Combobox not displaying the data items - visual-c++

I have been trying to add Data items for my combobox in the DialogWindow of my mfc project, at design time by setting strings delimited by semi-colons for the Data property of this combobox.
But it just shows empty combobox at runtime. I tried using AddString() method of this combobox manually in the OnInitDialog() event of the DialogBox too. But that was also not working.
Tried creating a demo project again and when I added the combobox and put the value a;b in the Data property of it, it is showing up. But tried the same on my project and it is still showing the empty list in the new combobox! Tried to compare both project's code, like the header files and initialization's etc. Found that both are same. Other than some event declaration for the buttons and my custom c++ code in my project, the rest of the code is same as that of the newly created demo project!
Why in my project this combobox is showing an empty list of items? :(
Just noticed that the items are already in the list. But the dropdown is of small height and thus preventing the actual items from showing up! :(
Tried to look increasing the size of the combobox, but I couldn't find any property in the Property Window and dragging the corners of th combobox doesn't increases the height either! :(

Increase the size of the dropdown list like this, in the design window:
Click on the arrow on the right side of the combobox (highlighted in yellow on first pic). Then click and drag the bottom mid resize marker to increase the height (highlighted in the second pic).
This will increase the size of the dropdown list.
Otherwise when we try to click on the resize markers to increase the height, it would be disabled. So make sure you click on the arrow on the right side of the combobox first.


Selecting SAP grey box element in a list

I'm wondering if you guys have an idea on how to handle this problem.
First i iterate trough this collection. If the input value is the same as the item of the grid box it will stop and select this item.
View of SAP GridBox
Note that every spy mode will select EVERYTHING and the only way to actually read this is with SAP GrixBox.
The problem here is that i need to click the small grey square on the left of the selected Notification. I cannot select it with any hotkey or with a spy mode.
Small grey square MANUALLY selected
My idea was to use capture an highlighted item with the Region mode and then move 5px to the left. But this does not seem to work ...
Any suggestion are welcome!
If I recall correctly the shortcut for selecting an entire row in Sap Grid is Shift + Space. You need to have a cell selected first, though.

Missing Properties in VBA [duplicate]

I'd like to add a horizontal scrollbar to a VBA ListBox.
It appears that the built in ListBox does not add a horizontal scrollbar automatically. I have a number of fields whose contents exceed the width of the ListBox and are thus unreadable to the user.
I found this article, however the code fails, due to accessing hwnd of the ListBox (which is apparently not available in VBA). I'd rather not write a native DLL to accomplish this as I suspect there is a better way.
Any idea on how I can add a horizontal scrollbar to a VBA ListBox?
I'm open to the idea of using an alternate control rather than getting it to work with the ListBox specifically.
Did you try ColumnWidths property?
I have listbox with horizontal scroll bar. I just had to add ColumnWidths property.
For example I have
me.Listbox1.Columnwidts ="0.5 in;0.2 in;1.5 in;0.75 in;0.5 in"
Unless I'm missing something, a VBA listbox will automatically gain a horizontal scrollbar if the total of its ColumnWidths property exceeds its own width.
There are no properties I know of that affect this behaviour, i.e. I don't otherwise know how to force or disable display of the horizontal scrollbar.
Access will automatically add a horizontal scrollbar if the column width exceed the width of the listbox. HOWEVER, if you are using multiple columns, the first column cannot be set to 0. You must have at least some value in there, even if it's just 0.1" Hope this helps.
In that article, the only reason it's getting ScaleMode is to set the width of the horizontal scroll bar. You don't have to do that.
SendMessageByNum List1.hwnd, LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, 800, 0
where 800 is the pixel width you want the list box to be able to scroll right to.
You will still need the hWnd. Best bet there is to use an external DLL (written in VB) which can enum through child windows of your process until it finds the windows class for the listbox (you will need to find some way to uniquely identify its parent, such as the window title/text or something). That same DLL could also do the SendMessage call above to set the horizontal text extent (perhaps also it could measure the width of the contained list items).
Handle to he list box can be obtained as follows :-
Dim ListHwnd As Integer
ListHwnd = GetFocus()
Use this ListHwnd as the first parameter to the sendmessage function...
We need to provide the declaration below,Since GetFocus function is not present in VBA by default
Private Declare Function GetFocus Lib "user32" () As Integer
In Visual Studio 2017, you can click on the list box, then go to the properties panel, and then (scroll down to) find the 'HorizontailScrollbar' property. By default this is property is set to false, so you should set it to true.
You know you have set the scroll bar properly when a small triangle appears in the top right corner of the list box.
Hope this helps.

