Show/Hide or Toggle Nested Table Child In Tabulator - tabulator

I was wondering if you could help with something I believe to be pretty simple. Using the Tabulator nested table example(Not Tree), how can I make the child table show/hide on click? I want users to be able to expand for further information if they require it similar to the tree example.
I have seen a few answers to this but they don't seem to work for me.
//define table
var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
{title:"Make", field:"make"},
{title:"Model", field:"model"},
{title:"Registration", field:"reg"},
{title:"Color", field:"color"},
//create and style holder elements
var holderEl = document.createElement("div");
var tableEl = document.createElement("div"); = "border-box"; = "10px 30px 10px 10px"; = "1px solid #333"; = "1px solid #333"; = "#ddd"; = "1px solid #333";
var subTable = new Tabulator(tableEl, {
{title:"Date", field:"date", sorter:"date"},
{title:"Engineer", field:"engineer"},
{title:"Action", field:"actions"},

Using a mix of #dota2pro example here is a nice working solution:
var nestedData = [{
id: 1,
make: "Ford",
model: "focus",
reg: "P232 NJP",
color: "white",
serviceHistory: [{
date: "01/02/2016",
engineer: "Steve Boberson",
actions: "Changed oli filter"
date: "07/02/2017",
engineer: "Martin Stevenson",
actions: "Break light broken"
id: 2,
make: "BMW",
model: "m3",
reg: "W342 SEF",
color: "red",
serviceHistory: [{
date: "22/05/2017",
engineer: "Jimmy Brown",
actions: "Aligned wheels"
date: "11/02/2018",
engineer: "Lotty Ferberson",
actions: "Changed Oil"
date: "04/04/2018",
engineer: "Franco Martinez",
actions: "Fixed Tracking"
var hideIcon = function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){ //plain text value
return "<i class='fa fa-eye-slash'></i>";
const table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
height: "311px",
layout: "fitColumns",
resizableColumns: false,
data: nestedData,
selectable: true,
columns: [{
title: "Make",
field: "make"
title: "Model",
field: "model"
title: "Registration",
field: "reg"
title: "Color",
field: "color"
{formatter:hideIcon, align:"center", title:"Hide Sub", headerSort:false, cellClick:function(e, row, formatterParams){
const id = row.getData().id;
$(".subTable" + id + "").toggle();
rowFormatter: function(row, e) {
//create and style holder elements
var holderEl = document.createElement("div");
var tableEl = document.createElement("div");
const id = row.getData().id; = "border-box"; = "10px 10px 10px 10px"; = "1px solid #333"; = "1px solid #333"; = "#ddd";
holderEl.setAttribute('class', "subTable" + id + ""); = "1px solid #333";
tableEl.setAttribute('class', "subTable" + id + "");
var subTable = new Tabulator(tableEl, {
layout: "fitColumns",
data: row.getData().serviceHistory,
columns: [{
title: "Date",
field: "date",
sorter: "date"
title: "Engineer",
field: "engineer"
title: "Action",
field: "actions"

Check this jsfiddle
selectable: true,
rowClick: function(e, row) {
const id = row.getData().id;
$(".subTable" + id + "").toggle();

This is just for help with hiding the expanded sections by default. My solution has 2 parts. One when I load the data and one when the page changes using the pagination controls.
Here is my part when I set the data:
var rows = myTable.getRows();
rows.forEach(function (row) {
var data2 = row.getData();
const id = data2.IDField;
$(".subTable" + id + "").toggle();
I use this event to handle page changes:
pageLoaded: function (pageno) {
var rows = myTable.getRows();
rows.forEach(function (row) {
var data = row.getData();
const id = data.AssetNumber;
//use hide, toggle works great first time you view the tab, 2nd time it opens them all
$(".subTable" + id + "").hide();
//$(".subTable" + id + "").toggle();
Thanks for the great code used everyone else.


Why is the Tabulator getRows() function not working?

