Azure Function custom API Authentication - azure

I got a HTTP triggered azure function, which is using by one of my web applications. The user of this site would be anybody who signed up to the site. Now I want to implement authentication to the azure function in such a way that only signed up user would able access the azure function through my web site. I could see many built-in authentications like azure functions, OAuth using Azure AD and other identity providers etc. I am looking for to way to authenticate users signed-up through my website, not with identity providers.
One solution I can think of is while signing up a register that user to Azure AD. Then while calling the API pass user credentials to the API and validate against AD. Can somebody please advice this is a good solution? If not please advise the best solution for my use case.
I don't want to use any external auth provider

Just referring to the documentation:
Azure functions HTTP Trigger - Authorization keys
While keys may help obfuscate your HTTP endpoints during development, they are not intended as a way to secure an HTTP trigger in production. To learn more, see Secure an HTTP endpoint in production.
The second link Secure an HTTP endpoint in production gives more insights on how to secure HTTP triggered functions:
To fully secure your function endpoints in production, you should consider implementing one of the following function app-level security options:
Turn on App Service Authentication / Authorization for your function app. The App Service platform lets use Azure Active Directory (AAD) and several third-party identity providers to authenticate clients. You can use this to implement custom authorization rules for your functions, and you can work with user information from your function code. To learn more, see Authentication and authorization in Azure App Service and Working with client identities.
Use Azure API Management (APIM) to authenticate requests. APIM provides a variety of API security options for incoming requests. To learn more, see API Management authentication policies. With APIM in place, you can configure your function app to accept requests only from the IP address of your APIM instance. To learn more, see IP address restrictions.
Deploy your function app to an Azure App Service Environment (ASE). ASE provides a dedicated hosting environment in which to run your functions. ASE lets you configure a single front-end gateway that you can use to authenticate all incoming requests. For more information, see Configuring a Web Application Firewall (WAF) for App Service Environment.

In my opinion you can do this in following ways.
Using function level Authorization key (Not preferred but easy)
If your web app is the only one that will access the function app you may enable authorization directly on the function. Any one who wants to access the function has to pass the key else you get 401 . Since you want your function to be accessed directly by users then you have to create additonal end point in your web site that will call function app on users' behalf and pass the key. You can find more about here
Authorization Key
Using Azure B2C or AD
You are thinking on the right lines. If your website is external consumer accessed then you may consider Azure B2C. You get many out of box functionalities including sign up using social logins and you may not need to save the users separately. The flow remains the same , users get authenticated by Azure AD (or B2C) and token is issued. The token is then passed when calling azure functions.


How to add authentication to a Azure Function

I have created an HTTP Triggered Azure Function and exposed some endpoints. I am calling those endpoints from Salesforce Community.
The Azure Functions Authorization Level is anonymous. I can access the responses from HTTP endpoints to the salesforce community site.
How can I set the authorization level so that, the endpoints can only be accessible from the Salesforce Community and the salesforce Users?
There are quite a few options available like App Service Authentication or using API management for authorizing requests.
Have a look at Securing Azure Functions - Authentication/authorization.
While function keys can provide some mitigation for unwanted access, the only way to truly secure your function endpoints is by implementing positive authentication of clients accessing your functions. You can then make authorization decisions based on identity.

Securing shared APIs with Azure AD

I'm working with a client to define a security strategy and have got stuck trying to get something working. I'm new to Azure AD so this may actually not be possible.
Consider the following application landscape.
I have 4 "API" applications:
API-A, requires interactive user and role based permissions
API-B, access via service demon, client_credential grant
API-C, must not be authenticated against directly
API-D, access via service demon, client_credential grant
A user / demon authenticated against API-A or API-B should be able to access API-C as well. However the demon authenticated against API-D must not be able to access API-C.
I was expecting to be able to use the "Expose an API" and "API Permissions" of the App Registrations to be able to control to "roles" returned in the JWT, I cannot seem to get it to work or find any decent guide on how this can be achieved.
EDIT: For clarity the API applications are not hosted within Azure, I am just looking to use Azure AD to provide authentication
It may be helpful for you to distinguish between client apps and API apps (or resource servers in OAuth2 lingo). Each of them has to be registered separately. Your list above seems to merge them together, which is a likely source of confusion for you.
The former (client apps) acquire tokens, the latter receive them from the clients with the service request. Authentication is only only involved when client apps acquire tokens. APIs do not authenticate - they use tokens to authorize access to their services. Clients acquire tokens either on behalf of a user - and the user authenticates and consents as part of the process, or on their own behalf (client creds). In AAD an API app may expose/define scopes/permissions which may be included in one or both of these token types. An API may decide not to require any tokens (sounds like your API-C). You Expose (available) Permissions on API apps, you specify (required) API Permissions on client apps. At runtime (if using the AAD V2 endpoint) a client may request fewer scopes than it is is configured with as Required. That applies only if the client is using delegated tokens (user based). (Note that an API app may also be a client app to another API app (common in multi-tier systems).
BTW, where the clients or APIs are deployed is totally immaterial to the above. At most deployment affects the value of the reply url you need to specify for some client apps (not APIs).

