Cassandra : Batch write optimisation - cassandra

I get bulk write request for let say some 20 keys from client.
I can either write them to C* in one batch or write them individually in async way and wait on future to get them completed.
Writing in batch does not seem to be a goo option as per documentation as my insertion rate will be high and if keys belong to different partitions co-ordinators will have to do extra work.
Is there a way in datastax java driver with which I can group keys
which could belong to same partition and then club them into small
batches and then do invidual unlogged batch write in async. IN that
way i make less rpc calls to server at the same time coordinator will
have to write locally. I will be using token aware policy.

Your idea is right, but there is no built-in way, you usually do that manually.
Main rule here is to use TokenAwarePolicy, so some coordination would happen on driver side.
Then, you could group your requests by equality of partition key, that would probably be enough, depending on your workload.
What I mean by 'grouping by equality of partition key` is e.g. you have some data that looks like
MyData { partitioningKey, clusteringKey, otherValue, andAnotherOne }
Then when inserting several such objects, you group them by MyData.partitioningKey. It is, for all existsing paritioningKey values, you take all objects with same partitioningKey, and wrap them in BatchStatement. Now you have several BatchStatements, so just execute them.
If you wish to go further and mimic cassandra hashing, then you should look at cluster metadata via getMetadata method in com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster class, there is method getTokenRanges and compare them to result of Murmur3Partitioner.getToken or any other partitioner you configured in cassandra.yaml. I've never tried that myself though.
So, I would recommend to implement first approach, and then benchmark your application. I'm using that approach myself, and on my workload it works far better than without batches, let alone batches without grouping.

Logged batches should be used carefully in Cassandra becase they impose additional overhead. It also depends on the partition keys distribution. If your bulk write targets a single partition then using Unlogged batch results in a single insert operation.
In general, writing them invidually in async manner seems to be a good aproach as pointed here:
You can find sample code on the above site how to handle multiple async writes:
please read this also:
What does a single partition batch cost?
There’s no batch log written for single partition batches. The
coordinator doesn’t have any extra work (as for multi partition
writes) because everything goes into a single partition. Single
partition batches are optimized: they are applied with a single
RowMutation [10].
In a few words: single partition batches don’t put much more load on
the server than normal writes.
What does a multi partition batch cost?
Let me just quote Christopher Batey, because he has summarized this
very well in his post “Cassandra anti-pattern: Logged batches” [3]:
Cassandra [is first] writing all the statements to a batch log. That
batch log is replicated to two other nodes in case the coordinator
fails. If the coordinator fails then another replica for the batch log
will take over. [..] The coordinator has to do a lot more work than
any other node in the cluster.
Again, in bullets what has to be done:
serialize the batch statements
write the serialized batch to the batch log system table
replicate of this serialized batch to 2 nodes
coordinate writes to nodes holding the different partitions
on success remove the serialized batch from the batch log (also on the 2 replicas)
Remember that unlogged batches for multiple partitions are deprecated since Cassandra 2.1.6


How to run multiple queries in Scylla using "Non Atomic" Batch/Pipeline

I understand that Scylla allows batch statements like these.
<insert-stmt>/ <update-stmt>/ <delete-stmt>
These statements have performance implications as it ensures atomicity. However, I simply have many insert statements which I want to perform from my node client in a single IO. Atomicity among these inserts is not needed. Any idea how I can do that? Can't find anything.
Batching multiple inserts in Cassandra world usually is an antipattern (except when they go into one partition, see the docs). When you're sending inserts into multiple partitions in one batch, the coordinator node will need to take care for taking data from this batch and sending them to nodes that are owning the data. And this puts an additional load onto the coordinating node that first needs to backup the content of the batch just not to lose it if it crashes in the middle of execution, and then need to execute all operations, and wait for results of execution before sending it back to caller (see this diagram to understand how so-called logged batch works).
When you don't need atomicity, then the best performance would be by sending multiple parallel inserts, and waiting for their execution - it will be faster, it will put less load onto nodes, and driver can use token-aware load balancing policy, so requests will be sent to nodes that own data (if you're using prepared statements). In node.js you can achieve this by using Concurrent Execution API - there are several variants of its usage, so it's better to look into the documentation to select what is best for your use case.

Cassandra batch isolation guarantee

I have a question regarding Cassandra batch isolation:
Our cluster consist of a single datacenter, replication factor of 3, reading and writing in LOCAL_QUORUM.
We must provide a news feed resembling an 'after' trigger, to notify clients about CRUD events of data in the DB.
We thought of performing the actual operation, and inserting an event on another table (also in another partition), within a batch. Asynchronously, some process would read events from event table and send them through an MQ.
Because we're writing to different partitions, and operation order is not necessarily maintained in a batch operation; is there a chance our event is written, and our process read it before our actual data is persisted?
Could the same happen in case our batch at last fails?
From ACID properties, Cassandra can provide ACD. Therefore, don't expect Isolation in its classical sense.
Batching records will provide you with Atomicity. So it does guarantee that all or none of the records within a batch are written. However, because it doesn't guarantee Isolation, you can end up having some of the records persisted and others not (e.g. wrote to your queue table, but not master table).
Cassandra docs explain how it works:
To achieve atomicity, Cassandra first writes the serialized batch to the batchlog system table that consumes the serialized batch as blob data. When the rows in the batch have been successfully written and persisted (or hinted) the batchlog data is removed. There is a performance penalty for atomicity.
Finally, using Cassandra table as MQ is considered anti-pattern.

