Transfer list between Groovy test steps (SoapUI) - groovy

I have one test case which is called (started and finished) before every run of other test cases. It is something like 'test data preparation' test case. Output from this test case is list with some elements, list looks like this:
def list = ['Login', 'Get Messages', 'Logout', etc.]
List is different on every run. I need to transfer this list from 'test data preparation' test case to other test cases. Transfer will be between two Groovy scripts.
How to transfer list between two Groovy test steps in SoapUI?

As I understand it:
You have one TestCase, which you call from every other TestCase.
I assume this is done using a "Run TestCase" teststep?
You would like to be able to pass a list of strings
As I read it, parameters go one way. From the "external testcase" and back to the calling testcase. There is no "input" from each testcase to this "external testcase"?
The Groovy Script in your "external testcase" may then generate a String result, which in turn can be converted to something like an Array or ArrayList of Strings.
This could be a string with values separated by ;
def result = ""
result += "Entry1;"
result += "Entry2;"
result += "Entry3;"
// You may want to add a line of code that removes the last ;
return result
This result will then be easily retrieved from Groovy Scripts elsewhere, by adding a few lines of code.
If the Groovy Script is placed in another TestCase, but in the same TestSuite, you may retrieve the result using:
def input = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.getTestCaseByName("Name of TestCase").getTestStepByName("Groovy Script Name").getPropertyValue("result")
If it is placed in a TestCase in a different TestSuite, you may use:
def input = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getTestSuiteByName("Test Suite Name").getTestCaseByName("Test Case Name").getTestStepByName("Groovy Script Name").getPropertyValue("result")
and then loop over the input doing something like:
for (def s : input.split(";")) { s
// Do your stuff here
I hope that makes sense...? :)

from groovy step 1 you shall return the list:
def list = ['Login', 'Get Messages', 'Logout']
return list
from groovy step 2 you can get this returned list
def result = context.expand( '${Groovy Script 1#result}' )
list = result.tokenize('[,] ')
list.each{ it
note that you get a string that you have to convert back to a list (tokenize).
I did this with SOAPUI pro.
Another way (ugly) would be to store the list in a custom property in groovy script 1 (using testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("myList",list.toString())
and to recover it in groovy step 2 (testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue("myList")
I hope that will help
EDIT : if list elements contain spaces
this is not very clean and I hope someone will help to provide something better but you can do the following :
list = "['Login - v1', 'Get Messages - v2', 'Logout - v1']"
list = list.replace('\'','\"')
def jsonSlurper = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()
list = jsonSlurper.parseText(list)
list.each{ it


Unable to fetch only values from a List in Groovy with Jmeter script

In groovy, I am getting below output in List. I am using Jmeter JSR223 Post processor for the script. My List print below data in result.
def a = [{Zip=36448, CountryID=2}]
I want to fetch only values (36448 and 2) from this List and not Key. How Can I do that?
For simple single instance fetch do this:
def zip = a.first().Zip
def countryId = a.first().CountryID
Seems pretty straight forward if those are only known values that you want.
If you want all Zips and CountryIDs then you can do this:
def zips = a*.Zip
def countryIds = a*.CountryID
That will return 2 Lists one with all the Zips, and one with all the CountryIDs using the spread operator.
I don't know what is the data structure is inside your list your code is not a valid Groovy code.
For Map it would be something like:
a[0].collect {it -> it.value}
More information on Groovy scripting in JMeter: Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

What is the right way to compare two strings in SoapUI with groovy script assertion?

