In tabulator I used a checkbox for select all and deselect all ,
for checkbox checked and unchecked i used a following code,
For checked
$('input[name = custmisedtab]').prop('checked', true);
For Unchecked
$('input[name = custmisedtab]').prop('checked', false);
when I was checked it will checked a only that records that are shown in screen not all which is shown after scrollbar.
With Tabulator, you should not be modifying the DOM directly - instead, update the data object of the table. You should have a column with a custom formatter to display a checkbox, checked based on the columns value. To update their state, call table.updateData() or table.updateRow() for all the rows.
Your current code doesn't update the checkboxes beyond the scrollbar because of Tabulator's virtualization. When you try to set the checkbox states, the rows beyond the scrollbar aren't actually part of the DOM yet, and thus aren't available to jQuery to update.
I've got a custom control based on a Datagrid. What I want to achieve is doing multiple selection of rows and then right click on the row selector to open a context menu.
What actually happens: Selection of multiple rows works fine until the user right clicks on the row selector. Once that is done, there is only one selected row the one over which the right mouse button was clicked.
What I need to happen: Allow the user to do a multiple selection (rows have a style for selection) and right click to open the context menu without loosing the previous selection.
What do I need to do?
No it doesn't happen like that at all. Make sure that you have DataGridView MultiSelect property set to TRUE. Then assign your ContextMenustrip control to the datagrid's ContextMenuStrip property.
That should do the work and multiple selection should remain on right mouse click as well unless in your code behind somewhere you are altering that.
In which case, you will have to debug and find out where and how.
Just revisited the code and found that I was not updating the SelectedItems IList:
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(delegate
foreach (var item in e.RemovedItems)
}), System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle, null);
I'm working on an Xpages application on which I have a view control.
I tried to put a checkbox in the column header to select all of the check boxes in the view.
The problem is when I go to another page from the view, its lines are not checked and the selection is made only on the visible page.
So, I want to be able to select all the rows in all the pages of the view, this without the selection disappears when switching from one page to another of the view.
There are couple of problems with views and selections.
First of all, pager actions to move between pages does not process 'select all rows' data because it is enabled to use partial execution by default. If you put partialExecute="false" into your pager, you will see that 'select all rows' checkbox will be maintained between pages.
However, if you have a checkbox on a column and the columnHeader, the component maintains a selectedIds array in the back-end. Unfortunately, this array holds only visible selections. Because the array is maintained by the viewPanel component, which is not aware of the list of data entries that are not shown.
Also, checkbox implementation does not provide any even mechanism where you can grab selections on the back-end to cache them between pages.
To determine select all checkbox can be doable with a little trick. Assuming you are using all default styles;
function getSelectAllCheckbox() {
return dojo.query("input.xspCheckBoxViewColumnHeader")[0];
function toggleSelectAll(){
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
dojo.connect(getSelectAllCheckbox(), "onchange", toggleSelectAll);
To cache checkboxes between pages, you would implement your own checkboxes by using custom columns. I recommend using a data table component to get more flexibility.
I have been trying to add Data items for my combobox in the DialogWindow of my mfc project, at design time by setting strings delimited by semi-colons for the Data property of this combobox.
But it just shows empty combobox at runtime. I tried using AddString() method of this combobox manually in the OnInitDialog() event of the DialogBox too. But that was also not working.
Tried creating a demo project again and when I added the combobox and put the value a;b in the Data property of it, it is showing up. But tried the same on my project and it is still showing the empty list in the new combobox! Tried to compare both project's code, like the header files and initialization's etc. Found that both are same. Other than some event declaration for the buttons and my custom c++ code in my project, the rest of the code is same as that of the newly created demo project!
Why in my project this combobox is showing an empty list of items? :(
Just noticed that the items are already in the list. But the dropdown is of small height and thus preventing the actual items from showing up! :(
Tried to look increasing the size of the combobox, but I couldn't find any property in the Property Window and dragging the corners of th combobox doesn't increases the height either! :(
Increase the size of the dropdown list like this, in the design window:
Click on the arrow on the right side of the combobox (highlighted in yellow on first pic). Then click and drag the bottom mid resize marker to increase the height (highlighted in the second pic).
This will increase the size of the dropdown list.
Otherwise when we try to click on the resize markers to increase the height, it would be disabled. So make sure you click on the arrow on the right side of the combobox first.
I would like to scroll automatically to a given row in a JSF/RichFaces Extended Data-table (rich:extendedDataTable). Ideally, I would like to use two extended data-tables with vertical scrollbars on both.
When I select a row in a first table the corresponding row gets selected in the second table (do this from the managed bean, by playing with the selection attribute of my table).
The second table then scrolls automatically so that the selected row becomes visible, even if hidden.
The solution should not involve the rich:datascroller, but instead use the out-of-box JSF/RichFaces vertical scrolling.
Thanks for helping!
So well I finally developed my own kind of scrollable datatable, playing dynamically with the "first" and "rows" tags of both the datatable and collapsible subtable.
Relevant values are dynamically computed by the managed bean.
So what I want is this (Just the collapsible part):;jsessionid=238C388CE45C77A9B90898A82F2340EA
With 2 differences.
I want it in a datatable
I want to make a custom button that will control whether or not they are collapsed
Is this possible if so is there a good example I can go off?
i would start by
creating the dataTable as you want it to look with the row fully 'expanded'
put the data to be toggled in a panelGroup
put some sort of toggle on the row
put an effect on the panelGroup
put an action on your toggle to show/hide the panelGroup for the row
Some component libraries have this. they call them 'expandible rows', some display the data in the row, some render the row(s) below the 'parent' one.
One issue that i found (in earlier versions) is that when you had the data display in a separate row and you had a paginator set to show a set rows to display, it would bump the last row(s) when expanding the requested row to expand. I don't know if that is still the case.