Why is execution time of spark sql query different between first time and second time of execution? - apache-spark

I am using spark sql to run some aggregated query on the parquet data source.
My parquet data source includes a table with columns: id int, time timestamp, location int, counter_1 long, counter_2 long, ..., counter_48. The total data size is about 887 MB.
My spark version is 2.4.0. I run one master and one slave on a single machine (4 cores, 16G memory).
Using spark-shell, I ran the spark command:
spark.time(spark.sql("SELECT location, sum(counter_1)+sum(counter_5)+sum(counter_10)+sum(counter_15)+sum(cou
nter_20)+sum(counter_25)+sum(counter_30)+sum(counter_35 )+sum(counter_40)+sum(counter_45) from parquet.`/home/hungp
han227/spark_data/counters` group by location").show())
The execution time is 17s.
The second time I ran a similar command (only change columns):
spark.time(spark.sql("SELECT location, sum(counter_2)+sum(counter_6)+sum(counter_11)+sum(counter_16)+sum(cou
nter_21)+sum(counter_26)+sum(counter_31)+sum(counter_36 )+sum(counter_41)+sum(counter_46) from parquet.`/home/hungp
han227/spark_data/counters` group by location").show())
The execution time is about 3s.
My first question is: Why are they different? I know it is not data caching because of the parquet format. Is it about reusing something like query planning?
I did another test: The first command is
spark.time(spark.sql("SELECT location, sum(counter_1)+sum(counter_5)+sum(counter_10)+sum(counter_15)+sum(cou
nter_20)+sum(counter_25)+sum(counter_30)+sum(counter_35 )+sum(counter_40)+sum(counter_45) from parquet.`/home/hungp
han227/spark_data/counters` group by location").show())
The execution time is 17s.
In the second command, I change the aggregate function:
spark.time(spark.sql("SELECT location, avg(counter_1)+avg(counter_5)+avg(counter_10)+avg(counter_15)+avg(cou
nter_20)+avg(counter_25)+avg(counter_30)+avg(counter_35 )+avg(counter_40)+avg(counter_45) from parquet.`/home/hungp
han227/spark_data/counters` group by location").show())
The execution time is about 5s.
My second question is: Why is the second command is faster than the first command but the execution time difference is slightly smaller than the first scenario?
Finally, I have a problem related to above scenarios: The are about 200 formulas like:
formula1 = sum(counter_1)+sum(counter_5)+sum(counter_10)+sum(counter_15)+sum(cou
nter_20)+sum(counter_25)+sum(counter_30)+sum(counter_35 )+sum(counter_40)+sum(counter_45)
formula2 = avg(counter_2)+avg(counter_5)+avg(counter_11)+avg(counter_15)+avg(cou
nter_21)+avg(counter_25)+avg(counter_31)+avg(counter_35 )+avg(counter_41)+avg(counter_45)
I have to run the following format frequently:
select formulaX,formulaY, ..., formulaZ from table where time > value1 and time < value2 and location in (value1, value 2...) group by location
My third question is: Is there anyway to optimize the performance (the query used once should be faster if it is used again in the future)? Does spark optimize itself or do I have to write some code, change config?

It's called Exchange Reuse. When Spark runs shuffling (i.e. aggregation, join) it stores a copy of the shuffle data on local worker nodes for potential reuse. This is an internally controlled behavior and cannot be directly influenced by end user. If you find you're keep re-using a particular portion of data (or query outcome), you could consider explicitly CACHING it by using the cache(). However, bear in mind although this allows Spark to reuse cached result for potentially faster query performance (if, and only if the Analyzer Plan of your cached query matches your new query), over using CACHE can cause whole lot of different performance problems.
A bad example is when your dataset is very large, it may cause Disk Spill problem. That is, the dataset doesn't fit into your cluster's available memory and needs to be written to slower hard disks.
Another bad example is when your query only needs to access a subset of the cached data. By caching the entire dataset in memory, Spark is forced to perform full in-memory table scan. Not only that's waste of resource but also results in a slower query performance as oppose to not using cache at all.
The best thing to do is try & error with a few of your own example queries, look at the Spark UI and check if there is sign of Disk Spill or large amount of input data scan.
Every query/data combination is unique hence you'll need to experiment it a bit to find the best performance tuning method for your own workload.

When doing an aggregate spark creates what are called shuffle files. If you run the same query twice, it will reuse the shuffle files which are stored locally on the workers fs. Unfortunately you can't rely on them to always be there because eventually the file handler gets gc'd. If your going to run 10 queries on the same dataset, cache it or use databricks.


Does Spark guarantee consistency when reading data from S3?

I have a Spark Job that reads data from S3. I apply some transformations and write 2 datasets back to S3. Each write action is treated as a separate job.
Question: Does Spark guarantees that I read the data each time in the same order? For example, if I apply the function:
.withColumn('id', f.monotonically_increasing_id())
Will the id column have the same values for the same records each time?
You state very little, but the following is easily testable and should serve as a guideline:
If you re-read the same files again with same content you will get the same blocks / partitions again and the same id using f.monotonically_increasing_id().
If the total number of rows differs on the successive read(s) with different partitioning applied before this function, then typically you will get different id's.
If you have more data second time round and apply coalesce(1) then the prior entries will have same id still, newer rows will have other ids. A less than realistic scenario of course.
Blocks for files at rest remain static (in general) on HDFS. So partition 0..N will be the same upon reading from rest. Otherwise zipWithIndex would not be usable either.
I would never rely on the same data being in same place when read twice unless there were no updates (you could cache as well).