This seems like the simplest of requests but I can't seem to retrieve a set of rows from a Tabulator object.
Here's the code which instantiates the Tabulator object.........
function TabulatorInvitees(divId, companyName, userEmail) {
try {
var table = new Tabulator(divId, {
columns: [
title: "<div style='width:20%; float:left; text-align:left; color:blue; font-size:14px;'>Vendor Invitees</div>",
columns: [
{ title: "Id", field: "Id", visible: false },
{ title: "Added", field: "Added", visible: false },
{ title: "Changed", field: "Changed", visible: false },
{ title: "MarkedForExclusion", field: "MarkedForExclusion", visible: false },
{ title: "Email Address", field: "Email", widthGrow: 1, responsive: 0, hozAlign: "center", editor: "input", visible: true },
{ title: "First Name", field: "FirstName", widthGrow: 0.5, responsive: 1, hozAlign: "center", editor: "input", visible: true },
{ title: "Last Name", field: "LastName", widthGrow: 0.5, responsive: 1, hozAlign: "center", editor: "input", visible: true }
title: tabulatorAddUser(companyName),
field: "ManageRows",
widthGrow: 0.25,
responsive: 2,
hozAlign: "center",
formatter: "tickCross",
headerClick: function (e, row) {
row.getTable().addRow({ Id: 0, Added: true }, false);
cellClick: function (e, cell) {
data: [],
height: "100%",
layout: "fitColumns", // required when using 'widthGrow'
placeholder: tabulatorPlaceholder(companyName), //display message to user on empty table
reactiveData: true, //enable reactive data
responsiveLayout: "collapse",
rowContextMenu: tabulatorContextMenu(),
table.on("rowTapHold", function (e, row) {
// from Tabulator documentation: "The rowTapHold event is triggered when a user taps on a row on a touch display and holds their finger down for over 1 second."
//e - the tap event object
//row - row component
table.on("tableBuilt", function () {
if (companyName.length > 0) {
table.setData(getDataSync({ caseSelector: "VendorMgmt_EmployeeList", companyCode: companyName, userEmail: userEmail }));
else {
catch (error) {
The setData() function makes a call to a database function which returns three rows, similar to the following:
The following JQuery function is called when a radio button is clicked....
$(".vendorStatus").click(function (e) {
const status =;
const tbls = Tabulator.findTable("#divVendorEmployees");
const tbl = tbls[0];
const tblRows = tbl.getRows();
console.log("tbls.length", tbls.length);
console.log("tblRows", tblRows);
The browser console indicates a table has been found (tbls.length = 1) but the tblRows array is empty:
I see the three rows in my Tabulator but I am not able to recall them programmatically. It seems like a simple problem which should have a simple answer.
I am using the most recent version of Tabulator (v5.4).
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
After much searching, I finally came to the realization the DOM element associated with the Tabulator instance must be managed when attempting to refresh or replace data. I've implemented a method which allows me to delete and rebuild the DOM element each time I need to save data to my database and subsequently refresh my Tabulator instance.
Here's the code...
function refreshTabulatorObject(obj) {
let parentId = obj.parentId;
let childId = obj.childId;
//Empty and remove the current version of the [Tabulator] object.
const tables = Tabulator.findTable(childId);
if (tables.length > 0) {
var table = Tabulator.findTable(childId)[0];
//Remove the existing <div> from the DOM.
//Re-create the <div> element for the [Tabulator] object and append it to the DOM.
var parentDiv = document.getElementById(parentId);
parentDiv.innerHTML = "";
var childDiv = document.createElement("div");
childDiv.setAttribute("id", childId);
//Re-create the [Tabulator] object.
TabulatorInvitees("#" + childId, obj.companyName);
I'm sure those of you with a more intimate knowledge of Tabulator would likely suggest a more elegant method, however, this one appears to work and I've already spent far more time on this issue that I had anticipated. Unfortunately, elegance is not a luxury I can afford at this point.
I hope this solution might be of help to some other struggling soul.

How do I programmatically change a cell value for a programmatically inserted row in Tabulator?

I have figured out how to programmatically copy and insert a new row in my Tabulator table utilizing a right-click and the rowContextMenu property; however I am having difficulty programmatically modifying data within the cells of the newly inserted row.
An abbreviated version of my Tabulator table setup code is as follows:
function TabulatorTimeSheet(divId) {
try {
var myActionContextMenu = [
label: "Copy & Paste Row",
action: function (e, row) {
var myTable = row.getTable();
var rowData = row.getData();
var idx = 0;
myTable.addData(rowData, false)
.then(function (newRows) {
//NOTE: The [Added] column of the new row needs to be set to "true".
newRows.forEach(newRow => {
idx = newRow.getPosition(true);
myTable.updateRow(idx, { Added: "true" });
var table = new Tabulator(divId, {
height: "100%",
data: [],
layout: "fitDataFill",
selectable: 1,
cellEdited: function (cell) {
var myTable = cell.getTable();
var row = cell.getRow();
var rowData = row.getData();
rowData["Changed"] = "true";
rowContextMenu: myActionContextMenu,
columns: [
{ title: "Date Worked", field: "DateComp", responsive: 0, hozAlign: "center", sorter: "date", editor: dateEditor },
{ title: "Start Time", field: "TimeStart", responsive: 0, hozAlign: "center", sorter: "time", editor: timeEditor },
{ title: "Finish Time", field: "TimeFinish", responsive: 0, hozAlign: "center", sorter: "time", editor: timeEditor },
{ title: "Added", field: "Added", visible: true, responsive: 0, hozAlign: "center" },
{ title: "Changed", field: "Changed", visible: false, responsive: 0, hozAlign: "center" } ]
table.setData(myEndPointURL, { caseSelector: myCaseSelector, emplId: myEmployeeId });
catch (error) {
The addData() function inserts a copy of the selected row, as expected; however, I am unable to modify the Added cell of the newly inserted row. Regardless of my efforts, I still see a blank cell.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
Most of your setup looks fine. Instead of doing myTable.updateRow, use newRows.update({field: 'new val'}). Because you already have the row reference, you don't need to get the id. I think that will solve your issue.
A few other things.
You are only inserting one row, so instead of myTable.addData, use myTable.addRow. Then, the return value will only be 1 row, so you don't need the forEach.
The table.redraw probably isn't necessary.
Here is a very simple example that should do all that you need it to. I omitted the context menu as it isn't relevant to the issue, but you just need to move the function into there and it should be good.

