Schedule jobs in Gearman - python-3.x

I want to schedule a job in Gearman. I found some options like SUBMIT_JOB_SCHED and SUBMIT_JOB_EPOCH from Gearman protocol documentation here. But I did not find any implementation on any existing Gearman server.
Is it possible to schedule a job in Gearman? Is there any example that I can refer to? (prefer python)
I also found with a persistent Gearman queue, there is a column called when_to_run INT from here. I put the epoch time directly in the database column and tried without luck.
Please help if you have done this, that is scheduled a job in Gearman for a specific date and time.

Gearmand does not currently support this feature. The GitHub issue tracks this. As a workaround, one of the current maintainers of gearmand has suggested using atd to schedule the submission of jobs at specific times. See for more information.


I want to be able to schedule a shutdown and restart of a VM on azure using Powershell

I have a VM machine that i would like to shutdown/power off at a certain time and then restart at a certain time. I have tried this in task scheduler and obviously i can shutdown at a given time but cant then set the restart time
I would like the VM machine to shutdown at 10pm and restart at 5am and run a task scheduler task i have that restarts key services (that side of it works)
I have played around with automation tasks within azure but run into a variety of RMLogin issues
i just want the simplest way to schedule this
there is no auto-startup as far as I'm aware, so you'd have to use some sort of Automation. There is an official solution from Microsoft. Which is somewhat overkill, but should work (never tried it, tbh). There are various other scripts online that work with Azure Automation. They are easily searchable (like so).
If you go to my blog you can also find an example script that does the same, and an example of a runbook that you can trigger manually to start\stop vms
I would assume you would have gone through the below mentioned suggestion, The automation book is the way to achieve this. You can achieve auto shutdown via the portal but not restart and start.
Please check this links that talks about Start and Shut down role of the VM through REST API. You can wire up the end point with Azure Function, Puppet, or Chef to automate this process
VM - Start/Shut down Role(s):
If anything doesn't work for you I would suggest to leave your feedback.
So to simply answer your question, no, there is not a more simple way to achieve this.
If you want, you can add your feedback for this feature suggestion here

How to start/stop/edit cron job from Node.js?

I have did some search for this question, but something useful didn't came out. So, i decided to create a new thread.
Problem Description
I am making CLI for installation of our server, so one of the pre-requisite is that cron job should be running. So, to accomplish same, i want to add some cron jobs and restart the service. Is it possible via Node.js
Checkout this module, will this help you?

Is it possible to link one Jenkins job to another and establish an upstream/downstream relationship?

I need to spawn a variable number of jobs from one upstream job.
AFAIK, there is no plugin that can do this. The closest one is MultiJob plugin (
So I thought to create a build step that would use one of the Jenkins APIs (REST, groovy or jenkins-cli) to trigger those builds.
However, if I do that, those builds become "detached" (meaning they do not have an upstream job) and the main job has no linkage with those builds.
So it boils down to this: is it possible to start a job build and tell it who is its upstream?
There is Build Result Trigger plugin. It is literally the inverse of Parameterized Trigger Plugin. Instead of triggering downstream jobs, like the latter does, the Build Result Trigger lets your "downstream" jobs watch/monitor the progress of an upstream job, and trigger based on that result.
This way, your "upstream" job is actually not aware of downstream jobs that are watching it.
Check out the Groovy Plugin.
It'll let you fire as many jobs as you want, and set the upstream cause.
Code Example:
job.scheduleBuild2(0, new Cause.UpstreamCause(build), new ParametersAction(params))
A related post is here:
How do I dynamically trigger downstream builds in jenkins?
However, from all the answers that I have read it's clear that using the Groovy/Java class hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause(currentBuild) does achieve the goal of programmatically triggering another job, but it does not fully establish an upstream/downstream relationship.
When you examine the builds you do not see any upstream/downstream information. The only way to see those is to open the console output of each.

Front End for Running Talend Jobs

I am looking for a front end for our operator to run our Talend jobs. We do not want him to have the ability to delete or modify jobs. Only to run them and monitor their results. Any suggestions for tools for doing this?
The subscription version of Talend (called Talend Integration Suite, or TIS) has precisely that. It's a web-based console called Talend Administration Center (TAC) and it allows an operator to run jobs and monitor their results -- among many other things. The permissions can be set in the way you described, so that the operator is not able to delete or modify the jobs.
In my company we use SOS Job Scheduler, which you can use with TOS out-of-the-box as a general diy scheduling solution. Just these days I'm working on a Talend Custom Component to integrate deeply between the first and the latter (like log-propagation, context parameter sharing and so on. Basically it let you use SOS API from a TOS job). I can speed-up and put on github in a few days, if you need :)
You can export job as shall script (.sh) and anyone can execute that and will not able to delete those jobs.
To see the execution details put some tlog component into your talend jobs.
This is just a work around not the solution if you only have open studio (free version).
I'm using Rundeck for manual and scheduled execution of Talend jobs . I find the job setup and scheduling to be far easier in Rundeck than in SpagoBI (which I frequently use for reports and BI).
You could also use something like automic (uc4) automation engine. It has fine grained security and is a commercial product . I've used it in the past for similar work.

Manually start SharePoint timer job

I'd like to invoke a timer job installed on a SharePoint server manually. What would be useful is something along the lines of an stsadm command.
My scenario is, I've deployed a solution with a bunch of features to a customers server. I don't want to wait for the weekly schedule to kick a particular timer job to life. I would like to just punch in a command to get the specific job to run immediately. Obviously in the development enviroment I've got the schedule set for a few minutes but I want to do a test run while I'm on site with the customer.
You can develop a custom command line based tool that gets the job's SPJobDefiniton based on the criteria that identifies your job from the service.JobDefinitions collection. From there you can execute it using the Execute() method.
