.queue.get(unitId));
runQueue() {
setInterval(() => {
this.queue.forEach((value, key) => {
}, 1000)
Then when I want to update an NPC, instead of interacting with Mongoose directly, I run:
npcSaveQueue.addToQueue(unit._id, {
"location.x": newLocation.x,
"location.y": newLocation.y,
That way, every second, the SaveQueue just executes all code for every NPC that requires updating.
This function never executes twice, because update operation is atomic on a level of single document.
More info in official manual: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/write-operations-atomicity/#atomicity-and-transactions

How to loop over object & return mongoDB entry for each item?

I am having difficulties looping over an object of constituency data, finding existing entries in a MongoDB and doing something with them. It always ends up being the same entry being passed to be found in the DB over and over again.
I am assuming this is a problem of scope and timing.
My code:
for (key in jsonObj) {
var newConstituent = new Constituent({
name : jsonObj[key]["Name"],
email : jsonObj[key]["Email"],
social : {
twitter: {
twitter_handle : jsonObj[key]["Twitter handle"],
twitter_id : jsonObj[key]["User id"],
timestamp : jsonObj[key]["Timestamp"]
console.log(jsonObj[key]["Email"]); // this is fine here!
Constituent.findOne({ email : jsonObj[key]["Email"] }, function(err, constitutents){
console.log(jsonObj[key]["Email"]); // here it's always the same record
if (err) {
if (constitutents === 'null') {
console.log("Constituent not found. Create new entry .. ");
// console.log(newConstituent);
newConstituent.save(function (err) {
if (err) {
console.log('db save error');
} else {
console.log("Constituent already exists .. ");
I have a suspicion that the for loop finishes sooner than .findOne() is executing and therefor always and only gets the last item of the object passed to find.
Could someone point me into the right direction?
A couple of this.
Don't use for ... in, especially in node. You can use Object.keys() and any of the array methods at that point. for ... in can include values you don't wish to loop over unless you're using hasOwnProperty since it'll include values from the prototype chain.
The reason the email is the same is that you're just printing out your query again. jsonObj is included in the scope of your callback to findOne since you're not re-declaring it inside the findOne callback. So whatever the value of key happens to be (my guess is that it's the last one in your list) when the callback is invoked is the email you're getting. Since, in javascript, inner function scope always includes, implicitly, the scope of the surrounding context, you're just accessing the jsonObj from your enclosing scope.
To clarify about this point, your for ... in loop is synchronous -- that is the interpreter finishes running all the instructions in it before it will process any new instructions. findOne, how ever is asynchronous. Very simply, When you call it in this loop, it's not actually doing ANYTHING immediately -- the interpreter is still running your for ... in loop. It is, however, adding more tasks to the execution stack to run after it's finished your loop. So the loop is finished, AND THEN your callbacks will start to execute. Since the for ... in loop is totally finished, key is set to whatever the final value of it was. So, for example, if it's last value was foo that means EVERYTIME your callback is invoked, you will be printing out jsonObj.foo since the for ... in loop is already complete.
So it's like you asked your friend to say the letters from A to J, and you left the room to do 10 things. To do something. He totally finished going to J since that is much faster than doing 1 of the 10 things you're doing. Now every time you're done doing one of your things, you come back and say "what's the latest letter you said". The answer will ALWAYS be J. If you need to know what letter he is on for each task you either need to get him to stop counting while you're doing it or somehow get the information about what letter corresponds with the number of task that you're performing.
Having them wait is not a good idea -- it's a waste of their time. However, if you wrap your findOne in a new function where you pass in the value of key, this would work. See the updated code below.
I'm not sure about your data but findOne will return one record. You're putting it into a variable with a plural (constitutents). From reading your code I would expect back a single value here. (It might still be wrapped in an array however.)
Since you're calling findOne and assigning the results of the find operation to constituent, you should be examining that object in the console.log.
console.log(constitutents.email); // or console.log(constitutents[0].email)
rather than
(Assuming email is a property on constituants).
You might just try logging the constituants entirely to verify what you're looking for.
The reason this following code will work is that you're passing the current value of key to the function for each invocation. This means there is a local copy of that variable created for each time you call findConstituent rather than using the closure value of the variable.
var newConstituent;
function findConstituent(key){
Constituent.findOne({ email : jsonObj[key]["Email"] }, function(err, constitutents){
console.log(jsonObj[key]["Email"]); // here it's always the same record
if (err) {
if (constitutents === 'null') {
console.log("Constituent not found. Create new entry .. ");
// console.log(newConstituent);
newConstituent.save(function (err) {
if (err) {
console.log('db save error');
} else {
console.log("Constituent already exists .. ");
for (key in jsonObj) {
newConstituent = new Constituent({
name : jsonObj[key]["Name"],
email : jsonObj[key]["Email"],
social : {
twitter: {
twitter_handle : jsonObj[key]["Twitter handle"],
twitter_id : jsonObj[key]["User id"],
timestamp : jsonObj[key]["Timestamp"]

MongoDB Database Semaphores and Node.js Process.NextTick()

