ExpressJs Compatibility with NodeJs Version - node.js

I am trying to find to see if expressjs 4 can support Nodejs 10.15.3 ( Lts) version. Is there any compatibility matrix that i can look into before deciding versions to choose?

If you check out express/package.json you can see that express needs node v0.10.0 or newer.
So yes, Express.js v4 is supporting Node.js v10.15.3.


Why is there a mismatch of module versions between Electron and Node.JS?

I have a node project in which I use NodeJS 14.15.0 and the latest build of Electron 12.0.0.
NodeJS version 14.15.0 has a NODE_MODULE_VERSION 83 according to their webpage.
Electron version v12.0.0 uses this node version of 14.15.0. but on their webpage it says the module NODE_MODULE_VERSION is 87
Therefore I have a mismatch between these two versions. I need a match so I can load the same binary intro an Electron app + execute by a node.js instance.
Electron maintains and compiles their own fork of Node, in a way that may not be compatible with normal Node. Electron intentionally uses unique NODE_MODULE_VERSION to signal this fact to software.
You'll need to recompile native modules using electron-rebuild.
Native Node modules are supported by Electron, but since Electron is very likely to use a different V8 version from the Node binary installed on your system, the modules you use will need to be recompiled for Electron.
(electron docs)
The maintainers of Node and Electron discussed possible options, and decided to use offset versioning in this issue:

upgrading node for electron

I am creating an app using electron framework but when I'm trying to use async functions it gives me an error.
Because my electron uses node version 6.5.0 but node in this version doesn't support async functions.
So I am trying to upgrade my electron's node but I don't know how to create a branch or stuff like that since is the only link I found to explain this matter but I can't understand it. Can I upgrade node in my electron framework in another way?
Can I upgrade node in my electron framework in another way
No, you cannot. Electron links a specific version of node with chromium in its build time, so each version of electron have a fixed version of node.js and cannot be replaced dynamically.
Either use a higher version of the electron have higher node.js version, try to manually build electron yourself is the only way to go.

Install angular-cli for angular 2 project

I'm trying to install Angular-CLI to generate an angular2 project, but it seems that the cli generate an angular 4 project. how can I fix that ?
So jus to to save you some confusion, the latest version of Angular is 4.2.3, and I believe the CLI is at 1.1.2. The CLI will always configure your generate project to the the latest version of Angular (for the CLI).
Regardless of that, you shouldn't really stick on trying to create "Angular 2" applications. As a community the version number doesn't matter as much anymore. It's not like the migration from AngularJS (version 1) to Angular version 2. Angular version 4 is backwards compatible with Angular version 2. We aren't that concerned with version numbers. Anything and everything you do and how you do it in Angular version 2 will work as expected in the Angular version 4!
However by using the latest version you get new features (like the if/else directives).
Anyway, don't worry to much about the version number, you're just making Angular apps.

Determine node.js version from Meteor

I know I can determine the version of Meteor with Meteor.release but is there a simple way to determine the node version Meteor is running on top of from a running Meteor app?
Meteor is built on top of Node.js and hence you've got access to the full Node API.

valid version of connect with node v0.8.1

I am trying to use connect v2.3.5 with node 0.8.1 - does anyone know whether this is stable (I am also using express v2.5.11 on Ubuntu 11). I can move to an older version of connect that would work with node 0.8.1 and express 2.5.11 as long as I know the cutoff connect version.
I moved to older version of connect - v1.8.5 & I am not experiencing the issue with path/fs I was experiencing earlier.
