Compare 2 excel sheets and find values not in sheet 2 - excel

I have 2 sheets in a excel file, sheet one has 287 rows and in sheet 2 there is 123 rows. The columns are the same in both sheets. How can I compare and see which rows in sheet 1 is not present in sheet 2?


Compare rows of one sheet with columns of another sheet in Excel

I want to compare rows of sheet 1 with columns of sheet 2. How can I compare Rows with Columns in EXCEL?
Above image is SHEET 1. And I want to compare sheet 1 with below image SHEET 2
I couldn't find any solution of comparing rows with columns in EXCEL.

Excel Highlight differences in rows based on matching columns

I have an excel workbook with 2 sheets, Sheet 1 is last years data, Sheet 2 is this years data. I need to compare data in Sheet 1 Column A to Sheet 2 Column A. If the data matches in Column A in both sheets, I need to compare and highlight the differences in those rows where they matched up. I have only been able to highlight the differences in the columns not the rows.
Thanks in advance.

VBA Matching across different sheets

New to VBA. I have three sheets: Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 track information for two different parts. Both sheets have a column named: "Set Number" where values range from 1-8. I'm trying to then extract ID Numbers (Cell(a9)downwards) of the parts with matching Set Numbers to Sheet 3.
On Sheet 3 Column 1 would pull from Sheet 1 and Column 2 would pull from Sheet 2 for Set 1; Columns 3 and for would do the same for Set 2, etc.
Appreciate any help.

VLOOKUP in 2 sheets of an excel

I have a column in Sheet 1 of an excel which I want to compare with an column of Sheet 2 of the same excel.
The values of Sheet 1 column to be present in some rows of Sheet 2 column (not necessary to be row by row).
How to use VLOOKUP here ?
Something like:
=IF(ISNA(MATCH(A1,Sheet2!B:B,0)),"no match","match")

Creating an excel workbook with selected rows

I have a workbook with several sheets. one of the sheets has several rows with items. I also have a second sheet also with items. Each of the items in sheet one has corresponding item in sheet 2. What I would like to do is when someone selects on a yes for the items on sheet one then the rows from sheet 2 of the same item are copied into a new workbook.
For example Sheet 1 would have
Code1 Apple yes/no
Code2 Banana yes/no
Code3 Mango yes/no
Where yes/no is a data validation input under column C
Sheet 2 would have
Code1 20032
Code2 30045
Code3 50098
So once a user makes a selection of yes/no on sheet 1 and clicks a button an excel workbook should be genrated with the rows from sheet 2 without those selected as No.
I tried to record a Macro using filters but since my sheet 2 has merged cells, the copying did not work well
