Upload file on the FTP server via node js - node.js

I tried simple file upload on the FTP path via node js. For that I have installed ftp-client module.
const ftpClient = require("ftp-client");
// FTP Configuration
const config = {
host: '',
port: 22,
user: '',
password: ''
const options = {
logging: 'basic'
client = new ftpClient(config, options);
client.connect(function (result) {
client.upload(['./upload/test.txt'], '/opt/test_api', {
baseDir: 'ogrds',
overwrite: 'older'
}, function (result) {
When tried to execute by node index.js command, this is neither giving any results nor moved the file to the FTP server.


Failed to connect SQL Server from Node.js using tedious

I am trying to connect to SQL Server in our domain network. I am able to connect using python but not able to connect in Node.js using Tedious.
Node.js code snippet:
var config = {
server: 'serverName.domain.com',
authentication: {
type: 'default',
options: {
userName: 'DOMAINID\\username',
password: 'password'
options: {
database: 'dbName',
port: 1234,
var connection = new Connection(config);
connection.on('connect', function (err) {
if (err) {
console.log('err', err);
} else {
Receiving error:
Login Failed for the user DOMAINID/username. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication.
But when trying to connect from Python, I am able to connect successfully.
Python snippet:
import sqlalchemy
conn = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mssql+pymssql://DOMAINID\\username:password#serverName.domain.com:1234/dbName')
print(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM table_name').fetchall())
Data received successfully in python.
And also I tried with mssql and msnodesqlv8 with Microsoft ODBC 11 for Microsoft SQL Server drivers.
I am able to connect. Following is the code snippet.
const sql = require("mssql/msnodesqlv8");
const main = async () => {
const pool = new sql.ConnectionPool({
server: "server.domain.com",
database: "dbName",
port: 1234,
user:'DomainId\\username', // Working without username and password
options: {
trustedConnection: true // working only with true
await pool.connect();
const request = new sql.Request(pool);
const query = 'select * from table';
const result = await request.query(query);
In the above snippet, I am able to connect without username and password but with trustedConnection true only. I am using windows authentication not SQL authentication. How can I connect using tedious js

prevent ffmpeg from opening console window

I have a node/express server which is used to give streams from IP camera to a website. Everything is working well. I run that webserver with PM2 on a windows server.
The problem : for each stream I have a windows console opening with just nothing logged in. The console reopen when I try to close it.
Is there a way to prevent those console to open ?
Here is the related node.js code :
const { NodeMediaServer } = require('node-media-server');
private _initiate_streams(): void{
(databaseReadOperationResult: DatabaseReadOperationResult<ICamera[]>) => {
if (databaseReadOperationResult.successful === true){
const cameras = databaseReadOperationResult.result;
const tasks = [];
cameras.forEach( camera => {
app : config.get('media_server.app_name'),
mode: 'static',
edge: camera.rtsp_url,
name: camera.stream_name,
rtsp_transport: 'tcp'
const configMediaServer = {
logType: 3, // 3 - Log everything (debug)
rtmp: {
port: 1935,
chunk_size: 60000,
gop_cache: true,
ping: 60,
ping_timeout: 30
http: {
port: config.get('media_server.port'),
allow_origin: '*'
auth: {
play: true,
api: true,
publish: true,
secret: config.get('salt'),
api_user: 'user',
api_pass: 'password',
relay: {
ffmpeg: 'C:\\FFmpeg\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe',
tasks: tasks
var nms = new NodeMediaServer(configMediaServer)
} else {
// catch exception

Download file from ftp using angular 5+?

I'm trying to use the npm library called ftp-client (https://www.npmjs.com/package/ftp-client) to download a simple image from my ftp server in my Angular 5 application. I copy-pasted the example but it does not seem to be working, I see this error in the console:
The code is:
var ftpClient = require('../../../../../node_modules/ftp-client'),
config = {
host: 'ftp://myhost.com',
port: 21,
user: 'admin',
password: 'admin'
options = {
logging: 'basic'
client = new ftpClient(config, options);
client.connect(function (){
client.download('/images/no-img.jpg', 'test/', {
overwrite: 'all'
}, function (result) {
Just in case, ng -v output is:
Angular CLI: 1.7.4
Node: 8.11.1
OS: win32 x64
Angular: 5.2.11
What do you think it can be?
I think the problem is with typescript notation
you should use :
import * as ftpClient from 'ftp-client';
instead of :
var ftpClient = require('../../../../../node_modules/ftp-client'),

