Why is Google Cloud Functions throwing a "Invalid value for config firebase.databaseURL" error when I try to initialize a firebase app? - node.js

I have a Google Cloud Function that syncs presence information from a Firebase realtime database to a Firestore database (as explained here). This is the relevant Cloud Functions code from the linked example:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// Since this code will be running in the Cloud Functions enviornment
// we call initialize Firestore without any arguments because it
// detects authentication from the environment.
const firestore = admin.firestore();
// Create a new function which is triggered on changes to /status/{uid}
// Note: This is a Realtime Database trigger, *not* Cloud Firestore.
exports.onUserStatusChanged = functions.database.ref('/status/{uid}').onUpdate(
(change, context) => {
// Get the data written to Realtime Database
const eventStatus = change.after.val();
// Then use other event data to create a reference to the
// corresponding Firestore document.
const userStatusFirestoreRef = firestore.doc(`status/${context.params.uid}`);
// It is likely that the Realtime Database change that triggered
// this event has already been overwritten by a fast change in
// online / offline status, so we'll re-read the current data
// and compare the timestamps.
return change.after.ref.once('value').then((statusSnapshot) => {
const status = statusSnapshot.val();
console.log(status, eventStatus);
// If the current timestamp for this data is newer than
// the data that triggered this event, we exit this function.
if (status.last_changed > eventStatus.last_changed) {
return null;
// Otherwise, we convert the last_changed field to a Date
eventStatus.last_changed = new Date(eventStatus.last_changed);
// ... and write it to Firestore.
return userStatusFirestoreRef.set(eventStatus);
I recently received an email from Google informing me that I will need to update from NodeJS 6 to NodeJS 8 or 10. As this particular function isn't in production yet, I went ahead and made the configuration change in the Google Cloud Console. I now get the error below. I tried switching back to NodeJS 6, recreating the function from scratch, checking Github issues and other online forums. It appears that my Google Cloud Function is no longer being provided with the necessary environment variables to connect with Firebase/Firestore. However, I'm unsure why that would be the case.
Error: Invalid value for config firebase.databaseURL: undefined
at resourceGetter (/srv/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/providers/database.js:101:19)
at cloudFunctionNewSignature (/srv/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/cloud-functions.js:102:13)
at /worker/worker.js:825:24
at <anonymous> at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:229:7)
This error also shows up in the Stackdriver logs for the Cloud Function:
Warning, estimating Firebase Config based on GCLOUD_PROJECT. Initializing firebase-admin may fail

You should redeploy using the Firebase CLI. It does some special things in the environment to help the Firebase Admin SDK initialize correctly without any parameters (adding FIREBASE_CONFIG). It sounds like when you changed the runtime in the console, you also lost this special configuration.

For me, I use firestore, and I was getting the same error as you, so I had to create a real-time database without any record then I set the credentials for the admin like so:
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
databaseURL: "your realtime database url"
When you are done, run firebase deploy --only functions to deploy your functions.
Here is your Realtime database URL:


Initialising Algolia in Firebase Cloud functions

I am using the Algolia extension for Firebase. In Algolia I have an index with many docuemnts. Each user of my app should access only the documents they created. In order to implement this filter I need to generate a specific, filtered API key in Algolia for each user. I am trying to do this with a cloud function in Fireabse.
I get an error when I try to initialize Algolia in my local cloud functions index.js file and then deploy the functions.
Combining the docs of Cloud Functions and Algolia, I am doing this:
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const db = admin.firestore();
// For the default version
const algoliasearch = require('algoliasearch');
// For the default version
// import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch';
// For the search only version
// import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';
const client = algoliasearch('appId', 'AdminApiKey');
const index = client.initIndex('profiles');
I haven't written any Algolia function yet, so I know that the error comes from this initialisation. (My other non-Aloglia cloud functions are running fine). And the Algolia search function installed automatically as a Firebase extension works fine too.
This is the error I get in the terminal when trying to deploying the cloud functions:
Function failed on loading user code. This is likely due to a bug in the user code. Error message: Error: please examine your function logs to see the error cause: https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/monitoring/logging#viewing_logs. Additional troubleshooting documentation can be found at https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/troubleshooting#logging. Please visit https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/troubleshooting for in-depth troubleshooting documentation.
Functions deploy had errors with the following functions:
i functions: cleaning up build files...
Error: There was an error deploying functions
Thank you for any help!
So in the end the problem was that I had not installed the algoliasearch package in the Firebase Cloud Functions directory but in the parent (root) directory of the app.

