Filter data when parameter is not null - cognos

I have a list in a Report, such list is based in a query that show something like this:
| Employee | City | Client |
| Alex | All City | All Client |
| Alex | Chicago | Google |
| Alex | NY | Twitter |
The Employee can have many cities and many clients, the list is dynamically refresh by prompts and its parameter value come from a Drill-Throught in a dashboard.
So, I need to show in my list just the different city and the different clients, excluding the "All" data, but if the parameter is null should not exclude the "All" data, because City and Client came from a hierarchy and if the "All" is excluded will be no data in my list.
If parameter is not null, my list should look like this:
| Employee | City | Client |
| Alex | Chicago | Google |
| Alex | NY | Twitter |
But if is null, should look like this:
| Employee | City | Client |
| Alex | All City | All Client |

Have you tried something like this:
(?param? is null AND [City] = 'All City' AND [Client] = 'All Client')
(?param? is not null AND [City] <> 'All City' AND [Client] <> 'All Client')

I think you are using DMR or a cube?
Make 2 hierarchies
For the second hierarchy, set Multiple root members to True - the hierarchy contains multiple root members. Selecting this option deletes the All level that is automatically created at the top of the hierarchy.
Make a variable to determine if the parameter is null
Make two lists
List1 will include all cities -- have a hierarchy that includes ALL
List2 will exclude all cities -- have a hierarchy without ALL
Render List1 when the parameter is null
Render List2 when the parameter is NOT null


Excel search upwards from cell for first result meeting a criteria

Alright I have a bit of a weird problem:
I have a store, that sells Cookies, Cakes and Wine.
I also have a report on excel for what products were sold in a day. Looks something like this:
| ID | Product Name | Quantity Sold |
| --- |--- | --- |
| Cookies| | |
| 1 |Ginderbread | 2 |
| 2 |Chocolate chip| 5 |
| 3 |Cookie type C | 1|
| Cakes | | |
From this report my goal is to get a table looking like this:
| ID | Name | Quantity Sold | Category |
| --- |--- | --- | --- |
All I need to do is get the Category from above the records, to inside the records.
However, there's 1 restriction: I can't manually enter the Category. I must use some formula to find out what the category is.
1 idea I have thought of is to use a VLookup with the range being from the first row to the current row. But having trouble figuring out making it search for "Cookies", "Cakes" and "Wine" all at once then returning whichever it finds first (from bottom up)
Should be noted neither Product Name or ID are unique keys. Yes, I hate it as much as you do.
Assuming all your ID's are unique:
For the ID column:
For the Name column:
=VLOOKUP(E2,$A:$S,2) (and fill down)
For the Category Column:
(and fill down)
To return the category
MATCH the Id number to get the last row number to check in the first column
Create a filter that only returns the row which says ID
Use that filter criteria against a range that is offset by one (up) which will return an array of just the categories
Return the last item in that array

Fixed Length file Reading Spark with multiple Records format in one

I am trying to read the file with multiple record types in spark, but have no clue how to do it.. Can someone point out, if there is a way to do it? or some existing packages? or some user git packages
the example below - where we have a text file with 2 separate ( it could be more than 2 ) record type :
00X - record_ind | First_name| Last_name
0-3 record_ind
4-10 firstname
11-16 lastname
00Y - record_ind | Account_#| STATE | country
0-3 record_ind
4-8 Account #
9-10 STATE
11-15 country
00XAtun Varma
00XDivya Reddy
sample output/data frame
record_ind | x_First_name | x_Last_name | y_Account | y_STATE | y_country
00x | Atun | Varma | null | null | null
00y | null | null | 00235 | IL | USA
00x | Divya | Reddy | null | null | null
00y | null | null | 00234 | FL | CANDA
One way to achieve this is to load data as 'text'. Complete row will be loaded inside one column named 'value'. Now call a UDF which modifies each row based on condition and transform the data in way that all row follow same schema.
At last, use schema to create required dataframe and save in database.

Cross-referencing values from a reference table with fuzzy inputs

I've got a Microsoft Access database with several tables. I've thrown 2 of those into an Excel file to simplify my work, but either an Access or Excel solution can be used for this. Below are examples of the data that needs to be manipulated, but in those records there's a lot of other columns and information.
I've got Table 1 (Input Table):
| Bank | Reference |
| Chase Bank LLC | |
| JPMorgan Chase | |
| Chase | |
| Bank of America | |
| Bank of America | |
| Wells Fargo | |
The Reference column is empty. I want to fill it based on the reference table, which contains the IDs that would go into the Reference column.
Table 2 (Reference Table):
| Bank | ID |
| Chase Bank | 1 |
| Bank of America | 2 |
| Wells Fargo | 3 |
So the solution would fill the "Reference" column like this:
| Bank | Reference |
| Chase Bank LLC | 1 |
| JPMorgan Chase | 1 |
| Chase | 1 |
| Bank of America | 2 |
| Bank of America | 2 |
| Wells Fargo | 3 |
Since this is taken from a database's table, these aren't really ordered records. The purpose of this is to create a relationship in an already-existing database that didn't have those relationships set up.
a join between the 2 text fields, in an Update query, will provide a write of the ID for those records that exactly match.
there is no technology/option for the non matching; you can only apply some creative designs... for instance the chase bank does match for the first 10 characters... so for the non matched you could set up a temp table with a new field that is Left(fieldname,10)...join on this new field to get the ID into the temp table - - and then do a 2nd Update query to move the ID again finally using the full name

Should all fields that are visible on a screen be validated in Gherkin?

