NodeJS - Get certificate Chain from P7B file - node.js

I'm trying to take a CMS base64 encoded string, convert it into a pkcs7 file and extract the leaf and intermediate certificates using javascript/nodejs, similar to the following openssl command:
openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in certificate.p7b -out certificate.cer
I've read almost every article and see solutions in other languages, but not for node. I understand you can achieve what I need using node-forge, but node-forge does not support ECC algorithms. Anyone know of any other solutions/npm packages that can help me accomplish this? Please help me. I'm very new to this.

Did you see PKI.js for Node.js? It is a pure JavaScript library implementing the formats that are used in PKI applications. It is based on the W3C Web Cryptography API with full support for all "Suite B" algorithms in CMS messages. Code snippet submitted by OP:
const cmsSignedBuffer = stringToArrayBuffer(fromBase64(token.signature));
const asn1 = asn1js.fromBER(cmsSignedBuffer);
const cmsContentSimpl = new pkijs.ContentInfo({ schema: asn1.result });
const cmsSignedSimpl = new pkijs.SignedData({ schema: cmsContentSimpl.content })
Another approach is to use a wrapper for openssl like openssl-nodejs, for example. The wrapper simply spawns a child process to invoke openssl. Thus, openssl must be installed on system where the Node.js application is deployed.


HTTPS in Nodejs - error:06065064 digital envelope routines evp_decryptfinal_ex bad decrypt

We tried to install our Hapis (Nodejs Version 14) Web service on our customer's server. It ran under HTTP for months, but when we went to enable HTTPS with the appropriate paths to the cert and key it fails when the service starts up with:
error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_Decryptfinal_ex:bad decrypt
Their certificate and key are generated using the Venafi online portal. It gave them a crt and key. The crt uses a Signature algorithm: sha256RSA, Signature hash algorithm of sha256, and Thumbprint algorith: sha1.
Also, the private key is a RSA PRIVATE KEY with Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED and DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC.
I am not sure what is going on, because HTTPS works fine on our development servers.
Is the problem in HapiJS?
Is the problem with the certificate or key themselves?
Is there an Node option I need to be passing in when creating the service?
Please help.
The specified error 06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_Decryptfinal_ex:bad decrypt occurs in an SSL/TLS connection using OpenSSL (which is what nodejs modules like tls and https actually use) when the privatekey is encrypted (with a passphrase) and the correct passphrase is not provided to decrypt it. The described file format, beginning with a line -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- followed by lines Proc-Type: and DEK-Info: is indeed one of the encrypted formats used by OpenSSL. Specifically this is the encrypted 'traditional' or 'legacy' format; the PKSC8 format added about 2000 but still considered new(!) uses -----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----- and no 822-style headers, only base64 (of the encrypted structure defined by PKCS8); see ursinely-verbose about OpenSSH's use of OpenSSL, which is basically the same as nodejs's use.
The tls module and others that build on it including https ultimately read the key(s) and cert(s) using tls.createSecureContext which accepts in options a member passphrase, or if you need to use multiple keys (and certs) you can provide a passphrase for each key as described in the linked doc.
Alternatively you can avoid the need for a passphrase by converting the key to an unencrypted file, if acceptable under applicable security policies and regulations. (Good policies may prohibit this, but they usually also prohibit getting the privatekey from or providing it to any other system, especially one 'online' somewhere, and your customer is doing the latter.) To retain traditional format do
openssl rsa -in oldfile -out newfile
# and give the passphrase when prompted, or see the man page about -passin
or you can use the 'new' PKCS8 format with
openssl pkey -in oldfile -out newfile
# technically only in release 1.0.0 up, but pretty much everyone is there now
# or in all versions back to about 2000
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in oldfile -out newfile
For me this error occured after pulling some old code that was workign to a fresh system, I was using too current of a node Version, I downgraded from 17 to 16 and that solved my problem.
Tried checking the github issues related to the TLS, handshake and versions. But couldn't find any.
The final fix was the one suggested by #Greggory Wiley.
Installed nvm - downgraded the node and npm versions. Recomplied the code. And it worked.
In my case I was exporting a certificate from windows to linux inside a docker using openSSL and facing this error.
The problem was in the versions of OpenSLL, when I was converting .pfx file to .crt and .key I was using 3.0.x version on windows, and on linux I had 1.1.1 installed. After I did the same using the same version of OpenSLL on windows it worked.
I had the same issue, I would say that the accepted answer is good expect it does not provide an example where the passphrase is used.
Here's code that worked in my case for express.js
const server = https
key: fs.readFileSync("./root/ca/cakey.pem"),
cert: fs.readFileSync("./root/ca/cacert.pem"),
passphrase: "abcdefg",
.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Secure server listening on port:${PORT}`);

How does OpenSSL choose which ENGINE to use?

I have an application that dynamically links with OpenSSL 1.0.2 and TPM hardware with OpenSSL ENGINE implementation for RSA.
I use OpenSSL's dynamic ENGINE to register the TPM ENGINE. This is how the (simplified) code looks:
ENGINE *e = ENGINE_by_id("dynamic");
ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(e, "SO_PATH", path_to_libtpm, 0);
ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(e, "ID", "tpm2tss", 0);
ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(e, "LOAD", NULL, 0);
ENGINE_ctrl_cmd(e, ...);
ENGINE_ctrl_cmd(e, ...);
According to the man page, since I'm calling ENGINE_register_all_complete() instead of ENGINE_set_default_RSA, I am letting OpenSSL decide which implementation of RSA to use.
the next time OpenSSL tries to set up an RSA key, any bundled ENGINEs that implement RSA_METHOD will be passed to ENGINE_init() and if any of those succeed, that ENGINE will be set as the default for RSA use from then on
Will OpenSSL prioritize RSA implementation in a registered ENGINE over its own implementation?
What happens when there are several ENGINEs registered that provide implementations for the same algorithm? Will OpenSSL use the first ENGINE it is able to initialize?
Is there any guarantee that a registered ENGINE will be used if ENGINE_set_default_XXX is not called?
You can specify which engine to use via the openssl.cnf configfile
Or you can use the -engine parameter to specify an engine on the commandline.
From your C Code you can use ENGINE_by_id(engine_id);

