Cannot get assembly name for "obj\iPhone\Debug\MyApp.iOS.exe". Could not load file or assembly The system cannot find the file specified - xamarin.ios

Cannot get assembly name for "obj\iPhone\Debug\MyApp.iOS.exe". Could not load file or assembly 'MyApp.iOS.exe' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Fail to build IOS app, exe is missing in directory
we have already cleaned and rebuild multiple times...
We would like the build to succeed and launch the app on the ios device


Deploy a Java app on FX7500 RFID reader

I have developed a Java program using eclipse provided by Motorola. The program runs well in windows.
In that particular eclipse, there is a tool for application package builder, which will build a .deb file to be installed in FX7500 RFID reader.
Image 1
When I try to use that builder, the command prompt asks me for a few input, one of them is files directory. I input my jar file directory, and there is an error "Invalid file path".
Image 2
What should I input then?
I view the log, it is due to xcopy.
--> Running 'FX7500 Embedded SDK App Package Builder' (Mon 13/03/2017- 9:47:27.38) ...
---> User input ...
---> Clean up ...
The system cannot find the file specified.
---> Creating folders ...
---> Creating 'debian-binary' file ...
---> Creating 'control' file ...
---> Adding files into 'data' folder ...
'xcopy' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
---> ERROR - Invalid file path
Anyone knows the correct way?
It looks like the packaging tool can't find the xcopy program on your machine. You might need to configure your path.

Generate VC++ .aps file in build directory and not source directory

I am building a VC++ project in Visual Studio 9.0 with CMake. The project is built out-of-source. The project has a GUI component and when the resource file (.rc) is compiled it creates a binary version of the file (.aps).
However, the .aps file is being created in the source directory adjacent to the .rc file and not in the build directory.
How can I have the binary .aps file generated in the build directory?
I want to keep my build completely out-of-source to avoid polluting it and inadvertently committing it. I would rather not resort to adding this one file to an ignore file in my version control and have it built in the build directory.

trouble creating an axis 2 .aar file: xml/services not found error

I am trying to create an aar file using OSX 10.7.5 (as a part of this tutorial). To generate the .aar, I navigate to the directory holding my webservice in my eclipse workspace and type
jar cvf FirstWebService.aar ./*
This is the command that Apache says to use to generate the aar in their Code Listing 9 from the apache axis 2 documentation.
The command creates an.aar -- but something is wrong with the process that I am using to create the .aar because when I go to load the .aar file into tomcat's /webapps I get an .xml/services not found error.
I am not sure what to do to fix this error. If I search my computer's file system for the services.xml file, I can find it in /path to eclipse workspace/workspace/MyFirstWebService/WebContent/WEB-INF/services/FirstWebService/META-INF
but I am not sure if this file is supposed to be rolled in to the .aar file somehow or if I can just manually plunk this file somewhere into the apache directory structure to get the thing to run.
Note: I do not think I am manually unzipping or unpacking the aar like in this question. Axis2 web service error: services.xml not found I am just running the command listed above from the apache documentation.
Here is the .aar file
note I am using all of the same versions of the software as in the tutorial -- but I am using OSX 10.7.5 where they use windows in the tutorial. Accordingly, I have changed the make-aar command for windows shown in the tutorial (jar cvf FirstWebService.aar com META-INF) into the one shown above. If I just try to run the command from the tutorial jar cvf FirstWebService.aar com META-INF I get the same xml/services not found error. It gives this output in the terminal...
com: no such file or directory
META-INF: no such file or directory
added manifest
I found the issue. When you type the command to create the aar file you have to be in the directory .../EclipseWorkspace/EclipseProjectName/WebContent/WEB-INF/services. This directory contains /META-INF/services.xml. The process that makes the .aar file must be looking in this folder.

Deploy C#.Net Console Application

I am trying to deploy my C#.Net console application.
Methods i tried.
Build the application
go to bin directory
in debug directory copy the files and move to compressed folder
extract it in different machine and run .exe file
Problem i am having is:
I have used MSXML2 assembly in my project.
I guess this assembly is not copied to bin directory and the machine I am running .exe file doesn't not having this assembly in it.
when i run the .exe it get below error.
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The system cannot locate the resource specified.
at MSXML2.IXMLHTTPRequest.send(object varbody
at projectname.Program.Main(String[] args))
how can i make sure this assembly is properly loaded to my deployed folder.
thanks for looking in to my question.
applying dotnetengineer suggession
set Copy Local to TRUE
New issue:
Could not load file or assembly 'Interop.MSXML2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
Click on and highlight the reference to MSXML2 in the Soultion Explorer. In the Properties pane, make sure "Copy Local" is set to "True".

Including DLL's In VC++(VS2010) Project Output

Disclaimer: Am a C# developer trying to understand a few C++ fundamentals
Have created a command line project which has the .lib of a DLL file linked under Linker > Input > Additional dependencies, and also has the location of the header files specified under C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories. Ran a build and all compiled okay, with the .exe being built in the Debug/Release dir.
Problem is I also expected the .dll file the project depends on to be there (just like when you add a reference in a .Net project) - but it isn't. When launching the .exe it complains that it can't find the DLL. Fair enough, but why didn't the VC++ put the DLL there if it knows it's required?
And is there a "best practice" to ensuring the dependent DLL files are in the output dir, other than manually copying them there? I have a project that will require use of some third-party libraries, and I was hoping the IDE would help me manage them...
Big thanks for any guidance given!
If you create solution which contains exe and dll, all output files are created in $(SolutionDir) Debug or Release subdirectories, and exe runs successfully. Otherwise, you have one of the following options:
Copy Dll in Post-build step to directory where it is available for loading (usually .exe directory)
Add Dll directory to PATH.