Excel - how to hide value in a chart's datalebel

I have embedded an image to a chart's datalabel. I want to only keep the image and not the value which appears on top of the image.
However I'm not sure how i can get rid of the value to only show the image?
I thought could've set the font colour to transparent but that's not available. I also played around with the number formatter but had no luck?
I'm using Windows/Excel 2010
Clicking on one of the data labels once will select all of them, clicking a second time will select only the one you clicked on. Then just hit the delete button. (You should also be able to edit the font/colour in the Home tab.)

how to prevent vertical scroll bar in an owner drawn combo box when only 3 items exists?

I sub-classed a combo-box control to make text vertically centred. Issue here is I am getting a vertical scroll bar when only 3 or 4 items exists in the combo-box that too when I expand the control for the first time, where a vertical scroll is not required.
Control property had been set as follows.
When I removed WS_VSCROLL vertical scroll bar is not coming. But if I remove this property I will not get a scroll bar when too many items exists in the combobox, where actually a scroll is required.
Please find the below Images for your reference how the control is behaving.
Run the MFC application.
Expand the combobox.
Again try expanding the combo box issue is not reproducing. It's happening only
for the very first time when expand the control.
I could not figure out why this issue is happening. I tried removing the existing control and again I tried adding new controls expecting whether it could bring any change in the behaviour but no luck.
Item height is set to 30 as below.
m_ComboBox.SetItemHeight(-1, 30);
And I had two combobox controls in my properysheet application as shown in the image.
Any help is appreciated.

VBA Listbox not updating to reflect new source list when called from itself

Playing around further, it seems that you can't assign a new array to a listbox via the .list=somelist approach when the assignment happens in response to a click on the listbox itself. Or rather, you can assign the list, but it simply won't visually populate the listbox...although Excel seems to think it's there.
The .additem or .removeitem methods do however result in a visual change when called from a listbox click, which means you have to build your new array up that way I guess. How tedious.
You can however feed a listbox an entirely new array using the .list=somelist approach via a CommandButton-initiated action. But the user has to obviously click a button to do this. Which in my case below defeats the purpose.
Edit Over.
I'm designing a UserForm to help filter PivotTables. It's a cross between the existing Pivot Filter functionality and a Slicer. Here's what you see if you double-click on a PivotField header:
Note the Search field at the top, and the three buttons immediately below that search field. If you type something into that field, then instead of displaying everything that's currently filtered, you instead get a list of any matches, and you can then apply those search results to the underlying PivotTable via those three CommandButtons. The first cb simply filters the PivotTable to reflect the search, and the other two let you add or remove any search result from an existing filter.
I want to do away with those three command buttons, and instead (in the event that a search is performed) simply list those three options at the top of the ListBox above any search results returned. Clicking on those three options will then trigger the exact same code as currently triggered by the Command Button.
Here's how that looks currently if I actually type something in that Search box (Note I haven't yet removed the three command buttons this does away with from that Search frame):
I've added a simple bit of code to the lbResults_Change() event handler that checks if a user clicks any of those first three options. All that code does is trigger the exact same routines as would be triggered if they'd simply clicked on the actual command buttons themselves:
For i = 0 To 4
If Me.lbResults.Selected(i) Then Exit For
Next i
Select Case i
Case 0: cmdApplySearch_Click
Case 1: cmdAddToFilter_Click
Case 2: cmdSubtractFromFilter_Click
Case 3: Me.lbResults.Selected(3) = False
End Select
Here' the problem: The listbox gets updated just fine if I click on those command buttons, as you can see from the below. The Pivot has been filtered accordingly, and those contextual search options have been removed from the top of the listbox (and the search field cleared):
But the listbox does NOT get updated if the exact same routine is triggered from a click on one of those top three options in listbox itself:
As you can see from the above screenshot, it still shows those three options at the top, even though they are NOT in the array that I assigned to the listbox, as evidenced by the screenshot below:
But as you could see from the earlier screenshot, it shows 7 items in the ListBox instead of the three there actually are. But there are indeed just three items that should be showing in that list box:
? .ListCount
? .List(0)
263213: ICT Systems Test Engineer
? .List(1)
263299: ICT Support and Test Engineers nec
? .List(2)
839313: Product Tester
Basically, as soon as I try to update what's in the listbox via a click on the listbox itself, I can't update it.
It doesn't seem to matter if I set focus to something other than the listbox before the filtering code executes, and I've even tried completely clearing the Listbox with .clear. It just doesn't clear, until I manually click on one of those command buttons again.
Anyone have any pointers?
Ah, what an idiot I am for overlooking the painfully obvious solution. The ListBox list happily redraws in response to any event other than the ListBox_Click event, right? So all I needed to do was to use the ListBox_Click event to determine what got clicked (as I currently do), and then use the ListBox_MouseUp event to trigger the actual updating of the ListBox list. Works a treat.
Hopefully this post will save someone else two days of pain in the future. Probably me.
