Why there is not a shell process in remote host when using SSH with specific command? - linux

I call this in my local machine
ssh -t anon# -p 10086 'echo $SHELL && pstree'
I got /bin/zsh and a normal pstree output without shell process.
Why? And is the first output a fake one?

Some shells, like zsh, do not fork a child process to execute the last command in a command line or script. Since the exit status of the line or script is the same as the exit status of the last command, they call exec() in the shell process without forking. So if you execute
sleep 5 && pstree
it will fork a child for sleep, wait for it to finish, then call exec() to run pstree.
Since the pstree process replaces the shell, you don't see the shell in the process tree. pstree will be the child of sshd.
If you change it to
pstree && sleep 5
then you should see the shell in the pstree output, because pstree is no longer the last command.


nohup "does not work" MPIrun

I am trying to use the "nohup" command to avoid killing a background process when exiting the terminal on linux MATE.
The process I want to run is a MPIrun process and I use the following command:
nohup mpirun -np 8 solverName -parallel >log 2>&1
when I leave the terminal, the processes running on the different cores are killed.
Also another thing I remarked in the log file, is that if I try to just run the following command
mpirun -np 8 solverName -parallel >log 2>&1
and then to CTRL+Z (stopping the process) the log file indicates :
Forwarding signal 20 to job
and I am unable to actually stop the mpirun command. So I guess there is something I don't understand in what I am doing
The job run in the background is still owned by your login shell (the nohup command doesn't exit until the mpirun command terminates), so it gets signalled when you disconnect. This script (I call it bk) is what I use:
# #(#)$Id: bk.sh,v 1.9 2008/06/25 16:43:25 jleffler Exp $"
# Run process in background
# Immune from logoffs -- output to file log
echo "Date: `date`"
echo "Command: $*"
nice nohup "$#"
echo "Completed: `date`"
) >>${LOGFILE:=log} 2>&1 &
(If you're into curiosities, note the careful use of $* and "$#". The nice runs the job at a lower priority when I'm not there. And version 1.1 was checked into version control — SCCS at the time — on 1987-08-10.)
For your process, you'd run:
$ bk mpirun -np 8 solverName -parallel
The prompt returns almost immediately. The key differences between what is in that code and what you do direct from the command line are:
There's a sub-process for the shell script, which terminates promptly.
The script itself runs the command in a sub-shell in background.
Between them, these mean that the process is not interfered with by your login shell; it doesn't know about the grandchild process.
Running direct on the command line, you'd write:
(nohup mpirun -np 8 solverName -parallel >log 2>&1 &)
The parentheses start a subshell; the sub-shell runs nohup in the background with I/O redirection and terminates. The continuing command is a grandchild of your login shell and is not interfered with by your login shell.
I'm not an expert in mpirun, never having used it, so there's a chance it does something I'm not expecting. My impression from the manual page is that it acts more or less like a regular process even though it can run multiple other processes, possibly on multiple nodes. That is, it runs the other processes but monitors and coordinates them and only exits when its children are complete. If that's correct, then what I've outlined is accurate enough.
To kill the process you need the following command.
$ jobs -l
this gives you the PID of the process like this
[1]+ 47274 Running nohup mpirun -np 8 solverName -parallel >log 2>&1
then execute the following command to kill the process.
kill -9 {program PID i.e 47274 }
this will help you with killing the process.
note that ctrl+Z does not kill the process but it suspends it.
for the first part of the question, I recommend to try this command and see if it works or not.
nohup nohup mpirun -n 8 --your_flags ./compited_solver_name > Output.txt &
it worked for me.
tell us if it doesn't work for you.

Why does shell command “{ command1; command2: } &" open a subshell?

As we all know, placing a list of commands between curly braces causes the list to be executed in the current shell context. No subshell is created. But when using "&" after "{}", why two subshells are created? pid 1002 and 1003.
} &
sleep 19
when using "./a.out &", only a subshell is created. pid 17358.
./a.out &
sleep 19
Why ?
Background execution of a list uses a subshell because something needs to wait for each member of that list and run the next one. After a list is backgrounded, the parent shell needs to be available for new commands; it can't manage the backgrounded list too. bash can't do more than one thing at a time. So, to make the backgrounded list work, it runs a subshell.
Note that you can disown a backgrounded list and it will keep running, showing that the subshell is doing its work:
$ {
> sleep 1; sleep 2; sleep 3; sleep 4; sleep 5
> } &
$ disown
$ ps -f | grep sleep
dave 31845 31842 0 03:50 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 3
dave 31849 31771 0 03:50 pts/1 00:00:00 grep sleep
You could even log out and the subshell would continue running processes in the list.
When you background a single command, there is no need for a subshell because there is no more work for the shell to do after it has run the command.
In your example, the second additional bash subprocess, PID 1002, appears to be a script which you're executing. That's unrelated (conceptually, at least) to the list-backgrounding mechanism; any script in a separate file has its own bash process.
If a command is terminated by the control operator &, the shell executes the command (or list of commands that are enclosed in {...}) in the background (or asynchronously) in a subshell.
The shell does not wait for the command to finish, and the return status is 0.
In C program it is done by doing a fork() followed by execvp() system calls.
Update: Based on comments below and updated question. Here is what is happening.
When you run:
./a.out &
BASH directly just runs a.out in background as running binary a.out doesn't need a separate shell process.
When you run:
{ ./a.out; } &
BASH must first fork and create a subshell as you can have series of commands inside {...} and then the newly forked subshell runs a.out in a separate process. So it is not that BASH is creating 2 subshells for this. Only one subshell gets created and 2nd pid you're seeing is for a.out.

