Difference time view from Excel to VBA - excel

I can't obtain the average time from start to end of some activities,
I tried 1K way but the result isn't correct, every time I've one day minus.
the image can explain better (that my english).
In this example the sum of my activities il 480:52:56 hours, in vba I've different result, for vba the date is "19/01/1900 00:52:56" like 456:52:56 hous
24 hours minus
why this difference? and how I can obtain the same result?
thanks for any suggestion

Dates are stored as serial numbers where first valid date has a value of 1. This value in excel reads as 01/01/1900, and in VBA as 31/12/1899. In excel, value 60 returns 29/02/1900 which doesn't exist in VBA, so from value 61 onwards all values will return the same date in VBA and excel.
/e: Also, maximum value is 2958465 (31/12/9999), values higher than that will return error rather than valid date

thanks to your comments I understand that the problem is for the minor dates of March 1, 1900 so I changed the select from:
Select [DataAttesa] as Data, avg(iif([totHours] > 1 and [totHours] < 61, dateadd("d",-1,CDate([totHours])) , [totHours])) as nr FROM [db_In$] Where TypeTrasp = "AOG" group by [DataAttesa] Order by [DataAttesa]asc
now, when I put the recordset.results on excel the value are correct.
Thank at all


Formatting date in Excel

How can I easily format "202104" --> 2021/04 in Excel?
My current method is to concatenate the original string with "01" and then change it into a date. However, I am seeking a more efficient format method.
Try this.
For Text
For Date Value
As far as I know, 2021/04 is not a valid date in Excel, but 2021/04/01 (first of April, year 2021) is.
In order to achieve this, you can use this formula:
=DATE(INTEGER(202104 / 100);MOD(202104;100);1)
1) INTEGER(202104/100) is the integer division of 202104 by 100, calculating the year.
2) MOD(202104;100) means 202104 modulo 100, in order to calculate the month.
3) 1 means the first day of the month.

Excel - averaging an n amount of rows based on condition in prior column

I have this table in excel:
Date value
1/2/1970 100.00
1/5/1970 99.99
1/6/1970 100.37
1/7/1970 100.74
1/8/1970 101.26
1/9/1970 100.74
1/12/1970 100.79
1/13/1970 101.27
1/14/1970 101.95
1/15/1970 101.97
1/16/1970 101.76
1/19/1970 102.21
1/20/1970 102.70
1/21/1970 102.00
1/22/1970 101.46
1/23/1970 101.49
1/26/1970 100.97
1/27/1970 101.45
1/28/1970 101.70
1/29/1970 102.08
1/30/1970 102.19
2/2/1970 102.02
2/3/1970 101.85
These are values that I have daily, and I need to construct a sheet that takes a monthly index of the daily values, example below:
date index
1/31/1970 some_index
2/28/1970 some_index
3/31/1970 some_index
4/30/1970 some_index
I could only get this far when it came to getting the index of 30 days:
I'm just not sure how to structure this in the most efficient, yet correct way possible. Not all months are the same amount of days, so I was hoping to check to get all the next n rows where the date starts with a "1" for example, sometimes certain days are also missing. I can't think of a catch all approach.
With 1/31/1970 in C1 try this,
=averageifs(daily!b:b, daily!a:a, "<="&c1, daily!a:a, ">="&eomonth(c1, -1)+1)
A PivotTable might be more convenient:

Converting large time format to decimal in excel

I'm trying to convert a large time value in excel to a decimal number for hours.
I currently have a column adding up "Ready time" for a call centre which is 3545:20:02 as a SUM. I now want that to show me the same hours in a decimal format e.g. 3545.333 as it's used in another calculation.
For reference, when I convert the above time to a General excel value, it is 147.7222454.
The formula I've been using is: =IFERROR((DAY(M54)*24) + HOUR(M54) + (MINUTE(M54)/60),0) and has been working fine for smaller time values.
Thanks in advance!
Excel counts in days (1 day = 1) so for hours you just multiply by 24, i.e.
format result cell as number with required number of decimals
[the reason your current formula fails is because of DAY function - DAY is day of the month so it fails for you when the time value is >= 32*24 = 768 hours]