Get available hash algorithms in nodejs crypto module

I'd like to know if there is a way (API method for example) to know all available hash algorithms (and the exact input name) in NodeJs crypto module.
According to official docs, in createHash function it is said:
The algorithm is dependent on the available algorithms supported by
the version of OpenSSL on the platform. Examples are 'sha256',
'sha512', etc. On recent releases of OpenSSL, openssl list
-digest-algorithms (openssl list-message-digest-algorithms for older versions of OpenSSL) will display the available digest algorithms.
So depending the OpenSSL version in the node version I am running, I will have different hash algorithm options? Any way(like API method) to know available hash algorithms in the installed crypto module directly?
Node's crypto has an api for getHashes() according to their documentation.
Sample list
let crypto = require('crypto');
let listOfSupportedHashes = crypto.getHashes();
console.log('Total supported hashes : ', listOfSupportedHashes.length);

How to add custom certificate authority (CA) to nodejs

I'm using a CLI tool to build hybrid mobile apps which has a cool upload feature so I can test the app on a device without going through the app store (it's ionic-cli). However, in my company like so many other companies TLS requests are re-signed with the company's own custom CA certificate which I have on my machine in the keychain (OS X). However, nodejs does not use the keychain to get its list of CA's to trust. I don't control the ionic-cli app so I can't simply pass in a { ca: } property to the https module. I could also see this being a problem for any node app which I do not control. Is it possible to tell nodejs to trust a CA?
I wasn't sure if this belonged in Information Security or any of the other exchanges...
Node.js 7.3.0 (and the LTS versions 6.10.0 and 4.8.0) added NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable for you to pass the CA certificate file. It will be safer than disabling certificate verification using NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED.
$ export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=[your CA certificate file path]
You can specify a command line option to tell node to use the system CA store:
node --use-openssl-ca
Alternatively this can be specified as an environment variable, if you are not running the node CLI directly yourself:
There is an undocumented, seemingly stable, API for appending a certificate to the default list:
const tls = require('tls');
const secureContext = tls.createSecureContext();
secureContext.context.addCACert(`-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
-----END CERTIFICATE-----`);
const sock = tls.connect(443, 'host', { secureContext });
For more information, checkout the open issue on the subject:
I'm aware of two npm modules that handle this problem when you control the app: (I'm the author of this one)
node-ssl-root-cas bundles it's own copies of nodes root CAs and also enables adding your own CAs to trust. It places the certs on the https global agent, so it will only be used for https module, not pure tls connections. Also, you will need extra steps if you use a custom Agent instead of the global agent.
syswide-cas loads certificates from pre-defined directories (such as /etc/ssl/certs) and uses node internal API to add them to the trusted list of CAs in conjunction to the bundled root CAs. There is no need to use the ca option since it makes the change globally which affects all later TLS calls automatically.
It's also possible to add CAs from other directories/files if needed.
It was verified to work with node 0.10, node 5 and node 6.
Since you do not control the app you can create a wrapper script to enable syswide-cas (or node-ssl-root-cas) and then require the ionic-cli script:
require('syswide-cas'); // this adds your custom CAs in addition to bundled CAs
require('./path/to/real/script'); // this runs the actual script
This answer is more focused towards package maintainers/builders.
One can use this method if you do not want end users to rely on additional environment variables.
When nodejs is built from source, it (by default, can be overridden) embeds the Mozilla CA certificate database into the binary itself. One can add more certificates to this database using the following commands:
# Convert your PEM certificate to DER
openssl x509 -in /path/to/your/CA.pem -outform der -out CA.der
# Add converted certificate to certdata
nss-addbuiltin -n "MyCompany-CA" -t "CT,C,C" < CA.der >> tools/certdata.txt
# Regenerate src/node_root_certs.h header file
perl tools/
# Finally, compile
make install

Hex encode ECDSA keys in node.js

I'm building a nodejs app that talks to an API server. The API server requires that each request I make to it includes a X-Signature header using the prime256v1 ECDSA curve and sha256 hash on a particular set of data.
I looked through the crypto and tls documentation but didn't find anything suitable. I have successfully generated a private key with openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey but it is in PEM format. I have also generated a DER format key. Both of these include some extra metadata like the curve used and in the case of PEM, comments.
I can use these keys for signing operations on my side, but the server requires that I upload a public key using hex encoding (so the server can verify the signatures I make on my requests.)
Specifically the server wants something like the output of the following Python code:
from ecdsa import SigningKey
from binascii import hexlify
Sample output for a pubkey (no newlines): c5bd76cd0cd948de17a31261567d219576e992d9066fe1a6bca97496dec634e2c8e06f8949773b300b9f73fabbbc7710d5d6691e96bcf3c9145e15daf6fe07b9
I would prefer not adding python as a dependency to my node app... anyone know of a way I can extract the binary data representing my private key from the PEM or DER files, so I can put it in a buffer and call buffer.toString('hex')? Or a way I can use the native crypto library to generate the ECDSA keypair? Or a library that would do the same?
openssl itself can print out the guts of things, in hex.
Doe the key change? sounds like you can just decode into hex one time, and use that? No need for dependencies - just paste the hex into your node source?