This may be a vary bad idea, or a possible solution that we have to a database concurrency problem.
We have a method that is called to do an update of a mongo record. We are seeing some concurrency problems - process A reads the record, process B reads the record, process A makes mods and saves the record, process makes B mods and saves the record. Because B reads after A, before A writes, it doesn't know about the changes A made, and we lose the data from A.
I'm wondering if we could not use a database semaphore, basically a field on the collection, that is a boolean. If we read the record at the start of the method, and the field is true, it's being edited. At that point, re-call the method using process.nexttick(), with the same data. Otherwise, set the semaphore, and carry on.
There would still be a bit of time between the read and the save, but it should be/could be faster than what we are doing now.
Be something like this. Any thoughts, anyone done anything like this? Will it even work?
function remove_source(service_id,session, next)
var User = Mongoose.model("User");
/* get the user, based on the session user id */
if (user_info.semaphore === true)
user_info.semaphore = true;
if (err) next(err,user_new);
else continue_on(null,user_new);
function continue_on(user_new)
Edit: New Code:
The function now looks as follows. I'm doing individual updates to the arrays. This of course means that I now have the possibility, if the transaction fails between the first and second transactions, of having data out of sync. I'm thinking that I could simply resave the user object that I retrieved on entry into the function, overwriting my changes. I don't know if Mongoose/Mongo will not do the save if I have not changed that object, will have to try and see. Any more thoughts?
var User = Mongoose.model("User");
/* get the user, based on the session user id */
if (err)
if (!user_info || user_info.length === 0)
next(_e("ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND"),"user_id: " + session.me);
var source_service_info = _.where(user_info.credentials, {"source_service_id": service_id});
var source_service = source_service_info.source_service;
User.findByIdAndUpdate(session.me,{$pull: {"credentials": {"source_service_id": service_id}}},{},function(err,user_credential_removed)
if (err)
User.findByIdAndUpdate(session.me,{$pull: {"criteria": {"source_service": source_service}}},{},function(err,user_criteria_removed)
if (err)
The problem with your approach is that it just shortens the time during which the data could be read by a second process, it doesn't eliminate the problem.
The solution to this would be to set your semaphore in the same action as the read. I haven't used Mongoose, but in MongoDB you can use findAndModify to only return a User record if the semaphore is false, and if it is false, in one atomic operation, set the semaphore to true.
If you don't want to use findAndModify, you could first do an update that sets the semaphore true (or to some specific ID value so you know that it is YOUR semaphore) only if the semaphore is not set. Then, if that process succeeds, you could do the find (perhaps passing your semaphore ID as a criterion in the find). However, findAndModify, if it is available in Mongoose, would do that in one step.
A variation of that is described here: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/isolate-sequence-of-operations/ where you do a form of optimistic locking that checks that the old values are unchanged before changing them to the new values.
There is a variation on this that uses a separate table to simulate a two-phase commit: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/perform-two-phase-commits/
Edited: Upon interchange below, this seems to be a schema and updating issue. Question may become something like: I have some entries in an array, and the ordinal index to those entries relates to some other arrays as well. How do I perform deletes without having mismatches?
Three off the top possibilities occur, depending on frequency in the real world vs QA test scenarios.
Consider adding a deleted flag but keeping the records in the same order. If someone toggles, reuse the same record, but fix however you want.
Use an associative array (JS object) for each element (not a feature from relational world.) If you need an order, add an array that lists the keys in order. Both have syntax to update without touching anything other that what has changed, and will not overwrite changes to different fields.
Use an associative array where the keys are numbers. Actual deletion won't hurt retrieval.
stuff = {}
stuff[1] = {some:'details'}
stuff[2] = {some:'details2'}
1) Are you making changes to the same field? Make that into an array, and push changes, and pop the latest to read the current value.
2) Are you changing different fields, but data is getting trounced? Then there is better syntax to use for the updating. you can update field by field.
$set: { 'fielda': 'valuea' }
won't lose edits on previous fields
3) change your schema
4) change the timing on the processes so they don't overlap. Or so they do so in smaller subsets, that you can manage to prevent from overlapping.
I'd like to know, just out of interest, what multiple processes are needed to make updates on the same record? I don't work with anything that looks like that.

Why the command button is not being displayed in my emulator?

I have already added 5 cammands in a form and I want to add a sixth but It does not display the sixth?
I am posting my codes below.
public Command getOk_Lastjourney() {
if (Ok_Lastjourney == null) {
// write pre-init user code here
Ok_Lastjourney = new Command("Last Journey", Command.OK, 0);
// write post-init user code here
return Ok_Lastjourney;
public Form getFrm_planjourney() {
if (frm_planjourney == null) {
// write pre-init user code here
frm_planjourney = new Form("Plan journey", new Item[] { getTxt_From(), getTxt_To(), getCg_usertype(), getCg_userpref(), getCg_searchalgo() });
// write post-init user code here
System.out.println("Append completed...");
return frm_planjourney;
Given System.out.println I assume you were debugging with emulator, right? in that case it would be really helpful to provide a screen shot showing how exactly does not display the sixth looks like.
Most likely you just got too many commands to fit to area allocated so that some of them are not shown until scrolled. There is also a chance that sixth command was reassigned to some other soft-button and you didn't notice that. Or there's something else - hard to tell with details you provided.
A general note - handling six actions with commands might be not the best choice in MIDP UI. For stuff like that, consider using lcdui List API instead. IMPLICIT kind of lists allow for more reliable and user friendly design than commands.
