required data structure for Excel stacked bar chart - excel

I am working in Excel 2013. I have the following data structure:
column A column B column C
Key Dimension Date
1 a 1/2/2019
2 a 1/3/2019
3 b 1/1/2019
4 a 2/5/2019
5 b 2/20/2019
6 b 2/1/2019
I want to create a stacked bar chart of the count of Key, by month-year (from Date) as my horizontal axis, and Dimension as my legend. How can I do this? From the tutorials online, all I can find is how to create stacked bar charts from some sort of pivot table.


Excel Pivot Table: Different Subtotals for Different Value Fields

I have an excel pivot table with two summed field values. I need to subtotal the first one using sum and the second one using average. Here is the desired output:
A Subtotal
B Subtotal
So far the closest thing I've been able to find is a custom subtotal through the field settings for Region. But this adds two rows for subtotals. Any ideas?

Hide Text Axis and Have Chart Readjust in Excel

I have the following table in excel:
1 Object 1 100 100
2 Object 2 0 0
3 Object 3 100 100
4 Object 4 0 0
When I create a stacked bar chart with this values I get the following result:
Stacked Bar Chart 1
I need to figure out a way for the chart to adjust automatically and exclude any object for which both columns B and C have 0 values. In this case Object 2 and 4. Numbers will flow automatically into my template and I will not be able to manually update the charts. The end result with my example should look like this:
Stacked Bar Chart 2
I appreciate all the help.

How can I combine like x values on a scatter plot in excel?

So I've got a column of profits for each sale and a column of which province the sale was in. I want to make a scatter plot but group the x values by province instead having 8400 different x values. I have tried for days to get this to work, even grouping the provinces into single bigger cells using VBA didnt work.
So for example Ill have
ontario 12
vermont 3
ontario 6
ohio 8
and I want it to graph 3 columns, with the ontario column having a point at 12 and 6.
I want it to do that but I have 8400 data points so I cant do it by hand...

How to plot multiple grouped data in one excel scatter plot with lines

I am facing some difficulties with plotting grouped data (by index) in one graph (scatter plot with lines) in Excel, and I will appreciate a lot your help.
My data are in three columns:
The first column is the index of the data or the group (i.e. a unique number for every set of data)
the second column is the time
and the third column is the data
Group, Time, Data
1 1 12
1 3 12
1 4 28
1 8 56
1 12 37
1 24 40
1 48 34
2 0 7
2 1 14
2 4 6
2 8 63
2 12 4
2 24 35
2 48 3
und so on.
and I want to plot the data vs. time for each index i.e. data group alone, but on the same graph.
Until now, I was always doing it manually by adding each data set separately to the graph. But I think there should be a more clever and easier way to do it, especially that sometimes I have a lot of data (index number can reach 70 or 80).
Thanks a lot in advance.
You can create a pivot table on all your data. Use 'Group' as column headers and 'Time' as row headers. The resulting pivot table will have all time points from all groups as rows and your groups as columns. Each columns of course has entries only at these time points which are included in its group. The other cells are empty. If you just select the data range of this pivot table without column headers, you can get charts from the data as a plot chart omits empty cells.
That is the result pivot table of your test data. The sorted data are in the red frame. (Forget the total results)
A way to do this in Excel 365 is:
Select the data
Go to Data -> From Table/Range to open the Power Query editor
Select the columns with grouped data
Select Transform -> Pivot Column
Select the column with the values corresponding to the grouped data
Under Advanced Options change the value aggregation to Don't aggregate
Click OK, then Home -> Close and Load
This should give you the data formatted in such a way that you can select it and create a chart as normal.

Show sales figures over time per employee

Assume the following data:
day employee sales
1 a 0
1 b 10
1 c 10
2 a 5
2 b 7
2 c 10
3 a 3
3 b 3
3 c 5
I would like to have a chart with on the x-asis the days (1, 2, 3) and on the y-axis the number of sales. Each employee should have its own line, so they can be compared.
I am unable to get a chart like this. I expect to get 3 lines when selecting all data, but Excel returns 1 line per data-row instead. It does not, so to speak, group the sales by employee. How can I get the chart I want? Is it even possible?
Any help is greatly appreciated :-)
Have you tried a pivot table or pivot chart? Just drop your employee name in your row section, sum your sales, and I think that's what you're looking for.
