Issue in populating data in read only mode - docusignapi

I am using powerform to display the DocuSign to get the signature from users. There are few custom fields where I was populating data in read only mode in Demo env. Somehow the data in readonly mode stopped appearning since yesterday.
Can anyone help here?

I just tested a Powerform. Read-only fields with default text are shown (read-only) in the signing ceremony for the Powerform.
I agree that read only fields with no default text do not show on the document when it is shown in the signing ceremony. But why should they if they don't have default text?
How were you setting the read-only fields? Were you using the Powerform URL? If so, then signers could very easily change the "read only" values themselves by changing the URL themselves.
If this is the case, then the upgrade may be considered by the product group to be the "closing of a loophole."
If, on the other hand, you had a secure method for setting Powerform field values in a truly read-only pattern, then updates to the Powerform system may have missed this issue as a regression test.
Or were you setting the value of the read only field in the template itself? I just tried that and it worked fine: the field, with its read-only text, is shown in the document.
Please EDIT / UPDATE your question to describe how you are setting the values to be read-only.


How to disable Replicated Data Population in Docusign programmatically?

According to Docusign
Data Population Scope is a great way to speed up the signing process by duplicating their data throughout the document automatically
I want to prevent this replication from happening programmatically.
Is there an argument I can pass to Text that would prevent this? Maybe something like:
I tried doing
This did not prevent data linking between other Text fields. According to the Docusign documentation I need to set a unique data label for each Field. However, I am not finding a data_label option for Text.
You're looking for the tabLabel parameter.
Data is populated between fields that have the same tabLabel, so if you make those unique, they won't share data.

Docusign API, "Correct Document" or just change fields

Using the Docusign API, I am trying to change the fields that exist on a document. When I first create the document, I am able to change field values using "tabs." I get how to do that.
When I am trying to edit, or in Docusign's terms "correct," a document after it has been sent out, but before being signed, I am having trouble figuring out how to access those fields again to change the values.
I have tried using the API avenue described here ( PUT /v2/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/documents/{documentId}/fields ), but even after successful calls, the values of the fields aren't changing, and I believe it is because I should be trying to access the tabs, as I did when first changing the tab values as I created the document, instead of targeting the fields, since the two seem to be different. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance for your answers.
To update Tab values you should use the putRecipientTabs api.
Once a signer completes the Signing process, the tab values cannot be updated.
Also not all Tab values can be updated. See this answer for more information.
The putEnvelopeDocumentFields api is for a different purpose. Document fields are different from Tabs. Document fields are an array of name-value custom data strings to be added to a document. Custom document field information is returned in the status, but otherwise is not used by DocuSign.
I figured it out.
The "fields" we are seeing on documents are "tabs," and they are children of the recipients.
The hierarchy goes envelope > recipients > tabs, which tabs we were trying to change. Not envelope > document > fields, which refers to something else--just familiarizing with the language of the api.
Here is a link to the reference for how to change "fields" aka "tabs", and that link includes sample requests.
One thing that helped me target my actual fields, since I kept on getting an error that the field didn't exist for the recipient, is to do a get request of all available tabs and use that response body as the request body for the update call (where we change the field values). Then you know the field information will be accurate, paring the body down to exactly the "fields" aka "tabs" you are interested in targeting.

How to add a table to Docusign template via API?

I have a template in docusign and can use it to create an envelope using all fields available.
The problem is one of the fields should be a table with a variable length of rows, so I cannot use auto placing because I don't know how many will exists upfront.
The only solution I found till now is to create a brand new word document and upload it to create the envelope, but this is causing problems since this document is taking at lest 10 seconds to be parsed by docusign, probably due to its size.
The best solution will be to have a template and it could be possible to send a "table" field.
Anyone got this before? Any suggestion is welcome.
Perhaps put the table on a second document that you create dynamically? Remember that an envelope can have multiple documents. The signing experience proceeds from one document to the next.

DocuSign Connect API -- I need to prepopulate a required custom text field that will be editable by signer

I am using DocuSign Connect API to generate envelopes. I have a tab defined as a custom text field that is marked as required. I would like to pre-populate its value, and still give the signer the ability to edit the field.
When I populate the field with a string value, it is displayed to the signer but it is not editable. It is only editable if I fail to populate the field. I have verified that the 'CustomTabLocked' property is 'false', which I thought would have been enough to ensure the field's edit-ability.
Is the behavior I am seeking supported?
Posting an answer for the benefit of the community- when using the DocuSign SOAP API there is an XML property that you need set for certain properties. In this case to set CustomTabLocked to true you also need to set CustomTabLockedSpecified property to true.

Docusign checkbox is in the wrong location

I am using embeded signing and I have noticed that the checkbox's are in different locations at different stages.
I can either make it look correct while doing embeded signing... the check mark is centered in the box, or I can make it so that the check marks (X's) are properly centered in the summary pdf.
However I do not know how to consistently get the check marks to align in both the embeded interface, or the pdf summary...
anyone solve this?
This is not the answer you're hoping for but -- unfortunately, there are not separate settings to specify the location of a form field during signing versus on the completed document (PDF). You only get one opportunity to specify a field's location (during the Create Envelope process), and DocuSign then automatically determines location of the field in the completed document (PDF) -- presumably using the same coordinates that you specified during the "Create Envelope" process, although not always exact (as you've discovered with the checkbox element).
So, the best advice I can offer is to always verify placement of fields BOTH in the signing view AND in the completed view -- and then use trial and error to specify field location in a way that produces best overall results across both views.