Apache Spark bucketed table not scalable in time partitioned table

I am trying to utilize Spark Bucketing on a key-value table that is frequently joined on the key column by batch applications. The table is partitioned by timestamp column, and new data arrives periodically and added in a new timestamp partition. Nothing new here.
I thought it was ideal use case for Spark bucketing, but some limitations seem to be fatal when the table is incremental:
Incremental table forces multiple files per bucket, forcing Spark to sort every bucket upon join even though every file is sorted locally. Some Jira's suggest that this is a conscious design choice, not going to change any time soon. This is quite understood, too, as there could be thousands of locally sorted files in each bucket, and iterating concurrently over so many files does not seem a good idea, either.
Bottom line is, sorting cannot be avoided.
Upon map side join, every bucket is handled by a single Task. When the table is incremented, every such Task would consume more and more data as more partitions (increments) are included in the join. Empirically, this ultimately failed on OOM regardless to the configured memory settings. To my understanding, even if the failures can be avoided, this design does not scale at all. It imposes an impossible trade-off when deciding on the number of buckets - aiming for a long term table results in lots of small files during every increment.
This gives the immediate impression that bucketing should not be used with incremental tables. I wonder if anyone has a better opinion on that, or maybe I am missing some basics here.

Spark RDD :How to share data for a parallel operation

My understanding of spark is that when you run a reduce operation on RDD, its being operated in parallel by different nodes and result is accumulated back by master node. Since these operation run in parallel , result is available as a whole and we can not rely on any update done in between during processing e.g say I am designing a shared cab app and I have a RDD which contains start location of trip and actual location of different cabs . I can easily run a spark sql to get the distance of each cab from trip start point. Once , I have this , I need to pick the shortest distance cab and allocate it. Now here we have a condition that a cab can not take more then 4 trips. Since my analysis is running in parallel, I can not be sure if already cab is full capacity. So what is the best way to validate this. Can we have a shared variable or should we store allocation in database. Performance is the key
There is no functionality as such in spark, you can make use of Apache Ignite
For more details refer link

Cassandra : Batch write optimisation

I get bulk write request for let say some 20 keys from client.
I can either write them to C* in one batch or write them individually in async way and wait on future to get them completed.
Writing in batch does not seem to be a goo option as per documentation as my insertion rate will be high and if keys belong to different partitions co-ordinators will have to do extra work.
Is there a way in datastax java driver with which I can group keys
which could belong to same partition and then club them into small
batches and then do invidual unlogged batch write in async. IN that
way i make less rpc calls to server at the same time coordinator will
have to write locally. I will be using token aware policy.
Your idea is right, but there is no built-in way, you usually do that manually.
Main rule here is to use TokenAwarePolicy, so some coordination would happen on driver side.
Then, you could group your requests by equality of partition key, that would probably be enough, depending on your workload.
What I mean by 'grouping by equality of partition key` is e.g. you have some data that looks like
MyData { partitioningKey, clusteringKey, otherValue, andAnotherOne }
Then when inserting several such objects, you group them by MyData.partitioningKey. It is, for all existsing paritioningKey values, you take all objects with same partitioningKey, and wrap them in BatchStatement. Now you have several BatchStatements, so just execute them.
If you wish to go further and mimic cassandra hashing, then you should look at cluster metadata via getMetadata method in com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster class, there is method getTokenRanges and compare them to result of Murmur3Partitioner.getToken or any other partitioner you configured in cassandra.yaml. I've never tried that myself though.
So, I would recommend to implement first approach, and then benchmark your application. I'm using that approach myself, and on my workload it works far better than without batches, let alone batches without grouping.
Logged batches should be used carefully in Cassandra becase they impose additional overhead. It also depends on the partition keys distribution. If your bulk write targets a single partition then using Unlogged batch results in a single insert operation.
In general, writing them invidually in async manner seems to be a good aproach as pointed here:
You can find sample code on the above site how to handle multiple async writes:
please read this also:
What does a single partition batch cost?
There’s no batch log written for single partition batches. The
coordinator doesn’t have any extra work (as for multi partition
writes) because everything goes into a single partition. Single
partition batches are optimized: they are applied with a single
RowMutation [10].
In a few words: single partition batches don’t put much more load on
the server than normal writes.
What does a multi partition batch cost?
Let me just quote Christopher Batey, because he has summarized this
very well in his post “Cassandra anti-pattern: Logged batches” [3]:
Cassandra [is first] writing all the statements to a batch log. That
batch log is replicated to two other nodes in case the coordinator
fails. If the coordinator fails then another replica for the batch log
will take over. [..] The coordinator has to do a lot more work than
any other node in the cluster.
Again, in bullets what has to be done:
serialize the batch statements
write the serialized batch to the batch log system table
replicate of this serialized batch to 2 nodes
coordinate writes to nodes holding the different partitions
on success remove the serialized batch from the batch log (also on the 2 replicas)
Remember that unlogged batches for multiple partitions are deprecated since Cassandra 2.1.6

Is a single partition in an Azure Storage Table a good design?

I have a system that needs to process ~150 jobs per day.
Additionally, I need to query past jobs efficiently, usually by time-range, but sometimes by other properties like job owner or resource used.
I know that running queries across table partitions can slow down my application, but what if I just put every row into one partition? If I use datetime.ticks as my rowkey and my query ranges are always small, will this scale well?
I tried putting data into separate partitions by time, but it seems like my queries get slower as more partitions are included in the query.
The partition is a scale unit. Each partition can receive up to 2000tps before you start receiving throttling errors. As such, as long as you don't forsee exceeding that volume, you should be find fine keeping a single partition.
However, as the size of the partition grows, so will query times. So you may want to factor that in as well.
