Groovy: No such file exception but file is there ? Copying files on crossplateforms - linux

I have an issue with Groovy\Jenkins when trying to copy files
The code I use is the following:
public void copy(String sources, String destination) {
Path source = Paths.get( join(this.script.WORKSPACE, sources) );
Path target = Paths.get( join(this.script.WORKSPACE, destination) );
Files.copy(source, target)
this.script.WORKSPACE is Jenkins workspace, and if this workspace is C:\Jenkins\Workspace\MyBranch and the sources are binaries\mybinary.dll then the join function will return:
At execution I receive the following error:
java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: Y:\Jenkins\workspace\MyBranch\mybinary.dll
However the file is there, on the agent.
The thing is that I was using xcopy because I had to copy only on windows target (and it works without any issue, I isolated the change to the copy function, and now the windows copy is failling).
But now I have also to copy on redhat plateforms.
So I am looking for a crossplateform solution
Thank you !

So I found out this is a Jenkins related issue. Actually the pipeline is executed on the master, not the agent, so the file is looked for on the master, on which it does not exist.
I will have to use either sh scripts, or the jenkins stash function but it does not seem like I can have a cross plateform code here.


Cassandra source code ConfigurationException expection URI in cassandra.config found cassandra.yaml

For my master thesis, I have to modify the source code of Cassandra. So, as suggested by, I git clone, then run ant, and everything seems nice (I managed to build the project without any error), but when I run the unitTests (cassandra/test), I have this strange error:
Expecting URI in variable: [cassandra.config].
Please prefix the file with [file:\\\] for local files and
[file:\\<server>\] for remote files.
If you are executing this from an external tool, it needs
to set Config.setClientMode(true) to avoid loading configuration.
at org.apache.cassandra.config.YamlConfigurationLoader.getStorageConfigURL(
at org.apache.cassandra.config.YamlConfigurationLoader.loadConfig(
at org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor.loadConfig(
at org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor.daemonInitialization(
at org.apache.cassandra.auth.jmx.AuthorizationProxyTest.setup("
I would like to test my modifications on the source code with the unitTests (because I didn't find any tutorial of how to set up cassandra from the source code on Windows, so if you have one, I would like to have the link ^^) but I didn't manage to find any solution for this bug :(. Anyone know a solution to this problem?
I am working on Windows 10 with IntelliJ and I have updated my Jdk and ant to the latest version.
I was facing the same issue. Those variables ("cassandra.config", "cassandra.storagedir", etc...) are System variables.
You can either set them in your code by doing something like:
System.setProperty("cassandra.config", "file:///<PATH>/cassandra.yaml");
You can also set them whilst running the jar file:
java -Dcassandra.config=file:///<PATH>/cassandra.yaml -jar <JAR>
Start a new process in jdk 1.8 and start embedded cassandra in it. and run your junit in your java version. I faced similar isue which jdk11 upgrade. Now i fixed this.
import org.cassandraunit.utils.EmbeddedCassandraServerHelper;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class EmbeddedCassandraApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

How can I refer to the current puppet module's files directory?

This is most likely an anti-pattern, but I'd like to know nonetheless:
I need to extract a tgz which is in puppet and then move the contents somewhere else. Is it possible, in a puppet exec { }, to refer to the file where it is stored on disk?
For example, puppet is available at /usr/local/puppet, and the tgz file I need it in /usr/local/puppet/modules/components/files/file.tgz. In the exec { } can I do something like command => "/bin/cp $modules/components/files/file.tgz /somewhere_else" ? Or do I have to declare a file { source => "..." } block first?
Both approaches are correct if you run puppet with puppet apply.
In master-agent architecture using exec to copy file probably will not work at all.
In my opinion using file resource is more "puppet-like" but is has one significant drawback.
You can use:
file { '/some_path/somewhere_else':
source => '/usr/local/puppet/modules/components/files/file.tgz',
This will create file /some_path/somewhere_else with the same content as /usr/local/puppet/modules/components/files/file.tgz (it will make a copy of the original file).
But if /some_path doesn't not exist in the file system, the command will fail.
If you are working with tgz files you can also consider using some of the archive puppet modules e.g gini.
I can propose two approaches:
Use puppet file server to serve files (or define module path for old puppet versions). Next just use it e.g:
file { '/some_path/somewhere_else':
source => "puppet:///modules/components/file.tgz',
Define custom facter fact 1, 2 that points path in your filesystem containing required files. E.g:
file { '/some_path/somewhere_else':
source => "${::my_custom_fact}/some_path/file.tgz',
I do not think that any of the core facts might be useful for you.

Copy and .# in file name

I faced with one gradle issue (or may be groovy related)
When I trying to copy file with .# in its name nothing is happened.
task c(type: Copy) {
from (".#webclasspath#")
into "destdir"
Please, could you provide way how to process such files?
seems that there is a bug in gradle, ant works just fine
task c_ant << {
ant.copy(file : '.#webclasspath#', todir : 'destdir')
} with UCM Clearcase - How to?

