Locating prime numbers using for loop(s) in Python - python-3.x

So first of all, I realise there are much easier ways to get a list of prime numbers, but I'm just doing this to learn. I have a very poor understanding of a lot of this (as you'll see) so sorry if this is a dumb question. I'm trying to learn.
#make an empty list to store primes in
primes = list()
#make a variable to easily change the amount of numbers I test for primality
high_val = 15
#Allocate a range that I will test all numbers in for primality
for n in range(2, high_val):
#Within the previous for loop, start another for loop to test every integer against every
#value inside the primes list
for p in primes:
if n % p == 0:
print(%s is not prime" % n)
#If n is prime, I add it to the list and print that it is prime
print("%s is a prime" % n)
I don't know if those comments make it harder to read, but that's my logic. There is no print output for the function. So I figured, there's just no value in primes, I need to give it something to compare to. So I added a primes.append(2) at the start immediately after the first line, and changed the range to (3, high_val)...
If I do that, it ends up printing about 5 times for every number that it is prime and 5 more messages saying it is not prime. Clearly I'm doing something massively wrong, if anyone knows where I went wrong and/or how to fix this that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

The thing is that you are missing some flags: you are printing if the number is prime every time you check it against another number. You should print it only after iterating over all primes.
About this, consider using all:
primes = [2]
high_val = 15
for n in range(3, high_val, 2):
if all(n % p == 0 for p in primes):
print(f"{n} is prime")
print(f"{n} is not prime")
ps: I didn't test it.


Why is this code giving inaccurate result?

I am trying to print sum of all prime numbers between 2 and a given number N that would be input by the user. so if the input number is 10 the output should be 17. my code below though it works but not providing accurate results. what seems to be the issue here?
sum_prime=0`enter code here`
#Calculate primes between 2 to N
for value in range(2,N+1):
if value>1:
for i in range(2,value//2+1):
if value%i==0:
I understood your error. You add numbers to sum_prime even though the loops to check if it really a prime aren't finished. You have to move the addition out of the loop, like this for instance:
#Calculate primes between 2 to N
for value in range(2,N+1):
is_prime = True # note that I have added a new variable
for i in range(2,value//2+1):
if value%i==0:
is_prime = False
if is_prime:
sum_prime += value # the addition is now out of the inner loop
If I input 10, it correctly outputs:

Non-recursive Most Efficient Big-O Permutation Alghoritm Python3 (non-built-in)

Hi Guys For my Data Structure assignment I have to find the most efficient way (big-o wise) to calculate permutations of a list of objects.
I found recursive examples on the web but this doesn't seem to be the most efficient way; I tried my own code but then I realized that when I count the number of possible permutations I'm actually making my algorithm O(!n). Any suggestions? .-.
from random import sample
import time
start = time.time()
testList = list(x for x in range(7))
print('list lenght: %i objects' % len(testList))
nOfPerms = 1
for i in range(1,len(testList)+1):
nOfPerms *= i
print('number of permutations:', nOfPerms)
listOfPerms = []
n = 1
while n <= nOfPerms:
perm = tuple(sample(testList, len(testList)))
permutations = set(listOfPerms)
if len(permutations) == len(listOfPerms):
n += 1
end = time.time() - start
print('time elapsed:', end)
list lenght: 7 objects
number of permutations: 5040
time elapsed: 13.142292976379395
If instead of 7 I put 8 or 9, or 10, those are the number of permutations (I won't show the time cause it's taking too long):
list lenght: 8 objects
number of permutations: 40320
list lenght: 9 objects
number of permutations: 362880
list lenght: 10 objects
number of permutations: 3628800
I believe this will be the best you can do. Generating the number of permutations of a list generates n! permutations. As you need to generate them all this is also how much time it will take (O(n!)). What you could try to do is to make it a python generator function so you will always only generate exactly as many as you need instead of precalculating them all and storing them in memory. If you want an example of this i could give you one.
Im sorry this might be a quite negative answer. It's a good question but im pretty sure this is about the best that you can do, asymptotically. You could optimize the code itself a bit to use less instructions but in the end that wont help too much.
This is a python implementation of Heap's algorithm which i promised
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heap%27s_algorithm) generating N! permutations where the generation of every one permutation takes amortized O(1) time and which uses O(n) space complexity (by alteri
def permute(lst, k=None):
if k == None:
k = len(lst)
if k == 1:
yield lst
yield from permute(lst, k-1)
for i in range(k-1):
if i % 2 == 0:
lst[i], lst[k-1] = lst[k-1], lst[i]
lst[0], lst[k-1] = lst[k-1], lst[0]
yield from permute(lst, k-1)
for i in permute([1, 2, 3, 4]):

Can someone help me with my Goldbach code ? When i call the function and then put 1,000,000 it seems not to spit out any output i dont know why?

