Netsuite: SuiteCommerce Advanced Local Development - netsuite

DO you have to have a CNAME and hosting to work on SCA locally? It appears so, I could be wrong, Im just wondering if there is any way to get around this using alternate hosting methods like Azure App Services or CDN's

You should be able to add any domain you want in NetSuite. As long as your hosts file points to it, along with the NetSuite IP, you'll be able to access it via that domain.
You don't need to purchase a domain to access it, provided it's a host file entry :)


Subdomain Azure WebApp

This is more of a general question about. I have a website running as an Azure App Service. I configured a custom domain so that you are able to call it by
As the request of customers kept growing and each customer has specific demands, I was wondering if it is possible to have a subdomain for each customer. For example, and
Is it possible to do all of this within a single App Service or do I need to set up an Azure App Service for each subdomain?
The reason behind my question is, that it would be quite expensive to have an App Service for each individual customer.
You should also consider just adding a wildcard custom domain entry. This is an older blog post, but it outlines Azure WebApp support for Wildcards:
This would mean that * traffic goes to your single Web App. Then it is up to the logic of your webapp to determine which client it is by inspecting the hostname of the request ( and taking the appropriate action to customize the response to that client.
Using a wildcard eliminates the need to add a specific custom subdomain mapping for each client.
It should be possible. Within your app service, if you go to the settings for that service, there is a Custom domains option, select it.
Within there you can then map your subdomains to this service, and it allows you to do it multiple times. You just need to validate and set it up with the A record or CNAME and own the domain. Additionally, you should be able to add SSL Bindings for each.
Here are some documentation on it, I don't believe this documentation handles your exact use case but it does touch on the custom domain portion and should provide additional support.
Let me know if you need more
This seems more like a domain management issue than an azure specific issue. You have already decided to have different sub domains to each customer. That, by definition, means each sub domain needs individual server space. That in turn would mean, an app service for each customer.
So, the answer is what you already have. Have an app service (essentially web server) for each customer via sub domain.
In your position, I would consider some alternatives.
Rebuild your app to work with some form of login system, so clients login and get themselves a separate view.
Alternatively, go with sub folders instead of custom domains. something like,, and so on.

How to configure a custom domain for a containerized web app?

I'd like to consider this Azure feature:
But it won't be of much use to me if I'm unable to configure a custom domain for it. I'm having no problem with custom domains for standard App Service websites, but this is for containers.
I've tried searching for documentation, but I'm coming up empty.
The technology I'm interested in is Web Apps for Containers; thanks to #sam-cogan for pointing this out to me.
I believe the video is talking about Azure Web Apps for Containers (I would really recommend not asking people to watch a 30-minute video to understand your question). Assuming that is the case, then adding a custom domain name is the same as setting one up for a normal app service, you can do so through the custom domain name settings in the portal. The process is documented here.
If you're looking to use a different service in Azure for hosting containers then please state which one and I will update. All of these can have custom domain names.
Azure Container Instances usually provide a public IP address, so pointing a domain name to it should not be a problem.
You could map either an A record or a CNAME to your instance.
There is no difference between configuring custom domain for normal web apps and web for container. I have tried below document and it is worked well.

Adding custom domain to Azure Web App (new portal) won't verify

I have been trying for 3 days now to link custom domains, and, to an Azure Web app - the issue is that I am was not able to verify it (I get both Domain ownership and Hostname availability errors).
The domain is newly purchased from godaddy. I read several articles, and also have other web app with different domain linked. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.
I added the required A, TXT and CNAME records as seen here:
I checked the records with digwebinterface:
The only thing is that there are some strange additional CNAMEs.
I also tried to verify a domain that is already linked to another web app in the same subscription, and even that one won't verify as well.
Any suggestions on where to go from here would be helpful.
link a custom domain and to an Azure Web app I am was not able to verify it
To map custom domain to web app, I create the DNS record(s) like this. I could validate Domain successfully.
As far as I know, it should report success or detailed error with prescriptive guidence on how to fix the error while checking for Domain ownership and Hostname availability in Azure portal.
Please make sure whether you point to correct IP address and Azure app's default domain name.
Besides, this article shows us how to manually map a custom domain name to web app with detailed steps, please refer to it.

Link Azure Website to Azure DNS for easy Custom Domains?

Right now to create a custom domain you have to setup a cname for verification, and then you have to setup your real record, and then you can finally after that go and add it to the site.
I'm doing this scripted with C# and that's tedious considering that we're hosting our DNS with Azure. I would have thought that I could have added an a record to Azure and then add it directly to the website automatically but I can't figure out how to do this.
Anyone have any suggestions on how I can skip the whole Cname creation stuff?
Did you purchase a custom domain through Azure Web Apps?
If you did, then everything should get automatically setup properly.
If you didn't, then you'll need to do the work to set it all up yourself.

Multi-tenant Azure dynamic wildcard CName

I am trying to create a multitenant Azure website which is a way for people to sign up and get their sub-domains. I have followed the instructions in here ( and manage to get all * CNAME to according to (
Here is the problem
if I go to I'll get the 404 server error. However if I log in to Azure and go to my website Manage custom domains and add the then everything would work fine.
The idea behind the wildcard is I can add tenant pragmatically/dynamically. Is there anyway to automated this process or add a wildcard in the azure Manage custom domains. Is there any difference between app cloud service and website?
Thanks for your help
I end up using cloud services instead of websites. You don't need to configure the custom domain names in the control panel anymore. Just simply point cname and your good to go.
Did you check out the use of Amazon Route 53 to configure the domain mapping in Azure, it seems that there are options.
Please refer the following links
Sub domain mapping in windows azure
Add custom Domain to azurewebsite