I am trying to configure for UCM Clearcase for the first time. Following is the sourceControl tag in the ccnet.config file:
<sourcecontrol type="clearCase">
I constantly receive the following error:
ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.CruiseControlException: Source control
operation failed: cleartool: Error: Not an object in a vob: "PATH TO
When I run cleartool from an arbitrary directory with the following parameters:
cleartool.exe lshist -r -nco -branch "123_India_Release" -since
05-Dec-2012.14:38:18 -fmt
I get the same error. But if I change the working directory to $(ViewDirectory) before running cleartool, it runs fine.
How should I make run cleartool.exe from the $(ViewDirectory)?
I have already tried adding <workingDirectory>$(ViewDirectory)</workingDirectory> tag before <executable>cleartool.exe</executable> but it did not work.
Any help would be appreciated.
As a workaround I have done the following:
<buildArgs>update -force</buildArgs>
I have added this to the tasks tag. I have configured an hourly trigger which does the following:
1) Update snapshot view
2) Build the VS 2010 solutions mentioned in the tasks tag.
The limitations are:
1) The trigger is hourly. I want it to be a commit based trigger.
2) This is a workaround
Further experimentation revealed that the ccnet.exe works fine. It does all that is needed. The issue is caused by the service ccservice.
I have stopped ccservice for now and started ccnet.exe. I plan to leave it running.
The View directory isn't enough: you must specify a vob.
See for instance:
"clearfsimport: Error: Not an object in a vob: "\"." (as an illustratio of that error message)
this thread (or this one): "You have to specify explicitly the VOB(s) to check for modification set"
The path should looks like:
If your $(ViewDirectory) already references Drive:\path\to\view, then you could use:

How do you get the path of the running script in groovy?

I'm writing a groovy script that I want to be controlled via a properties file stored in the same folder. However, I want to be able to call this script from anywhere. When I run the script it always looks for the properties file based on where it is run from, not where the script is.
How can I access the path of the script file from within the script?
You are correct that new File(".").getCanonicalPath() does not work. That returns the working directory.
To get the script directory
scriptDir = new File(getClass().protectionDomain.codeSource.location.path).parent
To get the script file path
scriptFile = getClass().protectionDomain.codeSource.location.path
As of Groovy 2.3.0 the #SourceURI annotation can be used to populate a variable with the URI of the script's location. This URI can then be used to get the path to the script:
import groovy.transform.SourceURI
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Paths
URI sourceUri
Path scriptLocation = Paths.get(sourceUri)
Note that this will only work if the URI is a file: URI (or another URI scheme type with an installed FileSystemProvider), otherwise a FileSystemNotFoundException will be thrown by the Paths.get(URI) call. In particular, certain Groovy runtimes such as groovyshell and nextflow return a data: URI, which will not typically match an installed FileSystemProvider.
This makes sense if you are running the Groovy code as a script, otherwise the whole idea gets a little confusing, IMO. The workaround is here:
Basically this involves changing to pass in the location of the Groovy script as an environment variable.
As long as this information is not provided directly by Groovy, it's possible to modify the groovy.(sh|bat) starter script to make this property available as system property:
For unix boxes just change $GROOVY_HOME/bin/groovy (the sh script) to do
before calling startGroovy
For Windows:
In startGroovy.bat add the following 2 lines right after the line with
the :init label (just before the parameter slurping starts):
#rem get name of script to launch with full path
A bit further down in the batch file after the line that says "set
JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dgroovy.starter.conf="%STARTER_CONF%" add the
For gradle user
I have same issue when I'm starting to work with gradle. I want to compile my thrift by remote thrift compiler (custom by my company).
Below is how I solved my issue:
task compileThrift {
doLast {
def projectLocation = projectDir.getAbsolutePath(); // HERE is what you've been looking for. {
session(remotes.compilerServer) {
// Delete existing thrift file.
new File("$projectLocation/thrift/").eachFile() { f ->
def fileName=f.getName()
put from: f, into: "$compilerLocation/$fileName"
execute "mkdir -p $compilerLocation/gen-java"
def compileResult = execute "bash $compilerLocation/genjar $serviceName", logging: 'stdout', pty: true
assert compileResult.contains('SUCCESSFUL')
get from: "$compilerLocation/$serviceName" + '.jar', into: "$projectLocation/libs/"
One more solution. It works perfect even you run the script using GrovyConsole
File getScriptFile(){
new File(this.class.classLoader.getResourceLoader().loadGroovySource(
println getScriptFile()
workaround: for us it was running in an ANT environment and storing some location parent (knowing the subpath) in the Java environment properties (System.setProperty( "dirAncestor", "/foo" )) we could access the dir ancestor via Groovy's properties.get('dirAncestor').
maybe this will help for some scenarios mentioned here.