jTable dynamic custom toolbar item in child table

I have a jTable with a child table for each row. On the toolbar header of the child table I have added a custom toolbar item. I want to make that toolbar item dynamic in the sense that if there are already some rows I do not want it to show. I came across a very similar query for the main toolbar "add new" button which added a function to run on recordsLoaded:
Below is my first attempt - it is just the field entry for the main table that specifies the child table. However the ".find(....)" spec will not work in my case as mine is a custom toolbar item. What do I need to put as the .find criteria?
Dance: {
title: '',
width: '4%',
sorting: false,
create: false,
listClass: 'centreCol',
display: function(book) {
var $img = $('<img src="Images/layers.png" title="Show associated dance entries" />');
//Open child table when user clicks the image
$ {
var thisrow = $img.closest('tr'); //Parent row
if($('#BookTableContainer').jtable('isChildRowOpen',thisrow)) { // Clicking image a second time closes the child row
} else {
currentTitleID = book.record.DanceTitleID;
title: 'Related Dance',
toolbar: {
items: [
icon: 'Images/add.png',
text: 'New dance',
tooltip: 'Add dance details',
click: function() { CreateDanceDialog(); }
actions: {
listAction: 'BookPageData.php?action=listChildDances&DanceTitleID=' + currentTitleID,
// createAction: 'dancesData.php?action=createAssignment',
// deleteAction: 'dancesData.php?action=deleteAssignment'
recordsLoaded: function(event, data) {
var rowCount = data.records.length;
if (rowCount>0){
fields: {
DanceID: { key: true, create: false, edit: false, list: false, visibility: 'hidden' },
DanceTitleID: { type: 'hidden', defaultValue: currentTitleID },
ChoreographerID: { title: 'Choreographer', width: '40%', options: function() { return ChoreographerOptions; } },
FormationID: { title: 'Formation', width: '30%', options: function() { return FormationOptions; } },
GenreID: { title: 'Genre', width: '30%', options: function() { return GenreOptions; } }
function(data) { data.childTable.jtable('load'); }
//Return image to show on the person row
return $img;
Try this

Highchart y axis need 2 category each having 3 sub category

I am using high chart version v4.0.4, i have worked bar chart like mentioned below i need output with there bar for every year details given below
I am working on below high chart code
var data_first_vd = 0;
var data_second_vd = 0;
var glb_data_ary = [];
var dynamicval1 = 5.85572581;
var dynamicval2 = 0.16091656;
if((dynamicval1>1) || (dynamicval2>1)){
var data_tit = 'Value';
var data_val = '${value}';
var prdelvalaxis = 1000000;
prdelvalaxis = 1000;
data_tit = "Value";
data_val = "${value}";
data_second_vd =0.16;
var data_first_ud =1397.128;
var data_second_ud = 28.145;
data_first_ud_lbl = '1.40M';
data_second_ud_lbl = '28K';
data_first_vd_lbl = '5.86M';
data_second_vd_lbl = '161K';
data_first_vd_lbl_xaxis = '$5.86M';
data_second_vd_lbl_xaxis = '$161K';
var ud1 = 1397;
var ud2 = 28;
var vd1 = 6;
var vd2 = 0;
credits: { enabled: false },
chart: {
type: 'bar',
height: 200,
marginLeft: 120,
marginTop: 47,
plotBorderWidth: 0,
title: {
text: null
xAxis: {
drawHorizontalBorders: false,
labels: {
groupedOptions: [{
rotation: 270,
rotation: 0,
x: -30,
y: 5,
formatter: function () {
if (curYear === this.value) {
return '<span style="color:#6C9CCC;">' + this.value + '</span>';
else if (prevYear === this.value) {
return '<span style="color: #ED7D31;">' + this.value + '</span>';
else if ('VALUE' === this.value) {
return '<span style="color:#942EE1;">' + this.value + '</span>';
return '<span style="color: #E124D2;">' + this.value + '</span>';
categories: [{
name: "UNITS",
categories: [2017, 2016]
name: "VALUE",
categories: [2017, 2016]
yAxis: [{ // Primary yAxis
labels: {
format: data_val,
formatter: function () {
return '$'+valueConverter_crt(this.value*prdelvalaxis);
return this.value;
style: {
color: '#942EE1'
title: {
text: "<span style='font-size: 12px;'>"+data_tit+"</span>",
style: {
color: '#942EE1'
}, { // Secondary yAxis
title: {
text: "<span style='font-size: 12px;'>Units</span>",
style: {
color: '#E124D2'
labels: {
format: '{value}',
formatter: function () {
return cal_pro_del_xaxis(this.value);
return this.value;
style: {
color: '#E124D2'
opposite: true
tooltip: { enabled: false },
exporting: { enabled: false },
legend: { enabled: false },
plotOptions: {
series: {
dataLabels: {
inside: true,
align: 'left',
enabled: true,
formatter: function () {
color: '#000000',
stacking: false,
pointWidth: 15,
groupPadding: 0.5
series: [{
yAxis: 1,
data: [{y:1397.128,name:data_first_ud_lbl,color:'#6C9CCC'},{y:28.145,name:data_second_ud_lbl,color:'#ED7D31'}],
}, {
data: [null,null,{y:5.86,name:data_first_vd_lbl_xaxis,color:'#6C9CCC'},{y:0.16,name:data_second_vd_lbl_xaxis,color:'#ED7D31'}],
I need out put like below chart This chart i draw in paint.
Here 3 bar added in every year
Please help me to achieve this