I need to reach 1,000,000 and for some reason it doesn't give me the output for 1,000,000, I don't know what i am doing wrong. Every time i put a small number like 500 it would give me the correct output but as soon as i put 999,999 or 1,000,000 it just doesn't give out any output and when i do a keyboard interruption it says it stopped at break but I need that break in order for the values to only repeat once.
def goldbach(limit):
primes = dict()
for i in range(2, limit+1):
primes[i] = True
for i in primes:
factors = range(i, limit+1, i)
for f in factors[1:]:
primes[f] = False
for i in primes:
if primes[i]==True:
for num in range(4,limit+1,2):
for k in range(len(z)):
for j in z:
if (k + j ) == num :
return newlst
The break that is referred to is not the break in the code, it is the break caused by the keyboard interrupt.
If you want to get your result in less than 1.5 hours, try to reduce the amount of computing that you are doing. There are many implementations for testing the Goldbach Conjecture if you do a search. Some are in other languages, but you can still use them to influence your algorithm.
I have not looked at it, but here is another implementation in Python: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/99161/function-to-find-two-prime-numbers-that-sum-up-to-a-given-even-number

make a function that take an integer and reduces it down to an odd number

I'm working on my final for a class I'm taking(Python 3) im stuck at this part.
he gave us a file with numbers inside of it. we opened it and add those numbers to a list.
"Create a function called makeOdd() that returns an integer value. This function should take in any integer and reduce it down to an odd number by dividing it in half until it becomes an odd number.
o For example 10 would be cut in half to 5.
o 9 is already odd, so it would stay 9.
o But 12 would be cut in half to 6, and then cut in half again to 3.
o While 16 would be cut to 8 which gets cut to 4 which gets cut to 2 which gets cut to 1.
 Apply this function to every number in the array. "
I have tried to search the internet but i have not clue where to even begin with this one. any help would be nice.
Here my whole final so far:
#imports needed to run this code.
from Final_Functions import *
#Defines empty list
myList = []
sumthing = 0
sortList = []
oddList = []
count = 0
#Starts the Final Project with my name,class, and quarter
#Opens the data file and reads it then places the intrager into a list we can use later.
with open('FinalData.Data', 'r') as f:
myList = [line.strip() for line in f]
print("File Read Complete",'\n')
#Finds the Sum and Adverage of this list from FinalData.Data
print("*******************sum and avg*********************************")
for oneLine in myList:
tempNum = int(oneLine)
sumthing = sumthing + tempNum
avg = sumthing /1111
print("The Sum of the List is:",sumthing)
print("The Adverage of the List is:",avg,'\n')
#finds and prints off the first Ten and the last ten numbers in the list
#Lest sort the list then find the first and last ten numbers in this list
sortList = myList
Language:Python 3
I don't want to give you the answer outright, so I'm going to talk you through the process and let you generate your own code.
You can't solve this problem in a single step. You need to divide repeatedly and check the value every time to see if it's odd.
Broadly speaking, when you need to repeat a process there are two ways to proceed; looping and recursion. (Ok, there are lots, but those are the most common)
When looping, you'd check if the current number x is odd. If not, halve it and check again. Once the loop has completed, x will be your result.
If using recursion, have a function that takes x. If it's odd, simply return x, otherwise call the function again, passing in x/2.
Either of those methods will solve your problem and both are fundamental concepts.
adding to what #Basic said, never do import * is a bad practice and is a potential source of problem later on...
looks like you are still confuse in this simple matter, you want to given a number X reduce it to a odd number by dividing it by 2, right? then ask yourself how I do this by hand? the answer is what #Basic said you first ask "X is a even number?" if the answer is No then I and done reducing this number, but if the answer is Yes then the next step dividing it by 2 and save the result in X, then repeat this process until you get to the desire result. Hint: use a while
to answer your question about
for num in myList:
if num != 0:
num = float(num)
num / 2
the problem here is that you don't save the result of the division, to do that is as simple as this
for num in myList:
if num != 0:
num = float(num)
num = num / 2

Moving average program (Python)

I'm trying to solve a math problem but I would like to make some informatic tests before to understand what happend (and maybe find the solution with my program), my problem is :
Consider the list consisting of the first n natural numbers without zero, ie from 1 to n.
We define the transformation "moving average" on the list of n elements by adding the average of all the terms at the end of the list and eliminating the first term at the beginning of the list.
For example, if n = 4, we have: (1,2,3,4) -> (2,3,4,2.5)
By iterating this process many times, one can observe a phenomenon of standardization and that all elements of the list tend to a common value when the number of iterations tends to + infinity.
It asks for the value of n for this limit is 254859658745.
Well, i'm trying to program the function "moving average" like this :
def moving_average(liste,t):
while c<t:
while k<n:
return m
My program works but don't answer what I want, if I take liste=[1,2,3] (for example) for all t>1 the answer is always the same... but I don't understand why.
Can you help me please ?
In the interests of helping you move forwards, here is the first part of an answer. The way to debug this is like this:
def moving_average(liste,t):
while c<t:
print("At c: ", c)
while k<n:
print(" At k: ", k)
print(" .. new S", S)
print(" .. new k", k)
print(" .. new m", m)
print(" liste: ", liste)
return m
test_list = [1,2,3]
test_t = 4
print("Result:", moving_average(test_list, test_t))
Then look at each result until you find one that isn't what you expect
Since you know better than I do what you expect at each step, you might find the underlying issue quicker than I can by doing this :)
One "obvious" reason why it's not working is because you're not resetting k each time around the c loop.
If you look at the output before fixing, you will see that the "at K" messages only come out once, the first time through.
I've updated the code above to fix this, and I think it does something like you are expecting. I'm not sure why you are taking taking the int() of liste[k], but that is a separate issue.
