Issues with Stripe Connect - node.js

Hope you are doing great days.
I am trying to set up payment by using stripe connect. I followed the tutorial '' and finished everything. (Admin account is Europe based)
But when I test my onboarding process, I can't create a European account(step 2 of above documentation). I am supposed to be a US based user and I am required to input US phone number, social digits and etc.
Of course I can pass this process with test methods(phone num: 000 000 0000). But when I pass with test data, I am registered as a United States based account in admin's connect account. Thus I can't transfer money from admin to registered account with 'stripe transfer api'. Error is occurred because admin and connected account are not from same region.
Is there anyone who can help me with this problem?
I tried to explain what my problem is but not sure I did it exactly. I will be happy if you contact me. Please feel free to ask me if you can't get what my problem is.
Many thanks.

I found that stripe express account is only available in U.S.(Mr.Karllekko hinted me). I contacted with stripe support team and they say that Express account is not available in Germany. So I decided to implement current business logic with Custom account.
Thank you guys who are interested in my question. And thanks again, Karllekko.


Developer vs. General accounts w/ DocuSign

A few weeks ago I implemented my first REST integration with the DocuSign API. Things over all went smoothly and with very little complaints. One particular hang up I experienced though was some confusion in regards to the Developer account and how it relates to the General account. I started with a developer account and used the test credentials to build my integration. Once my integration passed inspection it required me to choose another paid docusign account that the integration key would "go live" on. This is all pretty straight forward.
The curve ball came when I actually went to purchase the API account and it said, "you aren't eligible to purchase this". There isn't clear instruction on the site, so my questions are:
1.) In what order does the account creation need to go? Developer > General (Paid) > API Plan (Paid)?
2.) Does DocuSign expect the user, as the customer, to purchase the plan or should that plan be purchased through my developer account?
I tried to reach out to customer service directly, but it was pretty much a, "give us all of your money, then we'll help" situation. I have several customers who are interested in this integration, but I'm not comfortable presenting this as an option until I get a better understanding of the process. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
In general, DocuSign does require a paid account to complete the Go Live process. If you - the integration owner - will not be using DocuSign yourself, you would want to reach out to the [DocuSign Partners program][1] to receive a free Partner account that can hold your integration key instead of having to purchase one.
From there, the end users of your integration can purchase their own DocuSign accounts. You could potentially act as a reseller of DocuSign if you were so inclined.
If you still need assistance, please email with this information. Someone will help you right away.

Share Customer and its PaymentMethods with Connected Accounts

I'm building a platform where content creators can setup a subscription service of which I'll take a fee (think, Substack, OnlyFans, etc.)
Content creators will setup a Stripe Connected Account on the platform. I'll operate the Platform Account.
Customers that subscribe to a content creator might want to subscribe to others so it makes sense to keep both Customers and their PaymentMethods on the Platform Account. Customers must be able to manage all their subscriptions and have their credit card details pre-filled, if already available.
I can't, for the life of me, understand how to share these Customers and their PaymentMethods with the content creator's Connected Accounts.
I followed the clone customers across accounts guide unsuccessfully. It errors out while creating the Token, saying that the Customer must have an active payment source. I read somewhere that this guide doesn't work with PaymentMethods but I don't really know if that's true.
Then I found this other guide. It seems, though, that I would have to create a Customer, per User, per Connected Account which will make me duplicate information and make subscription management harder.
Could anyone, who has experience building a similar service, give me some pointers?
Instead of cloning PaymentMethods to your connected accounts (for which this guide is the correct one) you could create subscriptions using destination charges. The idea being that the customers and payment methods stay on your platform account. When an invoice is paid its funds (minus an application fee set by you) are automatically transferred to the connected account.

Set-up Stripe Connect for split payments

I have a platform which users register on with their car and then another user can then rent the car for a period of time. When the payment for the rental is received to our company account I need to be able to pay out 80% to the car owner and then pay our company account the remaining 20%.
I have Stripe integrated on my platform and we can receive payments but I don't know how to set up the rest, Stripe support are saying the platform developers need to do it, but the platform developers don't know where they need to do this and tell me I actually need to do it within Stripe myself. Im so frustrated and confused as no one is helping me.
I would be so grateful for some advice and help on if code needs to be put on the platform by the developer and if so what code? Also if there is a link to the correct guidelines.
Thank you in advance!
The product you need to use here is called Stripe Connect. It allows you to collect payments on behalf of a third-party, send them the funds and keep a portion of it for yourself.
The idea is that you will act as a platform and have your own Stripe account. Car owners will be able to register with your platform and create their own Stripe account that will be connected to your own.
When a customer wants to book a car you'll be able to collect their card details securely and charge them on behalf of the car owner while keeping a portion of the funds for yourself.
This will be a more complex integration though and something that your developers will need to build for you if you're not the developer yourself. You'll use multiple Stripe products such as Connect as mentioned earlier, but also Checkout or Elements to collect card details.

Best way to split a Stripe charge across two bank accounts?

So when I run a charge, I'd like to be able to have 15% go to a secondary bank account of mine. What's the preferred way to do this now?
I found a great article on exactly this, using recipients and transfers (, but that's been deprecated and replaced with Managed Accounts. But those docs don't offer a clear way to do what I need.
Anyone seen a working example out there?
It sounds like you're trying to setup a "marketplace" type scenario, in which you would use the Stripe Connect platform and have the application_fee parameter in your request which to collect your 15%.
In that scenario, you create a charge request for $100 from customer A, you can specify an application_fee of 1500 (stripe requires the value in cents) in the API call. Documentation on this can be found here.
The result is that the $85 goes to your recipient, and $15 goes into your personal stripe account, and can be transferred to the bank account of your choosing. On hidden "gotcha" to this is that the stripe processing fee will be taken out of your application fee that you charge, so you won't be getting a true 15% from the transaction.
Note, you will need to have a connected or managed account registered through your connect account in order to properly setup the transaction. A general overview on the pros/cons of connected vs managed can be found here.

Stripe: How to manage user-to-user payment?

I am using Stripe API for a project.
My requirement is users using my app can pay some tips or service fees to other serving users. So basically it is a kind of user-to-user payment.
I have tried everything I can and I am searching on the Internet. But didn't find anything helpful.
Is it possible to do using Stripe?
I am new to Stripe. I have used PayPal before to achieve the same.
Thank you!
I don't know Stripe very well, but with most of the payment service providers you could only enter one account number to which the payments will be paid. This for security reasons so other people can't receive your payments by simply hacking a config value with the users' account number.
