How to run tensorflow using GPU? - python-3.x

Tensorflow version - 1.0.1
GPU version - 1.0.1
python - 3.6
Graphics(Ubuntu 18.04) - IntelĀ® Sandybridge Desktop
We are trying to run a python code using Tensorflow. But it was very slow. So, we would like to run the code on GPU. Can anyone suggest how to use GPU for running python code?

You can uninstall tensor flow and install the GPU compatible version with
pip install tensorflow-gpu

config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto(gpu_options = tf.compat.v1.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.8))
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
session = tf.compat.v1.Session(config=config)
Place this code before your python code and also make sure you have all the cuDNN dlls installed.


How to safely mix ARM and x86_64 conda packages in the same environment on M1

I have two different terminals and conda distributions that nicely separate my ARM and x86_64 environments and packages. However, I have arrived at a point where I need to use an ARM conda environment with a non native package.
Example: To use MPS acceleration (pytorch) on my Macbook M1, I need to use an ARM conda environment with python 3.8 that runs natively. At the same time I want to use a library (pymesh) which can only be build with python 3.7 and has to be emulated with Rosetta when run.
I have tried using a a python version 3.7 which is emulated with Rosetta when run, but this breaks the Pytorch library.
If I use a python version 3.8 which runs natively, I can't install Pymesh that requires python 3.7.

Google Colab GPU environment establish

I'm trying to run my deep learning code in Google Colab, I have installed cuda10.0.130 and cudnn7.6.4 for tensorflow 1.14.0, but the result of tf.test.is_gpu_available() is still false, I don't know what can I do now, can somebody give me some instructions? Here is the output of !sudo lsb_release -a and !nvidia-smi
Supported and Tested configurations for GPU versions are given here in this link
Supported Version for Cuda 10.1 and Cudnn 7.6 will be tensorflow_gpu-2.3.0
Also for TF 1.X versions CPU and GPU support are different
So you should do
!pip install tensorflow_gpu==1.14.0
for using GPU version of Tensorflow

How to run Pytorch on Macbook pro (M1) GPU?

I tried to train a model using PyTorch on my Macbook pro. It uses the new generation apple M1 CPU. However, PyTorch couldn't recognize my GPUs.
GPU available: False, used: False
TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores
IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs
Does anyone know any solution?
I have updated all the libraries to the latest versions.
PyTorch added support for M1 GPU as of 2022-05-18 in the Nightly version. Read more about it in their blog post.
Simply install nightly:
conda install pytorch -c pytorch-nightly --force-reinstall
Update: It's available in the stable version:
Conda:conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio -c pytorch
pip: pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio
To use (source):
mps_device = torch.device("mps")
# Create a Tensor directly on the mps device
x = torch.ones(5, device=mps_device)
# Or
x = torch.ones(5, device="mps")
# Any operation happens on the GPU
y = x * 2
# Move your model to mps just like any other device
model = YourFavoriteNet()
# Now every call runs on the GPU
pred = model(x)
It looks like PyTorch support for the M1 GPU is in the works, but is not yet complete.
From #soumith on GitHub:
So, here's an update.
We plan to get the M1 GPU supported. #albanD, #ezyang and a few core-devs have been looking into it. I can't confirm/deny the involvement of any other folks right now.
So, what we have so far is that we had a prototype that was just about okay. We took the wrong approach (more graph-matching-ish), and the user-experience wasn't great -- some operations were really fast, some were really slow, there wasn't a smooth experience overall. One had to guess-work which of their workflows would be fast.
So, we're completely re-writing it using a new approach, which I think is a lot closer to your good ole PyTorch, but it is going to take some time. I don't think we're going to hit a public alpha in the next ~4 months.
We will open up development of this backend as soon as we can.
That post:
TL;DR: a public beta is at least 4 months out.
For those who couldn't install using conda like me use pip as following:-
Any Macbook with apple silicon chip
macOS version 12.3+
pip3 install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url
No need of nightly version. Pytorch version 1.12 now supports GPU acceleration in apple silicon. Simply install using following command:-
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio
You may follow other instructions for using pytorch in apple silicon and getting your benchmark.
Make sure you use mps as your device as following:
device = torch.device('mps')
# Send you tensor to GPU
my_tensor =
Benchmarking (on M1 Max, 10-core CPU, 24-core GPU):
Without using GPU
Using GPU (5x faster)

Can I use high version torch and low version cuda?

I'm setting up my Conda environment with a remote GPU to use Pytorch.
The GPU I use is only NVIDIA-SMI 396.54, so I can only use cuda version 9.2
However, I need to use a higher version torch to be able to use some attributes.
I tried
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 cudatoolkit=9.2
But this results in
print(torch.version.cuda)>> None
torch.cuda.is_available() >> False
There are two things I would check.
You may have unintentionally installed the pytorch cpu version or had it in your environment first, before running the above command. Even if you install the gpu version of Pytorch, if you already have the cpu version of pytorch then torch.cuda.is_available() will return False. Therefore I suggest checking out this link:
Forum on why Pytorch is CPU version even after installing cudatoolkit version
Although, I am pretty sure the above thing is your problem, I suggest looking at this second thing.
For understanding how to download previous version of Pytorch refer to this link.
After looking at this, I suggest starting a new conda env and running your conda install command first.
Sarthak Jain

keras Installation with already installed Tensorflow GPU version in windows 10

I have following environment in my windows 10 machine
Python : 3.6.0
Screen Shots
OS:Windows 10-64bit
Now when I am trying to install keras into my system I am getting a huge list of errros.
Detailed Error Log
Now I have two questions here.
Can I install keras into my system when I already have tensorflow GPU version which was really hard to install?
If keras can be installed into my this system configuration then will my tensorflow GPU version work properly afterwards?
