Xpages - Custom control getting a custom property from another custom control - xpages

I've searched google and stack but can't seem to find a definitive answer. What I would like to do, is something like this:
Say I have custom control A, within which, is a radio button, when I click it, I want it to grab a custom property that is set on custom control B, lets say compositeData.Name as an example. Can I do this?
If I give custom control B an ID, lets say ccB, can the radio button in custom control A do something like, getComponent("ccB").getValue().compositeData.Name so I can get the value of the property I passed into custom control B using the custom property 'Name'?
If its a straight no, at least I know to stop playing around with the idea! Thanks

Reaching from one control into the inside of another control would break component isolation. You might want to take a different approach:
Option a - client side:
Your control emits a JavaScript event that bubbles up until it reaches a parent element that contains the control you want to change (presumably the parent Dom element). There you set the property of that element.
Option b - server side:
As Urs suggested: bind both to a bean and handle the updates inside the bean


Custom Page Type Property with Inheritance

I'm looking for advice on how I might implement a custom property on a page type that supports inheritance.
The sort of functionality I'm looking for would be similar to how the "Use output cache" radio buttons work on the Properties > General page in portal mode.
So I want to be able to create a property on a page type, see radio buttons like this, and then based on whether I choose yes, no, or inherit it will go back up the content tree to find the value to apply to that property (if inherit is selected of course).
I hope that makes sense.
Not sure if I understand. So you want have a dynamic property for your page based on parent's value at the moment of creation. You can access parent object like so:
You may try to create field with radio button control to choose a value.
0; No
1; Yes
{%EditedObject.Parent.FieldName%}; Inherit
Hope this gives you some ideas

How to interact with control properties after a call to a managed action?

I have a managed action with returns bool when a button is pressed.
Depending on if true / false is returned I want to be able to change the properties of controls on the dialog. Not limited to just the text value.
Is this possible, for example the visibility, etc?
It is possible, however you will have to make sure there is a set-property control event (after your managed code custom action do-event) that touches a property related to anything you want the UI to update. If you change a property value within the managed code, or via the wrapper InstallShield provides, the Windows Installer UI doesn't track the change and update in response.
So, for example, you could wire your return value to the property RETURNVALUE, and then add a control event that sets better named properties like MYCONTROLTEXT or SHOWMYCONTROL; the control or its conditions would be wired to those better named properties.

Is there a way to use a javascript object as a custom control property?

I'm currently building a custom control to be used as an application's view navigator (classic OneUI style). First of all: this is a 8.5.3 based project, and unfortunately there's no way to use Extlib stuff or other extensions / plug-ins. So we have to build all the tricky stuff ourselves using only what came "out-of-the-box" with 8.5.3.
I'd llike to build my navigator using a repeat control containing <xp:link> controls. Datasource could be an array of javascript objects where each single object would look like this:
var navEntry = {"entryLabel" : "label-of-link",
"entryTarget" : "target-url-of-link",
"entryStyle" : "style-to-emphasize-selected-link"}
Each array element then would describe a single navigator entry.
Since the navigator will be used in all possible "DominoView" Xpages it yould make sense to build the array of JS objects at the Xpage level and then pass that info into the custom control.
I'm aware that there are multiple ways to do this, and one could be "Custom Control Properties". If there was a way to pass my JS object array.
(Hope I could make clear what I'm trying to do here...)
That object looks like a HashMap to me really. You should be able to pass that in to a custom control via custom property if you use the type java.util.HashMap I'd think. You'll need to type it in I'm sure. I've passed custom objects in by using java.lang.Object.
The custom control will get loaded during the Page Load event, and usually properties have to be available at that point. If they're loaded during the Render Response phase, that's too late. So your SSJS object will need to be Compute on Page Load.
To use contents of a repeat control, you would need to set repeatControls=true, otherwise the repeat is only built during render response. Until then it's just a single set of controls with no data in them. However, Im pretty sure repeatControls="true" means you only get the number of rows you define. You can't change it via a pager.
You can manually define the type of the custom property. For a standard SSJS Object you use "com.ibm.jscript.std.ObjectObject", for a SSJS Array you use "com.ibm.jscript.std.ArrayObject" etc. As editor for the custom property, I set the string editor ("String value").

Reusable edit form in Apache Wicket

I have a simple ContactEditPanel which contains a form and a number of textfields. Up until now I included an AjaxSubmitLink in this panel which, if the form content is valid, saves/updates the Contact instance contained in the Panel model. So far so simple. However now I'd like to remove the link in order that I may, depending on the context in which I use the ContactEditPanel, place the submit link at different levels of my overall component hierarchy. For instance in one context I'd like to use to flip between ContactEditPanel and ContactViewPanel with a bar of actions above the current view (edit | save , cancel). Another context would be to use ContactEditPanel in a standalone way (maybe part of a multi-step process) with just a save link below.
I was contemplating refactoring my ContactEditPanel to extends FormComponentPanel rather than Panel as described here but I'm not sure whether this is the right approach and I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this.
Any help would be most appreciated!
Many Thanks,
Your using the panel like a FormComponent so extend FormComponentPanel, it will allow you to keep all the validation you write contained to the component and also allow you to reuse it as you wish.
Just think of it as you've created a new FormComponent, like a TextField or DropDownChoice.

Conditional Client Side Validation?

I have a radio button group that gets it's values using an #Dblookup. In addition to the name to appear in the radio button group, the document also has a field to determine if another field on the xPage should be displayed or not.
If the field is displayed then it should be required.
I can do the conditional validation just fine in SSJS using an #DbLookup to lookup the document selected in the radio button group.
But I would like to be able to do it CS so it is faster and so it looks like my other validations. Is there anyway to do this?
If a field is not rendered then the node will not exist in the DOM. Your CS javascript would need to examine the DOM and look for the node, normally by looking for a specific ID. As Xpages changes the ID's sent to the browser your validation function would either need to be computed so it would know what ID to look for or you would need to look for it in some other unique way ( like add a css class name to just that field and then do a DOM search for nodes with that class name )
Once you can determine if the field has been rendered then you can run your usual CS validation routine against the other field.
If you're using client-side validation throughout your app, setting the required property on the field should achieve what you need.
If not, it may be worth looking at the Extension Library Dojo Validation Text Box. All the Extension Library Dojo control run client-side validation, even if validation is set as server-side at application level. Bear in mind that for the Dojo Validation Text Box, just setting the required property is not enough. You need to add more specific validation.
After that, the key is to ensure the partial refresh event on your radio group is set to skip validation. I haven't tried, but I believe that should achieve what you need.
