Nohup vs Nohup & - linux

I am having trouble understanding the difference between using just nohup to run a script and using nohup and '&'. I understand that for the latter, if I want to kill it, I can just kill the process id. But for the former, can I just hit "CTRL+C" to kill the script. So if I were to run the below command
nohup sh
and then exit out of it by hitting "CTRL+C", will that script still be running or not?

It would be better if you would understand what's going on.
nohup set's the process to ignore HUP signal. That's all. Nothing more nothing less. When does a process receive a HUP signal? Usually when a terminal logouts. And the default action on HUP signal is to terminate.
hitting "CTRL+C" just sends INT signal to the process. The default action (and you can trap "echo something" INT override it too) is to terminate the process.
nohup sh upon receiving INT signal will terminate (assuming didn't specially handle the INT signal) as it didn't set up a custom action on receiving a INT signal and it will ignore HUP signal.
The & placed after a command runs it in the background. As a separate process. So sh & runs sh in the background. The process will still terminate if you send it INT signal, just CTRL+C doesn't send it to that process, but to process that is in foreground. You can send it still using kill command. And the command will still terminate when the terminal exits, when the process receives the HUP signal.
So running nohup sh & will run the process in the background and ignore the signal that is send when the terminal exits. But still it will terminate on receiving INT signal. Just pressing CTRL+C in terminal will not send it to this process, as shell sends the term signal to the foreground process, not the background one.

Yes. The advantage of & is that you avoid having to press Ctrl+C
See for instance


How to catch SIGINT within a Bash subshell

If I run a command, such as grep, at the command line and hit ^C, the command is properly killed (with SIGINT I think). And if I run the grep in background and then run a kill SIGINT on its PID, it similarly gets terminated. But if I'm inside a script and run grep in background from the script, get its PID and then use 'kill -s SIGINT $PID', grep does not get killed. Why? If I use SIGTERM, instead of SIGINT, the kill does work.
grep -rqa shazam /usr &
kill -s SIGINT $PID
Even if I put the grep in a subprocess, preceded by a SIGINT handler (in the subprocess), and hit the subprocess with SIGINT, the handler is not invoked.
( trap 'echo "caught signal"' SIGINT; grep -rqa shazam /usr ) &
kill -s SIGINT $PID
The trap handler is invoked if I use SIGTERM, instead of SIGINT, but does not interrupt grep. If I add '/bin/kill -s SIGTERM 0' to the trap handler, there is an indication that the grep process gets terminated, but grep has already completed its work by then. I realize that Bash may have different default behaviors for the different signals, but I don't understand why my call to kill SIGINT is different than a ^C, why the trap call works for SIGTERM, but not for SIGINT, nor why SIGTERM isn't handled by the subprocess immediately.
Well, with further digging, I figured out 2 of my 3 questions. When I backgrounded grep within the script, the shell told it to ignore SIGINT. And Bash says it will wait to handle the signal until the subcommand is complete in some situations (which I don't fully follow at the moment), but the signal is handled immediately if hit the grep process directly with pkill.
"Actually bash will disable SIGINT (and SIGQUIT) on background processes and they can't be enabled" Background process and signals How SIGINT works
"Further background jobs are not supposed to be tied to the shell that started them. If you exit a shell, they will continue running. As such they shouldn't be interrupted by SIGINT, not by default. When job control is enabled, that is fulfilled automatically, since background jobs are running in separate process groups. When job control is disabled (generally in non-interactive shells), bash makes the asynchronous commands ignore SIGINT." Independent Program
Reason why SIGTERM works

Running two node servers with one bash script and receive console logs

I have a bash script:
node web/dist/web/src/app.js & node api/dist/api/src/app.js &
It successfully starts both my node servers. However:
I do not receive any output (from console.log etc) in my terminal window
If I cancel by (Ctrl +C) the processes are not exited, so then I annoyingly have to manually do a taskkill /F /PID etc afterwards.
Is there anyway around this?
The reason you can't stop your background jobs with Ctrl+C is because signals (SIGINT in this case) are received only by the foreground process.
When your foreground process (the non-interactive main script) exits, its children processes become orphans which are immediately adopted by the init process. To kill them, you need their PIDs. (When you run a background process in an interactive shell, it will receive the SIGHUP, and probably exit, when shell exits.)
The solution in your case is to make your script wait for its children, using the shell built-in wait command. wait will ensure your script receives the SIGINT, which you can then handle (with trap) and kill the background jobs (with kill 0):
trap 'kill 0' EXIT
node app1.js &
node app2.js &
By setting trap on EXIT (special pseudo-signal in bash), you'll ensure background processes will terminate whenever your main script exits (either by Ctrl+C/SIGINT, or by any other signal like SIGTERM, SIGHUP, SIGKILL). The kill 0 command kills all processes in the current process group.
Regarding the output -- on Linux, background processes will inherit the standard output/error from shell (if not redirected), and continue to write to your TTY/terminal. If that's not working on Windows, I'm not sure why not.
However, even if your background processes somehow lost their way to your TTY, you can, as a workaround, append to a log file:
node app1.js >>/path/to/file.log 2>&1 &
node app2.js >>/path/to/file.log 2>&1 &
and then tail -f that log file, either in this, or some other terminal:
tail -f /path/to/file.log

