valid version of connect with node v0.8.1 - node.js

I am trying to use connect v2.3.5 with node 0.8.1 - does anyone know whether this is stable (I am also using express v2.5.11 on Ubuntu 11). I can move to an older version of connect that would work with node 0.8.1 and express 2.5.11 as long as I know the cutoff connect version.

I moved to older version of connect - v1.8.5 & I am not experiencing the issue with path/fs I was experiencing earlier.


HOW TO INSTALL A NODE V>14 IN WINDOWS 8?? Please someone help me

Right now I use node version 13.14.0 but to use the new version of create-react-app v5.0.0, I need to use node version 14 or later , which is not supported in windows 8. Does anyone have a solution for this?
error in creating a react app
I'm not aware of Windows 8 not supporting version 14.
You can download whichever version of version 14 you want here:
You can also download the LTS version from here:

laravelbook/ardent 3.6.0 not getting installed in Laravel 7.15.0

I have one Laravel 4.2 project which uses laravelbook/ardent and needs to updated to newest Laravel Version. But the problem is that laravelbook/ardent doesn't get installed and giving following error upon installation.
Now I don't know how to deal with this. Which Laravel version supports laravelbook/ardent?
as far as i know 3.6.0 is the last Ardent version and it matches with Laravel 5.1 version (since 3.0.0, check here
You can eventually try pushing yourself a bit further with Laravel versions but, of course, you have to try.
I'm not sure I would update something to an already-old framework building my models around an abandoned plugin...

ExpressJs Compatibility with NodeJs Version

I am trying to find to see if expressjs 4 can support Nodejs 10.15.3 ( Lts) version. Is there any compatibility matrix that i can look into before deciding versions to choose?
If you check out express/package.json you can see that express needs node v0.10.0 or newer.
So yes, Express.js v4 is supporting Node.js v10.15.3.

Node js not working on windows 2008 server

I am trying to run my application on Windows 2008 server and i am getting the same error "This application is only supported on Windows 7,Windows Server 2008 R2, or higher".
Can someone suggest on how to fix this.
Please try to install the Node 4.x LTS version. The current LTS version is 8.12.0.
You can check this link to get supported NodeJS version
Take note that ES6 will not work in there.
I had the same problem, I followed the link
and installed Version 8x.
So far works well. If some have a higher version which is works, please share.

Apostrophe-cms: Unable to run apostrophe-cms version 0.5

I am a newbee of Apostrophe-cms. I am trying to edit my project with apostrophe-cms version 0.5. When install a new apostrophe project, I got this error then run command: node app.js.
MongoError: driver is incompatible with this server version
at Object.toError (/Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/utils.js:114:11)
at __executeInsertCommand(/Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1926:27)
at Db._executeInsertCommand
at /Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1348:12
at /Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1442:20
at /Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1196:16
at /Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1905:9
at Server.Base._callHandler (/Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/base.js:453:41)
at /Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/server.js:488:18
at MongoReply.parseBody (/Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/responses/mongo_reply.js:68:5)
These are packages which I installed:
- node: v6.2.1
- Homebrew 1.1.10
- mongodb: v3.0.12
- npm: v4.1.2
I think I installed wrong version of mongodb. I also tried to install mongodb:
npm install mongod#1.3.0 or npm install mongod#2.0.0
I still got the same error
Please help to give me some hints how to solve this problem.
Thank you.
I am the architect of Apostrophe at P'unk Avenue.
If you are a first-time Apostrophe developer, please do not use Apostrophe 0.5. That version is deprecated for new work.
Apostrophe 0.5 depends on an older version of the MongoDB driver, which cannot talk to certain newer versions of MongoDB. For our legacy projects, we pair it with MongoDB 2.6, which is receiving security patches so far in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and EPEL.
But don't do that! Use Apostrophe 2.x. It is superior in every conceivable way.
Hope this is helpful!
