I have a problem with animation sheet on godot 3.1 - godot

I'm trying to create a sprite's animation using an animation sheet on Godot 3.1 but when I select the number of Hframes and Vframes, it doesn't correctly select the sprite texture; it takes a little bit of another frame.
Is there a way to solve that? a way to select the size of the frame selection or something?

it takes a little bit of another frame
This is more than likely due to your predefined grid step, for example, if your sprite atlas or sprite sheet says that each cell is 16x16 then you must set it to that instead of something like 32x32.
Once you do this the grid will properly align to each sprite. Note that the example below I'm using a Sprite Atlas


Using tk.Scrollbar to update images in tk.canvas

I developed a small tkinter GUI to display (and export) images stored in a proprietary format. I managed to load the data into a 3D numpy uint8 array. I want to display one slice of that 3D array in a tkinter.canvas. To do so I used ImageTk.PhotoImage.
Underneath the Canvas I inserted a tk.Scrollbar. My goal is to use that scrollbar to let the user actively "scroll" though the 3D Array. Basically when the slider is moved or any of the arrows is pressed the slice corresponding to the slider position should be displayed in the canvas.
Right now I have the issue that I don't understand how to set the range of the scrollbar to my z-Dimension and then how to bind the scrollbar events to the movement or arrow actions to update the canvas.
Right now I don't have example code since this is a more conceptual problem.
Could you point me in the right direction how to solve this?
Best TMC
edit: Photo
Tkinter Gui with Canvas and Scrollbar
The solution is to use tkinter.Scale instead of tkinter.Scrollbar . As a side note, the command within:
scale = tk.Scale(yourTkFrame, from_=min, to=max, orient='horizontal', command=doSomething)
passes two values to the function doSomething.
Using the Scale allows to use the scale.get() method to retrieve the position between min and max values. Those can then be used to set the image corresponding to the selected position on the slide.

Fabric.js How to resize IText horizontally without stretching the text

I have this IText object within a parent Group object.
When I select the Group and resize it horizontally (and vertically as well) the IText resizes as well which makes the text Strech and look awfull.
Now what I would like to do is have the IText center itself (keeping its aspect ratio) within the Group.
How can I do that. I tried modifying the Width and Left of the IText when the object is scaling, but that did not work.
try use latest fabricjs version ( 1.6.0.rc1 ) and instead of using fabric.IText use fabric.Textbox.
This new class has the properties you are looking for, the controls normally used for scaling are instead used for resizing the element and the text flows inside it.
I was not able to make the latest fabric.Textbox work exactly like I wanted.
Luckily, I found a way of making the fabric.ITextcenter horizontally when the parent fabric.Group is resized horizontally and also make the same fabric.IText Text grow in size based on the vertical resize. No ugly text stretch.
Here is the solution:

android wipe animation when button bar slide up

I'm trying to create slidingup animation in android application to change between two view of layout.
I've tried from this tutorial
but the second screen didn't come like what I want.
I want the second layout to come like a wipe animation, like the following picture at the bottom
Refer this:
In the above code, focus on the animateCollapsePanels method
I was able to implement a similar transition by using a clipping Path. Because I didn't want my transition to rule out the use of Layouts in the clipped view, I implemented the clipping at the Layout level following this answer: Custom Layout that rounds the corners of its content
The clipping is no anti-aliased and you would need to do use instead PorterDuff and XferMode based solutions otherwise, but for a linear wipe animation like you're describing, clipping in the layout will achieve what you want. Basically you're doing a linear reveal whereas the accepted answer I linked does a circular clip.

Curve Text In UILabel Programmatically Around UIButton

I have created a circular UIButton by setting the cornerRadius property to half of the width and height values of the UIButton.
btn.layer.cornerRadius = 75.f;
That works fine but I would like to also create a label for the UIButton where the label text curves around the edge of the UIButton.
If this is even possible could somebody post a snippet of code as to how this curved text around the button edge could be accomplished?
You might have a look at this question: Curve text on existing circle
It's not actually a UIButton, but you will certainly get an idea of how to draw text on a curve.
There's especially talk of the sample project CoreTextArcCocoa from Apple. It's for OS X instead for iOS, but you might want to check this out.

Moving elements on a layout controlled programmatically

My goal is to create something like the arrow from car that indicates the speed of the car. My problem is that I do not know what is the best practice for moving the green arrow. I have an image arrow.png and I guess I need to manipulate with the place that the picture is shown and with the rotation of the image.
Can someone point to me some guidelines ?
My basic idea is to have a relative layout for the background and to have one image view that will change the position, but the part changing position is little unclear to me. And I do not think that is good idea to play with layout params and margins...
I would probably extend ImageView then override your onDraw method and use canvas.rotate() to rotate the arrow depending on your app state.
