How to config dns of a virtual machine in Azure to point to another domain - azure

I have an application that is installed on a virtual machine in Azure. It is accessible with the public ip and the dns name offered by Azure.
I have a domain name with ssl in namecheap. I want to point the dns name from Azure to it or another provider.
To illustrate even more:
My app is accessible to the outside world using: x.x.x.x/app/login
or with:
What I want is:
I don't want to change my records inside namecheap, i.e. changing CNAME record to point to my dns and A record to the public ip of my vm.
I know this method but in my situation it doesn't work.

A domain owner has control over what mmappings can be made.
Microsoft owns the Address space of the VM, and the * namespace. When you provision a VM you are allowed a name in their namespace
if you own you can then map in the same way that Microsoft do. However since you are not the owner of you have no ability to map anything other than what the owners of that domain have given you. You have no ability whatsoever to map anything against the namespace, with the sole exception of the name that you are provided for your VM.


How to have domain for Azure VM

I did a research a few days about this. But still do not find any solution yet.
I have vm that host a website. The IP address for this website able to access from outside. But now i want to have custom domain for this vm.
Anyone know where I should refer to? Please share any link etc.
just create a A DNS record with your domain name registar, or use Azure DNS (you would need to delegate your domain to Azure DNS), or use Azure built-in DNS for your VM. If you dont have a domain - you need to buy it first.
After you deployed an Azure VM, you also could configure an FQDN for this VM so that you can access the VM via Azure Provided DNS resolution which is mapped to the public IP address of Azure VM. Read how to create a FQDN. If so, you could directly access the VM via this FQDN.
Otherwise, you need to purchase a domain then use a CNAME to redirect your custom domain like to this FQDN or use a A record mapping to the public IP address in your domain provider.

Cannot PING domain name registered when configuring Azure Domain Services

So I'm using Azure domain services with a DNS name of "" (that's not the actual domain). This was successfully created. I can ping the DNS servers that were created as part of this domain but I cannot PING the domain itself using "". I have not added "" as a custom domain in Azure Active directory because this custom domain is already being used as a custom domain in office 365 (it complains that I need to remove it before adding it to the Azure active directory custom domain names).
So the question is this...when using a non "on-microsoft" DNS name when configuring domain services, like I chose to do, does that require the root part of that DNS name be added as a custom domain name in Azure Active directory or should I be able to use whatever DNS name I want without a custom domain and have it be pingable from servers that I would like to domain join from?
You can try pinging the Virtual IP address and see if it reaches. Sometimes it's just finicky about the name.
Also, check your NSG, firewall, and file sharing settings to ensure nothing is blocking this.
See this question to see if the insights here are helpful:

How to set custom domain name for nodejs app hosting on azure linux VM

I am hosting my nodejs project on microsoft azure. Now i wanted do custom domain but i don't know how to do, I have external go daddy domain.
Presently my project running on azure vm's default domain, now I wanted to change my goDaddy domain. How can I do that, Can anyone help to do this
below is my vm's configuration.
According to your description, we can add A record to map your domain name to this VM's public IP address, or you can add CNAME to map your domian name to this VM's
About add an A record.
More information about add a record, strong textplease refer to this link.

How do I setup an azure local domain zone space

Is there a way to create a local domain name (i.e. .cloud)
inside my azure account to point to internal IPs? (
Azure provides a default DNS based on hostnames for VMs in a VNET. If you just need simple name-ip resolution. Additionally you can provision your own DNS server, and assign it to the vnet or nic:
Is there a way to create a local domain name (i.e. .cloud) inside my
azure account to point to internal IPs? (
Do you mean you want to use a customer domain name?
If yes, we can should buy a domain name, and deploy a VM on Azure, and point the domian name to this VM, add DNS roles on it. Other VMs use this VM's private IP as DNS server, in this way, we can use customer domain name.
Azure DNS does not currently support purchasing of domain names. If
you want to purchase domains, you need to use a third-party domain
name registrar.
For example, we can use DNS in this way:

How do I provide my own FQDN for my hostnames?

I am searching the documentation on how I can provide my own FQDN to my hosts in Azure but don't seem to find what I need. How are you all setting your FQDN so that you can access your different host systems by that name instead of
I essentially want to access it by machine.domain.tld (where domain.tld is my own domain name)
What you are looking for is probably the support documentation regarding DNS Services and configuration of Azure Cloud services.
Microsoft Azure Support Pointers
I found a support article on the configuration of a custom domain name for an Azure Cloud Service.
I am not sure if you are asking about configuring DNS for a Web Site service, which looks like it has different instructions so choose appropriately.
Make Changes with Your Domain Registrar
Depending on whom you have registered your domain name with, you will need to set up a DNS A Record and a DNS CNAME to get what you need.
The "A Record" is where the domain.tld value is assigned. It will be the same as your cloud service public-ip. The machine name represented in your assigned DNS address is associated with a Domain C-Name record established with your Domain name Registrar and pointed to your A Record.
Follow the instructions to also configure your cloud service settings. Pointing the domain name to your cloud service will not be enough.
