How to have domain for Azure VM - azure

I did a research a few days about this. But still do not find any solution yet.
I have vm that host a website. The IP address for this website able to access from outside. But now i want to have custom domain for this vm.
Anyone know where I should refer to? Please share any link etc.

just create a A DNS record with your domain name registar, or use Azure DNS (you would need to delegate your domain to Azure DNS), or use Azure built-in DNS for your VM. If you dont have a domain - you need to buy it first.

After you deployed an Azure VM, you also could configure an FQDN for this VM so that you can access the VM via Azure Provided DNS resolution which is mapped to the public IP address of Azure VM. Read how to create a FQDN. If so, you could directly access the VM via this FQDN.
Otherwise, you need to purchase a domain then use a CNAME to redirect your custom domain like to this FQDN or use a A record mapping to the public IP address in your domain provider.


Binding custom domain for Azure Virtual Machine?

I want to bind my custom domain to my Azure VM.
The DNS name of my networking is, for example, (here I use xxx to replace my real DNS name label)
I have followed the answer from this link:
Azure VM has a default FQDN that you only could change the DNS label. If you want to add your own custom domain for that Azure VM, you could add a CNAME type DNS record like CNAME or A type record like A your Azure VM public IP address in your DNS domain provider.
But when I click my custom domain, it directs me to the following weblink. This is the same link when I click my public IP from AZURE. How can I make my custom domain directs to my
Thanks for your help.
To allow the website on your Azure VM to be accessed with a custom domain, you can add A or CNAME records in your DNS provider to map the public IP address or FQDN of Azure VM.
For example, you want to access, you can add CNAME record www in the zone.
It usually takes a few hours to wait for DNS propagation worldwide. You can verify it via this website
Let me know if you have any concerns.

Configure custom DNS for Public IP Address

i created VM behide Azure Load Balancer. i want to use custom domain to Load Balance Public IP. for example i want to access url like '' instead Load Balance Public IP from internet. how i can do it?
i tried to did followed reference link '' but still not working.
Please recommend how to register my domain name i wish, i want map my domain name to my application running on VM behide Azure Load Balancer.
and Azure have service about internet domain registrar?
about your last question - no, Azure have only Azure DNS, which is not a domain registrar, but a DNS as a service.
Easiest way to achieve what you want - assign a dns name to a public ip (called dns label here) and create a CNAME record in your DNS for that DNS name. or just straight up create a A record in your DNS and point it to your public ip.

How to config dns of a virtual machine in Azure to point to another domain

I have an application that is installed on a virtual machine in Azure. It is accessible with the public ip and the dns name offered by Azure.
I have a domain name with ssl in namecheap. I want to point the dns name from Azure to it or another provider.
To illustrate even more:
My app is accessible to the outside world using: x.x.x.x/app/login
or with:
What I want is:
I don't want to change my records inside namecheap, i.e. changing CNAME record to point to my dns and A record to the public ip of my vm.
I know this method but in my situation it doesn't work.
A domain owner has control over what mmappings can be made.
Microsoft owns the Address space of the VM, and the * namespace. When you provision a VM you are allowed a name in their namespace
if you own you can then map in the same way that Microsoft do. However since you are not the owner of you have no ability to map anything other than what the owners of that domain have given you. You have no ability whatsoever to map anything against the namespace, with the sole exception of the name that you are provided for your VM.

Can an Azure NIC be pointed to records one created in an Azure DNS zone?

Is there a way to point an Azure NIC to the records one created in an Azure DNS zone?
At present Azure DNS doesn't support private DNS zones, i.e. those only available to your vnet. Also, the DNS servers specified in the "Add DNS server" box needs to be a recursive resolver, Azure DNS is an Authoritative DNS service, i.e. it will only serve answers for the zones it hosts.
We can't add Azure DNS zone to NIC custom DNS. The custom DNS required IP address, we can add the DNS server IP address to it.
For example, we can add to it, also we can add local DNS server IP address to it(need VPN). Or create a Azure windows VM and install DNS role on it, and add this VM ip address to it.
If you want to use Azure DNS zone to manage your records, we can map your own domain name to DNS zone, and add name servers to your domain name(add this by domain name registrar manage webpage).
The following image shows an example DNS query about Azure DNS zone:
If you want to add record to DNS zone, and you want to map your 3rd party domain name map to Azure DNS zone, we can follow those steps in that answer.
Keep in mind Azure DNS is not the domain registrar, we should buy domain name from domain registrar(like godaddy,
If you just want to use domain name in your virtual network, there is no need to buy a domain, we can use AAD DS in our virtual network. Or we can deploy a VM and install DC on it, work as on-prem.
By the way, in the same virtual network, we can ping VM's name by default.

How do I setup an azure local domain zone space

Is there a way to create a local domain name (i.e. .cloud)
inside my azure account to point to internal IPs? (
Azure provides a default DNS based on hostnames for VMs in a VNET. If you just need simple name-ip resolution. Additionally you can provision your own DNS server, and assign it to the vnet or nic:
Is there a way to create a local domain name (i.e. .cloud) inside my
azure account to point to internal IPs? (
Do you mean you want to use a customer domain name?
If yes, we can should buy a domain name, and deploy a VM on Azure, and point the domian name to this VM, add DNS roles on it. Other VMs use this VM's private IP as DNS server, in this way, we can use customer domain name.
Azure DNS does not currently support purchasing of domain names. If
you want to purchase domains, you need to use a third-party domain
name registrar.
For example, we can use DNS in this way:
