How to start/stop/edit cron job from Node.js? - node.js

I have did some search for this question, but something useful didn't came out. So, i decided to create a new thread.
Problem Description
I am making CLI for installation of our server, so one of the pre-requisite is that cron job should be running. So, to accomplish same, i want to add some cron jobs and restart the service. Is it possible via Node.js

Checkout this module, will this help you?


Is there a integration between crontab and Rundeck?

I'm trying to find a tool where you can easily monitor cronjobs for the company I work at. Rundeck seems like the perfect tool for this but I can't figure out if it's possible to integrate the existing cronjobs into Rundeck. It's too much work to do this manually because there are hundreds of them.
If you now another tool that can do this feel free to recommend!
I'd rather want it to be open source but if it's paid and it works correct I'm open to it.
Rundeck works as a "very enhanced cron replacement" maybe the best approach in your case is to migrate your cron jobs to Rundeck and use the notification for monitoring. This looks like a good starting point for you, donĀ“t forget to visit the official documentation.
What Mega mentions is correct, rundeck can be used as a replacement for cron.
Even better, there is no need to configure all of those manually: Rundeck allows you to import job definitions via API call.
Get rundeck installed
Set up a job to run one of your cron jobs manually
Export that job
Use a script to make many copies of that file, that each contain a different item from cron*
Import all those files via API call
*You'll need to change at least the name and workflow (called sequence commands file - you'll be able to see based on the workflow step you configured)

Ways to schedule long running laravel tasks without root and privileged user

Me and my team are using a shared hosting service with a limited linux container (without root and privileged user) and we need to develop a new feature that involves long running tasks (> 600ms).
We thought of two possible solutions:
Breaking apart the task, and via the frontend, make one separate http request to the server.
Use bash screen to run a bash script with a infinite loop calling php artisan schedule:run (mimicking cronjob)
I don't feel very confortable with the first solution, moving server logic to the browser seens wrong in my opinion.
The second solution is only a supposition (not tested), we are not sure if the bash screen would randomly stop at any time.
What would be the least unstable way to achive our goal? Thx
Assuming you already explored this because you mention that a CRON would not be an option, but even unprivileged users can setup a CRON, which is the simplest solution in combination with the Laravel scheduler.
If an actual CRON using the scheduler is really out of the question I do think making an HTTP endpoint you could call from the browser is the next best thing. Just don't think an endpoint you can call from a browser that you can only call it from a browser ;)
Take for example (no affiliation but the first Google result). You can setup a CRON job there to call a URL to trigger those tasks on a CRON interval. Internally at my company called the "poor mans CRON" :)
I would agree that running a "screen" session is the most unreliable since on a server reboot those are not started again and if you "infinite loop" crashes it will not automatically restart.
If you go that route (or any CRON route) you can add some monitoring using for example (again no affiliation, Google). This allows you to define a CRON schedule and gives you a URL to call after the CRON finishes, if your CRON does not call that URL according to the CRON schedule you will be notified. Good to have as insurance.

Schedule jobs in Gearman

I want to schedule a job in Gearman. I found some options like SUBMIT_JOB_SCHED and SUBMIT_JOB_EPOCH from Gearman protocol documentation here. But I did not find any implementation on any existing Gearman server.
Is it possible to schedule a job in Gearman? Is there any example that I can refer to? (prefer python)
I also found with a persistent Gearman queue, there is a column called when_to_run INT from here. I put the epoch time directly in the database column and tried without luck.
Please help if you have done this, that is scheduled a job in Gearman for a specific date and time.
Gearmand does not currently support this feature. The GitHub issue tracks this. As a workaround, one of the current maintainers of gearmand has suggested using atd to schedule the submission of jobs at specific times. See for more information.

Explain me the advantage to use Cronjob inside your code our outside your code?

i have to do a reptitive task in nodeJS and i've seen there is existing package like this one.
and the actual platform where i'm hosted propose inside cronjob.
so my question is when it's more interessant to use the platform or a package.
From the URL posted i didn't see any method of setting up a cron job using webhooks. Unless you were thinking of setting up a webhook that listens for a post which is sent using a linux cron job or the like?
Regardless, the actual question about using a platform or a package. They have pros and cons, but based purely on your question I would go with the platform.
If you choose to use a package you will have to write the code to call the package (which you need to test, maintain and run). You need to ensure that the node process is always up and running, if it dies or exits that it is re-spawned, that if the operating system reboots the node process gets kicked off again. All these problems are can be easily solved (PM2 for instance) but the fact is you need to think of the problems and solve them yourself or the cron job might not run when you want it to.
When using the platform you know that it is well tested, that it will work as documented, and that it will be resilient to failure modes that you might not be aware of.

How to create a nodejs instance to run cron jobs at set schedule?

I need to create a nodejs "server" which wont actually serve any assets or content, but will just run some scheduled job to fetch contents from one database and update another database. The schedule of the job should be configurable and should be able to cancel the job at any time. Basically what I need is to run a node script periodically. In past, I have created node/express projects, but I am having a hard time understanding how to implement such a node instance which will run on a remote machine and how to start or terminate it. I found a npm package called "node-schedule" which runs the job periodically, but how to put this package on a remote machine instance and run it?
One possibility that was considered was to schedule a cron job on remote machine which will execute "node updateDB.js" on set schedule, but it is a requirement to keep everything in node package and not depend on cron.
Sounds like a job for ssh.
Personally I wouldn't use NodeJS for this, this should be pretty trivial to do, with Node or otherwise, not sure why you are stuck, honestly. I have nothing against Node, but I don't see why it would be necessary for this task, but certainly you could use it for such a thing.
EDIT: After reading your comment I'm convinced someone thinks Node is a good tool for this task. I guess I don't understand where you are stuck. What part are you stuck on?
I think you should be able to puzzle this out pretty fast. The link below should be enough to put this together.
If you need to execute ad hoc commands on a remote server you could use Node to call an Ansible playbook, in that case you'll need to share the public ssh key on the target instance(s) with the instance issuing the commands. There are other ways to skin this cat, but based on the information given, that's how I'd do it. I'd use Node and Ansible (requires python) + SSH.
Oh neato, maybe if I were forced to use NodeJS I'd use this package.
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