Angular 7 on nodeJS server referencing github - node.js

I have an angular 7 app that runs on NodeJS server. When I build my app from local and deployed it, it works fine.
However, after I committed the project to github, another developer cloned it. He created the build for NodeJS server, and now all the paths are pointing to github.
Screenshot from console
Did anyone experience the same? Please advise how to fix it.


How to deploy Meteor Application on cPanel shared hosting

I am trying to deploy a meteor.js application on cPanel shared hosting. I don't have access to their cli.
I have followed this tutorial Host your Node.js app on Shared hosting. Go beyond localhost.
Now I am having hard time with a couple of things. I can't find any tutorial specific for meteor.js which is why I am facing some issues. Which are as follows
1. Without meteor Build
I uploaded the development version of my code. i.e the one with client,server,lib folders(without meteor build). The problem is that I am not sure about the "Application startup file".
I tried with "./client/main.js" and "./server/main.js" seperately but the site then returns 503.
2. With meteor Build
I then built my application and the build was generated with some errors. I then uploaded the tar.gz file and went with the main.js as Application Startup file. But now the cPanel is unable to detect package.json
Can someone please refer to a full guide of how to deploy a meteor app with cPanel.

trouble deploying full stack application on heroku

I have made a full-stack app with react js and node js with express and MongoDB but I am having a little bit of difficulty deploying I first tried to deploy the front end but I was getting the invalid host header coming up when I tried to deploy in Heroku its been tested and works fine in the dev environment.
But also my application has two separate git repos one for the back and one for the front end and every tutorial I have seen to deploy they always have the client in the same folder as the server.
Can someone either tell me how to deploy or point me in the right direction on how to deploy.
What you have to do for React/Express/Node/MongoDB is,
build your frontend app first by using "npm run build". This will create a build folder under your app folder.
move your "build" folder to backend app folder.
update your backend app to use "app.use(express.static('build'))".
Then you can push your code to git and Heroku and try to deploy it.
There should be some tutorials available on Heroku website.

Deploying mono repo to Heroku, Node.JS, Angular 9. Heroku CLI

Having a bit of an issue with Heroku. I've always uploaded in one directory, but this time I wanted my folder structure to be a bit more, well structured. The problem is I can't seem to upload to Heroku like this.
I have a directory containing a folder called "client" which contains my angular 9 application and I have a folder called "middle-tier" containing the node.js server application.
I can't figure out how to push this up and allow it to work. The node application serves the angular application.
Everything works locally I just have no idea how to push this up to Heroku servers.
Please see attached screenshots of the structure.
Below is the error message I'm getting. Which I tried to fix by running git init again in the root of the structure. And then running the command to have a node.js build pack. Which was to no avail this also did not work and produced the same problem.
I have tried to include as much detail as I can but if there is anything else I can provide please let me know. I've spent quite some time building my application and am quite eager to deploy it!
Thanks for your time guys!
In short, with multiple discussions with Heroku support line, at the moment it is impossible to upload a mono repo to a single Heroku instance.

How to deploy dist and server side on Heroku correctly?

I am creating a simple customer chat app for my school project using Pusher according to their tutorial.
I want to deploy the app on Heroku so anyone can use this app and connect to it. This app has a client-side (Vue.js app) and a server-side (express) folder.
How can I make it work together by deploying it on Heroku or what have I do?
I have deployed the client-side on Heroku and the front-end works fine.
I also tried to deploy server-side, but it seems it does not communicate with each other.
The server works fine on the localhost, however, I need to make it work globally.
The code can be found in this repository.
Server side settings are in server.js.
I have only changed some front-end stuff, but nothing important yet, so the code is pretty the same.
This is my first Vue.js & server deploying and I was trying several tips and tutorials, but none of them solved this issue.

Has anyone created a Node.js, Angular2 application running under IISNode?

We have created an application that runs on node.js using Angular2 but you have not launch it with "npm" which uses the lite-server. However, we are being told that we much run under IIS but the problem is npm loads all of the packages for you correctly, IIS and IISNode know nothing about all these packages we have downloaded via "npm". We have yet to see anyone who has ever created an Angular2 or even Angular application that runs under IIS using IISNode.
Does anyone know how we would have it load all the modules correctly?
I answered Mike's question within the issue he opened on the IISNode Repo on Github. Here are the excerpts from that issue answer.
Angular2, as far as I know, has nothing to do with IISNode and shouldn't present any issues with running your app in an IISNode environment.
IISNode provides a way to run node.exe on an IIS Server instead of using a process manager like pm2 or forever. You can run an Angular2 app hosted with a Node.js/Express backend easily by just following any examples for getting an Express server running in IISNode. Take a look at this tutorial I wrote on StackOverflow for getting an Express app running in IIS with IISNode. Once you've got your Express app running its just a matter of getting your Angular2 transpiled to a browser compatible JS version and serving that.
I was able to successfully run the Angular2 Quickstart in IISNode just now (I know this isn't a full blown app) and I also know I wouldn't have made my node_modules static but for the purpose of the exercise I have.
Here is the repo it works perfectly and loaded up just fine for me.
Just clone the repo, place on your IIS box and do npm i and you shou>ld be good to go. Make sure the app is reachable at root otherwise you'll need to do some additional work. Again I know this is simplistic but it is a demonstration that IISNode has no problem with loading the essentials of Angular2.