Formula to compare time values

Below excel formula is working fine but in some cases its not give me proper value .
After using this formula:
I got the below output:
What I Observe if the time value is > or = 24:00:00 it will not give me the proper answer.
How do I fix this?
As an alternative to Captain's excellent answer, you could also use:
DateTime values are internally stored as a number of days since 1/1/1900,
therefore 1 = 1 day = 24 hours. So 9/24 = 0.375 = 9 hours :-)
You can easily verify this by clearing the format of your DateTime cells.
Edit: note that such Boolean formula can be expressed in a shorter way without losing legibility:
When you go over 24 hours, Excel counts it as the next day... and then the TIMEVALUE is the time the next day (i.e. 00:58:36 and 02:11:18 in your examples) and can, therefore, be before 0900.
You could do DATEVALUE(K7)+TIMEVALUE(K7) to ensure that you count the day part too...

Hours Calculations in Excel 2010

I have an Excel 2010 workbook which contains a cell with the value of, say, 9876:54:32 (manually entered) representing 9876 hours, 54 minutes and 32 seconds of, say, phone talk time.
Then I have a cell with the value of, say, 1000 (manually entered) representing 1000 calls.
I want to divide the values to get the average talk time of 592.615 minutes per call.
I'm doing a regular =A1/B1 and it gives me an error.
Thanks Brain Webster for correcting my math. I mean 9.876 hours. But the point is that Excel gives me an error, not my manual math. Playing around with it I discovered that Excel is fine with me with values up to 9999:59:59. Once I try with 10000:00:00 and up, it doesn't recognize it as a time value.
I love these seemingly easy riddles, so here is my solution as a formula and as a VBA attempt:
my original:
= (LINKS(A38;FINDEN(":";A38)-1)/24)+ZEITWERT("0"&RECHTS(A38;LĂ„NGE(A38)-FINDEN(":";A38)+1))
= (LEFT(A38,FIND(":",A38)-1)/24)+TIMEVALUE("0"&RIGHT(A38,LEN(A38)-FIND(":",A38)+1))
This will get you the right value to a given 10k text of a time duration. You would only have to setup the format of the cell to [h]:mm:ss. Then those values will look the same, but one would be a string and the other a number - and that is a major difference ;)
In vba it looks much more easier, and once defined, you can use it as a worksheetfunction.
Public Function GetDurationValue(ByVal strInput As String) As Double
Dim arrResult As Variant
arrResult = Split(strInput, ":") 'saves you parsing
GetDurationValue = (arrResult(0) / 24) + _
TimeSerial(0, arrResult(1), arrResult(2))
End Function
A38 = "10971:12:14"
You can use LEFT and RIGHT function to retreive parts of the time value and then sum and multiply these values by 60 [minutes] (resp. 3600 [hours]).
Something like this for the hours, minutes, seconds (A1 is the cell with time value):
B2=VALUE(LEFT(A1;FIND(":";A1; FIND(":";A1))))*60
B3=VALUE(LEFT(A1;FIND(":";A1; FIND(":";A1; FIND(":";A1)))))
Now you can sum that:
Then divede by calls count (A2 is the cell with the calls count):
Finally format it like time:
E1=TEXT(D1/(24*3600);"d \day\s hh:mm:ss")
BTW: I tried that in Excel 2013 and when I enter 111:22:33 into a cell it automatically converts to a time. So then I can divide it like you try...
It appears that hours > 10000 are not recognised as such by Excel. Therefore we need to introduce an IF() to see whether this is the case and determined the alternative formula for the case where hours >10000
=IF(ISERROR(FIND(":",A2)),A2/B2, <SCRIPT IN CASE OF >10000>)
<SCRIPT IN CASE OF >10000> will now be:
VALUE(LEFT(A2,FIND(":",A2)))/24+VALUE(LEFT(A2,FIND(":",A2, FIND(":",A2))))/(24*60)+VALUE(LEFT(A2,FIND(":",A2, FIND(":",A2,FIND(":",A2)))))*(24*60*60)
combine and enjoy!
Assuming you don't exceed 100,000 hours in A1, and you always display hours, minutes and seconds then this formula should suffice
format result cell as [h]:mm:ss to get the result as a time value
With 10971:12:14 in A1 and 1000 in B1 that should give a result of 10:58:16 [or format result cell as [m]:ss to get minutes and seconds like 658:16]
This version will work with any number of hours and with or without seconds