res.render doesn't render correctly after 1023 characters

I have a parent Express app, and a Ghost app as a child app, using Ghost as an npm module here.
I routed Ghost to be rendered at http://localhost:9000/blog. All the configuration works fine (Ghost will throw an error if the basic configuration isn't being provided correctly).
Here is my Ghost startup code
config: path.join(__dirname, '/config/ghost.config.js')
}).then(function (ghostServer) {
app.use(ghostServer.config.paths.subdir, ghostServer.rootApp);
here is my Ghost config
// # Ghost Configuration
// Setup your Ghost install for various [environments](http://support.ghost.org/config/#about-environments).
// Ghost runs in `development` mode by default. Full documentation can be found at http://support.ghost.org/config/
var path = require('path'),
config = {
// ### Production
// When running Ghost in the wild, use the production environment.
// Configure your URL and mail settings here
production: {
url: 'http://my-ghost-blog.com',
mail: {},
database: {
client: 'sqlite3',
connection: {
filename: path.join(__dirname, '/content/data/ghost.db')
debug: false
server: {
host: '',
port: '2368'
// ### Development **(default)**
development: {
// The url to use when providing links to the site, E.g. in RSS and email.
// Change this to your Ghost blog's published URL.
url: 'http://localhost:9000/blog/',
// Example mail config
// Visit http://support.ghost.org/mail for instructions
// ```
// mail: {
// transport: 'SMTP',
// options: {
// service: 'Mailgun',
// auth: {
// user: '', // mailgun username
// pass: '' // mailgun password
// }
// }
// },
// ```
// #### Database
// Ghost supports sqlite3 (default), MySQL & PostgreSQL
database: {
client: 'sqlite3',
connection: {
filename: path.join(__dirname, '../blog/data/ghost-dev.db')
debug: false
// #### Server
// Can be host & port (default), or socket
server: {
// Host to be passed to node's `net.Server#listen()`
host: '',
// Port to be passed to node's `net.Server#listen()`, for iisnode set this to `process.env.PORT`
port: '9000'
// #### Paths
// Specify where your content directory lives
paths: {
contentPath: path.join(__dirname, '../blog/')
// **Developers only need to edit below here**
// ### Testing
// Used when developing Ghost to run tests and check the health of Ghost
// Uses a different port number
testing: {
url: '',
database: {
client: 'sqlite3',
connection: {
filename: path.join(__dirname, '/content/data/ghost-test.db')
server: {
host: '',
port: '2369'
logging: false
// ### Testing MySQL
// Used by Travis - Automated testing run through GitHub
'testing-mysql': {
url: '',
database: {
client: 'mysql',
connection: {
host : '',
user : 'root',
password : '',
database : 'ghost_testing',
charset : 'utf8'
server: {
host: '',
port: '2369'
logging: false
// ### Testing pg
// Used by Travis - Automated testing run through GitHub
'testing-pg': {
url: '',
database: {
client: 'pg',
connection: {
host : '',
user : 'postgres',
password : '',
database : 'ghost_testing',
charset : 'utf8'
server: {
host: '',
port: '2369'
logging: false
module.exports = config;
So basically, when I go to http://localhost:9000/blog, it isn't being rendered at all. Nothing. I was using Chrome and also testing it using Safari. Also tested those two without JavaScript turned on.
And then I try to do curl http://localhost:9000/blog, and try using a requester app (like Postman) and they returned the correct html string. I also tried to do a curl using the user agent as Chrome and as Safari, it also returns the correct html.
I traced down to ghost node_modules, and the renderer is in ghost > core > server > controllers > frontend > index.js in this line res.render(view, result)
I changed the res.render to be like this
res.render(view, result, function(err, string) {
console.log("ERR", err);
console.log("String", string);
and there is no error, it logs the current string, but it doesn't render anything on the browser.
I tried curl, postman, works, but browser doesn't work.
then I tried to send a hello world string, it works, the browser rendered it.
Then I add the string length one by one, and it turns out, any str.length < 1023 will be able to be rendered by the browser, but once it get past that, it doesn't.
And I tried in my parent Express app, it is able to send string which length is more than 1023, and if I use the ghost module as a standalone, it also able to send string more than 1023.
So something must have happened between those two, but I don't know how to debug this.
Please help

Events gulp-nodemon are not firing

I am currently trying to write a gulp task that allows me to serve development code up through a node webserver and use browser sync to reload the page. In doing so i'm attempting to use the events with nodemon, so for example when start event occurs, I want my gulp to log what its starting. Currently the events for gulp nodemon are not firing at all. No error is being thrown and the web server is starting. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.
gulp.task('serve-dev', ['inject'], function(){
var isDev = true;
var nodeOptions = {
script: config.nodeServer,
delayTime: 1,
env: {
'PORT': port,
'NODE_ENV': isDev ? 'dev': 'build'
watch: ['server.js']
.on('start', function(){
log('*** nodemon started');
// startBroswerSync();
.on('restart', function (ev){
log('*** nodemon restarted');
log('files changed on restart:\n' + ev);
.on('crash', function(){
log('Server Crashed for some reason');
.on('exit', function(){
log('Server Ended Cleanly');
Here is my config File:
module.exports = function() {
var client = './src/';
var temp = './.tmp/';
var server = './server.js';
var config = {
// Location of index.html
index: client + 'index.html',
// Temp folder
temp: temp,
// All of the js files to load
js: [
client + '**/*.module.js',
client + '**/*.js',
'!' + client + '**/*.spec.js'
// Root Folder of App(Where to find index.html etc...)
client: client,
// Where to find build Sass and CSS files
css: [temp + '*css', client + 'css/*.css'],
// All Js to Vet
alljs: [
// Path to Node Server
server: server,
//Sass to Compile
sass: ['src/scss/*.scss'],
// Bower and NPM Locations
bower: {
json: require('./bower.json'),
directory: './bower_components/',
ignorePath: '../..'
// Node Settings
defaultPort: 7203,
nodeServer: './server.js'
config.getWiredepDefaultOptions = function() {
var options = {
bowerJson: config.bower.json,
directory: config.bower.directory,
ignorePath: config.bower.ignorePath
return options;
return config;
Completely Unrelated answer, log method was not functioning properly, thus no log statements....sorry
