Data Augmentation with torchvision.transforms in pytorch - pytorch

I found out data augmentation can be done in PyTorch by using torchvision.transforms. I also read that transformations are apllied at each epoch. So I'm wondering whether or not the effect of copying each sample multiple times and then applying random transformation to them is same as using torchvision.transforms on original data set(unique images) and just training it for a longer time(more epochs).
Thanks in advance.

This is a question to be answered in a broad scale. don't get misunderstood that the TorchVision Transforms doesn't increase your dataset. It applies random or non-random transforms to your current data set at runtime. (hence unique each time and each epoch).
the effect of copying each sample multiple times and then applying random transformation to them is same as using torchvision.transforms on original data set(unique images) and just training it for a longer time(more epochs).
To increase your dataset, you can copy paste, also use pyTorch or WEKA software. However, more epochs are a totally different concept to this. Of course, the more epochs you use, the better the model will be (only till the validation loss and training loss intersect each other)
Hope this helps.


Large dataset - ANN

I am trying to classify around 400K data with 13 attributes. I have used python sklearn's SVM package, but it didn't work, and then I learned that SVM's are not suitable for large dataset classification. Then I used the (sklearn) ANN using the following MLPClassifier:
MLPClassifier(solver='adam', alpha=1e-5, random_state=1,activation='relu', max_iter=500)
and trained the system using 200K samples, and tested the model on the remaining ones. The classification worked well. However, my concern is that the system is over trained or overfit. Can you please guide me on the number of hidden layers and node sizes to make sure that there is no overfit? (I have learned that the default implementation has 100 hidden neurons. Is it ok to use the default implementation as is?)
To know if your are overfitting you have to compute:
Training set accuracy
Test set accuracy
Once you have calculated this scores, compare it. If training set score is much better than your test set score, then you are overfitting. This means that your model is "memorizing" your data, instead of learning from it to make future predictions.
If you are overfitting with Neuronal Networks you probably have to reduce the number of layers and reduce the number of neurons per layer. There isn't any strict rule that says the number of layer or neurons you need depending on you dataset size. Every dataset can behaves completely different with the same dataset size.
So, to conclude, if you are overfitting, you would have to evaluate your model accuracy using different parameters of layers and number of neurons, and, then, observe with which values you obtain the best results. There are some methods you can use to find the best parameters, is like gridsearchCV.

How to improve validation accuracy in training convolutional neural network?

I am training a CNN model(made using Keras). Input image data has around 10200 images. There are 120 classes to be classified. Plotting the data frequency, I can see that sample data for every class is more or less uniform in terms of distribution.
Problem I am facing is loss plot for training data goes down with epochs but for validation data it first falls and then goes on increasing. Accuracy plot reflects this. Accuracy for training data finally settles down at .94 but for validation data its around 0.08.
Basically its case of over fitting.
I am using learning rate of 0.005 and dropout of .25.
What measures can I take to get better accuracy for validation? Is it possible that sample size for each class is too small and I may need data augmentation to have more data points?
Hard to say what could be the reason. First you can try classical regularization techniques like reducing the size of your model, adding dropout or l2/l1-regularizers to the layers. But this is more like randomly guessing the models hyperparameters and hoping for the best.
The scientific approach would be to look at the outputs for your model and try to understand why it produces these outputs and obviously checking your pipeline. Did you had a look at the outputs (are they all the same)? Did you preprocess the validation data the same way as the training data? Did you made a stratified train/test-split, i.e. keeping the class distribution the same in both sets? Is the data shuffles when you feed it to your model?
In the end you have about ~85 images per class which is really not a lot, compare CIFAR-10 resp. CIFAR-100 with 6000/600 images per class or ImageNet with 20k classes and 14M images (~500 images per class). So data augmentation could be beneficial as well.

which is the most suitable method for training among, model.train_on_batch(), model.fit_generator()

I have a training dataset of 600 images with (512*512*1) resolution categorized into 2 classes(300 images per class). Using some augmentation techniques I have increased the dataset to 10000 images. After having following preprocessing steps
saved these images to H5 file.
I am using an AlexNet architecture for classification purpose with 3 convolutional, 3 overlap max-pool layers.
I want to know which of the following cases will be best for training using Google Colab where memory size is limited to 12GB.
# For this I have to load all data into memory and then applying an AlexNet to data will simply cause Resource-Exhaust error.
2. model.train_on_batch(x,y)
# For this I have written a script which randomly loads the data batch-wise from H5 file into the memory and train on that data. I am confused by the property of train_on_batch() i.e single gradient update. Do this will affect my training procedure or will it be same as
3. model.fit_generator()
# giving the original directory of images to its data_generator function which automatically augments the data and then train using model.fit_generator(). I haven't tried this yet.
Please guide me which will be the best among these methods in my case. I have read many answers Here, Here, and Here about, model.train_on_batch() and model.fit_generator() but I am still confused. - suitable if you load the data as numpy-array and train without augmentation.
model.fit_generator - if your dataset is too big to fit in the memory or\and you want to apply augmentation on the fly.
model.train_on_batch - less common, usually used when training more than one model at a time (GAN for example)

Pruning in Keras

I'm trying to design a neural network using Keras with priority on prediction performance, and I cannot get sufficiently high accuracy by further reducing the number of layers and nodes per layer. I have noticed that very large portion of my weights are effectively zero (>95%). Is there a way to prune dense layers in hope of reducing prediction time?
Not a dedicated way :(
There's currently no easy (dedicated) way of doing this with Keras.
A discussion is ongoing at!topic/keras-users/oEecCWayJrM.
You may also be interested in this paper:
Take a look at Keras Surgeon:
I have not tried it myself, but the documentation claims that it has functions to remove or insert nodes.
Also, after looking at some papers on pruning, it seems that many researchers create a new model with less channels (or less layers), and then copy the weights from the original model to the new model.
See this dedicated tooling for tf.keras.
As the overview suggests, support for latency improvements is a work in progress
Edit: Keras -> tf.keras based on LucG's suggestion.
If you set an individual weight to zero won't that prevent it from being updated during back propagation? Shouldn't thatv weight remain zero from one epoch to the next? That's why you set the initial weights to nonzero values before training. If you want to "remove" an entire node, just set all of the weights on that node's output to zero and that will prevent that nodes from having any affect on the output throughout training.

How to consistently standardize sparse feature matrix in scikit-learn?

I am using sklearn's DictVectorizer to construct a large, sparse feature matrix, which is fed to an ElasticNet model. Elastic net (and similar linear models) work best when predictors (columns in the feature matrix) are centered and scaled. The recommended approach is to build a Pipeline that uses a StandardScaler prior to the regressor, however that doesn't work with sparse features, as stated in the docs.
I thought to use the normalize=True flag in ElasticNet which seems to support sparse data, however it's not clear whether the normalization is applied during prediction to the test data as well. Does anyone know if normalize=True applies for prediction as well? If not, is there a way to use the same standardization on the training and test set when dealing with sparse features?
Digging through the sklearn code, it looks like when fit_intercept=True and normalize=True, the coefficients estimated on the normalized data are projected back to the original scale of the data. This is similar to the way glmnet in R handles standardization. The relevant code snippet is the method _set_intercept of LinearModel, see So predictions on unseen data use coefficients in the original scale, i.e., normalize=True is safe to use.