call an azure functions from a web app using msal on-behalf

I'm developing an application that have a web front and an azure function in the backend. I have protect the azure function using easyauth. The application is multitenant and i want to call the azure function on-behalf of authenticated user on the web. I want to use MSAL. I obtain a token on be-half of the user, i check it with and all the informations are correct, scope is ok but when i call the function adding the Authentication token "Bearer:xxxxxxxxxxx" i obtain a 401. Seems to me that the problem is on the Function side: same parameter, compatibility with MSAL...
Is there a racomandated architecture for this scenario. I found many but nothing specific about Azure Functions, EasyAuth, on-behalf msal token
Unfortunately, we cannot use v2 endpoint(msal) to authenticate Azure function in Azure Portal for now.
Currently, authentication providers in Azure Web App service contain Azure Active Directory and it use v1 ednpoint to redirect.
You can find more details here.
I'm not sure if it'd meet all your requirements, but you could front the web app with API management using OAuth2 and then set headers to appropriate values and redirect to an HTTP Trigger for your function using one of the AuthorizationLevel options available.
Sounds like EasyAuth is on people's minds already and there may be a solution for you somewhere in the comments on the github ticket.

Aquiring JWT-Token from AAD via Azure API Management Gateway

I have an API hosted in Azure (Web App). This API can't be accessed directory by every client (IP Restriction), and I am willing to use APIM to protect it.
Users will call the APIM-Gateway and the gateway should responds appropriately.
One big problem is authentication: I am protecting this API (The Backend API and not the APIM-Gateway endpoint) with AAD.
So users should authenticate themselves against AAD and access the resources with no direct access to the backend.
Is it possible to implement such a scenario?
If you're fine with users authenticating against AAD then it's perfectly supported. With that model APIM may be used to just pass-through user requests to backend or you could use validate-jwt policy somewhere in request processing pipeline to validate users' tokens and authorize invoked actions.
APIM's authorization servers feature may be used to document that your APIs require AAD token from certain server. If this is done test console on developer portal will show controls to simplify getting token to make test calls to your APIs.
Normally APIM requires clients to pass subscription keys to authenticate and authorize calls. But if you're relying on AAD that may be not something you want - then you can use Open product to make your calls anonymous to APIM. validate-jwt policy can still be used to require certain token to be present with request.
There are various ways you can ensure that your backend is reachable only via APIM:
Shared secret - set a special header in APIM policy and check it's value on backend.
Client certificate authentication - APIM may be set up to attach client certificate to each request to backend that you will check at backend side to make sure that this is APIM making a call.
VNET - APIM can join your VNET, while backend may be setup to accept calls only within VNET making it possible to be called only through APIM.
I have used below approach in my recent project and used jwt validation to validate oauth2 token in policy
Follow Microsoft document link
Here is a quick overview of the steps:
Register an application (backend-app) in Azure AD to represent the API.
Register another application (client-app) in Azure AD to represent a client application that needs to call the API.
In Azure AD, grant permissions to allow the client-app to call the backend-app.
Configure the Developer Console to call the API using OAuth 2.0 user authorization. (optional)
Add the validate-jwt policy to validate the OAuth token for every incoming request.

Authentication for web api using azure AD

I need to implement authentication for azure web api using azure active directory.
client app(which consumes webapi) may or may not be in azure. how i need to authenticate user, where i should generate token if my app is not in azure(if it is IOS app). authentication should work in all cases even if client app is in azure or not.
Please let me now the best procedure to implement authentication.
You need to define the client app in Azure AD as a native app in the case of a mobile app. Then you define the API there, and add your client permissions to access it. You can optionally customize the available permissions through the API app's manifest in Azure AD. Then when your mobile app opens, you would have to authenticate with Azure AD, and then request an access token for the API. That you can then use to authenticate requests.
I can't answer this question in too great detail because it is quite a large topic and how it is done also depends on your platform. There is a sample app that you can check which does exactly what you want. The whole list of examples for native apps can be found here.
App Service to use different authentication providers Azure Active Directory,Facebook,Google,Microsoft,Twitter.
We can set any type of Authentication/Authorization in the Azure Portal.More info about how to use authentication for API Apps in Azure App Service, please refer to document.
By default, App Service provides authentication but does not restrict authorized access to your site content and APIs. You must authorize users in your app code.