I need to compare two strings in SoapUI. The first one is from a text file stored in my local directory, and the second one is from an XML response I get from a REST API operation. Before comparing the two strings, I use some methods on them to remove the header because they contain information like Dates and Processing Time which is sure to be different each time.
Below is what I've tried.
def xml = messageExchange.responseContentAsXml
String fileData = new File("C://Users/362784/project/outputPGB123.txt").text
String responseContent = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xml)
String fileDataFiltered = fileData.substring(fileData.indexOf("PASSED :"))
String responseContentFiltered = responseContent.substring(responseContent.indexOf("PASSED :"))
assert fileDataFiltered == responseContentFiltered
Here is the error I received
SoapUI error message
and my two identical
Here's what the XML response looks like
I am new to SoapUI and I'm not sure what those two are actually comparing but I've checked the of them on and the contents are identical. However, this assertion returns an error.
Can anyone point out what I did wrong and how do I get the result as passed?
In Java/Groovy you compare string values for equality like this:
assert fileDataFiltered.equals(responseContentFiltered)
See if that solves your problem.
The == comparator could, for example, compare object instances which could fail even if the text values are identical. See here for a more in-depth explanation.
Having seen your sample, it looks like the value you are comparing is inside XML character data (CDATA).
Consider the following example from here:
Some XML:
def response = '''<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
Then access the CDATA node with XmlSlurper:
def Envelope = new XmlSlurper().parseText(response)
def cdata = Envelope.Body.searchResponse.searchResponse.item.description cdata cdata.getClass()
assert cdata instanceof groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChildren
As you can see, the value returned is of object NodeChildren. You can convert it to a string with: cdata.toString() cdata.toString().getClass()
So let's do a comparison (as per cfrick's comment, you can use == or .equals())
def expectedCdata = '<item><width>123</width><height>345</height>length>098</length><isle>A34</isle></item>'
if (cdata.toString().equals(expectedCdata)) { 'Equal' }
else { 'Different'}
It still fails ???
Well, that is because of a residual newline that isn't obvious from printing with, if you remove whitespace it works in this case:
if (cdata.toString().replaceAll("\\s","").equals(expectedCdata)) { 'Equal' }
else { 'Different'}
As you can see, there are many levels of possible failure. You have to work through it.

Find a value in a collection and assign top an variable using groovy

Hello Groovy Experts,
I am using the below command to get all the ODI Dataservers.
def PSchema=DServer.getPhysicalSchemas();
When I print the PSchema variable I getting the following values.
[oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalSchema ABC.X1, oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalSchema ABC.X2]
What I am trying to achieve here I will be passing X1 or X2 during runtime...
And then I want to validate this value with the PSchema result and the print the following value:
oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalSchema ABC.X2
I tried using the following options:
def PSchema44 = PSchema11.findIndexValues { it =~ /(X1)/ }
def pl=PSchema11.collect{if(it.contains ('X1)){return it}}
I tried for loop to check whether values are getting printed properly ..result is fine:
for (item in PSchema11 )
println item
Assuming 'X1' and 'X2' are the names for the physical schemas, you should be able to do something like this:
def phys = "X1"
def pSchemas = dServer.getPhysicalSchemas()
def schema = pSchemas.find{it.schemaName == phys}
also I guess you are new to Groovy, I suggest you read up on syntax and naming conventions. For example, variable names should always start with a lower case letter

groovy returning different node count

I am trying to get the count of result nodes in soapUI using groovy and the below code gave me the correct count
def groovyUtils = new
def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder("StepName#ResponseAsXml")
def cnt = holder["count(//Results/ResultSet/Row)"]
but when i tried the below i got a count of 1. How are the two different?
def cnt = holder["count('//Results/ResultSet/Row')"]
Though I've never used SoapUI, in the second one, you are passing a String (wrapped in '...') to count.
The first passes a path which I guess gets evaluated into a list of nodes.
All the examples I can find do not wrap the path in a String, so my guess is the first example is the way to do it ;-)
Refer Tips and Tricks for most of the SoapUI and Groovy related questions. And count in xpath.

SOAPUI Groovy - Update XML request in another test case

I am having 2 test cases in my suite.
First test case contains 1 test step with xml request.
Second test case contains 1 test step with groovy script. I want to run the 1st test case from this groovy script a number of times. Every time I want to change the input XML. I am unable to update the input XML in TestCase 1.
I have the following the code for the groovy script:
def groovyUtils = new;
def tsuite = testRunner.testCase.testSuite
def acctInq_tstepName = tsuite.getTestCaseAt(1).getTestStepAt(0).getName()
def acctInq_requestHolder = tsuite.getTestCaseAt(1).testSteps[acctInq_tstepName].testRequest.getRequestContent()
def acctInq_req = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder("$acctInq_requestHolder")
acctInq_req["//soapenv:Envelope[1]/soapenv:Body[1]/v2:AcctInqRq[1]/ifx:DepAcctId[1]/ifx:AcctId[1]"] = "0009917812344"
I also tried using
In either case the XML is not getting updated. Please help.
Try set node value like below and check if it fixed the issue:
acctInq_req.setNodeValue("//*:ifx:AcctId[1]", "0009917812344")