Unable to use OpenLayer

I'm very new with web language and I have to integrate a map in a page. I'm using cshtml with Visual Studio 2015
To do this I have take a code using ol.js. The map have to be displayed, and for each value in my table I localize the city/country from IP and I display for each countries, the number of item.
There is my Index.cshtml
<script type="text/javascript">
var map;
var countriesLayer;
var citiesLayer;
function newCountriesLayer(start, end, item, result) {
return new ol.layer.Vector({
minResolution: 2500,
source: new ol.source.GeoJSON({
projection: 'EPSG:3857',
url: '#Url.Action("GetCountries")'
+ '?StartDate=' + start
+ '&EndDate=' + end
+ '&Item=' + item
+ '&Result=' + result
style: function (f, r) {
return [
text: new{ text: f.get("title"), fill: new{ color: '#673B8F' }), scale: 1.2 }),
image: new{ radius: 10, fill: new{ color: 'white' }) }),
function newCitiesLayer(start, end, item, result) {
return new ol.layer.Vector({
maxResolution: 2500,
source: new ol.source.GeoJSON({
projection: 'EPSG:3857',
url: '#Url.Action("GetCities")'
+ '?StartDate=' + start
+ '&EndDate=' + end
+ '&Item=' + item
+ '&Result=' + result
style: function (f, r) {
return [
text: new{ text: f.get("title"), fill: new{ color: '#673B8F' }), scale: 1.2 }),
image: new{ radius: 10, fill: new{ color: 'white' }) }),
$(document).ready(function () {
var start = $('#startDate').val();
var end = $('#endDate').val();
var item = $('#item').val();
var result = $('#resultat').val();
countriesLayer = newCountriesLayer(start, end, item, result);
citiesLayer = newCitiesLayer(start, end, item, result);
map = new ol.Map({
target: 'map',
renderer: 'canvas',
new ol.layer.Tile({
//source: new ol.source.TileWMS({
// url: '',
// params: { LAYERS: 'openstreetmap', VERSION: '1.1.1' }
source: new ol.source.OSM(),
countriesLayer, citiesLayer
view: new ol.View2D({
center: ol.proj.transform([0, 0], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'),
zoom: 1,
In my Controller.cs I have 2 functions:
public ContentResult GetCities(string StartDate, string EndDate, string Item, string Result){...}
public ContentResult GetCountries(string StartDate, string EndDate, string Item, string Result){...}
both return :
return new ContentResult()
Content = geoJson.ToString(),
ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII,
ContentType = "text/json"
Value for geoJson is :
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"crs": {
"type": "name",
"properties": {
"name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [113.25,23.1167]
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [121.3997,31.0456]
In the project that I took this code, it works. The map contain 2 points in china : a "1" is displayed in Shanghai and a "2" in Guangzhou.
In my project I have an error :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'a' of null
at xl (ol.js:266)
at wl (ol.js:265)
at Bl (ol.js:268)
at Al (ol.js:269)
at nr (ol.js:471)
at (ol.js:470)
at td (ol.js:38)
at N (ol.js:37)
at Xq.q (ol.js:467)
As I said, I'm very new to web and I lost with that error. If try to check ol.js but it is unreadable. Maybe I'm missing a library or a package but I don't know how to know.