Synchronization between Spark RDD partitions

Say that I have an RDD with 3 partitions and I want to run each executor/ worker in a sequence, such that, after partition 1 has been computed, then partition 2 can be computed, and after 2 is computed, finally, partition 3 can be computed. The reason I need this synchronization is because each partition has a dependency on some computation of a previous partition. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this type of synchronization does not appear to be well suited for the Spark framework.
I have pondered opening a JDBC connection in each worker task node as illustrated below:
rdd.foreachPartition( partition => {
// 1. open jdbc connection
// 2. poll database for the completion of dependent partition
// 3. read dependent edge case value from computed dependent partition
// 4. compute this partition
// 5. write this edge case result to database
// 6. close connection
I have even pondered using accumulators, picking the acc value up in the driver, and then re-broadcasting a value so the appropriate worker can start computation, but apparently broadcasting doesn't work like this, i.e., once you have shipped the broadcast variable through foreachPartition, you cannot re-broadcast a different value.
Synchronization is not really an issue. Problem is that you want to use a concurrency layer to achieve this and as a result you get completely sequential execution. No to mention that by pushing changes to the database just to fetch these back on another worker means you get not benefits of in-memory processing. In the current form it doesn't make sense to use Spark at all.
Generally speaking if you want to achieve synchronization in Spark you should think in terms of transformations. Your question is rather sketchy but you can try something like this:
Create first RDD with data from the first partition. Process in parallel and optionally push results outside
Compute differential buffer
Create second RDD with data from the second partition. Merge with differential buffer from 2, process, optionally push results to database.
Back to 2. and repeat
What do you gain here? First of all you can utilize your whole cluster. Moreover partial results are kept in memory and don't have to be transfered back and forth between the workers and the database.

Cassandra Batches with if not exists condition

When I'm sending batch of inserts to only one table while each row as a unique key with condition if not exists and there is a problem when even if one of the rows exists.
I need to insert the batch per row and not per the whole batch.
Let's say I've a table "users" with only one column "user_name" and contains the row "jhon", Now I'm trying to import new users:
INSERT INTO "users" ("user_name") VALUES ("jhon") IF NOT EXISTS;
INSERT INTO "users" ("user_name") VALUES ("mandy") IF NOT EXISTS;
It will not insert "mandy" because that "jhon" exists, What can I do to isolate them?
I've a lot of rows to insert about 100-200K so I need to use batch.
First: what you describe is documented as intended behavior:
In Cassandra 2.0.6 and later, you can batch conditional updates introduced as lightweight transactions in Cassandra 2.0. Only updates made to the same partition can be included in the batch because the underlying Paxos implementation works at the granularity of the partition. You can group updates that have conditions with those that do not, but when a single statement in a batch uses a condition, the entire batch is committed using a single Paxos proposal, as if all of the conditions contained in the batch apply.
That basically confirms: your updates are to different partitions, so only one Paxos proposal is going to be used, which means the entire batch will succeed, or none of it will.
That said, with Cassandra, batches aren't meant to speed up and bulk load - they're meant to create pseudo-atomic logical operations. From :
Batches are often mistakenly used in an attempt to optimize performance. Unlogged batches require the coordinator to manage inserts, which can place a heavy load on the coordinator node. If other nodes own partition keys, the coordinator node needs to deal with a network hop, resulting in inefficient delivery. Use unlogged batches when making updates to the same partition key.
The coordinator node might also need to work hard to process a logged batch while maintaining consistency between tables. For example, upon receiving a batch, the coordinator node sends batch logs to two other nodes. In the event of a coordinator failure, the other nodes retry the batch. The entire cluster is affected. Use a logged batch to synchronize tables, as shown in this example:
In your schema, each INSERT is to a different partition, which is going to add a LOT of load on your coordinator.
You can run your 200k inserts with a client with async executes, and they'll run quite fast - probably as fast (or faster) as you'd see with a batch.

datastax cassandra java driver batch delete performance behavior

If I have 500k rows to delete, should I form a batch of 100 rows for delete? i.e. 100 rows at a time?
What is the performance characteristics? Other than network round trip, would the server be benefited from the batching?
Short answer-- you're most likely better off with simple, non-batched async operations.
The batch keyword in Cassandra is not a performance optimization for batching together large buckets of data for bulk loads.
Batches are used to group together atomic operations, actions that you expect to occur together. Batches guarantee that if a single part of your batch is successful, the entire batch is successful.
Using batches will probably not make your mass ingestion/or deletes run faster
Okay but what if I use an Unlogged Batch? Will that run super fast?
Cassandra uses a mechanism called batch logging in order to ensure a batch's atomicity. By specifying unlogged batch, you are turning off this functionality so the batch is no longer atomic and may fail with partial completion. Naturally, there is a performance penalty for logging your batches and ensuring their atomicity, using unlogged batches will removes this penalty.
There are some cases in which you may want to use unlogged batches to ensure that requests (inserts) that belong to the same partition, are sent together. If you batch operations together and they need to be performed in different partitions / nodes, you are essentially creating more work for your coordinator. See specific examples of this in Ryan's blog:
Read this post
Writes and deletes are the same thing so you should expect the same performance characteristics. I would expect some slight benefits from batching but normal async operations should be just as fast.