We are creating Gherkin feature files for our application to create executable specifications. Currently we have files that look like this:
Given product <type> is found
When the product is clicked
Then detailed information on the product appears
And the field text has a value
And the field price has a value
And the field buy is available
We are wondering if this whole list of and keywords that validate if fields are visible on the screen is the way to go, or if we should shorten that to something like 'validate input'.
We have a similar case in that our service can return a lot of 10's of elements for each case that we could validate. We do not validate every element for each interaction, we only test the elements that are relevant to the test case.
To make it easier to maintain and switch which elements we are using, we use scenario outlines and tables of examples.
Scenario Outline: PO Boxes correctly located
When we search in the USA for "<Input>"
Then the address contains
| Label | Text |
| PO Box | <PoBox> |
| City name | <CityName> |
| State code | <StateCode> |
| ZIP Code | <ZipCode> |
| +4 code | <ZipPlus4> |
| ID | Input | PoBox | CityName | StateCode | ZipCode |
| 01 | PO Box 123, 12345 | PO Box 123 | Boston | MA | 12345 |
| 02 | PO Box 321, Whitefish | PO Box 123 | Whitefish | MN | 54321 |
By doing it this way, we have a generic step "the address contains" that uses the 'Label' and 'Text' to test the individual elements. It is a neat and tidy way to test a lot of potential combinations - but it probably depends on your individual use case - how important all of the fields are.
You only need to validate the ones that provide business value, which is probably all of them. I would avoid using tech terms like "field" because it isn't related to a behavior. Al Mills is right on for using the tables.
I'd word it like this:
Scenario Outline: Review product details
Given I find the product <Type>
When I select the product
Then detailed information on the product appears including
| Description | <Description> |
| Price | <Price> |
And I can buy the product
| Type | Description | Price |
| Hose | Rubber Hose | 31.99 |
| Sprinkler | Rotating Sprinker | 12.99 |
The words I chose are behaviors or whats, not technical implementations or hows.

SpecFlow - Is it possible to reuse test data within feature file?

Is there any way to reuse data in SpecFlow feature files?
E.g. I have two scenarios, which both uses the same data table:
Scenario: Some scenario 1
Given I have a data table
| Field Name | Value |
| Name | "Tom" |
| Age | 16 |
When ...
Scenario: Some scenario 2
Given I have a data table
| Field Name | Value |
| Name | "Tom" |
| Age | 16 |
And I have another data table
| Field Name | Value |
| Brand | "Volvo" |
| City | "London" |
When ...
In these simple examples the tables are small and there not a big problem, however in my case, the tables have 20+ rows and will be used in at least 5 tests each.
I'd imagine something like this:
Having data table "Employee"
| Field Name | Value |
| Name | "Tom" |
| Age | 16 |
Scenario: Some scenario 1
Given I have a data table "Employee"
When ...
Scenario: Some scenario 2
Given I have a data table "Employee"
And I have another data table
| Field Name | Value |
| Brand | "Volvo" |
| City | "London" |
When ...
I couldn't find anything like this in SpecFlow documentation. The only suggestion for sharing data was to put it into *.cs files. However, I can't do that because the Feature Files will be used by non-technical people.
The Background is the place for common data like this until the data gets too large and your Background section ends up spanning several pages. It sounds like that might be the case for you.
You mention the tables having 20+ rows each and having several data tables like this. That would be a lot of Background for readers to wade through before the get to the Scenarios. Is there another way you could describe the data? When I had tables of data like this in the past I put the details into a fixtures class in the automation code and then described just the important aspects in the Feature file.
Assuming for the sake of an example that "Tom" is a potential car buyer and you're running some sort of car showroom then his data table might include:
| Field | Value |
| Name | Tom |
| Age | 16 |
| Address | .... |
| Phone Number | .... |
| Fav Colour | Red |
| Country | UK |
Your Scenario 2 might be "Under 18s shouldn't be able to buy a car" (in the UK at least). Given that scenario we don't care about Tom's address phone number, only his age. We could write that scenario as:
Scenario: Under 18s shouldnt be able to buy a car
Given there is a customer "Tom" who is under 16
When he tries to buy a car
Then I should politely refuse
Instead of keeping that table of Tom's details in the Feature file we just reference the significant parts. When the Given step runs the automation can lookup "Tom" from our fixtures. The step references his age so that a) it's clear to the reader of the Feature file who Tom is and b) to make sure the fixture data is still valid.
A reader of that scenario will immediately understand what's important about Tom (he's 16), and they don't have to continuously reference between the Scenario and Background. Other Scenarios can also use Tom and if they are interested in other aspects of his information (e.g. Address) then they can specify the relevant information Given there is a customer "Tom" who lives at 10 Downing Street.
Which approach is best depends how much of this data you've got. If it's a small number of fields across a couple of tables then put it in the Background, but once it gets to be 10+ fields or large numbers of tables (presumably we have many potential customers) then I'd suggest moving it outside the Feature file and just describing the relevant information in each Scenario.
Yes, you use a background, i.e. from
Given I have a data table "Employee"
| Field Name | Value |
| Name | "Tom" |
| Age | 16 |
Scenario: Some scenario 1
When ...
Scenario: Some scenario 2
Given I have another data table
| Field Name | Value |
| Brand | "Volvo" |
| City | "London" |
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