make redis server ignore Ctrl+C when launched from shell script

I want to use shell script to launch Redis server and then monitor a log file:
/path/to/redis/src/redis-server &
tail -f /path/to/log/logfile.log
If I run this script and press Ctrl+C from the terminal, the tail -f terminated, which is what I want, however the Redis also detected SIGINT and exited.
I tried to write the script like this:
trap '' INT TSTP
~/redis/src/redis-server &
tail -f ./script1
This time things go even worse, the tail -f refused to terminate while Redis still detected SIGINT and exited.
It seems that there is some problems specific to Redis regarding ignoring signals.
My goal is to make tail -f responds to Ctrl+C while making Redis ignore this signal.
Please anyone tell me whether this can be achieved and if so, give me some advice?
redis-server catches SIGINT (Ctrl+C), even if SIGINT was being ignored. This is an unusual choice; most software will check and won't catch SIGINT if it's already being ignored.
When it receives SIGINT, it saves the database and shuts down.
If you start it as a service, it won't be associated with any terminal at all, and won't see any Ctrl+C you type.
If you start it as a background job in an interactive shell:
$ /path/to/redis/src/redis-server &
your shell will put it into a process group that is different from the terminal's process group, and typing Ctrl+C won't affect it. (If you bring it to the foreground with fg, Ctrl+C will send SIGINT to the program).
But, when you run a script like this:
/path/to/redis/src/redis-server &
tail -f /path/to/log/logfile.log
the shell that runs the script will be non-interactive, and any program that it starts in the background (with &) will be in the same process group as the shell. So if you run that shell script in the foreground, typing Ctrl+C will send SIGINT to the shell, to redis-server, and to tail.
To prevent Ctrl+C from sending SIGINT to redis-server in a case like this, you need to either put redis-server in its own process group or disassociate it from your terminal. You can do this with setsid, which does both:
setsid /path/to/redis/src/redis-server &
tail -f /path/to/log/logfile.log

`trap`-ing Linux Signals - SIGSTOP?

The Docker docs note the following (w/ code) on how to run clean up upon a container's shutdown:
Lastly, if you need to do some extra cleanup ... on shutdown, ..., you
may need to ensure that the ENTRYPOINT script receives the Unix
signals, passes them on, and then does some more work
trap "echo TRAPed signal" HUP INT QUIT KILL TERM
/usr/sbin/apachectl start
I think that this trap will catch a KILL signal. However, I read in this post:
All signals except for SIGKILL and SIGSTOP can be intercepted by the process.
However, another post states:
There is one signal that you cannot trap: SIGKILL or signal 9.
Which is it?
You cannot catch SIGSTOP. The page you referenced was mistaken.
Yes, the above script tries to catch the KILL signal. It fails. You can verify this yourself quite easily with the following script:
echo "Running shell in pid $$"
trap "echo TRAPed signal" HUP INT QUIT KILL TERM STOP
sleep 20
Try sending it the KILL and STOP signals, you will see that the process dies and halts, respectively, without the message being printed. If you try any other caught signal, you will see those are handled as expected.

Bash script: can not properly handle SIGTSTP

I have a bash script that mounts and unmounts a device, which performing some read operations in between. Since the device is very slow, the script takes about 15 seconds to complete (the mount taking atleast 5-6 seconds). Since leaving this device mounted can cause other problems, I don't want this script to be interrupted.
Having said that, I can correctly handle SIGINT (Ctrl+c), but when I try to handle SIGTSTP (Ctrl+z), the script freezes. Which means the signal is trapped but the handler doesn't run.
# Don't worry about unmounting yet. Just checking if trap works.
echo "Quitting..." > /dev/tty
exit 0
trap 'cleanup' SIGTSTP
I manually have to send the KILL signal to the process. Any idea why this is happening and how I can fix it?
The shell does not execute the trap until the currently executing process terminates. (at least, that is the behavior of bash 3.00.15). If you send SIGINT via ^c, it is sent to all processes in the foreground process group; if the program currently executing receives it and terminates then bash can execute the trap. Similarly with SIGTSTP via ^z; bash receives the signal but does not execute the trap until the program that was being run terminates, which it does not do if it takes the default behavior and is suspended. Try replacing ... with a simple read f and note that the trap executes immediately.