bash setsid nohup ./prog & -- $! not pointed at child process

I was trying to get pid of process I ran with setsid and which ought to run in background like this:
setsid nohup ./my_program &
echo $!
if I run ./test.sh it will print a pid of my_program process and it's exactly what I need. But if run this commands one by one in my shell like this:
$ setsid nohup ./my_program &
$ echo $!
It will give me a pid of setsid command (or may be something else, but it almost all times gives me pid of my_program minus one).
What is happening here? Why results of commands I ran in terminal by myself differs from results of test.sh script?
Btw, may be you know some easy way of process which I started with setsid and which I need to run in background?
Repost of comments above as an answer:
This is because setsid only forks the current process if it is the process group leader. A detailed explanation can be found here.
To get the pid of a process executed via setsid, the approaches given here may be tried.
setsid will call fork to ensure that it creates a new process group aswell as a new session, hence the resulting pid will not match the pid of setsid. The most clean work-around would be that my_program stores its pid into a file.
When you later want to send kill to my_program, you should check that the pid actually matches a program named my_program via /proc file system or calling the ps command with some magic code around it. (This is a very common method used by many daemons)

Kill ssh or\and remote process from bash script

I am trying to run the following command as part of the bash script which suppose to open ssh channel, run the program on the remote machine, save the output to the file for 10 sec, kill the process, which was writing to the file and then give the control back to bash script.
ssh hostname '/root/bin/nodes-listener > /tmp/nodesListener.out </dev/null; sshpid=!$; sleep 10; kill -9 $sshpid 2>/dev/null &'
Unfortunately, what it seems to be doing is starting the program: nodes-listener remotely, but it never gets any further and it doesn't give control to the bash script. So, the only way to stop the execution is to do Ctrl+C.
Killing ssh doesn't help (or rather can't be executed) since the control is not with bash script as it waits for the command within the ssh session to complete, which of course never happens as it has to be killed to stop.
Here's the command line that you're running on the remote system:
/root/bin/nodes-listener > /tmp/nodesListener.out </dev/null
sleep 10
kill -9 $sshpid 2>/dev/null &
You should change it to this:
/root/bin/nodes-listener > /tmp/nodesListener.out </dev/null & <-- Ampersand goes here
sleep 10
kill -9 $sshpid 2>/dev/null
You want to start nodes-listener and then kill it after ten seconds. To do this, you need to start nodes-listener as a background process, so that the shell which is executing this command line to move on to the next command after starting nodes-listener. The & in your command line is in the wrong place, and would apply only to the kill command. You need to apply it to the nodes-listener command.
I'll also note that your sshpid=!$ line was incorrect. You want sshpid=$!. $! is the process ID of the last command started in the background.
You need to place the ampersand after the first command, then put the remaining commands onto the next line:
ssh hostname -- '/root/bin/nodes-listener > /tmp/nodesListener.out </dev/null &
sshpid=$!; sleep 10; kill $sshpid 2>/dev/null'
Btw, ssh is returning after all commands had been executed. This does mean it will close the allocated pty as well. If there are still background jobs running in that shell session, they would being killed by SIGHUP. This means, you can probably omit the explicit kill command. (Depends on whether nodes-listener handles SIGHUP and SIGTERM differently). Having this, you could simplify the code to the following:
ssh hostname -- sh -c '/root/bin/nodes-listener > /tmp/nodesListener.out </dev/null &
sleep 10'
I have resolved this by pushing the shell script to the remote machine and executing it there. It is actually less tidy and relies on space being available on the remote computer.
Since my remote machine is a small physical device, the issue of the space usage is important (even for the tiny amount of space required in this case).
/root/bin/nodes-listener > /tmp/nodesListener.out </dev/null &
sleep 20
# killing nodes-listener process and giving control back to the base bash
killall -9 nodes-listener 2>/dev/null && echo "nodes-listener is killed"

How to run a program and know its PID in Linux?

How to run a program and know its PID in Linux?
If I have several shells running each other, will they all have separate PIDs?
Greg's wiki to the rescue:
$! is the PID of the last backgrounded process.
kill -0 $PID checks whether $PID is still running. Only use this for processes started by the current process or its descendants, otherwise the PID could have been recycled.
wait waits for all children to exit before continuing.
Actually, just read the link - It's all there (and more).
$$ is the PID of the current shell.
And yes, each shell will have its own PID (unless it's some homebrewed shell which doesn't fork to create a "new" shell).
1) There is a variable for that, often $$:
edd#max:~$ echo $$ # shell itself
edd#max:~$ bash -c 'echo $$' # new shell with different PID
edd#max:~$ bash -c 'echo $$' # dito
2) Yes they do, the OS / kernel does that for you.
the top command in linux(Ubuntu) shows the memory usage of all running programs in linux with their pid. Kill pid can kill the process.
