Is there a way to keep Coded UI Test Builder tool from hiding Visual Studio? - coded-ui-tests

One of the many "features" that annoy me about using CodedUI for test automation is that the Test Builder tool hides Visual Studio when you open it to try to spy an element. This is extraordinarily annoying when you're trying to maintain legacy scripts that aren't working correctly. How do I compare the existing location properties of an element to see if they are compatible with the current state of the application? Currently, I have take a snapshot of the CUITB window, close the tool and then paste the result into something else to compare.
This is especially infuriating because the properties found by the CUITB have little correlation with other spy tools like Inspect, Snoop, etc. rendering those tools unusable for hand coding Coded UI scripts.
Is there a way to configure VS or the test builder tool to NOT hide VS while spying on screen elements? If this is possible, I haven't been able to figure out how to do it.


Force Xamarin Studio view layout to stay the same

I'm currently using Xamarin Studio and have a comfortable enough setup so that I can put my various pads (output, unit tests, solution tree, etc.) on different screens. I like it and I'd like it to stay the same wether I'm debugging, running tests or coding.
But right now, xamarin studio handles it himself and switches to the Debug view layout when debugging, which changes everything to their default (since I've never really changed it).
Is it possible to tell Xamarin Studio to either :
- Never switch layouts?
- Set which layout is used for each situation (and I would just use my custom layout)
I've tried deleting all layouts and XS just recreates them. No dice here.
I've tried switching to my layout when debugging, hoping it would remember "this is my debug layout now". No chance either.
And I'm hoping I won't have to change each separate layout, because first it'll take a stupid amount of time, and also because if I ever decide to make a change, i'd have to set it up over 5 different view layouts which is just ridiculous.
Note : I'm using the latest version of Xamarin of the stable channel.
So, does anyone know a way to keep one single layout for all situations?
Unfortunately, no, it is not possible with the current version of Xamarin Studio.
I read through both the preferences as well as the documentation. I even tried to create my own custom layout by navigating to "View" -> "Save Current Layout". Then I selected my new custom layout when I started a debugging session, hoping it would persist to the next one. But alas, the "Debug" view was chosen automatically.
This would probably be something you could bring forth as a suggestion of improvement to the Xamarin team. You can do so using their bugzilla.

How to use J2ME sdk 3.0 with command line

i'm trying to create J2ME app with J2ME sdk 3.0 with command line and i'm confused on how to compile and preverify my source code.can anyone show me how to please ?
Pretty much all IDE's allow you to run and compile the code inside them, rather than having a separate pipeline to edit the text files, compile them and run them.
For example, in IDEA you have a "Run" menu that you can use to access all those functionalities.
I suggest that, especially if you are inexperienced, you switch from a "manual" process using separate tools (text editor, compiler, runner) to a more unified one, that will sort out most of the details for you letting you focus on the writing of the code / logic.

VS2012 methods organizing by drag-and-drop

I work in VS2012 and would like to organize the order of members in a class by drag-and-drop, like I can in Eclipse.
However, the members outline in a right-top of the screen and also in a class view or in solution explorer do not give such an option.
Is there a way to do it?
Code Maid is a free Visual Studio extension that adds a digging window tool.
This will answer to your needs, I believe.
This tool also allow you to reorder code elements with drag & drop directly within this window.

How to display the TypeScript class outline in Visual Studio

When coding a TypeScript class Visual Studio (Pro 2012) gives me a class outline drop-down at the top left. You can see it in the screen shot.
Is there any way to have this displayed all the time? Like the Code Outline feature in FlashDevelop. I.e. docked to a window within VS so I can easily navigate to the methods.
You can open Class View using the toolbar menu:
View > Class View
You can then view the contents of your classes, similar to that drop down, but docked wherever you like.
This doesn't currently show you the contents of a TypeScript file though - they aren't shown in the top list of classes.
While not the answer you're hoping for, a workaround is to develop your typescript files in WebStorm, and set up WebStorm's 'Remote Host' to be your Visual Studio project's IIS folder. Most often, I find that I have to push WebStorm changes to the Visual Studio project each time I test, but 'pure javascript' unit tests could be done purely on the webStorm side. You might also want to do early stage qunit testing using WebStorm's localhost server/port, perhaps with mocked data.

Is there a way in Visual Studio to specify what a template class (new class) is going to look like?

I'm a long time Eclipse user trying to learn to Visual Studio. I know that Eclipse had Code Templates that would allow you to build classes with certain comments and formatting already added for a class.
For example:
Auto placing the copyright for the code at the top of the file
Who created the file
Predefined Comments,
Does Visual Studio 2005 have any functionality like this?
It depends. Visual Studio has a built-in code snippets manager that lets you do things like this to at least a degree (i.e., if you insert a code snippet, it'll be formatted as the snippet specifies, but if you write the same code manually, it won't). Also note that there are limitations on the languages with which you can use code snippets.
Outside of that, most of the major add-ins for VS (e.g., Visual Assist-X) provide their own ability to store and insert bits of code, formatted as you specify. Most of these provide at least some features missing from the built-in snippets manager such as working with other languages or being easier to access (along with quite a few other things -- IMO, VS borders on completely unusable without VA-X).
I would recommend looking at item and project templates in Visual Studio, which sound like what you're looking for. But, in your particular case (C++ development), it doesn't look like this is available to you.
The following MSDN article refers to VS templates, and mentions that for Visual C++ projects, that the template architecture isn't supported. Instead, there's information on creating custom wizards for your project and classes, which may give you the flexibility that you need. Sounds like it'll do what you want it to do, but it's much more work than it would be if you could use an item template for including basic comment structure for a default class file.
