pm2 not starting index.js server - node.js

I am running a nodejs server.
When I run it with the command "node index.js" the app run fine.
But when I run it using pm2 -> "pm2 start index.js"
pm2 outputs that the app is online but it isn't.
Also when I check about it using the command 'pm2 status', no running app is showed.
This problem occurred after I made some changes in my "index.js".
But reverting the "index.js" file to the previous working (index.js) with pm2 is also not working now.
Below is the screen shot, please help.


Node.js applies the changes only after restart

I am very new to server side scripting. And I am using NodeJS. My Problem is that after adding some new features to the app, i.e. after changing the code, these changes will be applied only after restarting the server. Till then NodeJS behaves so as though I hadn't changed anything. So for instance if I add console.log("works") and don't restart the server, then it hasn't any effect.
I am using Nuxt.js, which is actually the Vue.js framework but with additional and very usefull features mainly for server side rendering. I didn't integrate the express.js at the beginning of the project, beacause it wasn't planned to write any server side code. So I am normally exporting express and using it, which is pretty fine for me, since I need just a couple lines of code to use the NodeJS file system.
So, as it is pretty hard to code, if I should restart the server once I changed anything, I want to ask you if there is any solution to this problem.
Use nodemon
step 1 : npm install -g nodemon <- this will install nodemon globaly in your system
step 2 : change your start script within package.json
"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon fileName" <- like this //filename is you root file which starts the app like app.js
step 3 : npm start
This is already build in into nuxt. You just need to run it in dev mode, not in production.
E.g. for dev with change monitoring
For production without monitoring
nuxt start
So in this particular case the following changes to the "scripts" in package.json have solved my problem.
"scripts": {
"dev": "nodemon --watch api --exec \"nuxt\"",
"start": "nodemon nuxt",
The following link could also be usefull to you.
Install nodemmon in your application to allow live update npm -g install nodemon
and add the following codes inside your packages json file :
"main": "app.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "node app"
on your command line, just type : start

Configure Electron/Node To Run In Debug And Attach a Debugger

I'm a Java developer but I have to try and debug a Node based application which runs inside Electron. I use IntelliJ IDEA for Java development/debugging and have WebStorm for which I want to debug the JS application.
As a Java developer I am used to starting the JVM/Tomcat/OSGi container in debug mode to which I can attach IntelliJ as my debugger. This allows me to dynamically add breakpoints without modifying code in IntelliJ. I want to be able to do the same with the Electron application but I haven't been able to work out how to do this.
I have tried starting Election with the --inspect option as detailed here but cannot attach WebStorm to it. I've also tried setting up a run time configuration in WebStorm itself which works as far as starting Electron but terminates with the error 'connection refused'.
I've also used this and this to try and attach a debugger but to no avail. I also have to work on Windows so I'm facing having to deal with inadequate tools to determine if Electron is listening on a port.
I can't put complete code here but I would start the application with:
npm run dev
And this is the relevant part package.json in the root folder of the application but WITHOUT any debugging options specified:
"dev": "concurrently --raw --kill-others \"npm run dev-server\" \"npm run start\"",
"dev-server": "webpack-dev-server --hot --inline",
"start": "cross-env WEBPACK_ENV=dev electron .",
The application starts up i.e. the Election window appears but terminates before it is completely rendered. I can't say for sure how far into the start-up it gets before failing.
Update 2
I've modified the package.json file dev and start lines to:
"dev": "concurrently --raw --kill-others \"npm run %NODE_DEBUG_OPTION% dev-server\" \"npm run %NODE_DEBUG_OPTION% start\"",
"start": "cross-env WEBPACK_ENV=dev electron --inspect=5858 --remote-debugging-port=9223 .",
But still get Connection refused.
To debug Electron main process, you need using Node.js run configuration; for render process, the Attach to Node.js/Chrome configuration is required.
Please see for more info
I found that WebStorm can debug the main process properly if electron is started with the flag:
electron . --serve --inspect-brk=5893
Note the 'brk', it stops the process until a debugger is attached.
Then I just created a run configuration (Attach to Node.js/Chrome) and specified the 5893 port, telling to reconnect automatically.

Is it possible to have Heroku Local run like nodemon?

I'm new to Heroku, a little bit less to NodeJS (and Nodemon).
I am now using heroku local to run my app in local (and be as close as possible to my prod environment) but I'd like to have my app rebuilt and restarted everytime I make a change in local (as with Nodemon for example).
Is there nay way to do this with heroku local?
Old question, I know, but came up while I was searching for the same. There is an answer here:
This is what I have in my package.json:
"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon --exec 'heroku local' --signal SIGTERM"
For anybody coming across this post in search of a solution. As mentioned by nicolasdaudin in response to tom, you can add nodemon to the heroku Procfile (
web: nodemon index.js
Note that nodemon must be installed globally for this to work:
npm i -g nodemon
Then you should be able to run heroku locally as normal with nodemon watching for changes:
heroku local web

Start server node.js with forever on ubuntu

I been searching alot and no result with same problem as me.
I have a Node.js application and I want to start it with forever start app.js, the process starts but no website found when i try in browser. The process is in the list when I write forever list.
Npm start works fine but I cant use nodejs/node app.js or my_file.js.. It gives no error or something just new command line with no output in terminal.
So anyone know why I cant start the app with nodejs app.js or forever start app.js .. No files works.
In express 4 you should write :
forever ./bin/www
And if you check your package.json file you can see :
"scripts": {
"start": "node ./bin/www"
It's the npm start script
Alternatively, you can try using PM2.
It does a great job at keeping your app alive, and has some really useful features such as load balancing, no downtime, and a web interface to monitor your processes.
In addition, I find it dead simple to use.

Forever-npm will not start my ExpressJS app

I am trying to use forever so that I can assure that my ExpressJS app will remain running constantly.
I am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
Strangely, 'forever list' displays nothing, 'forever --version' displays nothing
I've tried:
forever start -c "npm start" ./
forever start app.js
Without anything displayed.
If you are using node js with express framework then script will not start using :
forever start app.js
First stop all running apps:
forever stopall
When this Express framework used it must be started with:
forever start ./bin/www
and you should find this in package.json file:
"scripts": {
"start": "node ./bin/www"
I hope it helps you.
