Forever-npm will not start my ExpressJS app - node.js

I am trying to use forever so that I can assure that my ExpressJS app will remain running constantly.
I am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
Strangely, 'forever list' displays nothing, 'forever --version' displays nothing
I've tried:
forever start -c "npm start" ./
forever start app.js
Without anything displayed.

If you are using node js with express framework then script will not start using :
forever start app.js
First stop all running apps:
forever stopall
When this Express framework used it must be started with:
forever start ./bin/www
and you should find this in package.json file:
"scripts": {
"start": "node ./bin/www"
I hope it helps you.


Forever start angular-http-server is not working

I'm trying to run angular dist in the background and I'm targeting the node_modules folder in the dist correctly and finding the angular-http-server library there.
The terminal is not showing any error but it's not starting. I'm using this command:
forever start angular-http-server --host 'IP'
Is the command wrong? What should I do?
You may use it like this:
forever start node_modules/#angular/cli/bin/ng serve --host {ip_address or domain} --prod
Change the ip_address or domain to the desired one
with the command
forever start node_modules/#angular/cli/bin/ng serve --host {ip_address or domain} --prod
Show me an error:
error: Cannot start forever error: script /home/ec2-user/angular01/backend-java-angular01/node_modules/#angular/cli/bin/node_modules/#angular/cli/bin/ng does not exist.
Thanks for the help
PD: ng its working fine.
forever is installed
folder #angular/cli/bin/ng exits

pm2 not starting index.js server

I am running a nodejs server.
When I run it with the command "node index.js" the app run fine.
But when I run it using pm2 -> "pm2 start index.js"
pm2 outputs that the app is online but it isn't.
Also when I check about it using the command 'pm2 status', no running app is showed.
This problem occurred after I made some changes in my "index.js".
But reverting the "index.js" file to the previous working (index.js) with pm2 is also not working now.
Below is the screen shot, please help.

How to stop nodemon from changing port on each restart of express app?

I am new to nodejs and this is first time I am using nodemon. I am using nodejs on windows. I have got following in my package.json file
"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon ./bin/www"
And I use npm start from command line to start my express app. The process start with a default port which is annoying. But what is even more annoying is that every time I change a file nodemon restarts the application, sometimes on an entirely different random port number. I tried changing the script section in package.json file to the below but that did not make any difference
"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon ./bin/www 3000"
From the comments it seems you're specifying the port through an env variable, let's call it EXPRESS_PORT. The node process doesn't inherit it when you start it with npm because npm start creates a new shell with its own environment. So you end up passing port undefined to express. That makes it bind to a random free port. To fix this you can set the variable in the start command:
"scripts": {
"start": "EXPRESS_PORT=3000 nodemon ./bin/www"
Or you can export it from your shell with export EXPRESS_PORT=3000 and then run npm start. If you do this you need to make sure to always export before starting the server, so you might want to place the export in ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc.

Start server node.js with forever on ubuntu

I been searching alot and no result with same problem as me.
I have a Node.js application and I want to start it with forever start app.js, the process starts but no website found when i try in browser. The process is in the list when I write forever list.
Npm start works fine but I cant use nodejs/node app.js or my_file.js.. It gives no error or something just new command line with no output in terminal.
So anyone know why I cant start the app with nodejs app.js or forever start app.js .. No files works.
In express 4 you should write :
forever ./bin/www
And if you check your package.json file you can see :
"scripts": {
"start": "node ./bin/www"
It's the npm start script
Alternatively, you can try using PM2.
It does a great job at keeping your app alive, and has some really useful features such as load balancing, no downtime, and a web interface to monitor your processes.
In addition, I find it dead simple to use.

Auto reloading a Sails.js app on code changes?

Currently is seems that for any code change in a sails.js app you have to manually stop the sails server and run sails lift again before you can see the changes.
I was wondering if there is any way when running in development mode to automatically restart the sails server when it detects a code change?
You have to use a watcher like forever, nodemon, or something else...
Install forever by running:
sudo npm install -g forever
Run it:
forever -w start app.js
To avoid infinite restart because Sails writes into .tmp folder, you can create a .foreverignore file into your project directory and put this content inside:
See the issue on GitHub:
Forever restarting because of /.tmp.
You can use sails-hook-autoreload
Just lift your app as normal, and when you add / change / remove a model or controller file, all controllers and models will be reloaded without having to lower / relift the app.
For example with nodemon to watch api and config directories
.nodemonignore contents
Run the command after creating .nodemonignore
$> nodemon -w api -w config
Example for supervisor to ignore 3 directories
$> supervisor -i .tmp,.git,views app.js
If you're using Sails 0.11, you can install this hook to automatically reload when you change models or controllers (views do not require reloading):
npm install sails-hook-autoreload
install nodemon globally or locally.
npm install nodemon --save
npm install nodemon -g
install sails locally in you project as follows
npm install sails --save
then change package.json
"scripts": {
"debug": "node debug app.js",
"start": "node app.js"
"scripts": {
"debug": "node debug app.js",
"start": "node app.js",
"dev": "export NODE_ENV=development && nodemon --ignore 'tmp/*' app.js && exit 0"
npm run dev
I had the same problem and I have solved it using grunt-watch and grunt-forever with sails#beta tasks. The result is 4 grunt commands:
UPDATE: tasks are available in the current sails version (it's no longer beta :>)
start Starts the server
stop Stops the server
restart Restarts the server
startWatch Starts the server and waits for changes to restart it (using grunt-watch). This is probably your solution, but the other commands are also useful.
Here's the code - I'm using sails#beta, which includes a tasks directory, I don't know if this is included in previous versions:
First of all you have to install forever in your sails directory:
npm install grunt-forever --save-dev
tasks/config/forever.js Configure forever task.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.config.set('forever', {
server: {
options: {
index: 'app.js',
logDir: 'logs'
tasks/config/watch.js (edit) Edit watch task in order to add a new rule
// api and assets default rules
server: {
// Server files to watch:
files: [
// Restart server
tasks: ['forever:server:restart']
tasks/register/watchForever.js Register your custom tasks (this file can be renamed to whatever you want)
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Starts server
grunt.registerTask('start', [
// Restarts the server (if necessary) and waits for changes
grunt.registerTask('startWatch', [
// Restarts server
grunt.registerTask('restart', [
// Stops server
grunt.registerTask('stop', [
With this you should be able to use
grunt startWatch
and make your server wait for changes to be restarted :>
Hope this helped!
Better you use
npm install -g nodemon
i am using this, and it will helps to improve my developing speed. no need to edit any files for this one!.
after installation
nodemon app.js
For anyone coming to this question now, it seems that this is no longer necessary - an application launched with sails lift will have a grunt watch task running, and code changes will be visible without a restart.
I didn't realise this was happening at first because there's nothing to indicate what's happening in the console, but it does seem to work without a restart (I'm using Sails 0.11)
