Calling APIM Manager API failing - azure

I am trying to register an event hub logger with an APIM instance and I am getting an error, like the URL does not exist at all (if i try in a browser, the url resolves fine).
I used the same format of message and call for an APIM instance in another environment and it worked fine.
Any Ideas?

Looks like you are testing in postman as seen in the above image. Also through the browser you mentioned it works fine.
Can you do the following settings on your postman to resolve the issue
Go to postman settings.
Under General tab disable SSL Certification verification to off state.
Let me know if this helps!! Cheers!

I created a new tab to query it and copy and pasted what I had from the other. It then went through fine. So the issue was postman in the end with regards to the tab


Snaplogic REST POST Snap: Failing with SSL error

I am trying to post a simple json to our backend api through REST POST snap. Everything was working. And then we changed the url to a new url and I updated the url in the snap.
But now request is simply not reaching our new api server.
In fact, the snaplogic pipeline also completes successfully, with all snaps turning green. Only when I click on the properties of pipeline, I get to know that REST POST snap has failed, with attached screenshot error.
Please note that we are able to reach the new api server via postman or any other rest client. Nothing has changed at all except for the url.
Can you please help me understand, what exactly is going wrong and where? How to debug this?
Just for everyone's reference, I was able to find out the root cause.
Reason was that the api url was not accessible to snaplogic pod running in our enterprise because of Zscaler firewall.
The confusing part here was the error message returned which says "SSL issue, connection was reset". So if you see issue saying "Connection was reset", assume that snaplogic is unable to access the url as the first problem. Only after making sure, it is not the case, go and look for what exactly the error says.

Google Sheets API localhost refused to connect when authorizing

I was going through the Quickstart for Nodejs and every time I run the code, I get this.
I've tried things like rebooting the computer, making new credentials, making new projects but nothing worked.
What might be the problem?
Also, I'm using a mac.
If you have the redirection pointing to your localhost you have the authorization code available inside the URL:
Remember to enable the API inside the<your_project_name>
Node.js Library
Enabling API Google Cloud
Just like what Emel said, the code is in the url.
Copy and paste and we are good.
Don't forget to enable the sheets api.
I had a similar issue. I fixed it by finding the line in my code that said creds = flow.run_local_server(port=0) and changing it to creds = flow.run_local_server(port=60880).

Cypress issue with connection to the site is not secure?

I'm testing the website which have request to optimizely api to do some checking.
It request to url like I suppose that this site required secure network.
I tried to open the url in cypress chrome and I get this error
This page isn’t didn’t send any data.
But when I tried with the same network in chrome, I get fine response.
I need to be able to load the url to test my site.
Is there any solution to this matter. Please advice.
The resource returns 403 status code, that most likely indicates you don't have sufficient rights to see it:
Your Chrome outside Cypress runs might be set up differently, might already have session cookies.
You most likely need to figure out how to log into some account on the site throught Cypress.
Since cypress will not load optimizely neither nor google-analytics or any . My work around solution is by using cy.intercept() function in before/beforeEach
The code looks something like
cy.intercept('', {
"version": "4"
Reference: cypress-example-recipes

A third party application may be attempting to make unauthorized access to your account - Ameritrade

I was trying to do some simple authorization for ameritrade's developer platform. I was attempting.
According to the platform, the Endpoint I need to access is is:{uri}&client_id={client_id}}%40AMER.OAUTHAP
When looking at the client_id, for the dev application, I was noticing that they may actually be referencing the Applications, Consumer Key instead? So i did just that, but when attempting to query the information, it returns: A third-party application may be attempting to make unauthorized access to your account. The reason why i think it is the consumer key, is listed at:
So I ended up doing something like:
from urllib.parse import urlencode, quote_plus
url = "{uri}&client_id={client_id}}%40AMER.OAUTHAP".format(
uri=urlencode("http://localhost", quote_via=quote_plus),
I dont think this is because I am currently in a different country currently, I think that something else is wrong here.
It doesnt follow through with it, but instead returns a 400 error with that information. Im not sure whats wrong though.
This happens when you copied the callback URI incorrectly. Imagine if this were a client application, and TD detected that the application is trying to send the user to a different URL than the app is configured with. If they send the callback request to that application, it will receive the token and gain full control over your account.
Have you double and triple checked that you're copying the callback URL correctly, protocol name, ports, and trailing slashes and everything? Also, consider using an API library instead of writing your own. You can find documentation about this specific error here.
I had this issue and I solved it using simply using on the call back URI of the App.
I then used below URL and it worked as expected.{MyConsumerKey}%40AMER.OAUTHAP
Just in case anyone is still having this problem, make sure the callback URI is spelled EXACTLY the same as you specified when creating the app. I was having this problem because I set the callback on the TD developer website to "https://localhost/" and used "https://localhost" in the URL instead (missing the slash at the end). As soon as I added the slash at the end, it worked.
I found out that the issue is caused by the way the callback URL is set. It have to be exactly the same as the callback URL you have typed in at the apps details on the TD developer API page. I tried several permutations and indeed to get the authorization to work both have to be the same. eg. https or http.. end with '/' or does not, it matters. There is also no need to URL encode it.

azure 502 bad gateway

has anyone seen this before so I am getting a 502 bad gateway error on my app, the issue I have is that the detailed error information I am getting says my requested url is https://SOX:80/api however my site is configured to use and the site largely works pulling the various JS files required
my app service name is SOX in the azure dashboard so I assume that is where it is picking up SOX from but I have no idea why it is using this.
So overall the issue had me perplexed... however with more testing I soon figured out what was going on.
my backend is Dotnet core Azure throwing the 502 bad gateway was its way of handling exceptions ultimately the problem was code based.
I am mentioning this purely so that it will help others
my first issue was based on cert handling it seems dotnet runs in a container that is specified by your app name as i mentioned above https://SOX:80
the below was causing my issues
sslPolicyErrors = X509StoreStoreHelper.ValidateSSLPolicy(cert.Thumbprint, cert);
after commenting this out for testing my problem went away(we are putting in a proper fix )
my second issue came from using an unsupported view in Azure SQL master.sys.master_files which again just threw a 502 bad gateway error referencing https://SOX:80
please note I have used https://SOX:80 as a reference to mask the real site.
hope this helps the next person.
Based on your description, I have checked your site ( and found that it contains three static files (index.html,generic.html,elements.html). I viewed your website in Chrome incognito window as follows:
I did not find any requests against https://SOX:80/api in your html page or JavaScript files. Please try to access your website in a new incognito window to isolate the cache issue or just press CTRL + F5 to refresh your current page to narrow this issue. Moreover, you need to check whether you have configured URL Rewrite. If you still could not solve this issue, you need to update your question with the details for us to reproduce this issue.