Is it possible to have a Firebase Function that is triggered by changes to a Firestore that lives in a seperate Firebase project to the Function?

Let's say I have a Firebase project named "A". Within this project, I have a Cloud Firestore triggered Firebase function that needs to run when a document within Firestore changes. By default, the Firebase Function will listen to changes within Firestore on project A.
However, let's say I have a particular use case where there is a second Firebase project named "B". I need the Firebase Function within Project A to be triggered on Firestore changes that happen to Firestore within project B.
Is this possible? Firebase docs do show initializing multiple projects, which would allow me to connect to multiple databases as such:
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
const serviceAccount = require("path/to/serviceAccountKey.json");
const secondaryAppConfig = {
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
databaseURL: "https://<DATABASE_NAME>.firebaseio.com"
// Initialize another app with a different config
const secondary = firebase.initializeApp(secondaryAppConfig, "secondary");
// Retrieve the database.
const secondaryDatabase = secondary.database();
But this doesn't allow me to trigger a Firestore Triggered Firebase Function on my secondary project. Firebase functions call the firebase-functions methods directly, whereas calling a database calls the initialized project.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
exports.myFunction = functions.firestore
.onWrite((change, context) => { /* ... */ });
Is what I would like to do possible? Or does anyone have a workaround (other than creating this Firebase Function within project B)?
It's not possible. Cloud Functions triggers can only fire in response to changes in the resources of the project where they are deployed. This is true for all types of triggers, including Firestore.
If you want code to run in response to changes in another project, the function will have to be deploy to that project.
Currently it is only possible for writes to Cloud Firestore to trigger Cloud Functions that are part of the same project. It is not possible to trigger Cloud Functions that are defined in another project.
The typical solution is for example to call a HTTP Function in the secondary project, for which you can then configure the complete URL.
I'm not sure it can be done all in one codebase - that's from a lack of experience though. I'd say, given your setup, your calling function can trigger your callee function via HTTP call (documentation)
This might require a paid Firebase plan, but I'm not certain of it (source)

How do i reference Firebase's realtime database from within a cloud function?

In a Firebase Cloud function i am attempting to retrieve data from my Realtime Database and write an update to it as well. This is where i am having trouble.
The function:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
api.post('/messages/add', (request: any, response: any) => {
const dbRef:any = functions.database.ref(`count/${request.body.chatRoomId}`);
dbRef.once('value').then((snapshot:any) => {
let messageCount:number = (snapshot.val() && snapshot.val().messages) || 0;
messageCount = Number(messageCount + 1);
messages: messageCount,
updated: admin.database().database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP
When i call this function from the client, in the firebase cloud console logs, i am seeing the following error:
TypeError: dbRef.once is not a function
I have tried referencing the database in each of the following ways, all of which fail:
functions.database.ref(`count/${request.body.chatRoomId}`).once('value').then((snapshot)) =>
functions.database.ref(`count/${request.body.chatRoomId}`).once('value', (snapshot) =>
admin.database().ref(`count/${request.body.chatRoomId}`).once('value').then((snapshot)) =>
admin.database().ref(`count/${request.body.chatRoomId}`).once('value', (snapshot) =>
When attempting the reference using the Admin SDK via admin.database() i get a different error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'ServerValue' of undefined
at dbRef.once.then
Lastly, i can confirm that the value for ${request.body.chatRoomId} is resolving correctly, i had tested this by printing its value to the console.
The answer here shows how to reference the realtime database from the 'event' response within a realtime database listener like onWrite() for example, however my function is not triggered by realtime database changes, but rather is an endpoint reachable from the client.
The answer proposed by Doug Stevenson below is correct but there was also an additional error due to attempting to write a timestamp incorrectly to a field that i had initially excluded which was causing my function to fail despite having tried his solution, thus I have updated the code to reflect this.
First, the answer is to reference the Realtime Database with admin.database()
Second, even though i had tried this, i was still seeing an error, but the error was due to attempting to set a timestamp incorrectly. Thanks to Frank van Puffelen for pointing this out.
This: admin.database().database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP
Needs to be: admin.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP
And with that it works.
You're making the mistake of trying to use the functions SDK to query the database. This is not actually creating a database reference:
The functions SDK is just used for declaring and configuring Cloud Functions.
What you should be doing instead is using the Admin SDK to create a reference, then query it:
You also need to initialize the Admin SDK exactly once before you use it:

How to get Google cloud function execution event in node.js using firestore

Below is google cloud function , deployed properly and is working fine
path to function - functions/index.js
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
exports.createUser = functions.firestore
.onCreate((snap, context) => {
const newValue = snap.data();
how can i access this function's event on successful invocation in node.js app
something like
const myFunctions = require("./functions/index");
myFunctions.createUser().then((data) => {
.catch((err) => {
As of now getting below error
Your createUser Cloud Function is triggered by a Firestore onCreate() event type and therefore will be "triggered when a document is written for the first time", as per the documentation.
The doc also adds the following:
In a typical lifecycle, a Cloud Firestore function does the following:
Waits for changes to a particular document. (In this case when the document is written for the first time)
Triggers when an event occurs and performs its tasks
Receives a data object that contains a snapshot of the data stored in the specified document.
Therefore, if you want to trigger this Cloud Function from "the outside world", e.g. from a node.js app, you need to create a new Firestore document at the corresponding location, i.e. under the users collection. To this end you would use the Node.js Server SDK, see https://cloud.google.com/nodejs/docs/reference/firestore/0.14.x/
Note that you could also trigger it from a client application (web, android, iOS) by creating a new user doc with the corresponding client SDK.
Update following your comments:
You cannot directly "port" and run your code written for Cloud Functions to a Node.js app. You will have to re-develop your solution for Node.js.
In your case you should use the Node.js Server SDK (as mentionned in my comment) and you could use the onSnapshot method of a CollectionReference. See https://cloud.google.com/nodejs/docs/reference/firestore/0.14.x/CollectionReference#onSnapshot
I will try to answer your question, but it's a bit unclear. You asked:
How to get Google cloud function execution event
Well, the event has started when the funcion triggers and your code is running, i.e your line const newValue = snap.data()
Maybe you are looking for a way to do certain tasks, when the trigger has run? You simply just do that from inside the function, and return a promise. If you for example had multiple async tasks to run, you could use a Promise.all([]).

Firebase Node.js admin SDK timeouts when trying to access Realtime DB

Using the Node.js admin SDK with Firebase Functions I get a timeout whenever I try to access the Realtime Database. This occurs only when testing a function locally (firebase serve --only functions,hosting) and when the default app is initialized using the functions.config().firebase.
This is a new behavior that started just a couple a days ago. However, if I try to initialize the default app with the serviceAccount.json file everything works as expected.
I'm using firebase-admin version 4.2.1 and firebase-functions version 0.5.9.
I wrote a straight forward http triggered function that fails due to timeout:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const db = admin.database();
exports.testDbConnection = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
return admin.database().ref().once('value')
.then(function(snapshot) {
}).catch(function(error) {
from the documentation
Always end an HTTP function with send(), redirect(), or end(). Otherwise, your function might to continue to run and be forcibly terminated by the system
see https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/http-events#terminate_http_functions
This might depend on the firebase-tools version that you are using, but looks familiar to this Github issue
The solution for it is to either upgrade to the latest version of the CLI or use the workaround solution:
Go to https://cloud.google.com/console/iam-admin/serviceaccounts
Click “Create service account”, give it a name (e.g. emulator), give it the Project>Owner role.Check “Furnish a new private key”, pick “JSON”.
Save the file somewhere on your computer
Run export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="absolute/path/to/file.json"
Run firebase serve --only functions
