Find a value in a collection and assign top an variable using groovy - groovy

Hello Groovy Experts,
I am using the below command to get all the ODI Dataservers.
def PSchema=DServer.getPhysicalSchemas();
When I print the PSchema variable I getting the following values.
[oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalSchema ABC.X1, oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalSchema ABC.X2]
What I am trying to achieve here I will be passing X1 or X2 during runtime...
And then I want to validate this value with the PSchema result and the print the following value:
oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalSchema ABC.X2
I tried using the following options:
def PSchema44 = PSchema11.findIndexValues { it =~ /(X1)/ }
def pl=PSchema11.collect{if(it.contains ('X1)){return it}}
I tried for loop to check whether values are getting printed properly ..result is fine:
for (item in PSchema11 )
println item

Assuming 'X1' and 'X2' are the names for the physical schemas, you should be able to do something like this:
def phys = "X1"
def pSchemas = dServer.getPhysicalSchemas()
def schema = pSchemas.find{it.schemaName == phys}
also I guess you are new to Groovy, I suggest you read up on syntax and naming conventions. For example, variable names should always start with a lower case letter


Transfer list between Groovy test steps (SoapUI)

I have one test case which is called (started and finished) before every run of other test cases. It is something like 'test data preparation' test case. Output from this test case is list with some elements, list looks like this:
def list = ['Login', 'Get Messages', 'Logout', etc.]
List is different on every run. I need to transfer this list from 'test data preparation' test case to other test cases. Transfer will be between two Groovy scripts.
How to transfer list between two Groovy test steps in SoapUI?
As I understand it:
You have one TestCase, which you call from every other TestCase.
I assume this is done using a "Run TestCase" teststep?
You would like to be able to pass a list of strings
As I read it, parameters go one way. From the "external testcase" and back to the calling testcase. There is no "input" from each testcase to this "external testcase"?
The Groovy Script in your "external testcase" may then generate a String result, which in turn can be converted to something like an Array or ArrayList of Strings.
This could be a string with values separated by ;
def result = ""
result += "Entry1;"
result += "Entry2;"
result += "Entry3;"
// You may want to add a line of code that removes the last ;
return result
This result will then be easily retrieved from Groovy Scripts elsewhere, by adding a few lines of code.
If the Groovy Script is placed in another TestCase, but in the same TestSuite, you may retrieve the result using:
def input = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.getTestCaseByName("Name of TestCase").getTestStepByName("Groovy Script Name").getPropertyValue("result")
If it is placed in a TestCase in a different TestSuite, you may use:
def input = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getTestSuiteByName("Test Suite Name").getTestCaseByName("Test Case Name").getTestStepByName("Groovy Script Name").getPropertyValue("result")
and then loop over the input doing something like:
for (def s : input.split(";")) { s
// Do your stuff here
I hope that makes sense...? :)
from groovy step 1 you shall return the list:
def list = ['Login', 'Get Messages', 'Logout']
return list
from groovy step 2 you can get this returned list
def result = context.expand( '${Groovy Script 1#result}' )
list = result.tokenize('[,] ')
list.each{ it
note that you get a string that you have to convert back to a list (tokenize).
I did this with SOAPUI pro.
Another way (ugly) would be to store the list in a custom property in groovy script 1 (using testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("myList",list.toString())
and to recover it in groovy step 2 (testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue("myList")
I hope that will help
EDIT : if list elements contain spaces
this is not very clean and I hope someone will help to provide something better but you can do the following :
list = "['Login - v1', 'Get Messages - v2', 'Logout - v1']"
list = list.replace('\'','\"')
def jsonSlurper = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()
list = jsonSlurper.parseText(list)
list.each{ it

Emit local variable values during Groovy Shell execution

Consider that we have the following Groovy script:
temp = a + b
temp * 10
Now, given that a and b are bound to the context with their respective values, and that the script is executed using a groovy shell script.
Is there a way I could obtain the value of thetemp variable assignment, without printing/logging the value to the console? For instance, given a=2 and b=3, I would like to not only know that the script returned 50 but also that temp=5. Is there a way to intercept every assignment to capture the values?
Any suggestions or alternatives are appreciated. Thanks in advance!
You can capture all bindings and assignments from the script by passing a Binding instance to the GroovyShell object. Consider following example:
def binding = new Binding()
def shell = new GroovyShell(binding)
def script = '''
a = 2
b = 3
temp = a + b
temp * 10
println, 'script.groovy', [])
println binding.variables
Running this script prints following two lines to the console:
[args:[], a:2, b:3, temp:5]
If you want to access the value of temp script variable you simply do:

What is the meaning of this script field in Groovy?

What parameters.script means in the following Groovy code:
class Example {
def call(Map parameters) {
def script = parameters.script
It retrieves a value from a Map with the key 'script'. The following are all equivalent
def script = parameters.script
script = parameters['script']
script = parameters.get('script')
Beside using brackets you can also use dot notation to access entries

Groovy: Different behaviour observed using the eachWithIndex method

I was doing a Groovy tutorial online there and after playing around with the code I observed some behaviour that I can't understand.
First I created a Map object like this:
def devMap = [:]
devMap = ['name':'Frankie', 'framework':'Grails', 'language':'Groovy']
Then I called eachWithIndex to print out the values like so:
devMap.eachWithIndex { println "$it.key: $it.value"}
Which printed this to the console:
name: Frankie
framework: Grails
language: Groovy
lastName: Hollywood
But when I printed to the console from the eachWithIndex method like this using the arrow operator:
devMap.eachWithIndex { it, i -> println "$i: $it" }
The following got printed to the console:
0: name=Frankie
1: framework=Grails
2: language=Groovy
3: lastName=Hollywood
So what I can't understand is why the indexes got printed with the second statement and why there are = signs but no : signs between the key-value pairs?
When you use the no-arg version of eachWithIndex, it is the current entry in the Map. That means that it.key and it.value return what you expect.
When you use the two-arg version of eachWithIndex, again, it is the current entry in the Map and i is the current index. You're printing i, the index, and then since you are only printing it, you are getting the result of it.toString(), which formats the map entry as "${it.key}=${it.value}"
Your second example is equivalent to:
devMap.eachWithIndex { it, index -> println "$index: ${it.toString()}" }
where this shows that the toString() implementation uses the = syntax:
devMap.each { println it.toString() }
Note that this is closer to your goal (as I interpret it):
devMap.eachWithIndex { it, index -> println "$index: ${it.key}: ${it.value}" }

Finding a value of a list

I have two lists
def flagList = SystemFlag.list()
this contains the domain objects of one table
I have another list which I create using a query. One of the parameter in the object of this list is contained in the flagList. How can I find if an id of FlagList is present in the second list?
I can do it in plain java but I need to use Groovy for this.
If I understood you correctly you have this situation:
def listeOne = [1,2,3,4,5]
def listTwo = [2,5,1]
You want to see if '2' of 'listTwo' is in 'listOne'.
Find a specific value:
def found = 2 in listTwo //returns a boolean of the interger 2 is in listTwo
Search for common value of both lists:
def intersectionsList = listOne.intersect(listTwo) //gives you a list of value that are in BORTH list
You can also iterate like this:
listTwo.each { value ->
if(value in listOne) println value //or do something lese
listTwo.each { value ->
listOne.find {value}?.toString() //you can perform an action on the object found in listOne. using '?.' will make sure no nullpointer will be thrown if there is no result.
I found it using
def it = itemtofindsomehow
list.findIndexof { iterator -> ==
